Intel Cilk Plus code example with cilk_for keyword - cilk-plus

cilk_for is a keyword of Intel Cilk Plus, and we can use it following way:
cilk_for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
I need some more example codes of Intel Cilk Plus with cilk_for keyword.

That's pretty much all there is. A cilk_for loop is one of the easiest ways you can parallelize your code. Things to watch out for:
Don't try to size your loop to the number of cores. Tuning your code like this is inherently fragile. Instead, expose the full range of your data in the for loop and let the Cilk Plus runtime worry about scheduling the loop iterations.
Beware of races! If you haven't tested your application with a race detector like Cilkscreen or Intel Inspector, you've probably got races slowing you down (at best) and generating anomalous results.
cilk_for loops (examples) are implemented using a divide-and=conquer algorithm that recursively splits the range in half until the number of iterations remaining is less than the "grainsize". The runtime calculates grainsize by dividing the range by 8P, or 8 times the number of cores. This is a usually a pretty good value - Not too much so there's excess overhead, not too little so you're starved for parallelism. You can specify the grainsize using a pragma of the form "#pragma cilk grainsize=value", where "value" can be a constant or an expression. But our experience is that there are some specialized places where the correct grainsize is 1, and in most others you're best off using the default.
If your code is accumulating a result, consider using reducers instead of locks. Reducers provide lock-free "views" of the data that get merged automatically by the Cilk Plus runtime so that sequential ordering is preserved.
Barry Tannenbaum, Intel Cilk Plus Development


OpenACC Scheduling

Say that I have a construct like this:
for(int i=0;i<5000;i++){
const int upper_bound = f(i);
#pragma acc parallel loop
for(int j=0;j<upper_bound;j++){
//Do work...
Where f is a monotonically-decreasing function of i.
Since num_gangs, num_workers, and vector_length are not set, OpenACC chooses what it thinks is an appropriate scheduling.
But does it choose such a scheduling afresh each time it encounters the pragma, or only once the first time the pragma is encountered?
Looking at the output of PGI_ACC_TIME suggests that scheduling is only performed once.
The PGI compiler will choose how to decompose the work at compile-time, but will generally determine the number of gangs at runtime. Gangs are inherently scalable parallelism, so the decision on how many can be deferred until runtime. The vector length and number of workers affects how the underlying kernel gets generated, so they're generally selected at compile-time to maximize optimization opportunities. With loops like these, where the bounds aren't really known at compile-time, the compiler has to generate some extra code in the kernel to ensure exactly the correct number of iterations are performed.
According to OpenAcc 2.6 specification[1] Line 1357 and 1358:
A loop associated with a loop construct that does not have a seq clause must be written such that the loop iteration count is computable when entering the loop construct.
Which seems to be the case, so your code is valid.
However, note it is implementation defined how to distribute the work among the gangs and workers, and it may be that the PGI compiler is simply doing some simple partitioning of the iterations.
You could manually define values of gang/workers using num_gangs and num_workers, and the integer expression passed to those clauses can depend on the value of your function (See 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 on OpenACC specification).

Removing finished futures to keep their number constant

I have a program that needs to launch a large number of futures; specifically, more than size_t. A normal way to have many futures is to keep them in a container but since there are too many of them, I would have to remove the finished ones. The program needs to count the number of new lines in parallel.
This is what I want to work for n>size_t:
vector<future<int>> vf;
for(size_t i=0; i<n;++i){
vf.emplace_back(async([&](){ return count_lines(part_of_an_array);});
double cnt=0;
for(auto i:vf) cnt+=i;
One way I thought of doing it is to keep a vector<char> busy_f (vector<bool> is probably not thread safe). As count_lines starts --> busy_f[i_future]=0, and when it would finish --> busy_f[i_future]=1.
Is there a faster approach?
Creating the threads or even the futures "manually" in such cases is usually not a good idea, because it is difficult to create the "right amount" of them: remember you only have a relatively small number of actual cores/threads to execute on, and creating all the extra futures, which do not immediately map to a thread and just block and wait and take space in memory is wasteful.
I'd use some sort of higher-level parallelization primitive, like a 'parallel for' or a parallel map-reduce implementation.
I don't know what OS/compiler you're using, so I'm going to suggest to use TBB as a cross-platform solution. If you're on Microsoft stack, they have their own parallel library, which in some aspects is better than TBB.
In TBB they have a parallel_reduce template function, which looks exactly like what you need, and note what they promise:
If the range and body take O(1) space, and the range splits into
nearly equal pieces, then the space complexity is O(P log(N)), where N
is the size of the range and P is the number of threads.
However, all ranges in TBB are limited to size_t... Maybe you can write an outer loop, which "makes" "chunks" of size_t elements from the larger problem, and then for each chunk you could call a parallel_reduce and sum up their results.
double result = 0;
for(BingNumber offset = 0; offset < n; offset += BigNumber(size_t_size))
result += parallel_reduce( ... )

Are boolean operations slower than mathematical operations in loops?

I really tried to find something about this kind of operations but I don't find specific information about my question... It's simple: Are boolean operations slower than typical math operations in loops?
For example, this can be seen when working with some kind of sorting. The method will make an iteration and compare X with Y... But is this slower than a summatory or substraction loop?
Boolean comparisons
for(int i=1; i<Vector.Length; i++) if(Vector[i-1] < Vector[i])
Versus summation:
Double sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<Vector.Length; i++) sum += Vector[i];
(Talking about big length loops)
Which is faster for the processor to complete?
Do booleans require more operations in order to return "true" or "false" ?
Short version
There is no correct answer because your question is not specific enough (the two examples of code you give don't achieve the same purpose).
If your question is:
Is bool isGreater = (a > b); slower or faster than int sum = a + b;?
Then the answer would be: It's about the same unless you're very very very very very concerned about how many cycles you spend, in which case it depends on your processor and you need to read its documentation.
If your question is:
Is the first example I gave going to iterate slower or faster than the second example?
Then the answer is: It's going to depend primarily on the values the array contains, but also on the compiler, the processor, and plenty of other factors.
Longer version
On most processors a boolean operation has no reason to significantly be slower or faster than an addition: both are basic instructions, even though comparison may take two of them (subtracting, then comparing to zero). The number of cycles it takes to decode the instruction depends on the processor and might be different, but a few cycles won't make a lot of difference unless you're in a critical loop.
In the example you give though, the if condition could potentially be harmful, because of instruction pipelining. Modern processors try very hard to guess what the next bunch of instructions are going to be so they can pre-fetch them and treat them in parallel. If there is branching, the processor doesn't know if it will have to execute the then or the else part, so it guesses based on the previous times.
If the result of your condition is the same most of the time, the processor will likely guess it right and this will go well. But if the result of the condition keeps changing, then the processor won't guess correctly. When such a branch misprediction happens, it means it can just throw away the content of the pipeline and do it all over again because it just realized it was moot. That. does. hurt.
You can try it yourself: measure the time it takes to run your loop over a million elements when they are of same, increasing, decreasing, alternating, or random value.
Which leads me to the conclusion: processors have become some seriously complex beasts and there is no golden answers, just rules of thumb, so you need to measure and profile. You can read what other people did measure though to get an idea of what you should or should not do.
Have fun experimenting. :)

performance of fortran matrix operations

I need to use Fortran instead of C somewhere and I am very new to Fortran. I am trying to do some big calculations but it is quite slow comparing to C (maybe 10x or more and I am using Intel's compilers for both). I think the reason is Fortran keeps the matrix in column major format, and I am trying to do operations like sum(matrix(i, j, :)), because it is column major, probably this uses the cache very inefficiently (probably not using at all). However, I am not sure if this is the actual reason (since I know so less about Fortran). Question is, the convention in Fortran is to do operations on column vectors instead of row vectors ?
(BTW: I checked the speed of Fortran already using Intel's LAPACK libraries, and it is quite fast, so it is not related to any compiler or build issue.)
Try changing the order of your loops when doing matrix operations, e.g. if you have something like this in C:
for (i = 0; i < M; ++i) // for each row
for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) // for each col
// matrix operations on e.g. A[i][j]
then in Fortran you want the j (column) loop as the outer loop and the i (row) loop as the inner loop.
An alternative approach, which achieves the same thing, is to keep the loops as they are but change the definition of the array, e.g. if in C it's A[x][y][z][t] then in FORTRAN make it A[t][z][y][x], assuming that t is the fastest varying loop index, and x the slowest.
Since, as you write, Fortran is column major with the first index varying fastest in memory layout, so sum(matrix(i, j, :)) causes the summation of non-contiguous locations. If this is really the cause of slower operation, then you could redefine your matrix to have a different order of dimensions so that the current 3rd dimension is the 1st. Yes, if this is your main computation, rearrange the matrix to make the summation a column operation. Explicit looping should be as earlier indices fastest, as described by #PaulR. If you had previously thought of the optimum index order for C and are changing to Fortran, this is one aspect that might need changing. But while this is theoretically true, I doubt that it really matters that much in practice, unless perhaps the array is enormous. (The worse case would be that part of the array is in RAM and part in swap on disk!) The first rule about run-time speed issues is don't guess ... measure. It is usually the algorithm.

When, if ever, is loop unrolling still useful?

I've been trying to optimize some extremely performance-critical code (a quick sort algorithm that's being called millions and millions of times inside a monte carlo simulation) by loop unrolling. Here's the inner loop I'm trying to speed up:
// Search for elements to swap.
while(myArray[++index1] < pivot) {}
while(pivot < myArray[--index2]) {}
I tried unrolling to something like:
while(true) {
if(myArray[++index1] < pivot) break;
if(myArray[++index1] < pivot) break;
// More unrolling
while(true) {
if(pivot < myArray[--index2]) break;
if(pivot < myArray[--index2]) break;
// More unrolling
This made absolutely no difference so I changed it back to the more readable form. I've had similar experiences other times I've tried loop unrolling. Given the quality of branch predictors on modern hardware, when, if ever, is loop unrolling still a useful optimization?
Loop unrolling makes sense if you can break dependency chains. This gives a out of order or super-scalar CPU the possibility to schedule things better and thus run faster.
A simple example:
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
sum += data[i];
Here the dependency chain of the arguments is very short. If you get a stall because you have a cache-miss on the data-array the cpu cannot do anything but to wait.
On the other hand this code:
for (int i=0; i<n-3; i+=4) // note the n-3 bound for starting i + 0..3
sum1 += data[i+0];
sum2 += data[i+1];
sum3 += data[i+2];
sum4 += data[i+3];
sum = sum1 + sum2 + sum3 + sum4;
// if n%4 != 0, handle final 0..3 elements with a rolled up loop or whatever
could run faster. If you get a cache miss or other stall in one calculation there are still three other dependency chains that don't depend on the stall. A out of order CPU can execute these in parallel.
(See Why does mulss take only 3 cycles on Haswell, different from Agner's instruction tables? (Unrolling FP loops with multiple accumulators) for an in-depth look at how register-renaming helps CPUs find that parallelism, and an in depth look at the details for FP dot-product on modern x86-64 CPUs with their throughput vs. latency characteristics for pipelined floating-point SIMD FMA ALUs. Hiding latency of FP addition or FMA is a major benefit to multiple accumulators, since latencies are longer than integer but SIMD throughput is often similar.)
Those wouldn't make any difference because you're doing the same number of comparisons. Here's a better example. Instead of:
for (int i=0; i<200; i++) {
for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
Even then it almost certainly won't matter but you are now doing 50 comparisons instead of 200 (imagine the comparison is more complex).
Manual loop unrolling in general is largely an artifact of history however. It's another of the growing list of things that a good compiler will do for you when it matters. For example, most people don't bother to write x <<= 1 or x += x instead of x *= 2. You just write x *= 2 and the compiler will optimize it for you to whatever is best.
Basically there's increasingly less need to second-guess your compiler.
Regardless of branch prediction on modern hardware, most compilers do loop unrolling for you anyway.
It would be worthwhile finding out how much optimizations your compiler does for you.
I found Felix von Leitner's presentation very enlightening on the subject. I recommend you read it. Summary: Modern compilers are VERY clever, so hand optimizations are almost never effective.
As far as I understand it, modern compilers already unroll loops where appropriate - an example being gcc, if passed the optimisation flags it the manual says it will:
Unroll loops whose number of
iterations can be determined at
compile time or upon entry to the
So, in practice it's likely that your compiler will do the trivial cases for you. It's up to you therefore to make sure that as many as possible of your loops are easy for the compiler to determine how many iterations will be needed.
Loop unrolling, whether it's hand unrolling or compiler unrolling, can often be counter-productive, particularly with more recent x86 CPUs (Core 2, Core i7). Bottom line: benchmark your code with and without loop unrolling on whatever CPUs you plan to deploy this code on.
Trying without knowing is not the way to do it.
Does this sort take a high percentage of overall time?
All loop unrolling does is reduce the loop overhead of incrementing/decrementing, comparing for the stop condition, and jumping. If what you're doing in the loop takes more instruction cycles than the loop overhead itself, you're not going to see much improvement percentage-wise.
Here's an example of how to get maximum performance.
Loop unrolling can be helpful in specific cases. The only gain isn't skipping some tests!
It can for instance allow scalar replacement, efficient insertion of software prefetching... You would be surprised actually how useful it can be (you can easily get 10% speedup on most loops even with -O3) by aggressively unrolling.
As it was said before though, it depends a lot on the loop and the compiler and experiment is necessary. It's hard to make a rule (or the compiler heuristic for unrolling would be perfect)
Loop unrolling entirely depends on your problem size. It is entirely dependent on your algorithm being able to reduce the size into smaller groups of work. What you did above does not look like that. I am not sure if a monte carlo simulation can even be unrolled.
I good scenario for loop unrolling would be rotating an image. Since you could rotate separate groups of work. To get this to work you would have to reduce the number of iterations.
Loop unrolling is still useful if there are a lot of local variables both in and with the loop. To reuse those registers more instead of saving one for the loop index.
In your example, you use small amount of local variables, not overusing the registers.
Comparison (to loop end) are also a major drawback if the comparison is heavy (i.e non-test instruction), especially if it depends on an external function.
Loop unrolling helps increasing the CPU's awareness for branch prediction as well, but those occur anyway.
