Uniquely identify a unix process - bash

I'm currently writing a bash script to kill a process and then start it again.
I'm using
ps -ef | grep Cp1252
to return the list of processes based on the file encoding.
Finding the process based on file encoding is not ideal, as other processes may also have this string.
I need to uniquely identify two processes, but they have quite generic process names:
My question is, is there any way to add a flag or a unique identifier to a process?
Or indeed, is there any other way I can solve this issue?
I found a solution to my problem, I found that I can use the PPID to uniquely identify each process. The command name of the process associated with the PPID is distinctive enough so that I can tell what is a normal Java process, and what it is that I want to restart.
Thanks for all your help anyway, it certainly helped me to narrow down the alternatives! :-)

You could write a helper script to start the process and record the pid in a file. Just make sure to delete the file when the process stops (which could be done by the wrapper again).
something like
# optionally check if pid-file exists
if [ -e ${PIDFILE} ]; then
echo "${PIDFILE} already exists, assuming ${COMMAND} already running"
exit 1;
echo ${WAITPID} > "${PIDFILE}"
# cleanup on signal
# optionally wait for the program to be done
wait ${WAITPID}
rm "${PIDFILE}"
so to restart your process, just read the pid from /path/to/pid-file and send the appropriate signal.
If you can modify the source code of the processes you run, I recommend adding an option to record the pid from within the process itself.


How to make a simple shell script that checks if the system has a process with the name specified?

Pretty much a script that checks if the system has a process with the name specified. If it does find any of the processes, it kills all of them, reporting how many processes have been terminated, otherwise it echoes that no such process exists.
for example:
$ terminateProcess [a running cpp program]
should kill all the [given file name] processes.
Can any body get me started..
No need to make a shellscript, pkill exists for years. man pkill:
pkill will send the specified signal (by default SIGTERM) to each
process instead of listing them on stdout.
-c, --count
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching pro‐
cesses. When count does not match anything, e.g. returns zero,
the command will return non-zero value.
Example 2: Make syslog reread its configuration file:
$ pkill -HUP syslogd

Asynchronous bash script

I've seen a few examples out there but not been able to work them to my situation.
I have a script that calls a long running command, but I want to periodically (say every 1s) get the status of that call. For example:
curl localhost:9200/my_index/_forcemerge?max_num_segments=2 &
while [ command is running ]; do
curl -XGET localhost:9200/_cat/shards/my_index?v&h=index,shard,prirep,segments.count
sleep 1
echo "finished!"
Is it possible to get the status of the child process in this way?
Edit: Clarifying what I'm actually doing. It's actually two curl commands to an Elasticsearch cluster. The long running command merges data segments together, the "status" command will get the current segment count.
I think that the safest way of doing this is to save the process ID of the child process and then periodically check to see if this is still running:
mycommand &
while kill -0 $child_pid >/dev/null 2>&1; do
echo "Child process is still running"
sleep 1
echo "Child process has finished"
The variable $! will hold the process ID of the last process started in the background.
The kill -0 will not send a signal to the process, it only make kill return with a zero exit status if the given process ID exists and belongs to the user executing kill.
One could come up with a solution using pgrep too, but that will probably be a bit more "unsafe" in the sense that care must be taken not to catch any similar running processes.

How to create an anonymous pipe between 2 child processes and know their pids (while not using files/named pipes)?

Please note that this questions was edited after a couple of comments I received. Initially I wanted to split my goal into smaller pieces to make it simpler (and perhaps expand my knowledge on various fronts), but it seems I went too far with the simplicity :). So, here I am asking the big question.
Using bash, is there a way one can actually create an anonymous pipe between two child processes and know their pids?
The reason I'm asking is when you use the classic pipeline, e.g.
cmd1 | cmd2 &
you lose the ability to send signals to cmd1. In my case the actual commands I am running are these
./my_web_server | ./my_log_parser &
my_web_server is a basic web server that dump a lot of logging information to it's stdout
my_log_parser is a log parser that I wrote that reads through all the logging information it receives from my_web_server and it basically selects only certain values from the log (in reality it actually stores the whole log as it received it, but additionally it creates an extra csv file with the values it finds).
The issue I am having is that my_web_server actually never stops by itself (it is a web server, you don't want that from a web server :)). So after I am done, I need to stop it myself. I would like for the bash script to do this when I stop it (the bash script), either via SIGINT or SIGTERM.
For something like this, traps are the way to go. In essence I would create a trap for INT and TERM and the function it would call would kill my_web_server, but... I don't have the pid and even though I know I could look for it via ps, I am looking for a pretty solution :).
Some of you might say: "Well, why don't you just kill my_log_parser and let my_web_server die on its own with SIGPIPE?". The reason why I don't want to kill it is when you kill a process that's at the end of the pipeline, the output buffer of the process before it, is not flushed. Ergo, you lose stuff.
I've seen several solutions here and in other places that suggested to store the pid of my_web_server in a file. This is a solution that works. It is possible to write the pipeline by fiddling with the filedescriptors a bit. I, however don't like this solution, because I have to generate files. I don't like the idea of creating arbitrary files just to store a 5-character PID :).
What I ended up doing for now is this:
trap " " HUP
fifo="$( mktemp -u "$( basename "${0}" ).XXXXXX" )"
mkfifo "${fifo}"
<"${fifo}" ./my_log_parser &
>"${fifo}" ./my_web_server &
rm "${fifo}"
trap '2>/dev/null kill -TERM '"${server_pid}"'' INT TERM
while true; do
wait "${parser_pid}" && break
This solves the issue with me not being able to terminate my_web_server when the script receives SIGINT or SIGTERM. It seems more readable than any hackery fiddling with file descriptors in order to eventually use a file to store my_web_server's pid, which I think is good, because it improves the readability.
But it still uses a file (named pipe). Even though I know it uses the file (named pipe) for my_web_server and my_log_parser to talk (which is a pretty good reason) and the file gets wiped from the disk very shortly after it's created, it's still a file :).
Would any of you guys know of a way to do this task without using any files (named pipes)?
From the Bash man pages:
! Expands to the process ID of the most recently executed back-
ground (asynchronous) command.
You are not running a background command, you are running process substitution to read to file descriptor 3.
The following works, but I'm not sure if it is what you are trying to achieve:
sleep 120 &
wait "${child_pid}"
sleep 120
Comment was: I know I can pretty much do this the silly 'while read i; do blah blah; done < <( ./my_proxy_server )'-way, but I don't particularly like the fact that when a script using this approach receives INT or TERM, it simply dies without telling ./my_proxy_server to bugger off too :)
So, it seems like your problem stems from the fact that it is not so easy to get the PID of the proxy server. So, how about using your own named pipe, with the trap command:
mkfifo "$pipe"
./my_proxy_server > "$pipe" &
echo "child pid is $child_pid"
# Tell the proxy server to bugger-off
trap 'kill $child_pid' INT TERM
while read
echo $REPLY
# blah blah blah
done < "$pipe"
rm "$pipe"
You could probably also use kill %1 instead of using $child_pid.
YAE (Yet Another Edit):
You ask how to get the PIDS from:
./my_web_server | ./my_log_parser &
Simples, sort of. To test I used sleep, just like your original.
sleep 400 | sleep 500 &
jobs -l
[1]+ 8419 Running sleep 400
8420 Running | sleep 500 &
So its just a question of extracting those PIDS:
pid1=$(jobs -l|awk 'NR==1{print $2}')
pid2=$(jobs -l|awk 'NR==2{print $1}')
I hate calling awk twice here, but anything else is just jumping through hoops.

PID of the process that created the file

Can I get the pid of touch when it's creating a file? I've tried touch ID$! & but it doesn't display the pid correctly. It takes the command before touch. Any advices?
I suppose you could write a small C or Perl program that calls fork() and then uses one of the exec*() functions to invoke touch from the child process. The parent process would receive the child's PID as the result of the fork call.
You say in a comment that you want to insert the PID into the name of the file. I can't think of a way to invoke touch with its own PID as part of its comand-line argument; you won't know the PID soon enough to do that. I suppose you could rename the file after touching it.
But the PID of the touch process isn't particularly meaningful. The process will have terminated before you can make any use of it.
If you just want a (more or less) unique number as part of the file name, I can't think of any good reason that it has to be the PID of the touch process. You could just do something like:
NEW_PID=$(sh -c 'echo $$')
touch foo-$NEW_PID.txt
which gives you the PID of a short-lived shell process.
Note that PIDs are not unique; since there are only finitely many possible PIDs, they're re-used after a while. (I've been able to force a PID to be reused in less than a minute by forking multiple processes very quickly.)
This is touch rewritten in perl with the pid of the creating process as part of the filename
perl -e 'open(F,">".$$."myfile")||die $!'
If you really need that pid, it's a multi-step process:
touch $f &
wait $!
mv $f ./ID$!

Terminate running commands when shell script is killed [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the best way to send a signal to all members of a process group?
(34 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
For testing purposes I have this shell script
echo $$
find / >/dev/null 2>&1
Running this from an interactive terminal, ctrl+c will terminate bash, and the find command.
$ ./test-k.sh
$ ps -ef |grep find
Running it in the background, and killing the shell only will orphan the commands running in the script.
$ ./test-k.sh &
[1] 13231
$ kill 13231
$ ps -ef |grep find
nos 13232 1 3 17:09 pts/5 00:00:00 find /
I want this shell script to terminate all its child processes when it exits regardless of how it's called. It'll eventually be started from a python and java application - and some form of cleanup is needed when the script exits - any options I should look into or any way to rewrite the script to clean itself up on exit?
I would do something like this:
echo $$
find / >/dev/null 2>&1 &
wait $FIND_PID
if [[ $? -gt 128 ]]
kill $FIND_PID
Some explanation is in order, I guess. Out the gate, we need to change some of the default signal handling. : is a no-op command, since passing an empty string causes the shell to ignore the signal instead of doing something about it (the opposite of what we want to do).
Then, the find command is run in the background (from the script's perspective) and we call the wait builtin for it to finish. Since we gave a real command to trap above, when a signal is handled, wait will exit with a status greater than 128. If the process waited for completes, wait will return the exit status of that process.
Last, if the wait returns that error status, we want to kill the child process. Luckily we saved its PID. The advantage of this approach is that you can log some error message or otherwise identify that a signal caused the script to exit.
As others have mentioned, putting kill -- -$$ as your argument to trap is another option if you don't care about leaving any information around post-exit.
For trap to work the way you want, you do need to pair it up with wait - the bash man page says "If bash is waiting for a command to complete and receives a signal for which a trap has been set, the trap will not be executed until the command completes." wait is the way around this hiccup.
You can extend it to more child processes if you want, as well. I didn't really exhaustively test this one out, but it seems to work here.
$ ./test-k.sh &
[1] 12810
$ kill 12810
$ ps -ef | grep find
Was looking for an elegant solution to this issue and found the following solution elsewhere.
trap 'kill -HUP 0' EXIT
My own man pages say nothing about what 0 means, but from digging around, it seems to mean the current process group. Since the script get's it's own process group, this ends up sending SIGHUP to all the script's children, foreground and background.
Send a signal to the group.
So instead of kill 13231 do:
kill -- -13231
If you're starting from python then have a look at:
which shows how to mimic the shell in starting
and killing a group
#Patrick's answer almost did the trick, but it doesn't work if the parent process of your current shell is in the same group (it kills the parent too).
I found this to be better:
trap 'pkill -P $$' EXIT
See here for more info.
Just add a line like this to your script:
trap "kill $$" SIGINT
You might need to change 'SIGINT' to 'INT' on your setup, but this will basically kill your process and all child processes when you hit Ctrl-C.
The thing you would need to do is trap the kill signal, kill the find command and exit.
