Elasticsearch array scoring - elasticsearch

I'm using elasticsearch to search multiple array fields in my type, which looks something like
t1 = { field1: ["foo", "bar"],
field2: ["foo", "foo", "foo", "foo"]
field3: ["foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo", "foo"]
And then I'm using a multi_match query to get matches, something along
multi_match: { query: "foo",
fields: "fields*"
When computing the score of t1, elasticsearch adds the score of queries in field1, field2 and field3 which is what I want. However, they are not contributing equally, field3 contributes to the score the most since "foo" occurs multiple times there.
I want now to compute the score within each array field by not adding up the score of all array entries, but by just taking the maximum of them. In my example, all fields contained would have the same score then since they all have one exact match.
This question was already asked on the elasticsearch forum, but has not been answered so far.

I've been stumped on this myself, it really seems like there should be a simple, builtin way to just specify max instead of sum.
Not sure if this is exactly what you're going for, because you lose the match score on any particular item in the array. So you're not getting max of the match score of the best particular item, just a boolean value if anything matches. If it's something more nuanced (say a person's full name, where you want a better match for first and last vs just one or the other) this may not be acceptable because you're throwing out your scores.
If it is acceptable, this workaround seems to work:
{function_score: {
query: {bool: {should: [
{term: {field1: 'foo'}},
{term: {field2: 'foo'}},
{term: {field3: 'foo'}},
functions: [
{filter: {term: {field1: 'foo'}}, weight: 1},
{filter: {term: {field2: 'foo'}}, weight: 1},
{filter: {term: {field2: 'foo'}}, weight: 1},
score_mode: 'sum',
boost_mode: 'replace',
We need the "query" part to give us the results to further filter, even though we discard the score. This seems like it should really be a filter, but just wrapping this same thing in the filtered query doesn't work. There may be a better option here.
Then, the weight functions just basically give a 1 if there's a match on that field and 0 otherwise. The score_mode tells it to sum those weights, so in your case they all match so we get 3. The boost_mode tells how to combine with the original query, "replace" tells it to ignore the original query score (which has the problem you mentioned that multiple matches in an array are being summed). So, the total score of this query is 3 because there are 3 matches.
It seems more complicated to me, but in my relatively limited testing I haven't noticed performance issues or anything. I'd love to see a better answer if someone more familiar with elasticsearch has one.


Efficient data-structure to searching data only in documents a user can access

Problem description:
The goal is to efficiently query strings from a set of JSON documents while respecting document-level security, such that a user is only able to retrieve data from documents they have access to.
Suppose we have the following documents:
Document document_1, which has no restrictions:
"id": "document_1",
"set_of_strings_1": [
"set_of_strings_2": [
"isPublic": true
Document document_2, which can only be accessed by 3 users:
"id": "document_2",
"set_of_strings_1": [
"set_of_strings_2": [
"isPublic": false,
"allowed_users": [
Now suppose user Bob (has access to both documents) makes the following query:
user_id: "Bob",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1"
The correct response should be the union of set_of_strings_1 from both documents:
["the", "quick", "brown", "lazy"]
Now suppose user Dave (has access to document_1 only) makes the following query:
user_id: "Dave",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1"
The correct response should be set_of_strings_1 from document_1:
["the", "quick", "brown"]
A further optimization is to handle prefix tokens. E.g. for the query
user_id: "Bob",
set_of_strings_id: "set_of_strings_1",
token: "t"
The correct response should be:
Note: empty token should match all strings.
However, I am happy to perform a simple in-memory prefix-match after the strings have been retrieved. The bottleneck here is expected to be the number of documents, not the number of strings.
What I have tried:
Approach 1: Naive approach
The naive solution here would be to:
put all the documents in a SQL database
perform a full-table scan to get all the documents (we can have millions of documents)
iterate through all the documents to figure out user permissions
filtering out the set of documents the user can access
iterating through the filtered list to get all the strings
This is too slow.
Approach 2: Inverted indices
Another approach considered is to create an inverted index from users to documents, e.g.
document_1, document_2, document_3
document_1, document_4
This will efficiently give us the document ids, which we can use against some other index to construct the string set.
If this next step is done naively, it still involves a linear scan through all the documents the user is able to access. To avoid this, we can create another inverted index mapping document_id#set_of_strings_id to the corresponding set of strings then we just take the union of all the sets to get the result and then we can run prefix match after. However, this involves doing the union of a large number of sets.
Approach 3: Caching
Use redis with the following data model:
Then we perform prefix match in-memory on the set of strings we get from the cache.
We want this data to be fairly up-to-date so the source-of-truth datastore still needs to be performant.
I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Is there a data structure or some off-the-shelf system that does what I am trying to do?

Unexpected Solr scores for documents boosted by the same boost values

I have 2 documents:
title: "Popular",
registrations_count: 700,
is_featured: false
title: "Unpopular",
registrations_count: 100,
is_featured: true
I'm running this Solr query (via the Ruby Sunspot gem):
fq: ["type:Event"],
sort: "score desc",
q: "*:*",
defType: "edismax",
fl: "* score",
bq: ["registrations_count_i:[700 TO *]^10", "is_featured_bs:true^10"],
start: 0, rows: 30
or, for those who are more used to ruby:
Challenge.search do
boost(10) do
boost(10) do
with(:is_featured, true)
order_by :score, :desc
One document matches the first boost query, and the other matches the other boost query. They have the same boost value.
What I would expect is that both documents get the same score. But they don't, they get something like that
1.2011336 # score for 'unpopular' (featured)
0.6366436 # score for 'popular' (not featured)
I also checked that if i boost an attribute that they both have in common, they get the exact same score, and they do. I also tried to change the 700 value, to something like 7000, but it makes no difference (which makes total sense).
Can anyone explain why they get such a different score, while they both match one of the boost queries?
I'm guessing the confusion stems from "the queries being boosted by the same value" - that's not true - the boost is the score of the query itself, which is then amplified 10x by your ^10.
The bq is additive - the score from the query is added to the score of the document (while boost is multiplicative, the score is multiplied by the boost query).
If you instead want to add the same score value to the original query based on either one matching, you can use ^=10 which makes the query constant scoring (the score will be 10 for that term, regardless of the regular score of the document).
Also, if you want to apply these factors independent of each other (instead of as a single, merged score with contributions from both factors), use multiple bq entries instead.

Elasticsearch - higher scoring if higher frequency search times

Suppose I have 3 Documents:
A, B, C
All terms are very similar, and internal score is pretty identical
And people searching B more frequently than A and C, but C more frequently than A.
Can I get score to order like B, C, A ?
In the use case you described, you can not change the behaviour of scoring/relevancy computation. There is the possibility of boosting when using e.g. match query to affect scoring when searching for values. But that wouldn't be appropriate since you only want to sort the documents.
So the information about the search frequency has to be a part of the documents themselves, meaning it has to be an own field. Then you can simply add a sort clause like the following
"query": {
// your awesome query...
"sort": [
"search_frequency": {
"order": "desc"
The challenge in this solution would be to keep the value of the field search_frequency up to date. You can do that via the Update API.

Elasticsearch: Constant score applied within match query, but after search terms have been analysed?

Imagine I have some documents, with the following values contained within a text field called name
Document1: abc xyz group
Document2: group x/group y
Document3: group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4
Now imagine I'm sending a simple match query to ES for the term 'group':
"query": {
"match": {
"name": "group"
My desired outcome would be that all 3 documents would return with the same score, no matter how often the term appears, where it appears, etc.
Now, I already know that I can do this by wrapping my match with a constant_score, like so:
"query": {
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"match": {
"name": "group"
"boost": 1
BUT, say I now want to query using the search term abc group. In this case, what I want to happen is that Document2 and Document3 will return the same score (matches group), but Document1 to have a better score as it matches both abc and group.
With a constant_score wrapping my match query, documents that contain any of the terms return the same score (i.e Document1, 2 and 3 return the same score for abc group). If I remove the constant_score, then Document 3 has the best score presumably because it contains more matches with the search text (group appearing 4 times).
It seems as though I need a way of moving the constant_score query to after the match query has analyzed my search text. Effectively causing a query of abc group to be two constant_score queries - one for abc and one for group.
Does anyone know of a way to achieve this?
I've managed to solve this by utilising Elasticsearch's unique token filter: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/analysis-unique-tokenfilter.html
I've added that to my name field in the index mappings, and it looks to be retrieving the desired results without having to worry about constant_score.
Note however all this does is eliminate term frequencies from having any effect on the _score - other metrics (such as fieldLength) still have an effect on the results. This isn't, therefore, the equivalent of using a post-analyzed version of constant_score as I hypothesized in the question, however this will suffice for my current requirements.

ElasticSearch Aggregations: subtracting aggregations based upon match

Using a simple albeit somewhat artificial example, let's say that I have several inventory docs stored in ElasticSearch where every document represents either the purchase or the sale of an item:
{item_id: "foobar", type: "cost", value: 12.34, timestamp:149382734621},
{item_id: "bizbaz", type: "sale", value: 45.12, timestamp:149383464621},
{item_id: "foobar", type: "sale", value: 32.74, timestamp:149384824621},
{item_id: "foobar", type: "cost", value: 12.34, timestamp:149387435621},
{item_id: "bizbaz", type: "sale", value: 45.12, timestamp:149388434621},
{item_id: "bizbaz", type: "cost", value: 41.23, timestamp:149389424621},
{item_id: "foobar", type: "sale", value: 32.74, timestamp:149389914621},
{item_id: "waahoo", type: "sale", value: 11.23, timestamp:149389914621},
And for a specified time range I want to calculate the current profit for each item. So for example I would want to return:
foobar_profit = sum(value of all documents item_id="foobar" and type="sale")
-sum(value of all documents item_id="foobar" and type="cost")
bizbaz_profit = sum(value of all documents item_id="bizbaz" and type="sale")
-sum(value of all documents item_id="bizbaz" and type="cost")
There are two aspects that I don't yet understand how to achieve.
I know how to aggregate over terms, so this would allow me to sum the value of of all "foobar" items regardless of type. But I don't know how to sum over all documents that match on two fields. For instance, I want to aggregate the above data set on the compound key (item_id,type). The dataset above would then yield the aggregations:
Presuming I can do #1, I will have aggregations like foobar_cost and foobar_sale. But I don't know how to combine two aggregations so that in this case foobar_profit = foobar_sale - foobar_cost. So the above aggregations would become
Some final notes:
In the example above, I only list 3 item_ids, but consider that there will be thousands of item_ids, so I can't do special-case queries per item_id.
Also, for a particular item, the cost and sale items will come in at different times, so we can't put the cost and sale price in the same document and diff the fields.
I can send back all the data and do the last step of the aggregations client side, but this might be a ton of data. Really, I need to do it on server side if possible so that I can sort the results by profit and return the top N.
You can just use nested aggregations. See here for a working example: https://gist.github.com/mattweber/71033b1bf2ebed1afd8e
I use a MatchAll Query in this example but you can replace that with a RangeQuery or whatever you need.
