How would you do a PivotTable function in Mathematica? - wolfram-mathematica

PivotTables in Excel (or, cross tabulations) are quite useful. Has anyone already thought about how to implement a similar function in Mathematica?

I am not familiar with the use of pivot tables, but taking the example on the page linked above, I propose this:
key = # -> #2[[1]] & ~MapIndexed~
{"Region", "Gender", "Style", "Ship Date", "Units", "Price", "Cost"};
choices = {
{"North", "South", "East", "West"},
{"Boy", "Girl"},
{"Tee", "Golf", "Fancy"},
IntegerString[#, 10, 2] <> "/2011" & /# Range#12,
Range[8.00, 15.00, 0.01],
Range[6.00, 14.00, 0.01]
data = RandomChoice[#, 150] & /# choices // Transpose;
This creates data that looks like:
{"East", "Girl", "Golf", "03/2011", 6, 12.29`, 6.18`},
{"West", "Boy", "Fancy", "08/2011", 6, 13.01`, 12.39`},
{"North", "Girl", "Golf", "05/2011", 1, 14.87`, 12.89`},
{"East", "Girl", "Golf", "09/2011", 3, 13.99`, 6.25`},
{"North", "Girl", "Golf", "09/2011", 13, 12.66`, 8.57`},
{"East", "Boy", "Fancy", "10/2011", 2, 14.46`, 6.85`},
{"South", "Boy", "Golf", "11/2011", 13, 12.45`, 11.23`}
h1 = Union#data[[All, "Region" /. key]];
h2 = Union#data[[All, "Ship Date" /. key]];
Sow[#[[{"Units", "Ship Date"} /. key]], #[["Region" /. key]]] & ~Scan~ data,
Reap[Sow ### #2, h2, Total # #2 &][[2]] &
TableForm[Join ## %, TableHeadings -> {h1, h2}]
This is a rough example, but it gives an idea of how this may be done. If you have more specific requirements I will attempt to address them.
Here is an update in the manner of Sjoerd's answer.
The Manipulate block is largely copied, but I believe my pivotTableData is more efficient, and I sought to localize symbols correctly, since this is now presented as usable code rather than a rough example.
I start with the same sample data, but I embed the field headings, since I feel this is more representative of normal use.
data = ImportString[#, "TSV"][[1]] & /# Flatten[Import[""][[28 ;; -7]]];
data = Transpose[{
data[[All, 1]],
data[[All, 2]] /. {1 -> "South", 0 -> "Elsewhere"},
data[[All, 3]] /. {1 -> "Female", 0 -> "Male"},
data[[All, 4]],
data[[All, 5]] /. {1 -> "Union Member", 0 -> "No member"},
data[[All, 6]],
data[[All, 7]],
data[[All, 8]] /. {1 -> "Other", 2 -> "Hispanic", 3 -> "White"},
data[[All, 9]] /. {1 -> "Management", 2 -> "Sales", 3 -> "Clerical", 4 -> "Service", 5 -> "Professional", 6 -> "Other"},
data[[All, 10]] /. {0 -> "Other", 1 -> "Manufacturing", 2 -> "Construction"},
data[[All, 11]] /. {1 -> "Married", 0 -> "Unmarried"}
{"Education", "South", "Sex", "Experience", "Union", "Wage", "Age", "Race", "Occupation", "Sector", "Marriatal status"}
My pivotTableData is self contained.
pivotTableData[data_, field1_, field2_, dependent_, op_] :=
Module[{key, sow, h1, h2, ff},
(key## = #2[[1]]) & ~MapIndexed~ data[[1]];
sow = #[[key /# {dependent, field2}]] ~Sow~ #[[key#field1]] &;
{h1, h2} = Union#data[[2 ;;, key##]] & /# {field1, field2};
ff = # /. {{} -> Missing#"NotAvailable", _ :> op ## #} &;
{h1, h2},
Join ## Reap[sow ~Scan~ Rest#data, h1, ff /# Reap[Sow ### #2, h2][[2]] &][[2]]
pivotTable relies only on pivotTableData:
pivotTable[data_?MatrixQ] :=
DynamicModule[{raw, t, header = data[[1]], opList =
{Mean -> "Mean of \[Rule]",
Total -> "Sum of \[Rule]",
Length -> "Count of \[Rule]",
StandardDeviation -> "SD of \[Rule]",
Min -> "Min of \[Rule]",
Max -> "Max of \[Rule]"}},
raw = pivotTableData[data, f1, f2, f3, op];
t = ConstantArray["", Length /# raw[[1]] + 2];
t[[1, 1]] = Control[{op, opList}];
t[[1, 3]] = Control[{f2, header}];
t[[2, 1]] = Control[{f1, header}];
t[[1, 2]] = Control[{f3, header}];
{{t[[3 ;; -1, 1]], t[[2, 3 ;; -1]]}, t[[3 ;; -1, 3 ;; -1]]} = raw;
TableView[N#t, Dividers -> All],
Initialization :> {op = Mean, f1 = data[[1,1]], f2 = data[[1,2]], f3 = data[[1,3]]}
Use is simply:

A quick-and-dirty pivot table visualization:
I'll start with a more interesting real-life data set:
data = ImportString[#, "TSV"][[1]] & /#
Flatten[Import[""][[28 ;; -7]]
A bit of post-processing:
data =
data[[All, 1]],
data[[All, 2]] /. {1 -> "South", 0 -> "Elsewhere"},
data[[All, 3]] /. {1 -> "Female", 0 -> "Male"},
data[[All, 4]],
data[[All, 5]] /. {1 -> "Union Member", 0 -> "No member"},
data[[All, 6]],
data[[All, 7]],
data[[All, 8]] /. {1 -> "Other", 2 -> "Hispanic", 3 -> "White"},
data[[All, 9]] /. {1 -> "Management", 2 -> "Sales", 3 -> "Clerical",
4 -> "Service", 5 -> "Professional", 6 -> "Other"},
data[[All, 10]] /. {0 -> "Other", 1 -> "Manufacturing", 2 -> "Construction"},
data[[All, 11]] /. {1 -> "Married", 0 -> "Unmarried"}
header = {"Education", "South", "Sex", "Experience", "Union", "Wage",
"Age", "Race", "Occupation", "Sector", "Marriatal status"};
MapIndexed[(headerNumber[#1] = #2[[1]]) &, header];
levelNames = Union /# Transpose[data];
levelLength = Length /# levelNames;
Now for the real stuff. It also uses the function SelectEquivalents defined in What is in your Mathematica tool bag?
pivotTableData[levelName1_, levelName2_, dependent_, op_] :=
FinalFunction -> (If[Length[#] == 0, Missing["NotAvailable"], op[# // Flatten]] &),
TagPattern ->
_?(#[[headerNumber[levelName1]]] == levelMember1 &&
#[[headerNumber[levelName2]]] == levelMember2 &),
TransformElement -> (#[[headerNumber[dependent]]] &)
{levelMember1, levelNames[[headerNumber[levelName1]]]},
{levelMember2, levelNames[[headerNumber[levelName2]]]}
{opList =
{Mean ->"Mean of \[Rule]", Total ->"Sum of \[Rule]", Length ->"Count of \[Rule]",
StandardDeviation -> "SD of \[Rule]", Min -> "Min of \[Rule]",
Max -> "Max of \[Rule]"
}, t},
t[[3 ;; -1, 1]] = levelNames[[headerNumber[h1]]];
t[[2, 3 ;; -1]] = levelNames[[headerNumber[h2]]];
t[[1, 1]] = Control[{op, opList}];
t[[1, 3]] = Control[{h2, header}];
t[[2, 1]] = Control[{h1, header}];
t[[1, 2]] = Control[{h3, header}];
t[[3 ;; -1, 3 ;; -1]] = pivotTableData[h1, h2, h3, op] // N;
TableView[t, Dividers -> All],
Initialization :> {op = Mean, h1 = "Sector", h2 = "Union", h3 = "Wage"}
There's still a bit of work to do. The DynamicModule should be turned into a fully standalone function, with the header stuff more streamlined, but this should be sufficient for a first impression.

#Mr.Wizard's answer is indeed robust and long-lasting as it grounds on ReapSow method suitable for some map reduce jobs in Mathematica. Due to the fact that MMA itself develops, consider a new option as well.
GroupBy (introduced in Mathematica v.10.0) provides a generalization of the map reduce operation.
So, the above data job may be implemented as follows (partly an overkill for readability):
headings = Union # data[[All, #]] & /# {1, 4}
{{"East", "North", "South", "West"}, {"01/2011", "02/2011", "03/2011",
"04/2011", "05/2011", "06/2011", "07/2011", "08/2011", "09/2011",
"10/2011", "11/2011", "12/2011"}}
We may use Outer to set up a rectangular template for TableForm:
template = Outer[List, Apply[Sequence][headings]];
Main job with GroupBy and Total as third argument:
pattern = Append[Normal #
GroupBy[data, (#[[{1, 4}]] &) -> (#[[-1]] &), Total],
_ -> Null];
Finally, inject pattern into template (and apply TableForm headings for beauty):
TableForm[Replace[template, pattern, {2}], TableHeadings -> headings]
This outputs some:
Note: we have made a total of last column in data. (Many other aggregations are, of course, possible.)

Use , this way you have the best of both worlds. This product creates a flawless link between Excel and mma, 2-ways.

Here's what I've come up with. It uses the function SelectEquivalents defined in What is in your Mathematica tool bag?. Function1 and Function2 are meant to have different grouping possibilities of criteria1 and criteria2. FilterFunction is here in order to define an arbitrary filter formula on the data based on the header names.
Using the data example of Mr. Wizard here are some usages of this function.
criteria={"Region", "Gender", "Style", "Ship Date", "Units", "Price", "Cost"};
criteria1 = "Region";
criteria2 = "Ship Date";
consideredData = "Units";
A neat example
function2 = If[ToExpression#StringTake[#, 2] <= 6, "First Semester", "Second Semester"] &;
Here's the definition of the function
keysToIndex[keys_] :=
(keyIndex[#1] = #2[[1]])&~MapIndexed~keys;
InverseFlatten[l_,dimensions_]:= Fold[Partition[#, #2] &, l, Most[Reverse[dimensions]]];
Options[PivotTable]={Function1->Identity,Function2->Identity,FilterFunction->(True &),AggregationFunction->Total,FormatOutput->True};
Module[{criteriaIndex, criteria1Index, criteria2Index, consideredDataIndex, criteria1Function, criteria2Function, filterFunctionTranslated, filteredResult, keys1, keys1Index, keys2, keys2Index, resultTable, function1, function2, filterFunction, aggregationFunction, formatOutput,p,sharp},
function1 = OptionValue#Function1;
function2 = OptionValue#Function2;
filterFunction = OptionValue#FilterFunction;
aggregationFunction = OptionValue#AggregationFunction;
filterFunctionTranslated = filterFunction/.(# -> p[sharp, criteriaIndex##]& /# criteria /. sharp -> #)/.p->Part;
TagPattern->Flatten[Outer[List, keys1, keys2], 1]
FinalFunction-> (InverseFlatten[Flatten[#/.{}->Missing[]],{Length#keys1,Length#keys2}]&)

I little latter in the game. Here is another self contained solution with object like form.
Using random data created by #Mr.Wizard:
key = # -> #2[[1]] & ~MapIndexed~
{"Region", "Gender", "Style", "Ship Date", "Units", "Price", "Cost"};
choices = {
{"North", "South", "East", "West"},
{"Boy", "Girl"},
{"Tee", "Golf", "Fancy"},
IntegerString[#, 10, 2] <> "/2011" & /# Range#12,
Range[8.00, 15.00, 0.01],
Range[6.00, 14.00, 0.01]
data = RandomChoice[#, 5000] & /# choices // Transpose;
Using an MapIndexed and SparseArray as key functions, here is the code:
Options[createPivotTable]={"RowColValueHeads"-> {1,2,3},"Function"-> Total};
pivot["Row"]= Union#data[[All,r]];
pivot["Col"]= Union#data[[All,c]];
rowRule= Dispatch[#->#2[[1]]&~MapIndexed~pivot["Row"]];
colRule= Dispatch[#->#2[[1]]&~MapIndexed~pivot["Col"]];
pivot["Table"]=TableForm[pivot["Data"], TableHeadings -> {pivot["Row"], pivot["Col"]}];
That you can use as:
pivot=createPivotTable[data,"RowColValueHeads"-> ({"Ship Date","Region","Units"}/.key)];
To get:
I believe that the speed is faster than #Ms.Wizard, but I have to make a better test, and don't have time now.


Mathematica not evaluating #1

I defined 2 objects:
Why does this:
f /. x -> #1 &[5]
give me the expected result:
But this:
f /. g &[5]
gives me:
As if the #1 wasn't evaluated to 5.
Please help.
Function (short form &) has attribute HoldAll:
{HoldAll, Protected}
Therefore g remains unevaluated. You can force it with Evaluate:
Evaluate[f /. g] &[5]
Evaluate will not work deeper in the expression; you cannot write f /. Evaluate[g] &
You can make it work by keeping the pure function components together.
f = x^2
g = x -> #1 &
f/. g[5]
To run it over a list form the function before mapping.
f = x^2
g = x -> #1
list = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
b = Block[{a}, Function[f /. a] /. a -> g]
Map[b, list]
{1, 4, 9, 16, 25}
And for the specific problem in the comments...
vars = {x, y};
f = x + y;
g = Table[vars[[i]] -> Slot[i], {i, 1, Length[vars]}];
b = Block[{a}, Function[f /. a] /. a -> g];
list = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}};
Map[b[Sequence ## #] &, list]
{3, 7, 11}
With Mr. Wizard's answer this can become:
vars = {x, y};
f = x + y;
g = Table[vars[[i]] -> Slot[i], {i, 1, Length[vars]}];
list = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}};
Map[Evaluate[f /. g] &[Sequence ## #] &, list]
{3, 7, 11}
Replace g=x->#1 with g=x->#1 & and f /. g &[5] with f/. g[5]

How to avoid asymptotes when I ListPlot a table of data using Mathematica?

I am plotting a table of data using ListPlot in Mathematica. I notice that there are a few asymptotes on the graph which I do not want it to be plotted (i.e. the straight lines between the curves). What should I do to remove the straight lines?
A method from Mark McClure's post here: How to annotate multiple datasets in ListPlots
t = Table[Tan[i], {i, -Pi, Pi, .01}];
plot = ListLinePlot[t];
DeleteCases[plot, Line[_?(Length[#] < 4 &)], Infinity]
t = Table[Tan[i], {i, -Pi, Pi, .01}];
ListPlot[#, Joined -> True] & /# {t, t /. x_ /; Abs#x > 10 -> None}
More robust:
t = Table[Tan[i], {i, -Pi, Pi, .01}];
ao = AbsoluteOptions[ListPlot[t, Joined -> True],PlotRange]/. {_ -> {_,x_}} ->x;
ListPlot[t /. x_ /; (x < ao[[1]] || x > ao[[2]]) -> None, Joined -> True]
t = Table[Tan[i], {i, -Pi, Pi, .01}];
plot = ListLinePlot[t];
Using Position
Position[plot, Line[___], Infinity]
{{1, 1, 3, 2}, {1, 1, 3, 3}, {1, 1, 3, 4}, {1, 1, 3, 5}, {1, 1, 3, 6}}
Using Part:
plot[[1, 1, 3, 5 ;; 6]] = Sequence[]; Show[plot]

Can I check with the Stackoverflow API which SO answerers are sleep-deprived?

In how-do-i-access-the-stackoverflow-api-from-mathematica I outlined how one could use the SO API to get Mathematica to make some interesting reputation graphs of top answerers. Could this API also be used to provide some privacy-invading insights in the answerers' nocturnal habits?
Certainly, for instance using this MMA8 code:
getActionDates[userID_Integer] :=
total =
"total" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID] <> "/timeline?pagesize=1&page=1", "JSON"];
DateList[# + AbsoluteTime["January 1, 1970"]] & /# Join ##
"creation_date" /. ("user_timelines" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID] <> "/timeline?pagesize=100&page=" <>
ToString[p], "JSON"])
, {p, Ceiling[total/100]}
makeWeekHistogram[userID_Integer] :=
dates2Positions =
DateString[#, {"{", "DayNameShort", "+", "Hour", "+", "Minute",
24,Sat->6*24}}"}]] & /# getActionDates[userID] // Flatten;
Histogram[dates2Positions, {1}, "Count",
GridLines -> {Table[24 i, {i, 1, 6}], None},
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial-Bold", FontSize -> 16},
FrameTicks -> {{Automatic,
None}, {{{12, "Sun"}, {24 + 12, "Mon"}, {2 24 + 12,
"Tue"}, {3 24 + 12, "Wed"}, {4 24 + 12, "Thu"}, {5 24 + 12,
"Fri"}, {6 24 + 12, "Sat"}}, None}},
FrameLabel -> {"Day of week", "Number of actions",
First["display_name" /. ("users" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID], "JSON"])], ""}, Frame -> True,
PlotRangePadding -> 0]
makeDayHistogram[userID_Integer] :=
dates2Positions =
ToExpression[DateString[#, {"Hour", "+", "Minute", "/60."}]] & /#
getActionDates[userID] // Flatten;
Histogram[dates2Positions, {1}, "Count",
FrameTicks -> {{Automatic,
None}, {Table[{i + 0.5, i}, {i, 0, 20, 5}], None}},
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial-Bold", FontSize -> 16},
FrameLabel -> {"Hour", "Number of actions",
First["display_name" /. ("users" /.
Import["" <>
ToString[userID], "JSON"])], ""}, Frame -> True,
PlotRangePadding -> 0]
Of course, we only have server time and dates, but the pattern should tell something about localisation, not? Although... Mr.Wizard... you got no life!
Hourly histogram requested by Mr.Wizard:

Graphical Representation of Lists

Say I have three lists: a={1,5,10,15} b={2,4,6,8} and c={1,1,0,1,0}. I want a plot which has a as the x axis, b as the y axis and a red/black dot to mark 1/0. For. e.g. The coordinate (5,4) will have a red dot.
In other words the coordinate (a[i],b[i]) will have a red/black dot depending on whether c[i] is 1 or 0.
I have been trying my hand with ListPlot but can't figure out the options.
I suggest this.
a = {1, 5, 10, 15};
b = {2, 4, 6, 8};
c = {1, 1, 0, 1};
{#, Point#{##2}} & ###
Thread#{c /. {1 -> Red, 0 -> Black}, a, b},
Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> 0
Or shorter but more obfuscated
{Hue[1, 1, #], Point#{##2}} & ### Thread#{c, a, b},
Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> 0
Leonid's idea, perhaps more naive.
f[a_, b_, c_] :=
ListPlot[Pick[Transpose[{a, b}], c, #] & /# {0, 1},
PlotStyle -> {PointSize[Large], {Blue, Red}}]
f[a, b, c]
Edit: Just for fun
f[h_, a_, b_, c_, opt___] :=
h[Pick[Transpose[{a, b}], c, #] & /# {0, 1},
PlotStyle -> {PointSize[Large], {Blue, Red}}, opt]
f[ ListPlot,
Sort#RandomReal[1, 100],
Sin[(2 \[Pi] #)/100] + RandomReal[#/100] & /# Range[100],
RandomInteger[1, 100],
Joined -> True,
InterpolationOrder -> 2,
Filling -> Axis]
Here are your points:
a = {1, 5, 10, 15};
b = {2, 4, 6, 8};
c = {1, 1, 0, 1};
(I deleted the last element from c to make it the same length as a and b). What I'd suggest is to separately make images for points with zeros and ones and then combine them - this seems easiest in this situation:
showPoints[a_, b_, c_] :=
With[{coords = Transpose[{a, b}]},
With[{plotF = ListPlot[Pick[coords, c, #], PlotMarkers -> Automatic, PlotStyle -> #2] &},
Show[MapThread[plotF, {{0, 1}, {Black, Red}}]]]]
Here is the usage:
showPoints[a, b, c]
One possibility:
ListPlot[List /# Transpose[{a, b}],
PlotMarkers -> {1, 1, 0, 1} /. {1 -> { Style[\[FilledCircle], Red], 10},
0 -> { { Style[\[FilledCircle], Black], 10}}},
AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]
Giving as output:
You could obtain similar results (to those of Leonid) using Graphics:
Graphics[{PointSize[.02], Transpose[{(c/. {1 -> Red, 0 -> Black}),
Point /# Transpose[{a, b}]}]},
Axes -> True, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}]

Putting a smooth curve inside of a tube

What is a good way to draw a smooth curve with specified starting and ending point and restricted to be inside of a piecewise linear tube like below?
coords = {1 -> {0, 2}, 2 -> {1/3, 1}, 3 -> {0, 0},
4 -> {(1/3 + 2)/2, 1}, 5 -> {2, 1}, 6 -> {2 + 1/3, 0},
7 -> {2 + 1/3, 2}};
gp = GraphPlot[graph, VertexCoordinateRules -> coords];
pr = {{-1, 3 + 1/3}, {-1 - 1/6, 3 + 1/6}};
scale = 50;
is = -scale*(Subtract ### pr);
lineThickness = 2/3;
graph = {1 -> 2, 3 -> 2, 2 -> 4, 4 -> 5, 5 -> 6, 5 -> 7};
path = {3, 2, 4, 5, 7};
lp = Graphics[{Blue, Opacity[.5],
AbsoluteThickness[lineThickness*scale], Line[path /. coords]}];
Show[lp, gp, PlotRange -> pr, ImageSize -> is]
Perhaps something like this:
coords = {2 -> {1/3, 1}, 1 -> {0, 0}, 3 -> {(1/3 + 2)/2, 1},
4 -> {2, 1}, 5 -> {2 + 1/3, 2}};
pr = {{-1, 3 + 1/3}, {-1 - 1/6, 3 + 1/6}};
scale = 50;
is = -scale*(Subtract ### pr);
lineThickness = 2/3;
graph = {1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5};
gp = GraphPlot[graph, VertexCoordinateRules -> coords];
path = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
f = BezierFunction[
SortBy[coords /. Rule[x_, List[a_, b_]] -> List[a, b], First]];
pp = ParametricPlot[f[t], {t, 0, 1}];
lp = Graphics[{Blue, Opacity[.5],
AbsoluteThickness[lineThickness*scale], Line[path /. coords]}];
Show[pp, lp, gp, PlotRange -> pr, ImageSize -> is]
You may gain a better control over the path by adding/removing control points for the Bezier. As I remember "A Bspline is contained in the convex hull of its control points", so you can add control points inside your thick lines (up and down the middlepoints in actual point set, for example) to bound the Bezier more and more.
The following is a first try to bound the curve. Bad programming, just to get the feeling of what can be done:
coords = {2 -> {1/3, 1}, 1 -> {0, 0}, 3 -> {(1/3 + 2)/2, 1},
4 -> {2, 1}, 5 -> {2 + 1/3, 2}};
pr = {{-1, 3 + 1/3}, {-1 - 1/6, 3 + 1/6}};
scale = 50;
is = -scale*(Subtract ### pr);
lineThickness = 2/3;
graph = {1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, 3 -> 4, 4 -> 5};
gp = GraphPlot[graph, VertexCoordinateRules -> coords];
path = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
kk = SortBy[coords /. Rule[x_, List[y_, z_]] -> List[y, z],
First]; f = BezierFunction[kk];
pp = ParametricPlot[f[t], {t, 0, 1}, Axes -> False];
mp = Table[{a = (kk[[i + 1, 1]] - kk[[i, 1]])/2 + kk[[i, 1]],
Interpolation[{kk[[i]], kk[[i + 1]]}, InterpolationOrder -> 1][
a] + lineThickness/2}, {i, 1, Length[kk] - 1}];
mp2 = mp /. {x_, y_} -> {x, y - lineThickness};
kk1 = SortBy[Union[kk, mp, mp2], First]
g = BezierFunction[kk1];
pp2 = ParametricPlot[g[t], {t, 0, 1}, Axes -> False];
lp = Graphics[{Blue, Opacity[.5],
AbsoluteThickness[lineThickness*scale], Line[path /. coords]}];
Show[pp, pp2, lp, gp, PlotRange -> pr, ImageSize -> is]
Edit 2
Or perhaps better yet:
g1 = Graphics[BSplineCurve[kk1]];
Show[lp, g1, PlotRange -> pr, ImageSize -> is]
This one scales quite well when you enlarge the image (the previous ones don't)
