Getting DNN Site To Run Locally - visual-studio

I am trying to get a DotNetNuke site running locally.
At the moment the site is hosted on a server and is functional.
I downloaded the website to my local computer and tried to compile it in Visual Studio.
I am getting all sorts of build errors and I am having alot of trouble getting it to run.
The version of DotNetNuke is very old. i believe it is version 05.06.02.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

While you can access some of the DNN code via Visual Studio, first you need to get the site running without Visual Studio.
Here is a good set of instructions on copying and running a site on another computer.
The main things to pay attention too are getting a connection to your database, and making the IIS site accessible locally.


Sharepoint 2013 Farm Visual Studio cannot connect

I have Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 and SharePoint Designer installed on my local machine. I have a SharePoint installed on a server farm that i have full read and write permissions on. My problem is when i try to create the project the wizard to connect to the SharePoint will not show up and it says i need it installed on my local machine. I have read many forums posts such as
along with others these are just the ones still open in my browser. I would love some help or a proper tutorial because the ones i am finding are no help and im not seeing anything besides a error message saying i cannot create a project until i install foundation or server for sharepoint
This is a case where the error message means exactly what it says. You must install SharePoint on your development machine in order to use Visual Studio for local SharePoint development. You can develop on Windows Server 2008/2013 (most common solution I've seen), install SharePoint on your Windows 7/8 machine (which is painful to do but possible), or set up a remote environment for development after signing up for an Office 365 Developer Site.
After hours of searching I found a work around for anyone who is running into this problem... You need to make a web reference to the SharePoint site then you can access the XML and do it that way. Microsoft hides the option its under service reference then you click web reference add the URL and a easily called name add it and your good to go.

Deploying Umbraco 7.1 to Azure

I created an Umbraco site with Visual Studio by creating an empty web project and installing the Umbraco 7.1 nuget package. During the set up portion, I created an Azure database. Next, I just created an azure website and deployed the code via Visual Studio publish.
Everything works fine on my local machine. The front end of the site seems to work fine on the azure website. However, I am not able to edit anything in back office. I can log in, but none of the button on the left hand side show up. See the attached screen shot.
This is my first experience with Umbraco so any help at all is appreciated.
Wow, I feel stupid. All I had to do was clear my cookies and everything started working. I guess it wrote a cookie that it didn't like when I ran it locally. I don't see how it could even try to access the cookie via the live site.
Anyway, it's working fine now...

Visual Studio 2010 nasty caching Cassini? Must manually stop service

I've spent waaaay too much time trying to figure this out. I'm running Windows 7 and Visual Studio 2010 in a VMware Fusion virtual.
When I debug my website project, Cassini (aka ASP.NET Web Development Server) starts and the site shows in my default browser (IE). I stop the debugger, make some tweaks to my C# code, and start the debugger again. The website starts up in IE and the site displays, but its using the code base from when I initially debugged NOT including any tweaks in code between the initial debug/build and subsequent debugs/builds.
The only way I can get code changes to build and run in the browser properly is if I manually stop the ASP.Net Web Development Server from the tray and then run debug.
Has anyone encountered this? Not sure if its caused by VS2010 or the environment being a virtual on a Mac.
Manually stopping Cassini after every debug is really starting to suck.
Check if Visual Studio is set to recompile the projects when there are changes.
Check that Tools > Options > Projects and solutions > Build and run > On run, when projects are out of date is set to Always build.
Perhaps you will have a more pleasant experience with IIS 7.5 Express as a replacement for Cassini.
From that page:
IIS Express is a lightweight,
self-contained version of IIS
optimized for developers. IIS Express
makes it easy to use the most current
version of IIS to develop and test
websites. It has all the core
capabilities of IIS 7 as well as
additional features designed to ease
-- website development including:
-- It doesn't run as a service or
require administrator user rights to
perform most tasks.
-- IIS Express works well with ASP.NET and PHP applications.
-- Multiple users of IIS Express can work independently on the same
Here's an article to help you get started.
Figured this out. I had mapped my Visual Studio 2010 folders to a VMware Fusion share in order to make my .NET projects accessible from Mac world (for copying graphics files into the projects, etc.). Evidently there was some type of permission issue or something that did not result in any sort of alert that was causing the problem.
I remapped all VS folders (Project, Website, etc.) into the standard Documents folder of my user instance and everything began working as expected.
Thanks for the help.

Azure SDK 1.4 - Cannot debug in VS2010 with multiple sites

I have a newly installed laptop running Win7/x64 and installed Visual Studio 2010, then VS2010 SP1, and then the Windows Azure SDK 1.4.
When I attempt to debug a cloud service project in the local compute emulator environment, I get an error: "The was an error attaching the debugger to the IIS worker process for URL '' for role instance..."
Some searching turned up quite a few discussions on this issue with the Azure SDK 1.3 update and I've narrowed down the issue to my having multiple sites in the same Web Role in my Azure application. If I comment out the sites entries in the ServiceDefinition.csdef, there's no error and debugging works fine. I tried the other recommended solutions, reinstalling .NET, re-registering ASP, rebooting while facing Redmond, but same problem.
I'm surprised by this issue on a new VS/Azure 1.4 installation and I'm hoping someone else has resolved supporting multiple sites for local debug.
I ran into the same problem, and have two suggestions:
If you've pointed to the "Published" output of a website and not the source location in ServiceDefinition.csdef, you'll get this error. Point to the source location of the web site when you're debugging. You can always switch the location later if you'd rather deploy a published web site rather than the source.
Ensure that you have debug set to false in the each of the web application's web.config file. While obvious, this catches me from time to time.

Deploying ASP.NET 2.0 to IIs7

How to deploy my ASP.NET website to IIS7? I'm using Visual Studio 2005. And I don't know where to start.
I tend to take more of a manual approach, but there is a web publish feature built into Visual Studio that should get you going.
Here is some reading you can do on it:
Here's some preliminary steps, a little more manual than some other options, but they are the ones I'm comfortable with:
Obtain access to the server where IIS7 is installed. If you don't have IIS7 installed on a server, install it. If you are not able to get access to this server, you will need to have the administrator of that server set up IIS7.
Create the website in IIS that you want to deploy to, or have the server administrator create an empty website for you to run your website on.
Use the 'publish' feature in Visual Studio to build a deployable version of your site. This is what you will install on IIS7.
Copy paste the website over to the server where IIS7 is installed. You will need to place it in a directory which you can set as the Home Directory for the site.
If you have access to the server, and rights to administer IIS7, set the Home Directory of the site to point at the directory where you copied over your files.
Enable the website, and you should be good to go!
These instructions assume the following:
a) You have some basic knowledge of how to configure IIS7 (or at least access to somebody who does)
b) You have some basic knowledge of how to install IIS7 if it is not installed (or access to somebody who does)
c) You have some basic knowledge on web site publishing from Visual Studio
If you need more instructions on these 3 notes, you may wish to consult the references for IIS7 and Visual Studio.
