things behind http to https request - ajax

We implementing API and expecting to make it work only with HTTPS protocol. Let's assume it will be Could you explain me how things work in reallife, if it will be an appication who worked via HTTP and sending to my api:
serverside requests
clientside requests (ajax)


How can I intercept browser requests through an application?

I want to write an HTTP proxy server, but i can't seem to find out how to forward the browser requests to my application.

Why Jersey client does not handle redirects for HTTP POST requests?

I have configured Jersey client to automatically follow HTTP 302 redirects:
DefaultApacheHttpClientConfig config = new DefaultApacheHttpClientConfig();
config.getProperties().put(ClientConfig.PROPERTY_FOLLOW_REDIRECTS, true);
Client client = ApacheHttpClient.create(config);
This works perfectly fine when I receive HTTP 302 for HTTP GET request: the client redirects me automatically and the last response I got from client is HTTP 202.
However, when submitting HTTP POST request that results in HTTP 302, the client does not redirects me automatically. I.e., the last response from the client is HTTP 302 and I need to follow redirects manually. This behavior seems counter-intuitive for me, as Web browsers are handling such redirects automatically. The use case also seems quite common, for instance, when trying to login with HTTP POST, you often get redirected to a new page.
Why is it so? And is there a way to handle it automatically, in a same way Web browser does it?

AJAX calls to web service with HTTPS protocol

I plan to use https to build a website. After the user logs in, s/he is directed to a dashboard. The dashboard will be developed using javascript and html5. What are the thing I need to keep in mind when I make ajax calls using SOAP to a web service while using https?
The most important things:
always use the same domain name, otherwise browser will throw cross domain errors,
always use https protocol for every ajax request, so browser won't get same origin errors.
On the server side check for X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest HTTP header, to be sure that the request came as AJAX, not standalone GET/POST request. This is only difference.
With AJAX request browser will send the same cookies value as in the any other request, so you can surely check user session with it.

posting AJAX call to http url from both HTTP and HTTPS pages

I have to integrate a 3rd party newsletter signup form that makes an AJAX call to HTTP url.
That form I'm placing on pages that use HTTP or HTTPS protocols ( http for home pg., ect.; https for ecommerce related stuff )
I don't think anything is sent back from the destination server ( at least I can't see the response) other than status code.
I'm getting 200 OK whether I submit the form from HTTP or HTTPS page and watch what's going on with it in Firebug. Wonder if it's safe to assume the call gets processed successfully?
Usually, I like to have a proof positive that something worked or didn't, but in this case all test signups show up the next day, ( due to sign up getting processed as some scheduled task I'm guessing ), hence the unease.
You can call https server from http but can't call http from https directly using AJAX.
To call http user from https server you need to call your server side application from java script using AJAX, and then call http url from your server side application then send back this to the client.
You can use window.location.protocol to check whether you're currently on a Secure connection, and if so, you should AJAX a secure url.

Can Ajax HTTP and HTTPS work side by side?

Assuming a single page application accessed initially via HTTP that uses AJAX for all server interaction, is it possible to use HTTP for regular data transfers and then switch to AJAXian HTTPS requests for secure data transfers?
If so, how would the browser handle the certificate and locking notification when a HTTPS AJAX request was made?
If this is not possible, then are there any workarounds to mixing AJAX HTTP and AJAX HTTPS within the same page such as loading an iFrame for HTTPS?
Attempting to switch protocols will violate the same origin policy.
I am not sure how a workaround using iFrames would behave, but I think the browser may block access to the frame that was loaded as HTTPS, again due to the same origin policy.
I know this is old post but since i arrived here by search engine it would be a worth to spill what I've learn.
It is possible to use something called CORS but as usual old MSIE has problem implementing it.
It should be simple as sending additional HTTP headers:
