use static price at place of original price in Magento - magento

In Magento,I have created an attribute for product price as my_price_attribute.
If cusomer who logged in belongs to perticular group,then I want to show my_price_attribute value at place of original price and use my_price_attribute value to cart else i will have to dislay both prices but use original price to cart.
How can i do this?

Happy, Magento have Provide own feature for your type requirement.
Use Price Group Price ,Here you can set according to customer group


Same product in basket twice with different prices - magento

Is it possible to add the same product to the basket twice or more times with different prices?
I know how to change the price of product when I add it to the basket using an observer and the event checkout_cart_product_add_after. But right now, when I change the price via the quote item in the observer, all products of this type that are already in the basket get the price of the last item of this type that I added…
When you add the product with the changed price add also this to the item and the product:
$data['c_price'] = 'YOUR CUSTOM PRICE HERE';
$product->addCustomOption('c_price', serialize($data));
This way the new product shouldn't be merged with the previous one, but if you add the product again with the custom price then it will be merged with the one you previously added with a custom price.

Custom option adding product price

Currntly, product price adding to custom product, but I need to change some functionality
I dont want to add product price in to custom option. I want to show same price which I have
added fixed price. How can I do that?

Magento product price before catalogue price rules are applied

I'd like to be able to show the price of a product in my Magento store before the catalogue price rules are applied to it. Ideally I'd just like the number typed in the "price" box in the backend with no tax, no rules, no modification of any type.
$_product->getFinalPrice() is great for showing the final price after all these rules, and is normally just what I need. Is there something that shows the "non-final" price?
Assuming it's a standard product object, you can just use $_product->getPrice() which should retrieve the value entered in the price field on the backend for that product.

How to do discount for each product individually?

I need do some discount for each product individually, i know magento Promotion Cart inssue do that, but i need do bye custom attribute on product.
I added one custom attribute on my product, something like Discount Amout, where the shop owner will put something like 50%, and depending from Payment Method, it'll be applyed or no.
So, recapitulating...
I take any product from my store, and go to detail and there will have a field "Discount", i put 50% there.
This discount is only valid if the customer choose "Paypal" payment method.
So, on my checkout, i need check what payment method customer choose, and put the discount on product, but i need my review show "Discount -US$ 50", becouse i can change the price on that part. But can't put it on Discount field on review.
I need it so mutch, lose my day on that question.
Thks in advance.
Did you try Promotion - Shopping Cart Price Rule - Conditions - Cart Attribute - Payment method?
I got it......
With this:
Ty ExcellenceMagentoBlog, saved my time.

Want to add discounted price field to Cross sell tab in magento

I want to implement following requirement in magento admin panel-
When I add 'A' product to shopping cart then system suggest me 'B','C'.. products with discount price which I already configured through admin panel.i.e want to make a provision to select products and add discounted cross sell tab.
Thanks in Advance...
i think i want the same... use the magento crosssell function to display a particular product(s) at the checkout of another unique product in the normal way. the extra feature required is to hard code a promotional price or % discount into the crosssell item. if a sku 123456 is in the product view or category it has a retail price but if show in crosssell it is shown with a promotional discounted price that is controlled at product level. so maybe this feature is part of the product setup. maybe a new field called crosssell price ?
i have asked aheadworks for clarification on the function of their 'checkout promo' extension.
the ahead works extension seems to be a banner but i'll see what they say.
Is this to use the magento crosssell function to display a particular product(s) at the checkout of another unique product in the normal way? The extra feature required is to hard code a promotional price or % discount into the crosssell item. If a sku 123456 is in the product view or category it has a retail price but if show in crosssell it is shown with a promotional discounted price that is controlled at product level. So maybe this feature is part of the product setup, maybe it's a new field called crosssell price ?
I have asked aheadworks for clarification on the function of their 'checkout promo' extension.
The ahead works, extension seems to be a banner but I'll see what they say.
