Want to add discounted price field to Cross sell tab in magento - magento

I want to implement following requirement in magento admin panel-
When I add 'A' product to shopping cart then system suggest me 'B','C'.. products with discount price which I already configured through admin panel.i.e want to make a provision to select products and add discounted price..like cross sell tab.
Thanks in Advance...

i think i want the same... use the magento crosssell function to display a particular product(s) at the checkout of another unique product in the normal way. the extra feature required is to hard code a promotional price or % discount into the crosssell item. if a sku 123456 is in the product view or category it has a retail price but if show in crosssell it is shown with a promotional discounted price that is controlled at product level. so maybe this feature is part of the product setup. maybe a new field called crosssell price ?
i have asked aheadworks for clarification on the function of their 'checkout promo' extension.
the ahead works extension seems to be a banner but i'll see what they say.

Is this to use the magento crosssell function to display a particular product(s) at the checkout of another unique product in the normal way? The extra feature required is to hard code a promotional price or % discount into the crosssell item. If a sku 123456 is in the product view or category it has a retail price but if show in crosssell it is shown with a promotional discounted price that is controlled at product level. So maybe this feature is part of the product setup, maybe it's a new field called crosssell price ?
I have asked aheadworks for clarification on the function of their 'checkout promo' extension.
The ahead works, extension seems to be a banner but I'll see what they say.


applying a 20% discount for students to magento store

I am trying to apply a student discount to some of my products but I can only see a way of applying a discount to the product itself, so everyone gets the discount! What I really want is somewhere for students to enter a code to get their discount, how can I achieve this please?
If you want to create a discount with coupon code, you should create a shopping cart price rule. So the students can add the products to cart and enter the coupon code on shopping cart page to get the discount for the products.
In Magento backend go to Promotions > Shopping Cart Price Rules.
Click Add New Rule on the top right.
Complete all required options. Set Coupon field to Specific Coupon and enter a coupon code on below text field. On conditions tab, configure settings for discount products that should be found in cart. On actions tab, configure setting to apply rules only for discounted product.

Configurable products for different product sizes and price

I am trying to make a store for car care chemicals in Magento for online buyers and company distributors.
Each chemical has a size option - 0.5 liters, 5 liters, 207 liters
And the above options have price difference depending upon the customer is a normal buyer or a distributor.
I have made a configurable product, but the price in the
"Super product attributes configuration" overrides the Group pricing in the simple products.
Can somebody please suggest the right way?
You have to create a attribute "size" as dropdown with all possible sizes.
When you add the product you have to choose one of them.
Magento will not take into the account the simple products' price of a configurable one. Simple products' prices are ignored. if you want to sell a simple product X having price $120 and a simple product B ($130) then set configurable product's price to $120 and add products you want to associate with this configurable product. After adding them click on 'Associated Products' tab which opens a block named Super product attributes configuration, which contains options and price differences and set the prices accordingly as described in attached image.
Moreover There's an extension that allows you to use simple product prices instead of price differences Since it's free extension. The extension is "Simple Configurable Products(SCP)".

Magento - edit custom priced configurable product in cart

i got a problem with a magento extension(currently for 1.8.1):
I have products in my cart.
Therefore I can choose a gift and add it for free into the cart (via observer the priced is set to 0)
BUT here the problem: if the gift is a configurable product i want to set the options. After editing the product the price is set to the original-price again.
How can i keep the gift-price?
Several ways to accomplish this, but the probably easiest (and cleanest) is via a custom total model.
Here is a description, somewhat dated but should be enough to get you started.
Just make sure your total model is calculated after the subtotal model so your quote item price adjustment sticks.
You will also want to pay attention to whether or not you want your total model to be calculated before or after the tax total model.
How do I get quote totals before saving payment method?

Limit cart to 1 product per attribute/type - Magento

Our company sells pharmaceuticals online and by law we are limited to how much of a particular drug a customer can purchase.
For singular products with one brand this is easily controllable through default Magento functionality, my problem arises when we have different brands of a particular drug.
In a nutshell I can currently limit a customer to 1 pack of paracetamol from brand A but there is nothing to stop them getting another pack from brand B at the same time.
I would like to be able to check the cart for products with a particular attribute and limit them to 1 per cart. Ideally this would be when the customer clicks add to cart and the message would be displayed via the default Magento alerts that we currently have.
EDIT: I think the easiest way to solve this would be to check the SKU codes currently in the basket when adding a product to the cart. If there is a match, Throw up an error else add the item to the cart.
I think this link will help you but you need to modify as per your requirement. http://ceckoslab.com/magento/magento-check-if-product-is-in-cart/..
This link is to check the cart whether the same product is added or not? So modify this as per you requirement
You can set maximum allowed quantity in cart from admin panel. System->configuration. From left tab see catalog->inventory. Set Maximum qty allowed in shopping cart to 1.
If you want to add check on whole cart. see this paid extension

How to do discount for each product individually?

I need do some discount for each product individually, i know magento Promotion Cart inssue do that, but i need do bye custom attribute on product.
I added one custom attribute on my product, something like Discount Amout, where the shop owner will put something like 50%, and depending from Payment Method, it'll be applyed or no.
So, recapitulating...
I take any product from my store, and go to detail and there will have a field "Discount", i put 50% there.
This discount is only valid if the customer choose "Paypal" payment method.
So, on my checkout, i need check what payment method customer choose, and put the discount on product, but i need my review show "Discount -US$ 50", becouse i can change the price on that part. But can't put it on Discount field on review.
I need it so mutch, lose my day on that question.
Thks in advance.
Did you try Promotion - Shopping Cart Price Rule - Conditions - Cart Attribute - Payment method?
I got it......
With this: http://www.excellencemagentoblog.com/magento-add-fee-discount-order-total?facebook=1
Ty ExcellenceMagentoBlog, saved my time.
