VB 6 and Right to Left layout windows application - vb6

I have an old windows application with it's Ocxs. I want to localize it's OCX to arabic. no problem on changing labels and strings.
but I can't change layout to Right to left.
I find some resources about using Mirroring in windows. but the provided samples don't help me. Link1 & Link2
I'm not a VB fan and don't have enough experience.
Is there any clear and tested approach for VB to mirroring UI?

From Platform SDK 2001
Complex Scripts in Edit Controls
A complex script is a language whose printed form is not laid out in a simple way. For example, a complex script may allow bi-directional rendering, contextual shaping of glyphs, or combining characters. The standard edit controls have been extended to support multilingual text and complex scripts. This includes not only input and display, but also correct cursor movement over character clusters (in Thai and Devanagari script, for example).
A well-written application will receive this support automatically, without modification. Again, you should consider adding support for right-to-left reading order and right alignment. In this case, toggle the extended style flags of the edit control window to control these attributes, as shown in the following example:
// ID_EDITCONTROL is the control ID in the resource file.
HANDLE hWndEdit = GetDlgItem(hDlg, ID_EDITCONTROL);
LONG lAlign = GetWindowLong(hWndEdit, GWL_EXSTYLE) ;
// To toggle alignment
lAlign ^= WS_EX_RIGHT ;
// To toggle reading order
After setting the lAlign value, enable the new display by setting the extended style of the edit control window as follows:
// This assumes your edit control is in a dialog box. If not,
// get the edit control handle from another source.
SetWindowLong(hWndEdit, GWL_EXSTYLE, lAlign);
InvalidateRect(hWndEdit, NULL, FALSE);
Windows 2000/XP: The standard edit control supports a context menu that allows the user to toggle the reading order and insert/display Unicode bi-directional control characters.


How does modifying text highlighting work?

We are all familiar with text highlighting. You hover over any "text" in any application on your Windows OS, your cursor changes into an I-Beam, and you can click and drag across the text to Highlight it. This highlighted text can be copied to the clipboard for later use.
Some applications modify the default highlighting behavior by changing color, opacity, or even shape. Some applications allow for column selection (e.g. Visual Studio "alt-click-drag" creates box like highlighting)
I have scoured the depths of the internet, but I can't seem to find a solid source of information that would explain how one would modify the behavior of text highlighting.
How would I implement column/block text selection, and modifying the appearance of the highlighted text in a compiled application.
Since applications can do this in various custom ways, there is no single solution to change how all of them style text selections.
Many will rely on the current color scheme (using GetSysColor) to determine the highlight colors. So you could modify the scheme and maybe affect the colors used for many applications.
To do this programmatically, you would use SetSysColors to change the COLOR_HIGHLIGHT and COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT values.
Other applications might rely on the current theme (using GetThemeColor). To affect those you'd have to select a different theme that has the colors (and perhaps other styling choices) that you want.
A lot of apps use their own hard-coded color schemes, so you won't be able to programmatically at all.
I'm not sure what you mean with the web application part of your question. A web application is some HTML, JS and CSS that make the browser interact with your system. Any custom selection (coloring) logic that the web application provides, has to be implemented by the browser.
Also you have to realize that "(text) selection" is an rather virtual principle. An application can just render a colored shape (like a blue rectangle) and copy something to the clipboard when it receives a WM_COPY message.
Windows provides in basic substring selection functionality for (rich) edit controls (i.e. start and end position), but for something custom like column selection, custom code is required.
Read more about this in Making a rectangular selection in a RichTextBox with Alt-Left-Mouse sweep?.

How to add more than 254 Controls in vb6?

I'm working with VB6 and I have one form with multiple tab controls.
When I drag and drop any control in form it shows me this error:
VB6 has a limited number of named controls per form. To add more controls, you can use a control array. That means, give some related controls the same name, then you can access them by name and index number. So instead of OptionAlways, OptionMaybe, and OptionNever, you could have Option(0), Option(1), and Option(2).
Also, if your dialog is very complex and most of its features are rarely needed, consider moving some options to additional dialogs behind an [Advanced...] button.

PropertySheet with a TreeView (using WinAPI)

In my WinAPI program I use PropertySheet for a settings dialog box. I use property sheet with pages (tabs), i.e. I use PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE flag. But the software now have too many parameters for such a type of property sheet. So I want to use PropertySheet with treeview: the treeview on the left and the page with paramerets for the currently selected item in the treeview - on the right.
How can I do this? Can my current property sheet be modified for this and how?
(using only WinAPI, no MFC)
Standard property sheet is no longer good enough for you, so you basically have two choices here. You can either design a window (modal or modeless, dialog based or not) to host all your controls in a single view, with tree view, possibly tab control as well, and showing/hiding elements to follow tree view selection. And you will move all your controls into this window.
Or instead, you can create a similar window which hosts property pages. On tree selection change you will switch property pages as if they are selected by tabs in standard property sheet. The point is that you can use your existing pages intact making this new settings windows imitating behavior of standard property sheet. This is perhaps a more complicated thing to do, but should be flexible enough to do once and accept various pages, and you don't also need to touch your existing pages code leaving it good for both standard and this custom sheet with a tree.
Both ways assume you need to do quite some work since you are giving up using a standard piece of code - the property sheet window.

Unknown extended window style values from GetWindowLong and GetWindowInfo

I am calling querying the extended window styles of a window using the GetWindowLog property and it is returning values in many cases that are not documented in msdn.
Particularly 0x00000800L and 0x00000100L or a combination of the two. Does anyone have information about these values, or a more complete list than what is documented on the msdn site?
I ran across this thread while looking for an answer to why this value changes when Microsoft Word "disappears" a window. I maintain an app that tracks the HWND values in order to do application sharing. This works well, but Microsoft Office applications often handle these in unusual ways. In this particular case, I found that if you do the following in Microsoft Word 2013:
Open two new documents in separate windows.
Save the HWND values for both windows.
Close one of the two windows.
Both HWND values will, when interrogated with the IsWindow, IsVisible, etc Windows functions, appear to be normal, still visible, etc. There's no way I can find to tell that one of the windows has been closed -- except this undocumented dwExStyle value. 0x800 will be 'on' in the window that's still visible, and 'off' in the window that isn't visible any more.
(BTW, I know you're not "supposed" to save HWND values this way -- but try tracking windows for sharing without saving this value -- not so easy!)
Since 0x00000100L is listed right on the Extended Window Styles page it is a little unclear to me if you mean the normal or extended style so I'll describe both.
Dialog & old (user32) controls
0xFFFF for control/dialog specific styles
Common control:
0x00FF is generally used by the shared common control styles (CCS_NORESIZE, CCS_TOP etc)
0xFF00 for control specific styles, for a toolbar you would have TBSTYLE_LIST, TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT etc
0x00000800L=Don't know, undocumented flag maybe (Edit: ReactOS has/had 0x00000800 as WS_EX_MAKEVISIBLEWHENUNGHOSTED, that does not mean that it has the same meaning on windows since ReactOS is not 100% compatible with windows)
Jeremy, this is just a bug of GetWindowInfo (for any OS after Win98: 2k, XP, Vista, Win7).
see http://rsdn.ru/forum/winapi/3362548.all.aspx ("WINDOWINFO.dwExStyle error")
try small tester therefrom: http://files.rsdn.ru/42164/wi_exstyle.zip

UI layout nightmare with WinAPI

I would like to know what should I do with GUI layout under WinAPI/MFC.
In the ideal world I should just create the form/dialog via resource editor, and everything should just work. In the real world the dialog editor is ancient behemoth from the ice-age and doesn't support most of the comctl32 controls.
This is where the problem creeps up. Dialog editor uses DLU units, and when I create new controls at runtime, I have to express them in pixel offsets.
I stumbled upon one article about calculating DLUs based on font http://support.microsoft.com/kb/145994/en-us, but also saw a warning somewhere that dialogs can have non system fonts in some circumstances, so this approach is not very safe. Plus the article seems to look only at English characters, without regard to all other characters in unicode space which might be wider?.
Has anyone done a research in this direction and found a better way?
P.S.: No Winforms/WPF/Delphi, requirements.
the dialog editor is ancient behemoth from the ice-age and doesn't support most of the comctl32 controls
It doesn't need to support the controls directly, you can still use it just for positioning by inserting it as a custom control and filling in the window class in the property page. For example, that's how I insert link controls in VS2005: as a custom control with class "SysLink".
MapDialogRect (mentioned in the article) is the function that Windows uses to translate the dialog units in the dialog resource to pixel units. MapDialogRect works (where GetDlgBaseUnits fails) because its given an actual handle to the dialog box, and can send it a WM_GETFONT message to retrieve the actual font the dialog will be rendered with.
