Magento attribute show in dropdown menu - magento

I have make different attribute in my webshop.
Now well a show only in my dropdown menu show the attribute model, brands and category.
It's possible, how?

In short answer - Yes! It's possible.
In longer answer - stackoverflow is community who help programmers with specific code. Show some example or just google it from start point.
Here is amazing resources who can help you.


Let Customers to Input a fixed product quantity in quantity box using a button or radio button in the product page in Prestashop 1.7.x

Greetings of the Day!
I need to have the condition on the product page where we can let our customers input a fixed product quantity in quantity box using a button or radio button in the product page along with the default functionalities with the add to cart mechanism.
Why I need this is because I am using the product volume discount list on the product page and I want the customer to select the quantity directly from the mentioned list.
Pls, find the screenshot attached for reference.
Screenshot for reference
Customers can select the quantity directly from the red rectangle shown in the image through a button/radio/link click.
Hope somebody will help me out with this for which I would be greatly obliged.
to achieve that you should change the responsible tpl file, unless there is an override you should find it in /themes/YOUR THEME NAME/templates/catalog/_partials/product-add-to-cart.tpl
There look for the block {block name='product_quantity'}, right after you will see the input used for it, just build your html structure being aware that you should keep the same name and probably also the same standard classes (but you can add yours as well).
After that style your new radio input in /themes/YOUR THEME NAME/assets/css/custom.css and the trick is done.
I hope you are familiar with tpl/smarty if you have to inject some vars from php, in case you don't need that it is just pure html and css.
Hope my answer helped.

what is the difference between a featured article and a single article in joomla?

Can anyone make me understand the difference between a featured article and a single article in joomla?
I have created two articles with same content, one as featured false and another feature true, and linked them with two menus. Both the aricles showing same. So I can't understand the difference between them. Please make me understand the difference between these two types of articles.
The Featured Articles option is useful for displaying several articles which aren't necessarily all in the same category.
A Feature Article is an option that have any article in order to mark it and display it in a link, in a menu, in a module or by default in Home page.
It is useful to display new content in Home by default or to make an article highlighted.

How do I override the base price against Custom option Pricing?

Hi this was a question from magento forum on their site.. However I am looking for the same thing for a while, could any answer this ?
*I need the exact area in which Magento adds Base price and Custom option price *
I have been looking across these forums so many apologies if this is a
duplicate, but I am having a lot of trouble with the custom option
pricing on front-end not being absolute, but adding itself onto the
base price of the product.
I have been looking at a few modules, which I am happy to purchase, if
easy to implement, but there are quite a few that are going around.
Attached are some images if anyone has a solution.
The base price on the product (is a product with many different custom
options, could be size options also) is £7.32, which is fine as the
page states ‘From £7.32’
However, there are a few options selectable, which rather than show
(+) and ultimately add to the base price, should show the actual price
and not onto of the base price.
So Rhynogrip 70 x 198 price is actually £48.96, however when selected
it adds this to the £7.32, rather than replace it. The attached all
show this.
If anyone could help that would be great!
Thanks in advance.
I recommend you set the price of Rhinogrip 70x198 to 48.96 - 7.32 because that is what MAgento expects.

Magento does not show configurable product options

I have created some configurable products and simple products associated by using the attribute created 'size'. However, on the product view page, the dropdown menu of the size attribute only has the option of 'Choose an Option...' and my required options are not showing up. All my configurable products and simple products are enabled, visible, have stock >0 and are in stock. Also, I have ticked the simple products at the associated product tab of configurable product. I have searched for the problem but found nothing. I used every single method to fix the problem like re-saving the products but couldn't solve the problem. Can you please help me?
I had the same problem. After two days of trying different things, I was able to figure it out. The solution was quite simple. All I had to do was to re-upload the "configurable.phtml" to "app\design\frontend\base\default\template\catalog\product\view\type\options".
I hope this helps
Okay. This is a jQuery conflict. I got this same problem and someone provided me a tip on where to find the problem and I solved my own problem.
My posted question:
Hope this helps others who are seeking answers.

Magento - Show same item with different colors underneath the item

i’m new to magento and was wondering if someone can help me.
i have a product that comes in multiple colors, but if i set it up as a configurable product it just gives the user the option of choosing a different color (but doesn’t show an image to him/her)
what i would like to do is have the other colors appear underneath just like up sells would (the same design)
if anyone can help me i would greatly appreciate it
Use the Simple Configurable Products extension by Organic Internet, as available for free on Magento Connect and your problem should be solved.
One way to accomplish this is to store images for each color of the project. With JS, you could auto-select color options on the page, and still make use of a configurable product for this purpose. You'll need to do significant template alteration to make this work.
Another approach is to use simple products (which you've already created in this case), and list them directly in the catalog. With Magento's cross-sell functionality, you can tag the products to each other and provide links between product pages for each color. Obviously, this involves more navigation for the user, but does allow you to manage each product independently.
Both of these methods will retain normal product relationships and track inventory for each color of a product, so they are preferable to solutions that involve hacking the framework.
Hope that helps!
Joseph Mastey
