Bootstrap Markdown (CodeIgniter 2) - codeigniter

I am using Bootstrap Markdown for my project powered by CodeIgniter 2.
When I use it on a textarea, it does the markup, the preview and all buttons work perfectly.
The only problem I have is when I submit the form, it does not use the HTML Markup, but the Markdown.
e.g. When I write
and then click on Preview it does the Preview (I see the HTML markup). But as soon as I submit the form, it saves it as
Do you know how to resolve this problem?
Thank you in advance.


Ckeditor HTML div's replaced with p tag automatically on save

I am trying to use ck editor , I add html to editor box it saved to database successfully. When i reopen my editor page and check source it vanish my all div's and all p tag to all html can you please help me how i can get out from this problem.

Text showing in one line with scroll

When I insert text into ckeditor its showing good and added into database but in edit form it showing all text into one line with scroll.
Note : I notice that this issue is only with Firefox browser
in add form it showing like this
in edit form it showing like this
Working now, I don’t know what was the issue may be some css applied on the editor. so I just download the new ckeditor and applied in my app and its working absolutely fine :)

How to use the CKEditor in an custom ASPX page?

I would like to use the CKEditor on a SharePoint 2010 Custom Application Page (.aspx).
Is this possible?
Is there an example?
I have no special requirement on a sample. I would like to see only how to place an ASPX Textbox (Multiline) on an aspx page, place the CKEditor on the page and and activate the CKEditor on the field.
Yes, this is possible. You have to create a plugin with a custom button in it and the open on click a new window (the .aspx page). In this page you have to find the CKEditor instance, and you are then able to write back HTML to the editor.

Opening comment box in the same page

I want to open a text area when i press the comment button without page getting reloaded.Please help.I am a newbie in this field.
I have tried seeing some tutorials but not of much help.I have never used Jquery before
Use this jQuery code:
hide the textArea element by default.

Ckeditor Inline Editing - hyperlinks don't work

Hyperlinks don't work when applying inline editing to a div tag.
You can even try it on this online DEMO.
Insert Hyperlink
Disable inline edit dialog by clicking somewhere on the page
Try to click on created hyperlink. Hyperlink hand cursor doesn't appear as you normal would expect when pressing link in a webpage.
Destroying CKeditor instance will also not resolve this problem.
Is this normal behavior ?
This is the normal behavior, you're in an editing mode.
Inline editing was made for a back-end use, you're not suppose to click on those hyperlinks like a front-end user. You just have to display the generated HTML in a front-end div (without CKEditor, of course) to get your hyperlinks work.
To open the link in inline editing mode, just CTRL + click, like in MS Word, but not with IE.
