How can I intercept browser requests through an application? - http-proxy

I want to write an HTTP proxy server, but i can't seem to find out how to forward the browser requests to my application.


things behind http to https request

We implementing API and expecting to make it work only with HTTPS protocol. Let's assume it will be Could you explain me how things work in reallife, if it will be an appication who worked via HTTP and sending to my api:
serverside requests
clientside requests (ajax)

Can't see Https traffic in fiddler - it only shows "tunnel" - https decryption enabled

I have a ASP.NET MVC based web site which runs on http.
From the above web site I'm making a https call to a web API
Configured fiddler as a proxy and trying to monitor the traffic using Fiddler Web Debugger (ver
I only see "tunnel to" requests to the https web api sent from the MVC web application. Why am I not able to see other https traffic including request/response headers/body?
I have enabled decrypting https setting in fiddler. I have followed this link:
Is there anything else I can check?
Let's step back a bit:
Is the HTTPS request to the web API being made from JavaScript on the client, or from ASP.NET code on the server?
Did the request actually succeed?
What, if anything, do you see in Fiddler's LOG tab?

how to transform a request's URL using a client-side proxy?

I have an application that makes web requests to a set of URLs with the same host name. For testing purposes, I need to have this application make the same requests to URLs with a different host name. I don't have access to the source code, so building a debug version with the modified URLs is not possible.
Is there a [lightweight] proxy application that can intercept web requests and transform their URL?
For example, if it detects a web request to https://some.production.server/path, have it transform and send the request to https://some.development.server/path
Sure, use Fiddler. Click Tools > Hosts.

How to automatically simulate server responses from a browser plugin (Firefox/Chromium)

While I am testing a web application, for some requests that are computational intensive on the server side, I would like to simulate the server response directly from a browser add-on. I would like to be able to configure the URL and set-up a JSON response that will be returned by the browser without sending the request to the server.
Does any of you know a good tool for this purpose ?
P.S. So far I am either changing the server code to simulate the response or changing the client code to return the response without triggering the request to server.

AJAX calls to web service with HTTPS protocol

I plan to use https to build a website. After the user logs in, s/he is directed to a dashboard. The dashboard will be developed using javascript and html5. What are the thing I need to keep in mind when I make ajax calls using SOAP to a web service while using https?
The most important things:
always use the same domain name, otherwise browser will throw cross domain errors,
always use https protocol for every ajax request, so browser won't get same origin errors.
On the server side check for X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest HTTP header, to be sure that the request came as AJAX, not standalone GET/POST request. This is only difference.
With AJAX request browser will send the same cookies value as in the any other request, so you can surely check user session with it.
