Sort and take top five values of hash - ruby

I have a hash whose keys are unique but values similar. I am trying to retrieve pairs of the top five highest values. For example, from this:
{9=>1, 11=>1, 12=>2, 13=>1, 14=>1, 18=>1, 19=>1, 20=>1, 23=>1, 24=>2, 27=>1, 28=>1, 29=>1, 30=>1, 33=>1, 34=>1, 35=>1, 36=>1, 37=>1, 38=>1, 39=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 42=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 54=>1, 55=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1, 59=>1, 60=>1, 61=>1, 62=>1, 63=>1, 64=>1, 66=>1, 67=>1, 68=>1, 69=>1, 70=>2, 72=>1}
I would like these values first
=> 12=>2, 24=>2, 70=>2, ???
I am not sure how to do this because there are three instances whose value is 2. How would ruby decide what the next values are if they are all the same?
I have this solution
#common_locations.max { |a,b| a.last() <=> b.last() }
but this only gives me one instance. How would I collect five?

This would work:
hash = {9=>1, 11=>1, 12=>2, 13=>1, 14=>1, 18=>1, 19=>1, 20=>1, 23=>1, 24=>2, 27=>1, 28=>1, 29=>1, 30=>1, 33=>1, 34=>1, 35=>1, 36=>1, 37=>1, 38=>1, 39=>1, 40=>1, 41=>1, 42=>1, 43=>1, 44=>1, 45=>1, 46=>1, 47=>1, 48=>1, 49=>1, 52=>1, 53=>1, 54=>1, 55=>1, 56=>1, 57=>1, 58=>1, 59=>1, 60=>1, 61=>1, 62=>1, 63=>1, 64=>1, 66=>1, 67=>1, 68=>1, 69=>1, 70=>2, 72=>1}
hash.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse.first(5).to_h
#=> {12=>2, 70=>2, 24=>2, 44=>1, 67=>1}
You can replace sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse with sort_by { |k, v| -v } if your values are numbers.
Note that Array#to_h was introduced in Ruby 2.1; for older versions, you will have to use Hash[hash.sort_by...first(5)] instead.


Get value from xml and calculate

I am getting the amounts from an xml file but I need to sum them to check.
I am using Ruby on rails with the Nokogiri gem
Example from xml file:
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/762/EXP/ES/2015-16665610" Cantidad="52.967" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="865.74">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="842.59" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="134.81"/>
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/767/EXP/ES/2015-8515840" Cantidad="35.045" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="572.80">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="557.49" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="89.20"/>
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/762/EXP/ES/2015-16665910" Cantidad="21.992" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="359.45">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="349.84" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="55.97"/>
<cfdi:Concepto ClaveProdServ="15101514" NoIdentificacion="PL/762/EXP/ES/2015-16665560" Cantidad="25.002" ClaveUnidad="LTR" Descripcion="MAGNA (LT)" ValorUnitario="16.34" Importe="408.62">
<cfdi:Traslado Base="397.69" Impuesto="002" TipoFactor="Tasa" TasaOCuota="0.160000" Importe="63.63"/>
I managed to obtain all the amounts and taxes with these line of code:
array = []
array_i = []
file = Nokogiri::XML([:consumption][:factura]))
doc_pass = file.xpath("//cfdi:Comprobante/cfdi:Conceptos/cfdi:Concepto")
doc_pass.each do |pass|
hash_importe = {}
hash_importe[:total] = pass['Importe']
array << hash_importe
doc_pass2 = file.xpath("//cfdi:Comprobante/cfdi:Conceptos/cfdi:Concepto/cfdi:Impuestos/cfdi:Traslados/cfdi:Traslado")
doc_pass2.each do |pass2|
hash_impuesto = {}
hash_impuesto[:tax] = pass2['Importe']
array_i << hash_impuesto
these are the results I get from the xml file:
(byebug) array
[{:importe=>"865.74"}, {:importe=>"572.80"}, {:importe=>"359.45"}, {:importe=>"408.62"}, {:importe=>"324.48"}, {:importe=>"649.64"}, {:importe=>"823.45"}, {:importe=>"545.15"}, {:importe=>"428.02"}, {:importe=>"527.21"}, {:importe=>"487.67"}, {:importe=>"331.72"}, {:importe=>"511.64"}, {:importe=>"406.67"}, {:importe=>"820.81"}, {:importe=>"1635.54"}, {:importe=>"484.14"}, {:importe=>"564.83"}, {:importe=>"1463.30"}]
(byebug) array_i
[{:importe=>"134.81"}, {:importe=>"89.20"}, {:importe=>"55.97"}, {:importe=>"63.63"}, {:importe=>"50.52"}, {:importe=>"101.18"}, {:importe=>"128.21"}, {:importe=>"84.88"}, {:importe=>"66.73"}, {:importe=>"82.10"}, {:importe=>"75.90"}, {:importe=>"51.58"}, {:importe=>"79.67"}, {:importe=>"63.33"}, {:importe=>"127.80"}, {:importe=>"254.69"}, {:importe=>"75.36"}, {:importe=>"87.92"}, {:importe=>"227.84"}]
now what I want is to sum both values(importe + impuesto) ​​for example:
865.74 + 134.81
572.80 + 89.20
359.45 + 55.97
I am new with rails, I would appreciate your help
You can return an array with results if both arrays have the same size(I think yes), like this:
(0..array.size - 1).each_with_object([]) { |i, obj| obj << array[i][:importe].to_f + array_i[i][:importe].to_f }
[1000.55, 662.0, 415.41999999999996, 472.25, 375.0, 750.8199999999999, 951.6600000000001, 630.03, 494.75, 609.3100000000001, 563.57, 383.3, 591.31, 470.0, 948.6099999999999, 1890.23, 559.5, 652.75, 1691.1399999999999]
Use zip method to combine values at corresponding index of two arrays
result =
.map { |importe, impuesto| importe[:importe].to_f + impuesto[:importe].to_f }
Or can be simplified more for your concrete data structure
result = { |hashes| hashes.sum {|h| h[:importe].to_f }}
Better approach would be if you extract Concepto object with Impuesto and Importe values directly from xml, then you don't need to combine different arrays, but use nicely structured object.

How to sort given array list?

list = ["HM00", "HM01", "HM010", "HM011", "HM012", "HM013", "HM014", "HM015", "HM016", "HM017", "HM018", "HM019", "HM02", "HM020", "HM021", "HM022", "HM023", "HM024", "HM025", "HM026", "HM027", "HM028", "HM029", "HM03", "HM030", "HM031", "HM032", "HM033", "HM034", "HM035", "HM036", "HM037", "HM038", "HM039", "HM04", "HM040", "HM041", "HM042", "HM043", "HM044", "HM045", "HM046", "HM047", "HM05", "HM06", "HM07", "HM08", "HM09"]
I want the display the results as ["HM00","HM01","HM002"...] but using sort method it is giving the below results
["HM00", "HM01", "HM010", "HM011", "HM012", "HM013", "HM014", "HM015", "HM016", "HM017", "HM018", "HM019", "HM02"]
If every element has a number at the end
list.sort_by { |item| item.scan(/\d*$/).first.to_i }
match that number at the end, take the first one (because scan gives you an array of results), convert it to an integer
list.sort_by { |item| item[/\d*$/].to_i }
[] already takes the first match
There is a more general solution that will work with most strings that contain groups of numbers
number = /([+-]{0,1}\d+)/;
strings = [ '2', '-2', '10', '0010', '010', 'a', '10a', '010a', '0010a', 'b10', 'b2', 'a1b10c20', 'a1b2.2c2' ]
p strings.sort_by { |item| [item.split(number).each_slice(2).map {
|x| x.size == 1 ? [ x[0], '0' ] : [ x[0], x[1] ] }].map {|y| ret = y.inject({r:[],x:[]}) { |s, z| s[:r].push [ z[0], z[1].to_r]; s[:x].push z[1].size.to_s; s }; ret[:r] + ret[:x] }.flatten
You can adjust number to match the types of numbers you want to use: integers, floating point, etc.
There is some extra code to sort equal numbers by length so that '10' comes before '010'.

Ruby each block, does not return value

This following Code doesn't work, the Problem is inside of the calc_fitness method, the each block does not return an value, and i dont know why
# takes an array, splices them into groups of 2 and returns a sum of values read from the matrix
def calc_fitness(hypothesis_arr)
hypothesis_arr.each_slice(2){|v| $distances[v.first,v.last]}
def main
# filling the matrix, with random values
$distances = create_sym_matrix
p calc_fitness((0..99).to_a)
# => [67,67,67,67....67,] #these should not be the same, which means i the block alway returns the same value. Why?
This happens because each returns itself (an instance of Enumerator) and each_slice return nil.
You could try changing the each to a map
To simplify and get a visual of what was generated, I used:
(1..99).to_a.each_slice(2).map { |v| { first: v.first, last: v.last } }
=> [{:first=>1, :last=>2}, {:first=>3, :last=>4}, {:first=>5, :last=>6}, {:first=>7, :last=>8}, {:first=>9, :last=>10}, {:first=>11, :last=>12}, {:first=>13, :last=>14}, {:first=>15, :last=>16}, {:first=>17, :last=>18}, {:first=>19, :last=>20}, {:first=>21, :last=>22}, {:first=>23, :last=>24}, {:first=>25, :last=>26}, {:first=>27, :last=>28}, {:first=>29, :last=>30}, {:first=>31, :last=>32}, {:first=>33, :last=>34}, {:first=>35, :last=>36}, {:first=>37, :last=>38}, {:first=>39, :last=>40}, {:first=>41, :last=>42}, {:first=>43, :last=>44}, {:first=>45, :last=>46}, {:first=>47, :last=>48}, {:first=>49, :last=>50}, {:first=>51, :last=>52}, {:first=>53, :last=>54}, {:first=>55, :last=>56}, {:first=>57, :last=>58}, {:first=>59, :last=>60}, {:first=>61, :last=>62}, {:first=>63, :last=>64}, {:first=>65, :last=>66}, {:first=>67, :last=>68}, {:first=>69, :last=>70}, {:first=>71, :last=>72}, {:first=>73, :last=>74}, {:first=>75, :last=>76}, {:first=>77, :last=>78}, {:first=>79, :last=>80}, {:first=>81, :last=>82}, {:first=>83, :last=>84}, {:first=>85, :last=>86}, {:first=>87, :last=>88}, {:first=>89, :last=>90}, {:first=>91, :last=>92}, {:first=>93, :last=>94}, {:first=>95, :last=>96}, {:first=>97, :last=>98}, {:first=>99, :last=>99}]
Now at this point I'm not sure what that function is doing that is assigned to $distances. You might want to provide the code for that or give some more detail on what your are attempting to accomplish.

Splitting a single string of hashes into an array of hashes

I can't get regex to split the string to give the desired result. - according to rubular this expression should work.
str = "{"DATE"=>"11/26/2013 11:15", "DESC"=>"Accident (minor)", "LOCATION"=>"12 S THORNTON AV", "DISTRICT"=>"C5", "INCIDENT"=>"2013-00496193"}, {"DATE"=>"11/26/2013 11:10", "DESC"=>"Hold-up alarm", "LOCATION"=>"4725 S KIRKMAN RD", "DISTRICT"=>"E5", "INCIDENT"=>"2013-00496235"}"
sub_str_array = str.split(/({"[\w"=>\/ :,()-]*})/)
# the desired result - each hash is an element in an array
puts the_split[0] #=> {"DATE"=>"11/26/2013 11:15", "DESC"=>"Accident (minor)", "LOCATION"=>"12 S THORNTON AV", "DISTRICT"=>"C5", "INCIDENT"=>"2013-00496193"}
Is there another way (an easier way) to convert these string hashes into an array of hashes?
You can use this:
require 'json'
yourstr = '[' + '{"DATE"=>"11/26/2013 11:15", "DESC"=>"Accident (minor)", "LOCATION"=>"12 S THORNTON AV", "DISTRICT"=>"C5", "INCIDENT"=>"2013-00496193"}, {"DATE"=>"11/26/2013 11:10", "DESC"=>"Hold-up alarm", "LOCATION"=>"4725 S KIRKMAN RD", "DISTRICT"=>"E5", "INCIDENT"=>"2013-00496235"}, {"DATE"=>"11/26/2013 11:08", "DESC"=>"Missing person - adult", "LOCATION"=>"4818 S SEMORAN BV 503", "DISTRICT"=>"K1", "INCIDENT"=>"2013-00496198"}, {"DATE"=>"11/26/2013 11:07", "DESC"=>"911 hang up", "LOCATION"=>"311 W PRINCETON ST", "DISTRICT"=>"C2", "INCIDENT"=>"2013-00496231"}' + ']'
my_hash = JSON.parse(yourstr.gsub("=>", ":"))
puts my_hash[0]
You've set str as an object. Wrap it in quotes and it should work.
It may be better to use %Q(string goes here) rather than double quotes.
You can use eval "[#{str}]", if str is hardcoded and nobody can change it.

Simplest way to display each hour of the day in Ruby

I have a calendar screen where I want to display the hours of the day like this:
Being a total Ruby noob, I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out the simplest way to display this.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# without using actual `Date` objects ...
p ["12:00am"] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00am"}.to_a +
["12:00pm"] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00pm"}.to_a
["12:00am", "1:00am", "2:00am", "3:00am", "4:00am", "5:00am", "6:00am",
"7:00am", "8:00am", "9:00am", "10:00am", "11:00am", "12:00pm", "1:00pm",
"2:00pm", "3:00pm", "4:00pm", "5:00pm", "6:00pm", "7:00pm", "8:00pm",
"9:00pm", "10:00pm", "11:00pm"]
Or using actual DateTime objects and %I:%M%p as format:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "Date"
for hour in 0..23 do
d =, 1, 1, hour, 0, 0)
p d.strftime("%I:%M%p")
Which would print:
You could generate these like this:
array = ['12:00am'] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00am"} + ['12:00pm'] + (1..11).map {|h| "#{h}:00pm"}
or simply write out the array (this is more efficient):
array = ["12:00am", "1:00am", "2:00am", "3:00am", "4:00am", "5:00am", "6:00am", "7:00am", "8:00am", "9:00am", "10:00am", "11:00am", "12:00pm", "1:00pm", "2:00pm", "3:00pm", "4:00pm", "5:00pm", "6:00pm", "7:00pm", "8:00pm", "9:00pm", "10:00pm", "11:00pm"]
You can then print these however you want, eg.
array.each do |el|
puts el
