How Load distributed data in Hive works? - hadoop

My target is to perform a SELECT query using Hive
When I have a small data on a single machine (namenode), I start by:
1-Creating a table that contains this data: create table table1 (int col1, string col2)
2-Loading the data from a file path: load data local inpath 'path' into table table1;
3-Perform my SELECT query: select * from table1 where col1>0
I have huge data, of 10 millions rows that doesn't fit into a single machine. Lets assume Hadoop divided my data into for example 10 datanodes and each datanode contains 1 million row.
Retrieving the data to a single computer is impossible due to its huge size or would take alot of time in case it is possible.
Will Hive create a table at each datanode and perform the SELECT query
or will Hive move all the data a one location (datanode) and create one table? (which is inefficient)

Ok, so I will walk through what happens when you load data into Hive.
The 10 million line file will be cut into 64MB/128MB blocks.
Hadoop, not Hive, will distribute the blocks to the different slave nodes on the cluster.
These blocks will be replicated several times. Default is 3.
Each slave node will contain different blocks that make up the original file, but no machine will contain every block. However, since Hadoop replicates the blocks there must be at least enough empty space on the cluster to accommodate 3x the file size.
When the data is in the cluster Hive will project the table onto the data. The query will be run on the machines Hadoop chooses to work on the blocks that make up the file.
10 million rows isn't that large though. Unless the table has 100 columns you should be fine in any case. However, if you were to do a select * in your query just remember that all that data needs to be sent to the machine that ran the query. That could take a long time depending on file size.
I hope I covered your question. If not please let me know and I'll try to help further.

The query
select * from table1 where col1>0
is just a map side job. So the data block is processed locally at every node. There is no need to collect data centrally.


hive select query poor performance

I have a hive table which is getting inserted few 1000s of record every hour. But when I execute select * from <table>, it is taking so much time to execute. What is the reason behind this?
Hive is not fast to begin with... Not sure what you're expecting, but it will not be on the order of milliseconds.
If you want performance improvements, use Tez or Spark rather than MapReduce execution, also use Hive 2 w/ LLAP, and land the data in ORC or Parquet format.
If you aren't able to do the above, at least place data into hourly partitions. Then actually query against the partition rather than scanning all the rows/columns because Hive does partition pruning.
Also, HDFS doesn't like files smaller than the hdfs block size (128 MB). Anything smaller means wasted time in map tasks
I agree with #cricket_007 of using execution engine tez/spark.There are some customization you can do from your end to achieve performance in hive:
Use of vectorization which executes in batches of 1024 rows at once
set hive.vectorized.execution.enabled = true;
set hive.vectorized.execution.reduce.enabled = true;
Use of CBO
set hive.cbo.enable=true;
set hive.compute.query.using.stats=true;
set hive.stats.fetch.column.stats=true;
set hive.stats.fetch.partition.stats=true;
It is best practice to partition your data to speed up the queries. Partitioning will make hive run the query on the subset of the data instead of the entire dataset. Creating partitions may be done as follows:
The folder structure should look something like this:
Then on the table itself (assuming it's on an external table) you're create table statement should be something like:
PARTITIONED BY (partition)
LOCATION '/path/to/directory'
You can then query the table and treat the partition as another column.
If you look at the Hive design and architecture you will see that a typical query will have some overhead. A query will be translated into code for distributed execution, send over to the cluster backend, executed there and then results are stored and collected for displaying. This will add latency to every of your queries even if the input data and the final result set are small.

Difference between external table and internal table when using Apache HAWQ?

I am using HAWQ to handle a column-based file. While reading the Pivotal document, they suggest that user should use gpfdist to read and write the readable external table in order to quickly process the data in a parallel way.
I made a table as recommended in the documentation and confirmed my data by SQL as below statement.
(col1 text, col2 text,col3 text, col4 text, col5 int, col6 int, col7 int,col8 int)
LOCATION ('gpfdist://hawq2:8085/*.csv')
SELECT gp_segment_id,count(*) from ext_data GROUP BY gp_segment_id;
The data was evenly distributed on all the slave nodes.
Previous my goal was creating the table, reading the data from the file and identifying the loaded data was distributed well. It was achieved by above procedure using gpfdist.
But the question is the difference between the external table and internal table. What is the reason of being using external or internal table even though two methods were same functionality.
I found some blogs that some users follow below procedures when using HAWQ or Greenplume database.
1. making external table using gpfdist
2. making internal table again
3. reading the data from external data into internal data.
I didn't fully get the idea of this behavior. Above all, I don't know why external and internal table exist and should be used for handling data using Apache Hawq or greenplume database.
An External Table that uses gpfdist
Data is in a posix filesystem, not HDFS
No statistics
Files could be on ETL nodes which aren't part of the cluster
You could have multiple files across many servers too
Ideal solution to load data in parallel to an Internal table
insert into table_name select * from external_table_name;
Internal Table
Data is stored in HDFS
Statistics are gathered and stored in the catalog
Files are HDFS files only
You can take advantage of HDFS features like parquet format and snappy compression
Provide the best performance for queries
External Tables just make it easier to load data into the database and make it do so faster.
Think about this scenario. You get a file from your Accounting system that you need to load. You could do this:
scp the file to an edge node
hdfs put the file into hdfs
Create an external table in HAWQ using PXF to read the file
Insert the data into HAWQ table
That will work and PXF will read the file in HDFS in parallel. However, step 2 is a single process and a bottleneck. Instead, do this:
scp the file to an edge node
Start a gpfdist process
Create an external table in HAWQ using gpfdist to read the file
Insert the data into HAWQ table
Now the "put" into HDFS is done in parallel because HAWQ will start virtual segments on each node to put the data. This are typically 6 virtual segments per data node so in a 10 node cluster, you'll have 60 processes putting data into HDFS rather than a single one.

How Hive reads data even after dropping from hdfs?

I have an external table in hive and pointing to HDFS location. By mistake I have ran the job to load the data into HDFS two times.
Even after deleting the duplicate file from HDFS hive is showing the data count two times(i.e. including deleted duplicate data file count).
select count(*) from tbl_name -- returns double time
But ,
select count(col_name) from tbl_name -- returns actual count.
Same table when I tried from Impala after
I could see only data count which is available in HDFS(not duplicate).
How can hive give count as double even after deleting from physical location(hdfs) , does it read from statistics?
Hive is using statistics for computing cont(*). You deleted files manually (not using Hive) that is why the stats is wrong.
The solution is:
to switch-off statistics usage in such cases:
set hive.compute.query.using.stats=false;
to analyze table as you mention in your comment:
analyze table tbl_name partition(a,b,c) compute statistics;

Increase write speed in hive for ORC files

Currently an insert overwrite table T1 select * from T2; will take around 100 minutes in my cluster. Table T1 is ORC formatted and T2 is text formatted. I am reading a 60 GB of text data from T2 and inserting into ORC table T1(10 GB after insertion). If i use text format for both tables insert will take around 50 min. In both cases what are the things we can do to improve write speed( I have large tables coming in) or any other suggestions??
I have recently derived an approach which splits the source file into partitions this takes around 6mins from text table to orc table in hive for 100GB data.
Approach below
Before inserting the file into text table
1.split the file into small partitions in unix location using split command
2.then remove the original file from the path and just keep the files splitted.
Inserting into text table load the data into text table will take some mins to load and u can see that there will be same number of partitions as you have done at unix level
Inserting into orc table
Ex: you have splitted the actual file into let say 20 partitions
then you would see 20 tasks/containers being run on the cluster to load into the orc table which is very much faster than the other
solutions which i came across
That is probably a normal behaviour as when you write data from text to text - it just writes data line by line from one file into another. Text-to-ORC will do some more work besides of it. Comparing to the text-to-text operation, text-to-orc importing will perform additional bucket-partition operations and compression operations to you data. That is the resaon of your time impacts. ORC format gives two main benefits upon text format:
save of space due to compression
improve access time to work with the data
Usually the INSERT operation is a single time operation, while access operations will be very frequent. So it usually makes sence to spend some more time at the beginning on importing the data and then have a huge benefite in saving space due to optimized storage of the data and
in optimized access time to this data

How to improve performance of loading data from NON Partition table into ORC partition table in HIVE

I'm new to Hive Querying, I'm looking for best practices to retrieve data from Hive table. we have enabled TeZ has execution engine and enabled vectorization.
We want to make reporting from Hive table, I read from TEZ document that it can be used for real time reporting. Scenario is from my WEB Application, I would like to show result from Hive Query Select * from Hive table on UI, but for any query, in the hive command prompt takes minimum 20-60 secs even though hive table has 60 GB data ,.
1) Can any one tell me how to show real time reporting by querying Hive table and show results immediately on UI within 10-30 secs
2) Another problem we have identified is, Initially we have Un-Partitioned table pointing to a Blob/File in HDFS,it is of size 60 GB with 200 columns, when we dump the data from Un-Partitioned table to ORC table(ORC table is partitioned), it takes 3 + hrs, Is there a way to improve performance in dumping data into ORC table.
3) When we do querying on Non Partition table with bucketing, inserting to hive table and querying taking less time than select query on ORC table, but has the number of records in hive table increase ORC table's SELECT query is better than table with buckets. Is there a way to improve performance for small data sets also. Since it is initial phase, every month we load 50 GB data into Hive table. but it can increase, we looking improve performance of loading data into Orc partitioned table.
4) TEZ supports interactive, less latency and drill down support for reports. How to enable my drill down reports to get data from Hive ( which should be interactive) within in Human response time i.e 5-40 sec.
we are testing with 4 Nodes each Node is having 4 cpu cores and 7 GB RAM and 3 disk attached to each VM.
In order to improve the speed of inserting data to ORC table, you can try playing around with following parameters:
Also, you might see, whether compression might also help you. For example:
SET mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.codec =;
SET hive.exec.compress.intermediate = true;
Hope it helps!
First of all. HIVE is not meant for real time data processing. No matter how small the data may be the query will take a while to return data.
Real power of hive lies in batch processing huge amount of data.
