Laravel 4: redirect if item doesn't exists, ModelNotFoundException doesn't work anyway I try it - laravel

I'm following Dayle Rees' book "Code Bright" tutorial on building a basic app with Laravel (Playstation Game Collection).
So far so good, the app is working but, following his advices at the end of the chapter, I'm doing my homeworks trying to improve it
So, this snippet is working fine for existing models but throws an error if the item doesn't exists:
public function edit(Game $game){
return View::make('/games/edit', compact('game'));
In other words, http://laravel/games/edit/1 shows the item with ID = 1, but http://laravel/games/edit/21456 throws an error since there's no item with that ID
Let's improve this behaviour, adapting some scripts found also here on StackOverflow (Laravel 4: using controller to redirect page if post does not exist - tried but failed so far):
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException; // top of the page
public function edit(Game $game){
try {
$current = Game::findOrFail($game->id);
return View::make('/games/edit', compact('game'));
} catch(ModelNotFoundException $e) {
return Redirect::action('GamesController#index');
Well... nothing happens! I still have the error with no redirect to the action 'GamesController#index'... and please notice that I have no namespaces in my Controller
I tried almost anything:
Replace catch(ModelNotFoundException $e) with catch(Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException $e): no way
put use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException; in Model instead of Controller
Return a simple return 'fail'; instead of return Redirect::action('GamesController#index'); to see if the problem lies there
Put almost everywhere this snippet suggested in Laravel documentation
App::error(function(ModelNotFoundException $e)
return Response::make('Not Found', 404);
Well, simply nothing happened: my error is still there
Wanna see it? Here are the first two items in the errors stack:
Please, can someone tell me what am I missing? This is driving me mad...
Thanks in advance!

Here are few of my solutions:
First Solution
The most straightforward fix to your problem will be to use ->find() instead of ->findOrFail().
public function edit(Game $game){
// Using find will return NULL if not found instead of throwing exception
$current = Game::find($game->id);
// If NOT NULL, show view, ELSE Redirect away
return $current ? View::make('/games/edit', compact('game')) : Redirect::action('GamesController#index');
Second solution
As I notice you may have been using model binding to your route, according to Laravel Route model binding:
Note: If a matching model instance is not found in the database, a 404 error will be thrown.
So somewhere where you define the model binding, you can add your closure to handle the error:
Route::model('game', 'Game', function()
return Redirect::action('GamesController#index');
Third Solution
In your screenshot, your App::error seems to work as the error says HttpNotFound Exception which is Laravel's way of saying 404 error. So the last solution is to write your redirect there, though this apply globally (so highly discouraged).


Method render() is not being called when custom Laravel exception is thrown from view composer

I have a custom exception with render method which is being called when I throw it e.g. from controller, but not being called when I throw it in View composer.
So when I do something like that
public function compose(View $view)
throw new CustomException();
and put dd() to exception render method
public function render()
dd('render is called');
I get no result.
If I log my exception directly, finds out that first the CustomException being thrown, then as the result I see ErrorException.
I found a place where it being thrown.
protected function handleViewException(Exception $e, $obLevel)
$e = new ErrorException($this->getMessage($e), 0, 1, $e->getFile(), $e->getLine(), $e);
parent::handleViewException($e, $obLevel);
I didn't found any mentions in Laravel docs about that case.
I found a tread on github with the same issue:
So the question is, is this expected? Is there any adequate way to avoid this behaviour?
So, as you know, any exception during view compilation is intercepted and rethrown as ErrorException or as FatalThrowableError.
What you can do is intercept ErrorException and check if ($e->getPrevious() instanceof \CustomException) if so, you do your code, else, let the handler continue.
So I've found working solution for myself.
I've extended CompilerEngine and added additional processing in order to not throw ErrorException when I don't want to.
The important thing is - your resulting Exception must be inherited from ErrorException. Otherwise you will face multiple calls to \App\View\Engines\CompilerEngine::handleViewException which can break your logic and write multiple log entities to your log file.

Render from another controller method

I'm using Laravel 5.5 version and I have a question.
Let's say that my controller has 2 methods like this:
public function errorsCheck(){
return view('errors_check');
public function index(){
// some other important code
And when I open my webpage it goes to index() method first. Then it calls errorsCheck(). And errorsCheck() has to render view file and stop script executing.
How can I do it? I can't make something like:
return $this->errorsCheck();
because I need code above to execute if errorsCheck method doesnt found any errors. And this is not validation errors, btw.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Well, solution is:
throw new HttpResponseException(
It will throw exception, but Laravel catch it and will render view.
Well, solution is:
throw new HttpResponseException(
It will throw exception, but Laravel catch it and will render view.

Laravel: resource not found exception

Say you have a simple resource route like this:
Route::resource('overview', 'OverviewController');
And hit routes which you know don't exist. For example:
Which in my case throws Trying to get property of non-object error from my view (as no resource is found)
I looked into adding 'Regular Expression Parameter Constraints' from the docs, but it looks like these are not available for resource routes either (plus don't really fix the problem).
I'm looking for a way to throw a single exception for this kind of thing, which I can then handle once, rather than add logic to each action (or at least the show and edit actions).. if possible.
EDIT After looking around github, I found the exception in the Symphony repo here. Is there a way I can hook into it?
Since you're getting a Trying to get property of non-object error, I assume you're fetching the resource via YourModel::find();
I'd suggest you use YourModel::findOrFail() instead. Then, you'd be getting a specific type of exception called ModelNotFoundException. Just register an error handler for this.
For instance,
App::error(function(ModelNotFoundException $e)
return Response::make('Not Found', 404);
UPDATE: This would actually go into render() method inside the app/Exceptions/Handler.php file in Laravel 5.1, and of course the code would utilize the passed $e parameter instead.
public function render($request, Exception $e)
if ($e instanceof ModelNotFoundException)
return \Response::make('Not Found', 404);
return parent::render($request, $e);

Laravel 4 route-model binding exceptions doesn't work despite docs and examples

I read a lot about Laravel4 Route-model binding (L4 docs, tutorials, etc.) but still exceptions (i.e. the model is not found) don't work for me
These are my basic files
Route::model('game', 'Game', function(){
// override default 404 behavior if model not found, see Laravel docs
return Redirect::to('/games');
Route::get('/games/edit/{game}', 'GamesController#edit');
class GamesController extends BaseController {
public function edit(Game $game){
return View::make('/games/edit', compact('game'));
Pretty straight, but I get this error: Argument 1 passed to GamesController::edit() must be an instance of Game, instance of Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse given
If I type all is fine (model with ID = 1 exists)
If I type (no model with that ID) the ugly error above is triggered instead of the redirect I specified
I also looked at this (the bottom part where a Redirect closure is suggested: that is just what I am doing!) but no way to make it work: laravel 4 handle not found in Route::model
What's wrong with it? Please any help?
Thanks in advance
In Route::model you declare which variable will be a model instance, you shouldn't use it to do a redirection that way. Instead of that, specify that $game is of type Game and then work with your routes:
Route::model('game', 'Game');
Route::get('/games/edit/{game}', 'GamesController#edit');
Then if you access to /games/edit/3 GamesController::edit will receive an instance of Game class whose id=3
I ended up by setting a general "Not Found" error catcher, like this:
// routes.php
App::error(function(Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException $e) {
return Response::make('Not Found', 404);
Route::model('game', 'Game');
Route::get('/games/edit/{game}', 'GamesController#edit');
What I understand is that if I want a custom redirect and not a general 404 page (i.e. take the user to games' list if model not found), I CAN'T use the route-model-binding
In other words, I have to use Route::get('/games/edit/{id}', 'GamesController#edit'); and then do my application logic inside the 'edit' method:
public function edit($id){
$game = Game::findOrFail($id);
// if fails then redirect to custom page, else go on saving
I'm very new to Laravel, but as far as I can see this has nothing to do with the closure, but with the use of "Redirect::to" inside that closure. Using "App::abort( 404 );" works.

redirect is not working in codeigniter _construct function

I am facing a problem using redirect in _construct function,
In timesheet controller I wrote the following code and I am getting an error in the browser "
This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to
Here is my code
class Timesheet extends MY_Controller {
public function __construct()
Please help me to find a way to get rid of this problem.
It looks to me like you're going around in a loop.
You check to see if the fullname element in your $username array is empty and, if it is, you redirect back to the same controller. I'm willing to bet it goes around in a circle like that for a while before the webserver throws up the error you mention.
If I'm reading what you're trying to do correctly, wouldn't you call another function within your Timesheet constructor if the fullname element is present to show whatever information it is that you're trying to display?
I'd suggest changing your logic to do the following:
if($username['fullname'] == ""){
//go to another controller method here
OK. I got it. The error is just because of I am redirecting to same controller where I have written the code. Everytime when it redirects to timesheet it enters into the construct function and it redirects again to timesheet. And the same thing is working like an endless loop.
So the fault was redirecting to the same controller.
use redirect like this : redirect('timesheet', 'refresh');
