VMWare guest OS via proxy from host OS - proxy

Is there any way to configure guest vmware OS via proxy/socks server from host OS? I can not use proxyficator programms in guest OS and need sometimes change sock/proxy to make some tests. There are windows on guest and ubuntu on host (doesnt matter, I can try ti install windows too if needed).

I found some information here and it helped me. It is on russian but google translate could help if someone needs the same.


How to RDP Ubuntu 16.04 and OSX from a Windows 10 Home Pc on lan

I've tryed to RDP an Ubuntu 16.04 and an Mac OSX-lion machine from a Windows Home Pc on a local lan without succsess. What steps should I take for such a connection and which programs, preferably open source are best to use? If there in a link to a tuturial, please share it with me.
Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a proprietary protocol developed by Microsoft, it is not available on Linux. You can use third party software like VNC, Teamviewer

Access VirtualBox Mac OS guest on Windows 10 host network

I have a windows 10 host with the IP address like, subnet mask as and gateway as
I have also installed Mac OS Sierra on VirtualBox on this windows host. This guest mac os has IP like and gateway as
The internet of my windows host is working fine on my guest mac os.
However, the guest is not accessible on windows host. I can't find the mac os in windows network, or can access it using IP address etc.
Any help with this will be much appreciated.
I have got it....as I'm on virtualbox, I have to set my network adapter setting to bridge adapter instead of NAT. After setting to bridge adapter my guest mac os's IP has changed as well, now it looks something like which is different than what I was getting earlier and this IP is reachable from windows host and I'm able to login remotely. This might help someone else having similar trouble and save some time.

Is it possible to use a virtual machine created for a particular OS in ubuntu in windows as well?

I want to install a virtual machine (say virtual box) on windows to run ubuntu as guest OS. And right now I'm using ubuntu OS.
Can I install ubuntu OS on a virtual machine in ubuntu and can the same virtual machine be used on windows as well? If that is possible, why are there different versions of virtual machines for different OS? I mean, how does it work?
Hurry... your question will be frozen soon by the mods here
:) All the best buddy.
Detailed answer here;

How to share Ubuntu's XAMPP installation with Windows 7 running on vmWare Workstation within Ubuntu

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and also Windows 7 under vmWare Workstation within Ubuntu.
My internet connection in vmWare is shared from the host as 'NAT'
I am using XAMPP on Ubuntu for developing sites. I use http://localhost/mysite to open the site under development in Ubuntu.
I wanted to use a similar command to open these sites in the Windows 7 installation under vmWare.
While browsing some of the topics I came to know that it is possible by using some IP of 'NAT'.
I am totally new to Linux and vmWare both. Just migrated to Linux from Windows and need help understanding it in detail.
Kindly help me with the process of How to access these sites in vmWare.
Please help.
VMWare's installer should set up a new network interface on your Ubuntu system, check ifconfig -a to find its IP address.
Make sure your webserver is listening on either OR ( AND the vmware-interface IP address).
From the Windows system, try typing in http://<vmware-interface-ip>/mysite. Hopefully it'll go. You can check the windows networking control panels to see what the gateway address is, it'll probably match.
I hope this gets it going for you.

How to use the IIS server in a VM on Mac host?

I need to access my http://localhost/ (in IIS 6 on VM) from the MAC Host (Safari).
I am using NAT (or can use Bridged) network connection to the Guest, but not sure how to identify IP addresses, etc. A novice when it comes to networking ;-)
A simple solution if you want a consistent hostname is to install Bonjour for Windows in the VM with bridged networking and then use http://computername.local in Safari.
It's possible to forward ports from a NATed VM too or ensure a consistent IP address if you want; some instructions are here.
In Safari, you should be able to type in the IP address of your VM and be able to access IIS that way. Firewall settings permitting of course, but I assume you've set that up already.
If it doesn't work, could you please post more details about your current setup (VM software being used to run the guest, OS X version, Windows version) and I'm sure we'll be able to troubleshoot further.
Just try to off Windows firewall on your virtual machine. This works for me in NAT mode.
Also, as mantioned before, is nice to have Bonjour for Windows installed to have more useful URL.
