OpenACC Scheduling - openacc

Say that I have a construct like this:
for(int i=0;i<5000;i++){
const int upper_bound = f(i);
#pragma acc parallel loop
for(int j=0;j<upper_bound;j++){
//Do work...
Where f is a monotonically-decreasing function of i.
Since num_gangs, num_workers, and vector_length are not set, OpenACC chooses what it thinks is an appropriate scheduling.
But does it choose such a scheduling afresh each time it encounters the pragma, or only once the first time the pragma is encountered?
Looking at the output of PGI_ACC_TIME suggests that scheduling is only performed once.

The PGI compiler will choose how to decompose the work at compile-time, but will generally determine the number of gangs at runtime. Gangs are inherently scalable parallelism, so the decision on how many can be deferred until runtime. The vector length and number of workers affects how the underlying kernel gets generated, so they're generally selected at compile-time to maximize optimization opportunities. With loops like these, where the bounds aren't really known at compile-time, the compiler has to generate some extra code in the kernel to ensure exactly the correct number of iterations are performed.

According to OpenAcc 2.6 specification[1] Line 1357 and 1358:
A loop associated with a loop construct that does not have a seq clause must be written such that the loop iteration count is computable when entering the loop construct.
Which seems to be the case, so your code is valid.
However, note it is implementation defined how to distribute the work among the gangs and workers, and it may be that the PGI compiler is simply doing some simple partitioning of the iterations.
You could manually define values of gang/workers using num_gangs and num_workers, and the integer expression passed to those clauses can depend on the value of your function (See 2.5.7 and 2.5.8 on OpenACC specification).


How to efficiently vectorize polynomial computation with condition (roofline model)

I want to apply a polynomial of small degree (2-5) to a vector of whose length can be between 50 and 3000, and do this as efficiently as possible.
Example: For example, we can take the function: (1+x^2)^3, when x>3 and 0 when x<=3.
Such a function would be executed 100k times for vectors of double elements. The size of each vector can be anything between 50 and 3000.
One idea would be to use Eigen:
Eigen::ArrayXd v;
then simply apply a functor:
v.unaryExpr([&](double x) {return x>3 ? std::pow((1+x*x), 3.00) : 0.00;});
Trying with both GCC 9 and GCC 10, I saw that this loop is not being vectorized. I did vectorize it manually, only to see that the gain is much smaller than I expected (1.5x). I also replaced the conditioning with logical AND instructions, basically executing both branches and zeroing out the result when x<=3. I presume that the gain came mostly from the lack of branch misprediction.
Some considerations
There are multiple factors at play. First of all, there are RAW dependencies in my code (using intrinsics). I am not sure how this affects the computation. I wrote my code with AVX2 so I was expecting a 4x gain. I presume that this plays a role, but I cannot be sure, as the CPU has out-of-order-processing. Another problem is that I am unsure if the performance of the loop I am trying to write is bound by the memory bandwidth.
How can I determine if either the memory bandwidth or pipeline hazards are affecting the implementation of this loop? Where can I learn techniques to better vectorize this loop? Are there good tools for this in Eigenr MSVC or Linux? I am using an AMD CPU as opposed to Intel.
You can fix the GCC missed optimization with -fno-trapping-math, which should really be the default because -ftrapping-math doesn't even fully work. It auto-vectorizes just fine with that option:
#include <stdlib.h>
void foo(double *arr, size_t n) {
for (size_t i=0 ; i<n ; i++){
double &tmp = arr[i];
double sqrp1 = 1.0 + tmp*tmp;
tmp = tmp>3 ? sqrp1*sqrp1*sqrp1 : 0;
It's avoiding the multiplies in one side of the ternary because they could raise FP exceptions that C++ abstract machine wouldn't.
You'd hope that writing it with the cubing outside a ternary should let GCC auto-vectorize, because none of the FP math operations are conditional in the source. But it doesn't actually help: GCC's default -ftrapping-math still decides to branch on the input to avoid all the FP computation, potentially not raising an overflow (to infinity) exception that the C++ abstract machine would have raised. Or invalid if the input was NaN. This is the kind of thing I meant about -ftrapping-math not working. (related: How to force GCC to assume that a floating-point expression is non-negative?)
Clang also has no problem:
I'd suggest using clang -O3 -march=native -ffp-contract=fast to get FMAs across statements when FMA is available.
(In this case, -ffp-contract=on is sufficient to contract 1.0 + tmp*tmp within that one expression, but not across statements if you need to avoid that for Kahan summation for example. The clang default is apparently -ffp-contract=off, giving separate mulpd and addpd)
Of course you'll want to avoid std::pow with a small integer exponent. Compilers might not optimize that into just 2 multiplies and instead call a full pow function.

Parallel programming dependency openacc

I am trying to parallelize this loops, but get some error in PGI compiler, I don't understand what's wrong
#pragma acc kernels
#pragma acc loop independent
for (i = 0;i < k; i++)
for(;dt*j <= Ms[i+1].t;j++)
w = (j*dt - Ms[i].t)/(Ms[i+1].t-Ms[i].t);
X[j] = Ms[i].x*(1-w)+Ms[i+1].x*w;
Y[j] = Ms[i].y*(1-w)+Ms[i+1].y*w;
85, Generating Multicore code
87, #pragma acc loop gang
89, Accelerator restriction: size of the GPU copy of Y,X is unknown
Complex loop carried dependence of Ms->t,Ms->x,X->,Ms->y,Y-> prevents parallelization
Loop carried reuse of Y->,X-> prevents parallelization
So what i can do to solve this dependence problem?
I see a few issues here. Also given the output, I'm assuming that you're compiling with "-ta=multicore,tesla" (i.e. targeting both a multicore CPU and a GPU)
First, since "j" is not initialized in the "i" loop, the starting value of "j" will depended on the ending value of "j" from the previous iteration of "i". Hence, the loops are not parallelizable. By using "loop independent", you have forced parallelization on the outer loop, but you will get differing answers from running the code sequentially. You will need to rethink your algorithm.
I would suggest making X and Y two dimensional. With the first dimension of size "k". The second dimension can be a jagged array (i.e. each having a differing size) with the size corresponding to the "Ms[i+1].t" value.
I wrote an example of using jagged arrays as part of my Chapter (#5) of the Parallel Programming with OpenACC book. See:
Alternatively, you might be able to set "j=Ms[i].t" assuming "Ms[0].t" is set.
for(j=Ms[i].t;dt*j <= Ms[i+1].t;j++)
"Accelerator restriction: size of the GPU copy of Y,X is unknown"
This is telling you that the compiler can not implicitly copy the X and Y arrays on the device. In C/C++, unbounded pointers don't have sizes so the compiler can't tell how big these arrays are. Often it can derive this information from the loop trip counts, but since the loop trip count is unknown (see above), it can't in this case. To fix, you need to include a data directive on the "kernels" directive or add a data region to your code. For example:
#pragma acc kernels copyout(X[0:size], Y[0:size])
#pragma acc data copyout(X[0:size], Y[0:size])
#pragma acc kernels
Another thing to keep in mind is pointer aliasing. In C/C++, pointers of the same type are allowed to point at the same object. Hence, without additional information such as the "restrict" attribute, the "independent" clause, or the PGI compiler flag "-Msafeptr", the compiler must assume your pointers do point to the same object making the loop not parallelizable.
This would most likely go away by either adding loop independent to the inner loop as well or using the collapse clause to flatted the loop, applying independent to both. Might also go away if all of your arrays are passed in using restrict, but maybe not.

Intel Cilk Plus code example with cilk_for keyword

cilk_for is a keyword of Intel Cilk Plus, and we can use it following way:
cilk_for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
I need some more example codes of Intel Cilk Plus with cilk_for keyword.
That's pretty much all there is. A cilk_for loop is one of the easiest ways you can parallelize your code. Things to watch out for:
Don't try to size your loop to the number of cores. Tuning your code like this is inherently fragile. Instead, expose the full range of your data in the for loop and let the Cilk Plus runtime worry about scheduling the loop iterations.
Beware of races! If you haven't tested your application with a race detector like Cilkscreen or Intel Inspector, you've probably got races slowing you down (at best) and generating anomalous results.
cilk_for loops (examples) are implemented using a divide-and=conquer algorithm that recursively splits the range in half until the number of iterations remaining is less than the "grainsize". The runtime calculates grainsize by dividing the range by 8P, or 8 times the number of cores. This is a usually a pretty good value - Not too much so there's excess overhead, not too little so you're starved for parallelism. You can specify the grainsize using a pragma of the form "#pragma cilk grainsize=value", where "value" can be a constant or an expression. But our experience is that there are some specialized places where the correct grainsize is 1, and in most others you're best off using the default.
If your code is accumulating a result, consider using reducers instead of locks. Reducers provide lock-free "views" of the data that get merged automatically by the Cilk Plus runtime so that sequential ordering is preserved.
Barry Tannenbaum, Intel Cilk Plus Development

Parallelizing an algorithm with many exit points?

I'm faced with parallelizing an algorithm which in its serial implementation examines the six faces of a cube of array locations within a much larger three dimensional array. (That is, select an array element, and then define a cube or cuboid around that element 'n' elements distant in x, y, and z, bounded by the bounds of the array.
Each work unit looks something like this (Fortran pseudocode; the serial algorithm is in Fortran):
do n1=nlo,nhi
do o1=olo,ohi
if (somecondition(n1,o1) .eq. .TRUE.) then
retval =.TRUE.
end do
end do
Or C pseudocode:
for (n1=nlo,n1<=nhi,n++) {
for (o1=olo,o1<=ohi,o++) {
if(somecondition(n1,o1)!=0) {
return (bool)true;
There are six work units like this in the total algorithm, where the 'lo' and 'hi' values generally range between 10 and 300.
What I think would be best would be to schedule six or more threads of execution, round-robin if there aren't that many CPU cores, ideally with the loops executing in parallel, with the goal the same as the serial algorithm: somecondition() becomes True, execution among all the threads must immediately stop and a value of True set in a shared location.
What techniques exist in a Windows compiler to facilitate parallelizing tasks like this? Obviously, I need a master thread which waits on a semaphore or the completion of the worker threads, so there is a need for nesting and signaling, but my experience with OpenMP is introductory at this point.
Are there message passing mechanisms in OpenMP?
EDIT: If the highest difference between "nlo" and "nhi" or "olo" and "ohi" is eight to ten, that would imply no more than 64 to 100 iterations for this nested loop, and no more than 384 to 600 iterations for the six work units together. Based on that, is it worth parallelizing at all?
Would it be better to parallelize the loop over the array elements and leave this algorithm serial, with multiple threads running the algorithm on different array elements? I'm thinking this from your comment "The time consumption comes from the fact that every element in the array must be tested like this. The arrays commonly have between four million and twenty million elements." The design of implementing the parallelelization of the array elements is also flexible in terms of the number threads. Unless there is a reason that the array elements have to be checked in some order?
It seems that the portion that you are showing us doesn't take that long to execute so making it take less clock time by making it parallel might not be easy ... there is always some overhead to multiple threads, and if there is not much time to gain, parallel code might not be faster.
One possibility is to use OpenMP to parallelize over the 6 loops -- declare logical :: array(6), allow each loop to run to completion, and then retval = any(array). Then you can check this value and return outside the parallelized loop. Add a schedule(dynamic) to the parallel do statement if you do this. Or, have a separate !$omp parallel and then put !$omp do schedule(dynamic) ... !$omp end do nowait around each of the 6 loops.
Or, you can follow the good advice by #M.S.B. and parallelize the outermost loop over the whole array. The problem here is that you cannot have a RETURN inside a parallel loop -- so label the second outermost loop (the largest one within the parallel part), and EXIT that loop -- smth like
retval = .FALSE.
!$omp parallel do default(private) shared(BIGARRAY,retval) schedule(dynamic,1)
do k=1,NN
if(.not. retval) then
outer2: do j=1,NN
do i=1,NN
! --- your loop #1
do n1=nlo,nhi
do o1=olo,ohi
if (somecondition(BIGARRAY(i,j,k),n1,o1)) then
retval =.TRUE.
exit outer2
end do
end do
! --- your loops #2 ... #6 go here
end do
end do outer2
end if
end do
!$omp end parallel do
[edit: the if statement is there presuming that you need to find out if there is at least one element like that in the big array. If you need to figure the condition for every element, you can similarly either add a dummy loop exit or goto, skipping the rest of the processing for that element. Again, use schedule(dynamic) or schedule(guided).]
As a separate point, you might also want to check if it may be a good idea to go through the innermost loop by some larger step (depending on float size), compute a vector of logicals on each iteration and then aggregate the results, eg. smth like if(count(somecondition(x(o1:o1+step,n1,k)))>0); in this case the compiler may be able to vectorize somecondition.
I believe you can do what you want with the task construct introduced in OpenMP 3; Intel Fortran supports tasking in OpenMP. I don't use tasks often so I won't offer you any wonky pseudocode.
You already mentioned the obvious way to stop all threads as soon as any thread finds the ending condition: have each check some shared variable which gives the status of the ending condition, thereby determining whether to break out of the loops. Obviously this is an overhead, so if you decide to take this approach I would suggest a few things:
Use atomics to check the ending condition, this avoids expensive memory flushing as just the variable in question is flushed. Move to OpenMP 3.1, there are some new atomic operations supported.
Check infrequently, maybe like once per outer iteration. You should only be parallelizing large cases to overcome the overhead of multithreading.
This one is optional, but you can try adding compiler hints, e.g. if you expect a certain condition to be false most of the time, the compiler will optimize the code accordingly.
Another (somewhat dirty) approach is to use shared variables for the loop ranges for each thread, maybe use a shared array where index n is for thread n. When one thread finds the ending condition, it changes the loop ranges of all the other threads so that they stop. You'll need the appropriate memory synchronization. Basically the overhead has now moved from checking a dummy variable to synchronizing/checking loop conditions. Again probably not so good to do this frequently, so maybe use shared outer loop variables and private inner loop variables.
On another note, this reminds me of the classic polling versus interrupt problem. Unfortunately I don't think OpenMP supports interrupts where you can send some kind of kill signal to each thread.
There are hacking work-arounds like using a child process for just this parallel work and invoking the operating system scheduler to emulate interrupts, however this is rather tricky to get correct and would make your code extremely unportable.
Update in response to comment:
Try something like this:
char shared_var = 0;
#pragma omp parallel
//you should have some method for setting loop ranges for each thread
for (n1=nlo; n1<=nhi; n1++) {
for (o1=olo; o1<=ohi; o1++) {
if (somecondition(n1,o1)!=0) {
#pragma omp atomic write
shared_var = 1; //done marker, this will also trigger the other break below
break; //could instead use goto to break out of both loops in 1 go
#pragma omp atomic read
private_var = shared_var;
if (private_var!=0) break;
A suitable parallel approach might be, to let each worker examine a part of the overall problem, exactly as in the serial case and use a local (non-shared) variable for the result (retval). Finally do a reduction over all workers on these local variables into a shared overall result.

How can I ensure that my Fortran FORALL construct is being parallelized?

I've been given a 2D matrix representing temperature points on the surface of a metal plate. The edges of the matrix (plate) are held constant at 20 degrees C and there is a constant heat source of 100 degrees C at one pre-defined point. All other grid points are initially set to 50 degrees C.
My goal is to take all interior grid points and compute its steady-state temperature by iteratively averaging over the surrounding four grid points (i+1, i-1, j+1, j-1) until I reach convergence (a change of less than 0.02 degrees C between iterations).
As far as I know, the order in which I iterate over the grid points is irrelevant.
To me, this sounds like a fine time to invoke the Fortran FORALL construct and explore the joys of parallelization.
How can I ensure that the code is indeed being parallelized?
For example, I can compile this on my single-core PowerBook G4 and I would expect no improvement in speed due to parallelization. But if I compile on a Dual Core AMD Opteron, I would assume that the FORALL construct can be exploited.
Alternatively, is there a way to measure the effective parallelization of a program?
In response to M.S.B's question, this is with gfortran version 4.4.0. Does gfortran support automatic multi-threading?
That's remarkable that the FORALL construct has been rendered obsolete by, I suppose, what is then auto-vectorization.
Perhaps this is best for a separate question, but how does auto-vectorization work? Is the compiler able to detect that only pure functions or subroutines are being used in a loop?
FORALL is an assignment construct, not a looping construct. The semantics of FORALL state that the expression on the right hand side (RHS) of each assignment within the FORALL is evaluated completely before it is assigned to the left hand side (LHS). This has to be done no matter how complex the operations on the RHS, including cases where the RHS and the LHS overlap.
Most compilers punt on optimizing FORALL, both because it is difficult to optimize and because it is not commonly used. The easiest implementation is to simply allocate a temporary for the RHS, evaluate the expression and store it in the temporary, then copy the result into the LHS. Allocation and deallocation of this temporary is likely to make your code run quite slowly. It is very difficult for a compiler to automatically determine when the RHS can be evaluated without a temporary; most compilers don't make any attempt to do so. Nested DO loops turn out to be much easier to analyze and optimize.
With some compilers, you may be able to parallelize evaluation of the RHS by enclosing the FORALL with the OpenMP "workshare" directive and compiling with whatever flags are necessary to enable OpenMP, like so:
!$omp parallel workshare
FORALL (i=,j=,...)
!$omp end parallel
gfortran -fopenmp blah.f90 -o blah
Note that a compliant OpenMP implementation (including at least older versions of gfortran) is not required to evaluate the RHS in parallel; it is acceptable for an implementation to evaluate the RHS as though it is enclosed in an OpenMP "single" directive. Note also that the "workshare" likely will not eliminate the temporary allocated by the RHS. This was the case with an old version of the IBM Fortran compiler on Mac OS X, for instance.
If you use Intel Fortran Compiler, you can use a command line switch to turn on/increase the compliler's verbosity level for parallelization/vectorization. This way during compilation/linking you will be shown something like:
FORALL loop at line X in file Y has been vectorized
I admit that it has been a few of years since the last time I used it, so the compiler message might actually look very different, but that's the basic idea.
The best way is to measure the clock time of the calculation. Try it with and without parallel code. If the clock time decreases, then your parallel code is working. The Fortran intrinsic system_clock, called before and after the code block, will give you the clock time. The intrinsic cpu_time will give you the cpu time, which might go up when code in run multi-threaded due to overhead.
The lore is the FORALL is not as useful as was thought when introduced into the language -- that it is more of a initialization construct. Compilers are equally adept at optimizing regular loops.
Fortran compilers vary in their abilities to implement true parallel processing without it being explicitly specified, e.g., with OpenMP or MPI. What compiler are you using?
To get automatic multi-threading, I've used ifort. Manually, I've used OpenMP. With both of these, you can compile your program with and without the parallelization and measure the difference.
