How to make a simple shell script that checks if the system has a process with the name specified? - bash

Pretty much a script that checks if the system has a process with the name specified. If it does find any of the processes, it kills all of them, reporting how many processes have been terminated, otherwise it echoes that no such process exists.
for example:
$ terminateProcess [a running cpp program]
should kill all the [given file name] processes.
Can any body get me started..

No need to make a shellscript, pkill exists for years. man pkill:
pkill will send the specified signal (by default SIGTERM) to each
process instead of listing them on stdout.
-c, --count
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching pro‐
cesses. When count does not match anything, e.g. returns zero,
the command will return non-zero value.
Example 2: Make syslog reread its configuration file:
$ pkill -HUP syslogd


What does percent sign % do in "kill %vmtouch"?

I came across this shell script
bash# while true; do
vmtouch -m 10000000000 -l *head* & sleep 10m
kill %vmtouch
and wonder how does the kill %vmtouch portion work?
I normally pass a pid to kill a process but how does %vmtouch resolve to a pid?
I tried to run portions of script seperately but I got
-bash: kill: %vmtouch: no such job error.
%something is not a general shell script feature, but syntax used by the kill, fg and bg builtin commands to identify jobs. It searches the list of the shell's active jobs for the given string, and then signals that.
Here's man bash searching for /jobspec:
The character % introduces a job specification (jobspec).
Job number n may be referred to as %n. A job may also be referred to using a prefix of the name used to start it, or using a substring that appears in its command line. [...]
So if you do:
sleep 30 &
cat &
You can use things like %sleep or %sl to conveniently refer to the last one without having to find or remember its pid or job number.
You should look at the Job control section of the man bash page. The character % introduces a job specification (jobspec). Ideally when you have started this background job, you should have seen an entry in the terminal
[1] 25647
where 25647 is some random number I used. The line above means that the process id of the last backgrounded job (on a pipeline, the process id of the last process) is using job number as 1.
The way you are using the job spec is wrong in your case as it does not take process name of the background job. The last backgrounded is referred to as %1, so ideally your kill command should have been written as below, which is the same as writing kill 25647
vmtouch -m 10000000000 -l *head* & sleep 10m
kill %1
But that said, instead of relying the jobspec ids, you can access the process id of the background job which is stored in a special shell variable $! which you can use as
vmtouch -m whatever -l *head* & vmtouch_pid=$!
sleep 10m
kill "$vmtouch_pid"
See Job Control Basics from the GNU bash man page.

Ignore HUP signal in Bash script with pipe commands

I have the following script which monitors the /tmp directory indefinitely and if there are any operations with files in this directory, then file name is read by while loop and first a character in file name is replaced with b character and this modified file name is logged to test.log file:
trap ':' HUP
trap 'kill $(jobs -p)' EXIT
/usr/local/bin/inotifywait -q -m /tmp --format %f |
while IFS= read -r filename; do
echo "$filename" | sed 's/a/b/' > test.log
This is simplified version of the actual script. I also have a Sys-V type init script for the script above and as I would like to stay LSB compliant, my init script has force-reload(Causes the configuration to be reloaded if the service supports this. Otherwise, the service is restarted.) option which sends the HUP signal to script. Now before executing the force-reload, which executes killproc -HUP, the output of pstree is following:
# pstree -Ap 4424
After executing the strace killproc -HUP the child shell is terminated:
# pstree -Ap 4424
According to strace, killproc sent SIGHUP to processes 4424 and 4426, but only the latter was terminated.
What is the point of this child-shell with PID 4426 in my example, i.e why is it created in the first place? In addition, is there a way to ignore HUP signal?
Pipeline commands are run in a subshell
The first part of your question is explained by the mechanism through which a shell (in this case Bash) runs commands in a pipeline.
A pipe is a FIFO (first in, first out) one-way inter-process communication (IPC) channel: it allows bytes to be written at one end (the write-only end) and read from the other (read-only end) without needing to read from or write to a physical filesystem.
A pipeline allows two different commands to communicate with each other through an anonymous or unnamed (i.e., has no entry in the filesystem) pipe.
When a simple command is executed by a shell, the command is run in a child process of the shell. If no job control is used, control of the terminal is regained by the shell when the child process terminates.
When two commands are run in a pipeline, both commands in the pipeline are executed as two separate child processes which run concurrently.
In Unix systems, pipes are created using the pipe(2) system call, which creates a new pipe and returns a pair of file descriptors with one referring to the read end and the other to the write end of the pipe.
With Bash on a GNU/Linux system, the clone(2) system call is used to create the sub-processes. This allows the child process to share the table of file descriptors with its parent process so that both child sub-processes inherit the file descriptor of the anonymous pipe so that one can read to it and the other can write to it.
In your case, the inotifywait command gets a PID of 4425 and writes to the write-only end of the pipe by connecting its stdout to the file descriptor of the write end.
At the same time, the right hand side of the pipe command gets the PID, 4426 and its stdin file descriptor is set to that of the read-only end of the pipe. Since the subshell for the right hand side of the pipe isn’t an external command, the name to represent the child process is the same as that of its parent,
For more info, see man 7 pipe and the following links:
Anonymous pipe, Wikipedia article
Unix Pipeline, Wikipedia article
Signal handling
It took me ages (a couple of hours of research, in fact) to figure out why the trap for the SIGHUP signal wasn’t being ignored.
All my research indicated that child process created by a clone(2) system call should also be able to share the table of signal handlers of the parent process.
The Bash man page also states that
Command substitution, commands grouped with parentheses, and asynchronous commands are invoked in a subshell environment that is a duplicate of the shell environment, except that traps caught by the shell are reset to the values that the shell inherited from its parent at invocation.
It later states that
Signals ignored upon entry to the shell cannot be trapped or reset. Trapped signals that are not being ignored are reset to their original values in a subshell or subshell environment when one is created.
This indicates that subshells do not inherit signal handlers that are not ignored. As I understood it, your trap ':' HUP line meant that the SIGHUP signal was (effectively) being ignored (since the : builtin does nothing except return success) – and should in turn be ignored by the pipeline’s subshell.
However, I eventually came across the description of the trap builtin in the Bash man page which defines what Bash means by ignore:
If arg is the null string the signal specified by each sigspec is ignored by the shell and by the commands it invokes.
Simply changing the trap command to trap '' HUP ensures that the SIGHUP signal is ignored, for the script itself – and any subshells.

Uniquely identify a unix process

I'm currently writing a bash script to kill a process and then start it again.
I'm using
ps -ef | grep Cp1252
to return the list of processes based on the file encoding.
Finding the process based on file encoding is not ideal, as other processes may also have this string.
I need to uniquely identify two processes, but they have quite generic process names:
My question is, is there any way to add a flag or a unique identifier to a process?
Or indeed, is there any other way I can solve this issue?
I found a solution to my problem, I found that I can use the PPID to uniquely identify each process. The command name of the process associated with the PPID is distinctive enough so that I can tell what is a normal Java process, and what it is that I want to restart.
Thanks for all your help anyway, it certainly helped me to narrow down the alternatives! :-)
You could write a helper script to start the process and record the pid in a file. Just make sure to delete the file when the process stops (which could be done by the wrapper again).
something like
# optionally check if pid-file exists
if [ -e ${PIDFILE} ]; then
echo "${PIDFILE} already exists, assuming ${COMMAND} already running"
exit 1;
echo ${WAITPID} > "${PIDFILE}"
# cleanup on signal
# optionally wait for the program to be done
wait ${WAITPID}
rm "${PIDFILE}"
so to restart your process, just read the pid from /path/to/pid-file and send the appropriate signal.
If you can modify the source code of the processes you run, I recommend adding an option to record the pid from within the process itself.

PID of the process that created the file

Can I get the pid of touch when it's creating a file? I've tried touch ID$! & but it doesn't display the pid correctly. It takes the command before touch. Any advices?
I suppose you could write a small C or Perl program that calls fork() and then uses one of the exec*() functions to invoke touch from the child process. The parent process would receive the child's PID as the result of the fork call.
You say in a comment that you want to insert the PID into the name of the file. I can't think of a way to invoke touch with its own PID as part of its comand-line argument; you won't know the PID soon enough to do that. I suppose you could rename the file after touching it.
But the PID of the touch process isn't particularly meaningful. The process will have terminated before you can make any use of it.
If you just want a (more or less) unique number as part of the file name, I can't think of any good reason that it has to be the PID of the touch process. You could just do something like:
NEW_PID=$(sh -c 'echo $$')
touch foo-$NEW_PID.txt
which gives you the PID of a short-lived shell process.
Note that PIDs are not unique; since there are only finitely many possible PIDs, they're re-used after a while. (I've been able to force a PID to be reused in less than a minute by forking multiple processes very quickly.)
This is touch rewritten in perl with the pid of the creating process as part of the filename
perl -e 'open(F,">".$$."myfile")||die $!'
If you really need that pid, it's a multi-step process:
touch $f &
wait $!
mv $f ./ID$!

Bash: Set a process to die in start parameters with sighup

Is it possible to set a process to die in its start parameters?
What I'm trying to do is set a process to die either before it's started or when it's starting.
When I try to get a pid of an opened named pipe with cat > $pipe by adding an ampersand and $! after it, it spams the terminal with ">" symbols, so I was wondering if it were possible to start cat > $pipe with a parameter to die on a PID's SIGHUP.
How would I go about doing this? If I put anything after the cat > $pipe, it will not work correctly for me.
"get a pid of an opened named pipe"
A named pipe does not have a pid, only processes have pids (the clue is in the 'p')
However, that does not appear to be anything to do with the title of the question. By default, a process will die on a SIGHUP. However, a child process inherits the parent's signal mask, so if the parent ignored SIGHUP then that will be the case in the child (not true for handlers). So you can force a die with (for example):
trap 'exit 128' SIGHUP
But how does that part of the question relate to named pipes? Are you trying to find which processes have the pipe open? You can iterate through /proc for that.
EDIT after comments from the OP:
If you run cat > mypipe & then the cat will hang trying to access the keyboard - cat by default reads STDIN.
[1]+ Stopped cat > mypipe
So then you have to bring it into forground (fg) to enter data, normally terminated by <CTRL>+D. I am at a loss as to why you want to use cat in this way.
Anyway, if you run in background it is very easy to get a background job's pid:
assuming it is job number 1
set $(jobs -l %1)
Maybe you could further investigate why you can't run the job in background, and show an example (use the script command to get a copy of your session in a file called typescript)
Have you tried putting it in parentheses? (cat > $pipe) &$
