I have assigned a keyboard shortcut for opening the Package Manager Console. I can use Shift+ESC to close the console. However, I cannot seem to find any way to use the keyboard to change the default project. (Tab does not do it)
Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
Alt + T, N, O opens Package manager
Alt + J puts focus on Default Project dropdown
On opening PhpStorm's Terminal Tool Window, I would expect to be able to run commands like Ctrl + Tab to switch terminal tabs, or Cmd + 1 to open the Project Tool Window, but my keyboard is stuck inside the Terminal.
Is there a way to release the keyboard from the Terminal so that I can return to regular commands? (Without using Option + F12 to hide the Terminal Tool Window.)
Switching between Terminal tabs can be done using the same shortcut as Editor tabs: Alt+Left/Right on Windows using Default keymap (on Mac it would be Cmd + Shift + [ and Cmd + Shift + ] (or whatever you have got there for Main Menu | Window | Editor Tabs | Select Next/Previous Tab -- you can verify/change it in your Preferences | Keymap)).
Project View tool window shortcut (Alt+1 on Windows or Cmd+1 on Mac) does not work indeed if used in Terminal.. but shortcuts for Favorites or Structure tool windows still work just fine.
Therefore I may suggest to jump to Structure via Alt+7 (Cmd+7 on Mac) first and then just use Esc to get into Editor). P.S. See if recording macro with such sequence will work for you (you can assign custom shortcut to it).
I'd suggest simply adding another keyboard shortcut for accessing the terminal. E.g. ⌘0
F12 is the default shortcut for Mac and Linux OS.
This shortcut will toggle terminal focus. The default F12 shortcut for Mac (dunno about Windows) will not.
You may need to restart PhpStorm to hijack ⌘0 or whatever you choose.
You can access terminal by Alt + F12 on Windows
PHPStorm and other products of Jet-brains are configurable to your liking. you don't need to learn new keyboard shortcut jus configure the as you prefer.
For example for me i use PHPStorm VS code and Sublime text editor for my coding daily.
So it is good to have same key-map on all of your IDES/Text editors
i am on mac and i use these key-map for all of the mentioned above
Command + ! => toggle Explore tab
Command + ~. => toggle Termina tab
Command + 2. => toggle console tab
So to configure any keyboard of your choice this on PHPStorm (macOs)
Hit Command + , and you will be on PHPStorm Preferences
Go to Key-map if you happen to know the current working shortcut on your PHPStorm
then on you right side after the search box there is a keyboard hit it and press the current working key let say by default toggling terminal is option + F12 (please note for some keyboard you need to add function key(fn) that will make it be option/alt + fn + F12)
Hope you will see terminal with keyboard shortcut at the right side, then two finger click/ right click hope you will have a popup menu to add new keyboard shortcut or remove the existing one.
Add your preferred keyboard shortcut first before removing the existing on (why ? since as soon as you remove the keyboard and you firstly got there via that keyboard shortcut the result will refresh and the thing will disappear from the view)
Note some of the new shortcut you prefer will be already in use that should not scare you away. just remove that and remap with a new binding later which you find useful for you.
Apply and ok then you are good to go !
I often need to jump from a file to another file that I don't have open to one somewhere in the project directory structure. I often use Ctrl-Alt-L to open the solution explorer panel, but then I'd like to close it after I open the file I'm after. Unfortunately Ctrl-Alt-L doesn't simply toggle the panel open/closed. Is there another way to accomplish this. Or how can I close the solution explorer panel with a key-board shortcut?
I believe you are looking for SHIFT+ESCAPE.
It will close any tool window currently in focus.
Turn on the Auto-Hide option for the Solution Explorer panel. Now you can open it with Ctrl+Alt+L and close it with Esc. Actually Esc will set the focus back to the code editor and the Solution Explorer will auto-hide itself.
It takes two steps:
CTRL + ALT + L to put the Solution Explorer into focus.
Then SHIFT + ESC to close the tool window currently in focus.
Thank you Smash for the second step.
Turn on Auto-Hide in the Solution Explorer panel, then press Ctrl + Tab and release only the Tab key, that will open this dialog with Active Tools and Active Files lists. Select your prefered item using the keyboard or mouse.
There's option menu to set shortcuts to a command.
But is there any way to find the command that binded with spefic key?
For example, I want to bind Ctrl + Alt + End for something.
But It's already binded with some other command and THIS is the command when I press Ctrl + Alt + End.
So I want to find the command and remove the bind.
Is there a way to do this with searching all the command list?
I'm using Visual Studio 2010.
Thanks in advance.
Go into the keybinding section and select any item then type in a shortcut, it will tell you what is currently assigned to that shortcut, as well as giving you the ability to override it.
What's the keyboard shortcut for Visual Studio to display the IntelliSense box if one accidentally hits ESC and wants the box come back again?
Additionally, Ctrl + K, Ctrl + I shows you Quick info (handy inside parameters)
Ctrl+Shift+Space shows you parameter information.
Ctrl + Space
Ctrl + J
You can also go to menu Tools → Options → Environment → Keyboard and check what is assigned to these shortcuts. The command name should be Edit.CompleteWord.
The most efficient one is Ctrl + ..
It helps to automate insertions of using directives. It works if the focus is on a new identifier, e.g. class name.
Ctrl+Space should do it.
It should be Ctrl + J.
If you have arrived at this question because IntelliSense has stopped working properly and you are hoping to force it to show you what you need, then most likely none of these solutions are going to work.
Closing and restarting Visual Studio should fix the problem.
If you want to change whether it highlights the best fitting possibility, use:
Ctrl + Alt + Space
Alt + Right Arrow and Alt + Numpad 6 (if Num Lock is disabled) are also possibilities.
In Visual Studio 2015 this shortcut opens a preview of the definition which even works through typedefs and #defines.
Ctrl + , (comma)
On Visual Studio Community 7.5.3 on Mac this works for me:
Ctrl + Space
The shortcut to bring up the IntelliSense box is called Edit.ListMembers. It defaults to:
Ctrl + J
The shortcut to automatically select the most likely option is Edit.CompleteWord. It defaults to:
Ctrl + Space
Does anyone know if there is a shortcut key for viewing the selected object (in the text editor) in the object browser?
I am sure there was one, but I cannot find it, or anything that seems to work in the key bindings dialog.
string test = string.empty;
if (string.isnullorempty(test))
{ ^ caret here
pressing the key would open the object browser to System.String
This navigates to the correct class inside the object browser.
Shift+Alt+F12, then right click in the results and select Browse Definition
Ctrl+Alt+J, then type the name in the search box
F12 will go to the source (if you have it), or the object browser if it's in a referenced assembly.
Use Ctrl-Alt-J.
Yes, this is CTRL + ALT + J
Here is the reference: Object Browser Shortcut Keys, Visual C++ 6.0 Default Shortcut Option
The only way I found doing it with a single shortcut is through ReSharper and define.
Editor context menu. codewindow.navigate.resharper_navigatetoobjectbrowser
as alt +shift + j (or what you want). Maybe there is a way to create a code, link it to the functions and add the shortcut in this window without installing ReSharper, or open a ticket to visual studio teem
the shortcut
It used to be Ctrl + LeftMouseClick on what you want to search for (around 2015), but it does not work anymore in VS 2019.
Resharper navigates to the class in object browser when you press F12