Openbravo: Add a field to a window - window

I am trying to add a field following the HowTo in the documentation with no errors in the process.
The problem comes when I think I am done, I visit Multiphase Project page and it does not load and shows this error:
Error occured: freemarker.template.TemplateModelException: get(tabView) failed on instance of org.openbravo.client.application.window.StandardWindowComponent
I have tried to repeat the HowTo but I couldn't find where I might be getting it wrong.

In the "Reports and Processes" window, where you created the process check whether "Manual.." is checked.. if not then check it.
run "ant smartbuild -Dtr=no"
Do not forget to comment whether this works or does not work...


System Extension Validation Fails

im trying to submit a Network Extension activation request but i get this error.
The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSSystemExtensionErrorDomain error 9.)
I looked it up and apparently it means "validationFailed". Is there a way to debug this because i cant seem to figure out why the validation is failing. Thanks.
Finally found the solution. You need to set the NEMachServiceName property on the Info.plist of the extension to match the app group name.

Moodle Moove Child Theme

I am trying to make a child theme for 'Moove' in moodle 3.6! But as soon as I update my database and click on theme selector button, I get an HTTP 500 error!
I follow the instruction from the blog below, but apparently, I am doing something wrong. Can sb help me please?
Error 500 usually means there is something wrong in your scripts/configuration.
First thing to do would be to enable debugging messages to see what exactly is wrong.
Here you can find how to enable debug output to get more detailed error messages:

Error getting valid response from API. Check log file for error details

I cant seem to find the error log of api.
I have Laravel application which uses "authorizenet/authorizenet" package and the code where I try to create a customer profile, I get following error:
"Error getting valid response from API. Check log file for error details"
Can anyone tell me whereto find these logs? and what it's name?
I tried in /var/logs folder but i cant seem to find it.
if someone else has this issue, here is the solution.
The has changed their endpoints from to which is one of the possible reasons that you might get this error.
So if you are hardcoding these endpoints in your code then update it to the new one or if you are using library constant for it, same as me:
Then simply update your library by running:
composer update authorizenet/authorizenet
This is how I resolved it and it seems to be the best way so far because it will update their library to take everything up to date if they have changes something else and you started experiencing this issue.
I hope it helps

I get the same error on terminal for different file

I am running a feature file on Cucumber and every-time I get the same error message. No matter what feature file tags I run.
Missing Examples section for Scenario Outline at
Please help.
Error message speaks for itself: you have scenario outline without examples table. Either include examples table, either replace Scenario Outline: with just Scenario:.

Error Displaying Error page:Application installation Error in joomla 3.0

I am facing the problem in Joomla Component. I have attached the Screen in which I am facing the error.
I have made my own component for show time. When I add show using my component it works fine.Everything goes right but sometime I am getting this error.
When my client see this error, he gets hyper.
but do not know why this error comes.
Is there any solution?
Please help me guys.
Here is the screen shot of Error.
Thanks in advance.
Looking that screen, I suppose the error is on the instance of the controller (that call the particular action) ... check if is it istantiate proprely. Also check the action calling... I suppose that is here the error..
