PropertySheet with a TreeView (using WinAPI) - windows

In my WinAPI program I use PropertySheet for a settings dialog box. I use property sheet with pages (tabs), i.e. I use PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE flag. But the software now have too many parameters for such a type of property sheet. So I want to use PropertySheet with treeview: the treeview on the left and the page with paramerets for the currently selected item in the treeview - on the right.
How can I do this? Can my current property sheet be modified for this and how?
(using only WinAPI, no MFC)

Standard property sheet is no longer good enough for you, so you basically have two choices here. You can either design a window (modal or modeless, dialog based or not) to host all your controls in a single view, with tree view, possibly tab control as well, and showing/hiding elements to follow tree view selection. And you will move all your controls into this window.
Or instead, you can create a similar window which hosts property pages. On tree selection change you will switch property pages as if they are selected by tabs in standard property sheet. The point is that you can use your existing pages intact making this new settings windows imitating behavior of standard property sheet. This is perhaps a more complicated thing to do, but should be flexible enough to do once and accept various pages, and you don't also need to touch your existing pages code leaving it good for both standard and this custom sheet with a tree.
Both ways assume you need to do quite some work since you are giving up using a standard piece of code - the property sheet window.


SWT Table - How to change columns width using keyboard only?

I am using SWT tables in my project and there are few columns which are having longer strings which are not completely visible by default (for ex. path to a file location). Though I have tooltip to show the content and using mouse we can increase the column width to see the complete value.
Is there a way to do it with only keyboard usage?
Note: This question is more related to accessibility.
The following answer is based on my experience under windows. It can be different for other OS.
I'm afraid that there's no keyboard-only default way to adjust the size or reorder the column in a table, tree view or list view.
This is true not only with SWT but also with all other frameworks based on native win32 such as wxWidgets.
You must provide a keyboard-only way to resize and reorder columns yourself. here are a few ideas implemented by some applications:
Provide an option somewhere in the application that opens a dialog box with a checkbox list of the different columns. Ctrl+Up/Down to swap two items. Check/uncheck an item with spacebar to make the column visible or invisible.
Make the headers focusable. Use Shift+Left/Right to resize, Ctrl+Left/Right to swap two columns. Application key / Shift+10 opens a context menu where you can check/uncheck columns to show/hide and an option to open the column selection dialog box.
Some screen readers allow to do it by simulating mouse operation in some way. For example, use Jaws cursor, click lock on a header, release lock on the header to swap with.
But it's quite complicated, not always reliable, and thus very rarely actually used.
This is a very good question. I would be happy to give 100 rep to someone giving an answer being for windows and:
generic, working by default, everywhere or in most cases
Independant from screen readers (Jaws, NVDA, etc.) and techniques that simulates the mouse with keyboard (mouse keys)
Unfortunately, I don't think it exists.

Get the position of the control in the Windows openfile dialog

I my application, I have added a dropdown box to the standard windows file open dialog. This works fine, but I would like to position this drop box exactly below the file name and file mask edit controls, and its label exactly below the labels for these controls.
How can I get the positions of these controls and the corresponding labels (it depends on the Windows version and maybe even on theming, so using the constants that make the dialog look fine on my computer won't do)?
On Vista+, you should be using the IFileDialog, IFileOpenDialog and IFileDialogCustomize interfaces:
Common Item Dialog
Customizing the Dialog
You can use the IFileDialogCustomize::AddText() and IFileDialogCustomize::AddComboBox() methods to add a drop-down list and its label to the dialog, and if needed use the IFileDialogControlEvents::OnItemSelected event to react to the user selecting items in your drop-down list.
However, you cannot decide where custom controls are displayed when customizing this dialog. UI layout is controlled by the dialog itself:
The Common Item Dialog implementation found in Windows Vista provides several advantages over the implementation provided in earlier versions:
•Enables simple customization of the dialog, such as setting the label on the OK button, without requiring a hook procedure.
•Supports more extensive customization of the dialog by the addition of a set of data-driven controls that operate without a Win32 dialog template. This customization scheme frees the calling process from UI layout. Since any changes to the dialog design continue to use this data model, the dialog implementation is not tied to the specific current version of the dialog.
The only layout access it provides is the order in which you add your custom controls, and any visual grouping. So, you could use IFileDialogCustomize::StartVisualGroup() to create a new group, then call AddText() and AddComboBox() (in that order) to add those controls to the group, and then finally call IFileDialogCustomize::EndVisualGroup().
On the other hand, when using GetOpenFileName() instead, there are some different options for customizing that dialog, and they allow you much finer grain control over the dialog's layout:
Customizing Common Dialog Boxes
Open and Save As Dialog Box Customization
The preferred option is to create a custom dialog box template and specify it in the OPENFILENAME structure. Within the template, you can have whatever controls and layout you want, and then the template can be inserted as a child of a standard Explorer-style dialog, or as a replacement for a standard Old-style dialog. MSDN documents how to custom-position a template within an Explorer-style dialog:
Explorer-Style Custom Templates
To make room for the new controls, the system expands the default dialog box by the width and height of the custom dialog box. By default, all controls from the custom dialog box are positioned below the controls in the default dialog box. However, you can override this default positioning by including a static text control in your custom dialog box template and assigning it the control identifier value of stc32. (This value is defined in the Dlgs.h header file.) In this case, the system uses the control as the point of reference for determining where to position the new controls. All new controls above and to the left of the stc32 control are positioned the same amount above and to the left of the controls in the default dialog box. New controls below and to the right of the stc32 control are positioned below and to the right of the default controls. In general, each new control is positioned so that it has the same position relative to the default controls as it had to the stc32 control. To make room for these new controls, the system adds space to the left, right, bottom, and top of the default dialog box as needed.
The alternative, without using a custom template, is to obtain the dialog's own HWND directly (which can be gotten inside a hook function assigned to the OPENFILENAME::lpfnHook field) and then you have full access to do whatever you want with the dialog. Microsoft assigned fixed control IDs to the standard controls of an Explorer-style dialog (so you must specify the OFN_EXPLORER flag for this approach to work), and those IDs are consistent across Windows versions. Those IDs are meant to be used with the CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT and CDM_HIDECONTROL messages, but they can also be used with GetDlgItem() to get the HWND of certain dialog controls, in this case the cmb13, edt1 and stc3 controls:
Drop-down combo box that displays the name of the current file, allows the user to type the name of a file to open, and select a file that has been opened or saved recently. This is for earlier Explorer-compatible applications without hook or dialog template. Compare with edt1.
Edit control that displays the name of the current file, or allows the user to type the name of the file to open. Compare with cmb13.
Label for the cmb13 combo box and the edt1 edit control
Once you have those HWNDs, you can manually query their current positions and sizes, add your custom drop-down list underneath them as needed, and resize the dialog's HWND to accommodate your drop-down list.
Whether you use a template or direct HWND manipulation, you would need to use a dialog hook function to process messages from your drop-down list as needed, such as the CBN_SELCHANGE notification.

How to add more than 254 Controls in vb6?

I'm working with VB6 and I have one form with multiple tab controls.
When I drag and drop any control in form it shows me this error:
VB6 has a limited number of named controls per form. To add more controls, you can use a control array. That means, give some related controls the same name, then you can access them by name and index number. So instead of OptionAlways, OptionMaybe, and OptionNever, you could have Option(0), Option(1), and Option(2).
Also, if your dialog is very complex and most of its features are rarely needed, consider moving some options to additional dialogs behind an [Advanced...] button.

How to implement a threaded view?

I need to implement a threaded view of sorts in an old VB6 app. It should look similar to this:
So, it's like a TreeView of sorts but there are buttons on the right (for each row) that could be pressed. The view does not need to collapse - it always stays in the expanded mode. The users should be able to respond to each node (via the comment button on the far right). And, of course, users should be able to scroll through the entries.
What are some of the ways I could implement this? I am open to 3rd party controls, paid or not.
VSFlexGrid has an outline mode. You can set the indent per row via the RowOutlineLevel property. It supports word wrap, images, etc within its cells/columns so you should be able to get pretty close to what you want. It also supports owner-drawn which lets you fully customize the cell painting (for example, to get those rounded corners).
I'm sure there are other controls out there as well...

Is it possible to design Dialogs within a Dialog, both created with ressource editor?

Is it possible to create a dialog ressource with a resource editor and then put this dialog (possibly multiple times) into another dialog?
Here's some background. I need to create a C++ program (Windows). The user needs to input a set of similar data on a dialog. Say, for simplicity's sake, an element of this data-set consist of an edit control and a scrollbar. Since this combination (edit + scrollbar) needs to be put onto the dialog for each element for the data-set, I thought I could create a simple dialog with just one edit control and one scrollbar, and then put this dialog mutliple times onto its "parent" dialog.
So, is this possible at all. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.
Yes, you can do this.
In the dialog editor, set the "Control Parent" flag on the parent dialog. (This will ensure the tab key works to cycle through items in the child dialogs as if they were part of the parent dialog.)
Make sure the child dialog(s) have the "Child" flag set in the dialog editor. Visually, they'll look like dialogs without any border at all in the editor.
At runtime, create the child dialogs as children of the parent dialog using CreateDialog (or CreateDialogParam, etc.). When calling CreateDialog you specify the dialogproc for each window.
I often make the child dialog procs do little more than forward messages to the main window's dialog proc (calling it directly; not via SendMessage), but you have to be careful, obviously. You have to be especially careful if you are creating multiple copies of the same dialog in a single parent, since obviously the control IDs within that dialog will all be the same and you need to differentiate them (perhaps by the parent's hWnd).
You don't have to forward messages to the parent, though. I just do usually do that so that most of the dialog's logic is in one place instead of spread out.
EDIT: Corrected statements about creating the child dialogs, window classes etc. I was mixing up dialogs and normal windows, making things more complex than they are in this case. Sorry about that!
