Nib file Main-iPad~ipad.nib' was not found - xcode

I'm trying to validate an iPhone app, which is ready to be released after validation. Xcode insists that there must be an ipad file for it though, any suggestions? I would upload a photo, but I don't have enough rep, due to me just starting Stack Overflow.

Likely there is a Main nib file designated in your info.plist file, but you have this resource not included in your application.
If you delete this entry in the info.plist file, it will be fixed.

Could it be, that you have choosen in your Project Settings, that it should be an "Universal" App, if so. Xcode wants two storyboards, one for the iPhone, one for iPad.
If this is the problem, just open your project settings and remove the "Universal" and change it to "iPhone".


Deploy a Swift OS X app locally?

I am not new to programming, but I am new to Swift. I have developed a small app that I have no intention of distributing, I just want to use it for myself. Everything works just as desired in XCode and now I want to deploy that app locally. How can I run my app on my machine without needing to have XCode also running? I just want to see my app in my Applications folder and run it when I want. Does XCode put build files somewhere that I can access them and use outside of XCode?
On the Product menu there is an Archive option. Select that to create an archive of your app.
Xcode should then automatically open the Organiser window with the archive of your app selected.
You'll see a big blue button called Upload to App Store on the right with two smaller buttons below it. The one you want is called Export... Press it and you'll get a pane giving you various export options with different kinds of signing.
The bottom option creates an unsigned .app file which you can put in your Applications directory.
NB As Eric D says, you can just drag the app out of the products directory, but unless you edit the scheme, that will give you a debug build with less optimisation and with asserts activated.
Update for Xcode 11.2
As Bell B. Cooper points out, the process has changed slightly. Now when you archive an app, you get a window listing the apps and a big blue "Distribute" button. Pressing this, gets you a dialog box giving you the various options. Which one you choose depends on what you want to do with the executable. With Catalina, unless it's just for your own use, you probably want to go for one of the options that involves signing the app.
Edit: while this answer still works, it targets old Xcode versions and uses the debug version of your executable. For recent Xcode versions, and for using the release version of your executable, see JeremyP's answer.
Each time you build an OS X application with the current scheme, Xcode automatically populates the "Products" folder with the related app bundle.
You can find this folder in the Project Navigator:
Xcode > Project Navigator > "Products" folder
Your .app is in there and ready to be used and/or copied to the /Applications folder.

Invalid Bundle Error - "requires launch storyboard"

I keep getting this error when I try to submit my app to the store using Xcode:
ERROR ITMS-90475: "Invalid Bundle. iPad Multitasking support requires launch storyboard in bundle 'com.companyname.appname.'"
Anyone know what this error really means?
This is because you need to specify how your app is supposed to handle multitasking on iPad.
If you don't want to handle multitasking right now, you can simply disable it by going to the "General" tab of your target:
I solved the problem in this way, see here:
If you must opt out of Slide Over and Split View, do so explicitly by adding the UIRequiresFullScreen key to your Xcode project’s Info.plist file and apply the Boolean value YES.
You need to add a Launch Screen (Xcode > File > New).
Under iOS > User Interface you select "Launch Screen" to add it to the project.
For the iPad you need to support all 4 orientations.
Select in Xcode your target file, and under the General Tab, go to the "App icons and Launch Images".
Here you select the Launch Screen file you created.
When you launch the app you'll see the launch (bitmap) images are not used, but the Launch Screen Storyboard.
You can either do it as André showed or directly add:
On your .plist file.
If you are using Cordova, you might want to use the cordova-ios-requires-fullscreen plugin (see How to disable iOS9 multitasking through Ionic/Cordova?)
Update: you can also use the cordova-plugin-ipad-multitasking, which seems to also prevent another issue (ITMS-90474)
Update: this should now be fixed using Cordova tools 5.4 without the need for these plugins.
In Xcode 14.2, setting the launch storyboard should be as simple as selecting the required storyboard as Launch Screen File in the "General" settings for the target. This not only avoids spelling mistakes, it also ensures that the storyboard is included in the bundle. However, I found that uploading to the App Store failed as per the OP if support for multiple windows is included (that is, if requires full screen is not checked).
If the storyboard has been configured in this way then the problem may be because the name of the storyboard includes a .storyboard extension, which it's not supposed to (see also post by Muhammad Ibrahim). This can be fixed without checking the box for requires full screen:
In Xcode, go to your build target and select the General tab.
In the section "App Icons and Launch Screen", check if a Storyboard file is selected and if it has a .storyboard extension.
If so -> tap the name of the storyboard to edit it, take off the .storyboard extension and press return.
That's it! The name of the storyboard will no longer show, but the problem will be fixed.
IF you ONLY want to set RequiresFullScreen For iPhone, and support iPad Multitasking, try this:
LaunchScreenIPad.storyboard is the name of LaunchScreen for iPad.
iPhone will still use Launch Images Source pictures.
Apple Document Ref: Creating Platform- and Device-Specific Keys
If you want to support split views in iPad, in your info.plist file, set just "LaunchScreen" as the value for key "UILaunchStoryboardName", instead of "LaunchScreen.Storyboard" and you need to support all 4 orientations for iPad.

Xcode 5 Cocoa App Fails to Load Nib on OS X 10.6

I'm creating a Cocoa application for 10.6 and newer OSs. I created a brand new document-based application in Xcode 5 (10.9) and changed two settings to make it 10.6-compatible: I changed the deployment target to 10.6 and turned Auto Layout off on both MainMenu.xib and xxDocument.xib, the two default nibs that are included with the document-based template. I archived my application (no code signing) adding no other code and tested it on four different OSs. Here are the results:
OS X 10.9: Launches and shows a new document window ("Your document contents here") as expected.
OS X 10.8: Launches as expected; same as 10.9.
OS X 10.7: Fails to launch; Console applications yields "App Name: Unable to load nib file: MainMenu, exiting".
OSX 10.6: Fails to launch; Console yields same as 10.7.
I'm quite baffled as to the behavior of my application. I added absolutely no code to the template document-based app that Xcode created for me; I just changed the required settings to make it compatible with 10.6 and up. I also tried turning off ARC in the build settings, which made no difference at all. I checked Apple docs and also searched for other questions about the console error I received, but none of them were related to this problem. I was very surprised that 10.7 exhibited this behavior, as 10.7 is compatible with ARC. I would greatly appreciate any advice on how I can fix this problem. I would suspect that there is an easy modification to the default template, as Apple probably wouldn't supply a template that requires extensive modification to merely get it working. Thanks.
As suggested, I turned off base internationalization in Xcode. I ran the app, and it worked fine. I exported the application (no code signing) and tested on all of the above OSs. This time, the error that I received above occurred for all OSs. This even occurred on the SAME machine that I built the project with, the only difference is that I didn't run it from Xcode. My next step was to actually make a MainMenu.xib file (because removing base internationalization deleted the old one) and set that as the main interface. Now not only do I get the error in the exported application on all OSs, but it shows up in Xcode when I try to run the application! Is there something else that I am missing?
AS mentioned before you need to disable Internationalization Base.
In the Project Navigator Click on the on the first item which is your project (denoted by blue page with white A in it, it is the root of all other items)
You should by default see the Info page to the left (if not select it from the tab at the top)
The last item in the Info property sheet is Localization. Under Localization you will have the ability to add and remove languages and you should by default have two already Base, and English.
Delete both, and deselect the check box "Use Base Internationalization"
Once you have done this, remove the any *.xib files you have from the project itself. MAKE SURE TO ONLY REMOVE REFERENCES !!!DO NOT SEND TO TRASH!!!
Once the references have been removed, go into Finder, Open your project directory and you will find a directory called Base.lproj with your *.xib files located in them. Copy or move them one level up to your project directory, and delete Base.lproj directory.
Go back into xCode and add back in your *.xib files. ++K to clean the project, then ++R to rebuild.
This should move the *.xib files in the App Package from Base.lproj (where 10.6 does not seem to find them) to the Resources file folder, and solve the problem.
Newly created Xcode 5 projects have base internationalization turned on. Base internationalization is supported on OS X 10.8 and later. You'll have to turn off base internationalization to support 10.7 and 10.6. See the following Stack Overflow question for more information:
Base.lproj/MainMenu.xib is not available when compiling for targets before Mac OS X 10.8
Another thing you may need to do to support 10.6 is to set the deployment target to 10.6 for both the project and the xib files. I know you said you set the deployment target to 10.6 in your question, but it wasn't clear if you set it for both the project and the xib files. As you're discovering, Apple's project templates do not place a high priority on compatibility with old OS versions.

After localization, application loads XIB that does not exist

I have an application with localized XIB files for English and French. When running in the iPad simulator on my development machine the French XIB is loaded when the language of the simulator is set to French and English otherwise, as expected.
It appeared that when running on the iPad it was loading the English language regardless.
I tried editing the English language XIB to verify it was loading the wrong version but this change didn't show up.
In fact the same XIB, which appears to be the pre-localization XIB or a copy of the English language version, loads even though I have:
Deleted the XIB.
Cleaned all targets.
Deleted the app from the device.
Turned the device off and on again.
Verified the XIB is not in the Copy Bundle Resources phase of the target.
Regardless of language or existence of XIB it still loads the XIB as it appeared pre-localization. This file no longer exists in my project.
The simulator, throughout, works as expected. Loading localized resources when present and throwing errors when it can't find the XIBs because they have been deleted.
How do I get the application to use a localized XIB that exists rather than a memory of a XIB that doesn't?
Try delete Derived Data.
Xcode -> Organizer -> Projects -> Derived Data -> Delete...
Everything will be fine.
This is a common issue. Quitting Xcode and reopening the project will usually fix it.
Also, be sure the newly created localized .xib has all the required "Target Memberships"

Ipad xcode plist problem

I'm having a problem with my plist file. Maybe you will be able to figure out the solution.
I made a project for ipad, everything is working well on the ipad simulator, absolutely no problem.
Now I decided to test it on an ipad device. Therefore I modified the "Bundle Identifier" in the plist which was by default "com.yourcompany.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}" and put "com.mycompanysname.applicationID". Oh, I forgot to mention that I've already created an application ID for that project.
Now here comes the problem, as soon as the "Bundle identifier" has been modified, the project's no longer runs neither on the simulator nor on the device. What I mean by it no longer runs is that the project when launched, a black screen appears but nothing else.
I decided to debug it with break points, it's somehow very strange as the app doesn't even reach the "application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions" method in the delegate.
The project no longer runs on the simulator even if i put back the Bundle identifier back what was written in it by default. Thus unusable.
Maybe someone has already come across this problem, your help is needed guys.
Thanks :D
You need to change the product name in the target build settings under the "Product Name" key. That is used in more than one location in the app and they all have to sync.
