Access VirtualBox Mac OS guest on Windows 10 host network - windows

I have a windows 10 host with the IP address like, subnet mask as and gateway as
I have also installed Mac OS Sierra on VirtualBox on this windows host. This guest mac os has IP like and gateway as
The internet of my windows host is working fine on my guest mac os.
However, the guest is not accessible on windows host. I can't find the mac os in windows network, or can access it using IP address etc.
Any help with this will be much appreciated.

I have got I'm on virtualbox, I have to set my network adapter setting to bridge adapter instead of NAT. After setting to bridge adapter my guest mac os's IP has changed as well, now it looks something like which is different than what I was getting earlier and this IP is reachable from windows host and I'm able to login remotely. This might help someone else having similar trouble and save some time.


Testing Rails App running on mac os x from VirtualBox

I am running a Rails app on server 3000 on my Mac OS X, and am trying (and failing to) connect to it from a Windows XP IE7 VM.
I have tried the following:
NAT and using the ip address provided on the mac through ifconfig
Bridged Adapter in promiscuous mode and using the ip address provided on the mac through ifconfig
Host Only and using the ip address provided on the mac through ifconfig
Bridged Adapter in promiscuous mode and (as outlined here:
None of these appear to be working...
I got this working by leaving the adapter setting on the VM as NAT and adding http:// in front of the address.
For a while a tried just putting in and it didn't worked.
Hope it helps someone save some time.

VirtualBox on OS X Server cannot ping guest OS network adapter IS bridged

I have a Mac OS X server running one instance of Windows 7 x64 Pro. The network adapter is in bridge mode, my router is assigning the proper IP address according to the mac of the VM through the DHCP configuration but I cannot ping the ip of the virtual machine even from the Host OS...
Any idea on shat is the problem? Is this Mac OS X Server related?
I had a similar problem with XP. Turned out that the windows (guest) firewall was blocking the pings.
Turning off the firewall (briefly) allowed the ping to work.

How to access cisco connection on Win7 from Mac OS X on local network

I've really benefitted from all the answers out here and now it's my turn to ask for help.
My company uses CISCO VPN. They won't give me the Shared Secret for the group so I am forced to use the windows VM to connect to my work network.
I've tried using the MAC CISCO ISPEC but there it is. Anyway, I'd like to use the connection in my windows vm from my MAC side. I tried setting up a openVPN server on the windows and connecting to that from MAC and connect the CISCO vpn. All a no go.
So any suggestions will be very welcome.
Thanks all.
Well it might sound strange but you're going to have to setup 2 virtual NICs on the virtual machine. The first NIC is going to be bridged with the real physical NIC on the OSX box and that's going to be your outside interface. The next virtual NIC is going to be a host-only and this is going to be your inside interface. This is the one you'll use for OSX to connect through your windows machine. Then you'll need to remove all IP and DHCP configuration from your physical NIC on OSX to let the virtual machine use that NIC.
Every time you want to use the VM and the VPN you're going to have to remove the config on your physical NIC in OSX and then re-add it when you're done.
The windows machine will need to use internet connection sharing to allow OSX to use its VPN connection.

Connect to QNX on VirtualBox via IP

I would like to connect to QNX Neutrino OS (qconn) running on the VirtualBox from the Momentics IDE running on the Windows 7 (the same computer) via IP on 8000 port. I tried to get IP address of this virtual machine, and it seems to be the same as my real machine's and it doesn't work on it. Thank you in advance for your help.
So, just to clarify:
You are using Windows 7 as your host OS
QNX Neutrino RTOS is running in a VM
Using Momentics on the Windows host, you want to connect in the IDE to the QNX target
Let's assume the IP address of your Windows 7 machine is (acquired by going Start ==> Run... ==> cmd ==> ipconfig )
First, have the network type for your QNX OS VM set to NAT (Network Address Translation). Then, you need to setup port forwarding (please see this URL:
Once you've finished, you should be able to connect from the Momentics IDE in Windows 7 to the QNX VM by specifying the following QCONN target in Momentics:
The forwarding you setup will cause all connections to (the Windows host loopback connection) on port 8000 to be automatically redirected to your QNX VM.
I've done this myself and it worked. Hope this helps for you.
If possible, configure your QNX guest virtual machine to use Host-Only Networking - this will put it on a private network segment with your host Windows 7. You should then be able to access it by the IP address is it assigned. By default your Win7 host will have an address of and your virtual machine will likely be assigned
If your guest requires access to the internet or other networks, you could experiment with other network options like Bridged (the virtual machine would appear as another computer on your same network) or NAT (you would need to add port forwarding options).

how to acces host services in virtual box with out additional networking

I have ubuntu 10.04 and virtual box running win xp now i want to test my page layout in ie so i want to access apache from with in my virtual box how can i set up this with out additional networking on the host (i.e. i want to have some kind'a peer to peer connection between the host and the guest)
You should be able to access your local (host) machine's Apache server from your Virtual Box using the default gateway of the virtual machine. If you type ipconfig at the command prompt, you will find that IP address.
Once you have that, just browse to that IP and folder in IE. (Or any other browser you might have installed, for that matter.)
Shutdown XP and delete all networking options for the VM from VirtualBox. Create a new networking option (by default), this is NAT. Start the XP VM and install VirtualBox Guest Additions. Rrefer the VirtualBox help file for instructions. You need to first mount the Vbox Guest Additions ISO as a CD-ROM drive. Restart the VM. Your XP guest and the Ubuntu host will be given IP on the same subnet. You can access Apache websites running on the host by typing the host IP address in the URL.
