Java Configuration equivalent of <jdbc-user-service> in Spring Security - spring

When we use xml based configuration for Spring Security we are able to use <jdbc-user-service> tag with attributes authorities-by-username-query and users-by-username-query to get username, password and role from database for a specific username input.
The code given in Spring Security documentation for Java Configuration seem to be using hard-coded username & password.
The related sample project (spring-security / samples / jdbc-jc) also appears to use the same hard-coded username & password values.
So with Java Configuration, how can we validate the user input with user credentials stored in a database?

Looks like you're looking for JdbcDaoImpl class with his setters setAuthoritiesByUsernameQuery() and setUsersByUsernameQuery().


Spring-boot LDAP - Property 'userDn' not set

I am running a Spring-boot application which authenticates users via our internal LDAP with spring-security-ldap.
By default it binds with LDAP anonymously.
Property 'userDn' not set - anonymous context will be used for read-write operations
But I want the first bind to be with current username.
Where should I specify the userDn attribute?
Thank you for your advice
When using spring ldap maybe you started from one many tutorials on the web but main of them uses embedded ldap server; embdedded server uses ldif file and doesn't need the manager credetials.
When connecting to an external ldap server you need to specify userDn setting it via managerDn method. Here the snippet of code
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
Obviously you need to provide also all the other infos like url, port, etc (and userSearchBase like mvreijn told).
I am not the most knowledgeable person regarding Spring-boot, more so regarding LDAP.
That said, your LDAP configuration properties should be mentioned in your file and are named spring.ldap.*.
They are mentioned in the documentation here.
When initializing your authentication provider, you can pass important properties like the Base DN (root to search from) and the filter using:
.userSearchBase("ou=<your users container>").userSearchFilter("(uid={0})")
Most likely, your search filter will be uid={0} or cn={0}.

SpringBoot ignoring security settings in

I'm trying to secure a simple SpringBoot application using the properties defined in
I have added at the bottom of my = user
security.user.password = password
When starting the application I can see in the logs that a default password is being generated:
Using generated security password: 7382afa7-aab1-4476-8ea7-aa3b2a9c51d6
When I try to access the Web application I can see that the credentials in are ignored. On the other hand the generated security password is still used. am I missing something?
I think you are missing the "spring" namespace in the property file.
Check with this:

What is the standard for PROD database password in the Springboot fat jar application connecting a database

I have a springboot application which connects to database, currently the database password is in plain text inside the application properties.
What is the standard for securely protecting password in PROD environment?
How to change the database password if the application password is inside the application properties which is built in as part of the JAR and especially when the application is live?
You could use jasypt to handle the encryption and then use Jasypt's Spring integration or this Jasypt Spring Boot Starter to wire it into Spring.
This will allow you to define an encrypted database password property, for example in e.g.
The other part of your question is:
How to change the database password if the application password is inside the application properties
You can do this by overring properties defined in your properties file with system properties. For example: -Ddb.password='....'. You could also define an additional properties source which is external to your JAR and can be edited at runtime. For example:
#PropertySource(value = "classpath:/**.properties"),
#PropertySource(value = "file:/some/external/directory/", ignoreResourceNotFound = true)
public class Application {
// ...
Creating the file /some/external/directory/ and populating it with db.password=... would cause your application - on next restart - to use that property value.

Using/configuring Spring Security with Spring 4 and Hibernate

I want to implement the login/logout (authentication/authorization) system of my Spring 4 MVC application with Spring Security.
Currently I use a very simple hand-made implementation which basically does nothing more than comparing the entered username and MD5 hashed password with the database values by looking up the user by the username using a custom service method and comparing the encrypted passwords.
If the passwords match, the username of the logged in member is saved in the session and a ControllerAdvice looks up the Member object for the user using the username in the session prior to each request. The checkLogin method returns true is username and password match:
public class LoginServiceImpl implements LoginService {
private MemberDao dao;
//more methods
public boolean checkLogin(String username, String password) {
String hashedPassword = getPasswordHash(password);
return dao.checkLogin(username, hashedPassword);
This does work but is not a very elegant solution, does not handle different roles and is probably not very secure. Besides I want to become familiar with Spring Security.
Reading the official tutorial for Spring Security ( the way to go to authenticate against the Login service method does not become clear to me.
The tutorial discusses authentication direct against the database but I cannot find anything about using a Service method to perform the authentication and in my layered architecture, the database is hidden behind the Servoce and Dao (Hibernate) layers.
Also most examples in the tutorial use XML based instead of Java based configuration which I use for my application.
After having search a lot with search engines, I still have not found a tutorial which implements Spring Security in a Spring MVC application using a familiar layered structure using a Service and Dao layer.
Do I need to bypass Service and DAO/Hibernate layers and authenticate directory against the database? Or write a custom authentication-provider implementing UserDetailsService as described in this post?
Spring Security 3 database authentication with Hibernate
And is configuring Spring Security possible with Java based configuration only? I am a bit lost with this issue so I hope for some hints...

How can I get the user information using Spring Security with LDAP

Im using Spring 3.1.1 with Spring Security 3.2.0 with LDAP authencitation.
I have gotten it to a point that works fine and I can log in using my LDAP username and password, I can even display the username with this
<security:authentication property="principal.username" />, is currently logged in.
I want to know how, if at all possible, can I get the first name, surname, email address or other information like that stored in my LDAP credentials.
I've tried property="credentials" but this returns null...
This is eerily similar to my question a few days ago:
How do I use a custom authorities populator with Spring Security and the ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider?
If you're not using Active Directory, you can simply extend the LdapAuthenticationProvider class and override the loadUserAuthorities method, in which you can capture the relevant user information based on the LDAP attributes for the user:
String firstName = userData.getStringAttribute("givenName");
String lastName = userData.getStringAttribute("sn");
You can store these wherever or however you like, and you're only limited to the attributes available via LDAP. Then, you'd have to specify your LdapAuthoritiesProvider in the appropriate bean (ldapAuthoritiesPopulator, if memory serves).
I believe the above will work for non-AD LDAP, but you'll obviously need to test it to be sure. I recommend the LDAP browser for Eclipse provided by Apache Studios, if you're not already using it.
Implement your own UserDetailsContextMapper and load LDAP user properties into the UserDetails object
