load balancing in websphere 8.5 - websphere

I have 4 vm machines,
network deployment websphere v 8.5.5
I want to configure vm #4 as load balancer, do you guys know the best way to do this.
I have searched the net but did not find something helpful.
Do you have any idea or links that may help in the load balancer configuration and how to connect it to the admin machine.
What I found that IHS v 8.5.5 may work but I don't know how to configure it.

Check this page: Configuring a web server and an application server on separate machines
You need to:
Install IHS
Install WebSphere Plugin
Configure web server in the web admin console on Deployment manager (I'm assuming that by admin machine you mean machine with Deployment manager).
For easier management you can configure Remote Web server management described here.


How To Add IBM Maximo Websphere host to Windows Server Network Load Balance Cluster?

I'm beginner in Windows Serve Network Load Balance Tool, and I want to add IBM Maximo Instance that hosted on Websphere as a host in Windows Server NBL.
This is example of my ibm maximo domain:
I have tried several ways to do this approach but there is nothing i found.
Can anyone help me.

How to achieve load-balancing and failover between the two application servers through web server in WAS

i am new in WAS so i configured WAS and also web server IHS then i created 2 application server
so through the web server the client can access the application then the traffic over HTTP to one of two application servers i created
integrate web server and 2 application server as an single endpoint then traffic distribute over applications server
like thie img how can i do that
so please can anyone help me in this?
You have to install on IHS the WebSphere Application Server plugin. Then generate the plugin config file. IHS will pass any http requests it cannot resolve to the plugin which will try to resolve to the known applications. If the plugin is not functioning properly then follow the instructions here to collect data and open an IBM Support ticket.

How to configure Tomcat as response to DNS request?

Hope you're all doing fin!
I'm working at a company where the main application is at a web page made with Java. It deploys with Tomcat on a server with Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 O.S. I've recently made some changes on this application, but the development environment is not on Tomcat but on JBoss and the former developers knew how to deploy the development from JBoss to Tomcat, but didn't leave any documentation on how to do that.
My problem is that the DNS server is associated with Tomcat, so my development deployed on JBoss can only be accessed through IP address.
My team and I spoke to the company in charge of the DNS server and it indicated that Tomcat's configuration as DNS response should be made by us, given that this company is only in charge of redirecting the IP without specifying the web server.
In order to solve this problem I have two proposals which I don't know how to implement:
1. Modify the server configuration in order to respond to the DNS server through JBoss, overwriting Tomcat response.
2. Deploy the application made on JBoss on Tomcat server.
I would really appreciate your help with any of these proposals. It is a very important matter for the company.
Thanks a lot beforehand for your help.

Accessing WSO2 ESB, GREG and AS from external machine

I worked over the last weeks with wso2 products using some of the tutorials which were posted on the wso2 site.
Unfortunately I only found tutorials, where all the products run on the same machine.
What do I have to do, if I want to run the products on different machines. I want a configuration where:
- ESB runs on machine 1
- AS and GREG run onmachine 2
- Proxy-services in the ESB or a web servcie in AS are invoked from machine 3
I run these examples on some macs, I think the main problem are the ports which are used. Can somebody help me with the configuration?
Can you elaborate your configurarion problem?
With this configuration you have to be sure that from one server you can ping the another servers and that in each server you have the ports 9443 and 9763 (by default) open to the network. this is the only requirement you need.
What you are trying is nothing new. In a typical production deployment each of the servers run in their own physical/virtual machines.
when you are calling a service, you calling an endpoint uniquely identified by IP address:port/contextPath
If the setup is in the same local machine the IP address would be 'localhost'.
First you have to learn the tcp/ip basics, the question is not related to wso2 servers IMHO.

how to test application deployed in websphere cluster.?

I have create a cluster in websphere and deployed a defaultapplication coming with ibm package to cluster.
Now,i want to test this application to check weather it installed correctly on each member of the cluster or not.
How can i check that on which port it is running i have tried with default port but i fail not get that.
i have installed websphere in machine that have Windows OS.
Thanks in advanced.
i want to ope application that deployed in the cluster, how can i open it??
any idea about this..??
Check the WC_defaulthost port for each of the cluster members. You can find these ports in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console in WAS 6.1 at Servers > Application Servers > [serverName] > Communications > Ports.
