Ordering nodes in Graphviz - graphviz

I'm trying to get Graphviz to order nodes that share a common node, but not entirely the same path. In my example I have 5 leaf nodes, all connected to the same parent.
Not only are they out of order though, they also do not share the same pathways. Three leafs arrive via one route, the other two via a different one(I'm not sure whether that even matters)
I tried setting 'ordering=in/out' and similar but so far couldn't figure out how to do it. Help would be very much appreciated.
My example tree:
strict digraph "so example" {
"0" -> "3" -> "4" -> "5" -> "C";
"0" -> "3" -> "4" -> "5" -> "A";
"0" -> "6" -> "7" -> "5" -> "E";
"0" -> "6" -> "7" -> "5" -> "D";
"0" -> "6" -> "7" -> "5" -> "B";
What I'm looking for is a way to show A, B, C, D and E in order, top to bottom.

Ordering the nodes in the desired order should do the trick:
strict digraph "so example" {
"0" -> "3" -> "4" -> "5" -> "A";
"0" -> "3" -> "4" -> "5" -> "B";
"0" -> "6" -> "7" -> "5" -> "C";
"0" -> "6" -> "7" -> "5" -> "D";
"0" -> "6" -> "7" -> "5" -> "E";
Or even shorter:
strict digraph "so example" {
"0" -> "3" -> "4" -> "5" -> {A; B; C; D; E;}
"0" -> "6" -> "7" -> "5";


All possible paths algorithm

I'm not very comfortable with math algorithms, and would need to use one for a project I'm working on. I have found answers for point A to point B, but none that really match what I'm looking for. I am looking for the best time efficient algorithm to accomplish this task:
For an input :
Points {
[Bridge]Points = {
"AB-1" = {"A", "B"}
"AB-2" = {"A", "B"}
"BA-1" = {"B", "A"}
"BA-2" = {"B", "A"}
"AC-1" = {"A", "C"}
"AC-2" = {"A", "C"}
"CA-1" = {"C", "A"}
"CA-2" = {"C", "A"}
"BC-1" = {"B", "C"}
"BC-2" = {"B", "C"}
"CB-1" = {"C", "B"}
"CB-2" = {"C", "B"}
Each "bridge" represent 2 "points" : First value is an "in" and the second in an "out".
Each path can use each unique bridge only once.
Different bridges can have the same in/out (like "BC-1","BC-2", ..), and each unique bridge must have a different in and out ("AA-1" = {"A", "A"} is not possible).
The goal is to obtain EVERY POSSIBLE paths given a start point and an end point, which can be the same points (A->A, B->B, ..).
For A to A expected output :
AB-1 -> BA-1
AB-1 -> BA-2
AB-2 -> BA-1
AC-1 -> CA-2
AB-1 -> BA-1 -> AB-2 -> BA-2
AB-1 -> BA-2 -> AC-1 -> CB-2 -> BA-1
AC-2 -> CA-1 -> AB-1 -> BA-2
AC-1 -> CA-1 -> AB-2 -> BC-1 -> CA-2
Also, the possibility of defining a maximum path length (to avoid subsequent processing within the algorithm) would be optional but very interesting.
Thanking you for your time, I would very much appreciate your advice.
One could use a recursion like this (pseudo code):
findPath(from, to, path_to_from) {
if from == to { output path_to_from }
for all bridges going out from 'from' that were not already used in path_to_from {
findPath(bridge.out, to, path_to_from + bridge)
and call it with findPath(A, B, empty_path) to output all paths from A to B.

How to change a property attached to the whole graph

Does anyone know how to change graph property "Norm". A command;
G = SetProperty[G, "GraphProperties" -> {"Norm" -> 1}]
doesn't work as I expected. Here is the graph constructor;
G = Graph[{Property[1, "Potential" -> 11],2,3,4},
{Property[2 -> 1, "PreferenceIntensity" -> 5], 3 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 1 -> 4},
EdgeWeight -> {5, 3, 4, 2},
Properties -> {"GraphProperties" -> {"Norm" -> 5}},
VertexLabels -> "Name", ImagePadding -> 10] ;
In[1]:= g = Graph[{1 \[DirectedEdge] 2, 2 \[DirectedEdge] 3, 3 \[DirectedEdge] 1},
Properties -> {"GraphProperties" -> {"Norm" -> 1}}];
g2 = SetProperty[g, Properties -> {"GraphProperties" -> {"Norm" -> 5}}];
PropertyValue[#, "Norm"] & /# {g, g2}
Out[1]= {1, 5}
This may work:
Graph[G, Properties -> {"GraphProperties" -> {"Norm" -> 1}}]
Generally you should avoid creating symbol names that start with a capital letter, so use g in the future.

How would you do a PivotTable function in Mathematica?

PivotTables in Excel (or, cross tabulations) are quite useful. Has anyone already thought about how to implement a similar function in Mathematica?
I am not familiar with the use of pivot tables, but taking the example on the page linked above, I propose this:
key = # -> #2[[1]] & ~MapIndexed~
{"Region", "Gender", "Style", "Ship Date", "Units", "Price", "Cost"};
choices = {
{"North", "South", "East", "West"},
{"Boy", "Girl"},
{"Tee", "Golf", "Fancy"},
IntegerString[#, 10, 2] <> "/2011" & /# Range#12,
Range[8.00, 15.00, 0.01],
Range[6.00, 14.00, 0.01]
data = RandomChoice[#, 150] & /# choices // Transpose;
This creates data that looks like:
{"East", "Girl", "Golf", "03/2011", 6, 12.29`, 6.18`},
{"West", "Boy", "Fancy", "08/2011", 6, 13.01`, 12.39`},
{"North", "Girl", "Golf", "05/2011", 1, 14.87`, 12.89`},
{"East", "Girl", "Golf", "09/2011", 3, 13.99`, 6.25`},
{"North", "Girl", "Golf", "09/2011", 13, 12.66`, 8.57`},
{"East", "Boy", "Fancy", "10/2011", 2, 14.46`, 6.85`},
{"South", "Boy", "Golf", "11/2011", 13, 12.45`, 11.23`}
h1 = Union#data[[All, "Region" /. key]];
h2 = Union#data[[All, "Ship Date" /. key]];
Sow[#[[{"Units", "Ship Date"} /. key]], #[["Region" /. key]]] & ~Scan~ data,
Reap[Sow ### #2, h2, Total # #2 &][[2]] &
TableForm[Join ## %, TableHeadings -> {h1, h2}]
This is a rough example, but it gives an idea of how this may be done. If you have more specific requirements I will attempt to address them.
Here is an update in the manner of Sjoerd's answer.
The Manipulate block is largely copied, but I believe my pivotTableData is more efficient, and I sought to localize symbols correctly, since this is now presented as usable code rather than a rough example.
I start with the same sample data, but I embed the field headings, since I feel this is more representative of normal use.
data = ImportString[#, "TSV"][[1]] & /# Flatten[Import["http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/CPS_85_Wages"][[28 ;; -7]]];
data = Transpose[{
data[[All, 1]],
data[[All, 2]] /. {1 -> "South", 0 -> "Elsewhere"},
data[[All, 3]] /. {1 -> "Female", 0 -> "Male"},
data[[All, 4]],
data[[All, 5]] /. {1 -> "Union Member", 0 -> "No member"},
data[[All, 6]],
data[[All, 7]],
data[[All, 8]] /. {1 -> "Other", 2 -> "Hispanic", 3 -> "White"},
data[[All, 9]] /. {1 -> "Management", 2 -> "Sales", 3 -> "Clerical", 4 -> "Service", 5 -> "Professional", 6 -> "Other"},
data[[All, 10]] /. {0 -> "Other", 1 -> "Manufacturing", 2 -> "Construction"},
data[[All, 11]] /. {1 -> "Married", 0 -> "Unmarried"}
{"Education", "South", "Sex", "Experience", "Union", "Wage", "Age", "Race", "Occupation", "Sector", "Marriatal status"}
My pivotTableData is self contained.
pivotTableData[data_, field1_, field2_, dependent_, op_] :=
Module[{key, sow, h1, h2, ff},
(key## = #2[[1]]) & ~MapIndexed~ data[[1]];
sow = #[[key /# {dependent, field2}]] ~Sow~ #[[key#field1]] &;
{h1, h2} = Union#data[[2 ;;, key##]] & /# {field1, field2};
ff = # /. {{} -> Missing#"NotAvailable", _ :> op ## #} &;
{h1, h2},
Join ## Reap[sow ~Scan~ Rest#data, h1, ff /# Reap[Sow ### #2, h2][[2]] &][[2]]
pivotTable relies only on pivotTableData:
pivotTable[data_?MatrixQ] :=
DynamicModule[{raw, t, header = data[[1]], opList =
{Mean -> "Mean of \[Rule]",
Total -> "Sum of \[Rule]",
Length -> "Count of \[Rule]",
StandardDeviation -> "SD of \[Rule]",
Min -> "Min of \[Rule]",
Max -> "Max of \[Rule]"}},
raw = pivotTableData[data, f1, f2, f3, op];
t = ConstantArray["", Length /# raw[[1]] + 2];
t[[1, 1]] = Control[{op, opList}];
t[[1, 3]] = Control[{f2, header}];
t[[2, 1]] = Control[{f1, header}];
t[[1, 2]] = Control[{f3, header}];
{{t[[3 ;; -1, 1]], t[[2, 3 ;; -1]]}, t[[3 ;; -1, 3 ;; -1]]} = raw;
TableView[N#t, Dividers -> All],
Initialization :> {op = Mean, f1 = data[[1,1]], f2 = data[[1,2]], f3 = data[[1,3]]}
Use is simply:
A quick-and-dirty pivot table visualization:
I'll start with a more interesting real-life data set:
data = ImportString[#, "TSV"][[1]] & /#
Flatten[Import["http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/datasets/CPS_85_Wages"][[28 ;; -7]]
A bit of post-processing:
data =
data[[All, 1]],
data[[All, 2]] /. {1 -> "South", 0 -> "Elsewhere"},
data[[All, 3]] /. {1 -> "Female", 0 -> "Male"},
data[[All, 4]],
data[[All, 5]] /. {1 -> "Union Member", 0 -> "No member"},
data[[All, 6]],
data[[All, 7]],
data[[All, 8]] /. {1 -> "Other", 2 -> "Hispanic", 3 -> "White"},
data[[All, 9]] /. {1 -> "Management", 2 -> "Sales", 3 -> "Clerical",
4 -> "Service", 5 -> "Professional", 6 -> "Other"},
data[[All, 10]] /. {0 -> "Other", 1 -> "Manufacturing", 2 -> "Construction"},
data[[All, 11]] /. {1 -> "Married", 0 -> "Unmarried"}
header = {"Education", "South", "Sex", "Experience", "Union", "Wage",
"Age", "Race", "Occupation", "Sector", "Marriatal status"};
MapIndexed[(headerNumber[#1] = #2[[1]]) &, header];
levelNames = Union /# Transpose[data];
levelLength = Length /# levelNames;
Now for the real stuff. It also uses the function SelectEquivalents defined in What is in your Mathematica tool bag?
pivotTableData[levelName1_, levelName2_, dependent_, op_] :=
FinalFunction -> (If[Length[#] == 0, Missing["NotAvailable"], op[# // Flatten]] &),
TagPattern ->
_?(#[[headerNumber[levelName1]]] == levelMember1 &&
#[[headerNumber[levelName2]]] == levelMember2 &),
TransformElement -> (#[[headerNumber[dependent]]] &)
{levelMember1, levelNames[[headerNumber[levelName1]]]},
{levelMember2, levelNames[[headerNumber[levelName2]]]}
{opList =
{Mean ->"Mean of \[Rule]", Total ->"Sum of \[Rule]", Length ->"Count of \[Rule]",
StandardDeviation -> "SD of \[Rule]", Min -> "Min of \[Rule]",
Max -> "Max of \[Rule]"
}, t},
t[[3 ;; -1, 1]] = levelNames[[headerNumber[h1]]];
t[[2, 3 ;; -1]] = levelNames[[headerNumber[h2]]];
t[[1, 1]] = Control[{op, opList}];
t[[1, 3]] = Control[{h2, header}];
t[[2, 1]] = Control[{h1, header}];
t[[1, 2]] = Control[{h3, header}];
t[[3 ;; -1, 3 ;; -1]] = pivotTableData[h1, h2, h3, op] // N;
TableView[t, Dividers -> All],
Initialization :> {op = Mean, h1 = "Sector", h2 = "Union", h3 = "Wage"}
There's still a bit of work to do. The DynamicModule should be turned into a fully standalone function, with the header stuff more streamlined, but this should be sufficient for a first impression.
#Mr.Wizard's answer is indeed robust and long-lasting as it grounds on ReapSow method suitable for some map reduce jobs in Mathematica. Due to the fact that MMA itself develops, consider a new option as well.
GroupBy (introduced in Mathematica v.10.0) provides a generalization of the map reduce operation.
So, the above data job may be implemented as follows (partly an overkill for readability):
headings = Union # data[[All, #]] & /# {1, 4}
{{"East", "North", "South", "West"}, {"01/2011", "02/2011", "03/2011",
"04/2011", "05/2011", "06/2011", "07/2011", "08/2011", "09/2011",
"10/2011", "11/2011", "12/2011"}}
We may use Outer to set up a rectangular template for TableForm:
template = Outer[List, Apply[Sequence][headings]];
Main job with GroupBy and Total as third argument:
pattern = Append[Normal #
GroupBy[data, (#[[{1, 4}]] &) -> (#[[-1]] &), Total],
_ -> Null];
Finally, inject pattern into template (and apply TableForm headings for beauty):
TableForm[Replace[template, pattern, {2}], TableHeadings -> headings]
This outputs some:
Note: we have made a total of last column in data. (Many other aggregations are, of course, possible.)
Use http://www.wolfram.com/products/applications/excel_link/ , this way you have the best of both worlds. This product creates a flawless link between Excel and mma, 2-ways.
Here's what I've come up with. It uses the function SelectEquivalents defined in What is in your Mathematica tool bag?. Function1 and Function2 are meant to have different grouping possibilities of criteria1 and criteria2. FilterFunction is here in order to define an arbitrary filter formula on the data based on the header names.
Using the data example of Mr. Wizard here are some usages of this function.
criteria={"Region", "Gender", "Style", "Ship Date", "Units", "Price", "Cost"};
criteria1 = "Region";
criteria2 = "Ship Date";
consideredData = "Units";
A neat example
function2 = If[ToExpression#StringTake[#, 2] <= 6, "First Semester", "Second Semester"] &;
Here's the definition of the function
keysToIndex[keys_] :=
(keyIndex[#1] = #2[[1]])&~MapIndexed~keys;
InverseFlatten[l_,dimensions_]:= Fold[Partition[#, #2] &, l, Most[Reverse[dimensions]]];
Options[PivotTable]={Function1->Identity,Function2->Identity,FilterFunction->(True &),AggregationFunction->Total,FormatOutput->True};
Module[{criteriaIndex, criteria1Index, criteria2Index, consideredDataIndex, criteria1Function, criteria2Function, filterFunctionTranslated, filteredResult, keys1, keys1Index, keys2, keys2Index, resultTable, function1, function2, filterFunction, aggregationFunction, formatOutput,p,sharp},
function1 = OptionValue#Function1;
function2 = OptionValue#Function2;
filterFunction = OptionValue#FilterFunction;
aggregationFunction = OptionValue#AggregationFunction;
filterFunctionTranslated = filterFunction/.(# -> p[sharp, criteriaIndex##]& /# criteria /. sharp -> #)/.p->Part;
TagPattern->Flatten[Outer[List, keys1, keys2], 1]
FinalFunction-> (InverseFlatten[Flatten[#/.{}->Missing[]],{Length#keys1,Length#keys2}]&)
I little latter in the game. Here is another self contained solution with object like form.
Using random data created by #Mr.Wizard:
key = # -> #2[[1]] & ~MapIndexed~
{"Region", "Gender", "Style", "Ship Date", "Units", "Price", "Cost"};
choices = {
{"North", "South", "East", "West"},
{"Boy", "Girl"},
{"Tee", "Golf", "Fancy"},
IntegerString[#, 10, 2] <> "/2011" & /# Range#12,
Range[8.00, 15.00, 0.01],
Range[6.00, 14.00, 0.01]
data = RandomChoice[#, 5000] & /# choices // Transpose;
Using an MapIndexed and SparseArray as key functions, here is the code:
Options[createPivotTable]={"RowColValueHeads"-> {1,2,3},"Function"-> Total};
pivot["Row"]= Union#data[[All,r]];
pivot["Col"]= Union#data[[All,c]];
rowRule= Dispatch[#->#2[[1]]&~MapIndexed~pivot["Row"]];
colRule= Dispatch[#->#2[[1]]&~MapIndexed~pivot["Col"]];
pivot["Table"]=TableForm[pivot["Data"], TableHeadings -> {pivot["Row"], pivot["Col"]}];
That you can use as:
pivot=createPivotTable[data,"RowColValueHeads"-> ({"Ship Date","Region","Units"}/.key)];
To get:
I believe that the speed is faster than #Ms.Wizard, but I have to make a better test, and don't have time now.

Is there a functional programming concept equivalent to the flip-flop operator in Perl or Ruby?

Ruby (and Perl) has a concept of the flip flop:
file = File.open("ordinal")
while file.gets
print if ($_ =~ /third/) .. ($_ =~ /fifth/)
which given a list of ordinals, such as
would start printing when it reached "third" and stop when it reached "fifth":
Is there a functional programming concept analogous to this, or would this normally be described in terms of takewhiles? I'm not asking about a particular language, just what term you'd use to describe it.
In a functional language such as haskell, you would pass in the flip and flop conditions as predicates, and filter an input list based on it. For example, the following is a definition of flipflop in haskell (don't worry about the implementation if you don't know haskell - the key part is how it is used):
flipflop flip flop =
uncurry (++) . second (take 1) . break flop . dropWhile (not . flip)
This is how it can be used:
> flipflop (== 3) (== 5) [1..10]
It is an example of making an effectively new language construct just by using higher ordered function.
I don't know if there is a special name for that construct in functional languages.
Depends on functional language. How about this?
ff_gen =
lambda{ |first, *conditions|
flipflop = false
condition = first
lambda{ |v|
if condition && condition[v]
condition = conditions.shift
flipflop = !flipflop
ff = ff_gen[lambda{|v| v == 3}, lambda{|v| v == 5}, lambda{|v| v == 7}, lambda{|v| v == 11}]
puts (0..20).select{ |i| ff[i] }.inspect # => [3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
Added: Of course, Ruby is not a pure functional language, so I decided to rewrite it in Erlang:
#!/usr/bin/env escript
flipflop(E, {[H|T] = Conditions, FlipFlop}) ->
case H(E) of
true ->
{true, {T, not FlipFlop}};
false ->
{FlipFlop, {Conditions, FlipFlop}}
flipflop(_, {[], FlipFlop}) ->
{FlipFlop, {[], FlipFlop}}.
flipflop_init(Conditions) ->
{[], {Conditions, false}}.
main([]) ->
{L, _} =
fun(E, {L2, FFState}) ->
case flipflop(E, FFState) of
{true, FFState2} ->
{[E|L2], FFState2};
{false, FFState2} ->
{L2, FFState2}
fun(E) -> E == 3 end,
fun(E) -> E == 5 end,
fun(E) -> E == 7 end,
fun(E) -> E == 11 end
io:format("~p~n", [lists:reverse(L)]),
Note: In fact, classic flip-flop should work like dropwhile(!first) -> takewhile(!second), so Ruby's flip-flop is ad hoc one (compare with flip-flop in electronics).
Same as #nanothief's solution, but in Scala:
def flipFlop[A](flip: A => Boolean, flop: A => Boolean, seq: Seq[A]): Seq[A] = {
val (p, q) = seq.dropWhile(!flip(_)).span(!flop(_))
p ++ q.take(1)
Sample runs:
> flipFlop[Int](_ == 3, _ == 5, Nil)
> flipFlop[Int](_ == 3, _ == 5, 1 to 19)
Vector(3, 4, 5)

TableForm with TableHeadings aligned to Left but the content of table aligned to Right

TableForm with TableHeadings option is a quick and easy way to display good-looking classical table in Mathematica FrontEnd. The only problem is that it is common to display such a table with headings aligned to the left but the content of the table aligned to the right. Is it possible to force TableForm to behave in this way? Or if not, what is the best way to make an analog of TableForm that behaves in this way?
You can use Grid and Alignment. Here is one way:
a = Map[Mod[RandomInteger[2*^9], 10^#] &, RandomInteger[{1, 6}, {4, 7}], {2}];
b = Item[#, Alignment -> Left] & /#
{"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven"};
Grid[a~Prepend~b, Alignment -> Right]
Here is another:
headings = {"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven"};
Grid[a ~Prepend~ headings,
Dividers -> {None, {2 -> True}},
Alignment -> {Right, Automatic, {{1, 1}, {1, -1}} -> Left}
It appears that one way to do this is:
TableForm[RandomReal[{-10, 10}, {3, 3}],
TableHeadings -> {{"First left header", "Second left header",
"Trird left header"}, {"First top header", "Second top header",
"Third top header"}}]] /. (ColumnAlignments -> _) ->
ColumnAlignments -> {Left, Right}]
One can make such behavior permanent using Villegas-Gayley trick:
TableForm[args___] /; ! TrueQ#$inTableForm :=
Block[{$inTableForm = True},
RawBoxes[ToBoxes[TableForm[args]] /. (ColumnAlignments -> _) ->
ColumnAlignments -> {Left, Right}]]
TableForm[RandomReal[{-10, 10}, {3, 3}],
TableHeadings -> {{"First left header", "Second left header",
"Third left header"}, {"First top header", "Second top header",
"Third top header"}}]
Another way is to define alternative function myTableForm:
myTableForm[args___] :=
RawBoxes[ToBoxes[TableForm[args]] /. (ColumnAlignments -> _) ->
ColumnAlignments -> {Left, {Right}}]
You can get far more control using Grid or GridBox if TableForm doesn't do what you like.
