Prevent direct access Joomla 2.5 - joomla

i built my site in Joomla 2.5 with xampp for win7.
I have a module password that provides access at the standard Joomla's registration form if the guest gives the right password, but there is a problem, if the user put the link
localhost/joomla/index.php/el/?option=com_users&view=registration in a new tab, avoid the password. Any ideas please?

It is very easy,
just go to the backend and select:
Users -> Users manager -> Options -> Allow User Registration -> Νο
Then users are not able to register.


Magento2 share only user login on multiple website

I am trying to implement common login in multi website for group of sites.
Suppose we have one site which have multicurrency and each website have different payment,price and inventory.
Example :,, all website should belongs to group of websites should have common login, similar would be website.
if we tried using customer scope as global than once user registered user can login to all sites be it in group or not, trying to fix using below code to access same group using customer scope as website.
I have overridden Magento\Customer\Model\Config\Share
public function isWebsiteScope()
if(in_array($this->_storeManager->getStore()->getId(), [1,2,3,4])) {
return 0;
if(in_array($this->_storeManager->getStore()->getId(), [5,6,7,8])) {
return 0;
return $this->_config->getValue(
) == self::SHARE_WEBSITE;
But login is not working, can any one help me on this.
Thanks in advance
If you want to have single account for all multi-stores you have to do the following:
1 Share customer accounts
You can configure this feature here: System -> Configuration -> Customer Configuration -> Share Customer Accounts.
Share sessions between Magento websites.
There are 3 possible store configurations:
If your websites are located in one domain, but in different directories, e.g. "" and "" you can setup your "Cookie Path" to "/stores/" in System -> Configuration -> Web -> Session Cookie Management.
If your websites are located in different sub-domains e.g. "" and "" you can setup "Cookie Domain" to "" in System -> Configuration -> Web -> Session Cookie Management.
If you have different domains, in this case you can add session ID to the URL for another store. Use this construction "Mage::getModel('core/url')->addSessionParam()->getUrl('...')" to get the URL with session parameter.
After that your customers will be able to switch between multi-stores Magento websites without re-login. In other words, if customer will login in one Magento website, he will be able to see another multi-store Magento website using his first store account.
I think that that would be prohibited by either browser Content Security Policy or website XSS prevention. You could try a Microsoft-based sign in system so you could have a user data retrieval from a third database that only allows data to be accessed by the accounts that add it. Then, you also would get all the benefits of Microsoft security.

Magento Admin Disabling Guest check outs

I'm trying to disable guest check-outs on my company's web store. Every site I've researched tells me to go to the System tab, however, I do not have a system tab on my dashboard. Can anyone tell me how to find this or how to add it or why I don't have it?
You may not be having access to System > Configuration in Magento admin if the Administrator of site who given access to you has disabled this resource for you.
Login to Admin Panel of Magento then go to System -> Configuration -> Sales -> Checkout.
Here you can restrict guest users to checkout.

How to enforce Joomla password policy when users reset passwords

I've set a Joomla site password policy via users > options.
If I add a new user via the backend and try to set an insecure password, the policy seems to work and I get the appropriate error message.
If the user logs in, goes to their profile and changes their password, the password policy is still enforced.
However, if the user goes to the login screen, chooses 'Forgot your password' they are able to choose a new password which doesn't pass the policy.
I'm using the default Joomla login and registration extensions and as far as I can see, there's nothing else that could be causeing a conflict.
Does anyone have some suggestions on where to look?
Site is using Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable, which is currently the latest version of Joomla
Thanks a lot!

Magento: Login to frontend with admin credentials

Is there any way provided by Magento to login to frontend with admin credentials. I
I've tried many tutorials and forums but in vain.
Is there any extension available for this? Can we achieve this by custom coding? If yes, How?
You could refer to this anser, about logging in as a frontend user (which creates a convenient shortcut to accomplish the same thing, for your client) : Magento, login as customer from admin
You could use this FREE extension :
Description of what it does:
Features list:
Admin users can login as customers from "customer view" pages in admin
There is an option to allow login as a customer right on the "order view" pages in admin
There is an access control option. Admin can assign to a specific role whether role users can login as customers.
Does not require to setup customer universal password, because password is less secure.
Or, you could download it, look at the approach used in the code and adapt it :)

Create User In Orchard CMS

I know that there is a build in module Orchard.Users.
I want to include the user registration, Login, Forget password (etc) into My Custom Module.
I read the Orchard Documentation but I didn't find any thing useful related to this topic. Search Google leads me to answers like ADMIN -> SETTINGS - > USERS -> Add User but this is what I don't need.
I need to include the Login, User Registration in My Own Module. Please refer me to some article or suggest.
at first you should turn on user registration (ADMIN->SETTINGS->USERS->Users can create new accounts on the site)
Then you'll have access to ~/Users/Account/Register
Also read these discussions:
