Generating TDB Dataset from archive containing N-TRIPLES files - bash

Apologies, in advance, for a possible duplicate.
I have an archive containing 117,426 files (each in the N-TRIPLES format) that I wish to load into the default graph of a TDB dataset. Due to the large number of files, I need to be able to perform this import without manually selecting individual files for upload.
I am in Bash, with Jena and Fuseki distributions at my disposal.
If possible, I want to avoid the worst-case scenario of just writing a java application to do this. If I have to write a java application for this, what hooks exist in RIOT/TDB to perform programmatic bulk-loading?

As a genenral comment, one way is to concatenate the N-Triples files to generate one single file.
You can load many files at once with either tdbloader or tdbloader2.
tdbloader --loc DB ... your files ...
The 117,426 may strain you OS for a single command line invocation. You can pipe the files into tdbloader (it's just like concatenating the files first)
... | tdbloader --loc DB -- -
where ... is some way to get bash to cat the files (possible from a subshell).
e.g. (you'll need to adjust to file all 117,426 files):
( for x in data*.nt
cat $x
) | tdbloader --loc DB -- -


How to loop over multiple folders to concatenate FastQ files?

I have received multiple fastq.gz files from Illumina Sequencing for 100 samples. But all the fastq.gz files for the respective samples are in separate folders according to the sample ID. Moreover, I have multiple (8-16) R1.fastq.gz and R2.fastq.gz files for one sample. So, I used the following code for concatenating all the R1.fastq.gz and R2.fastq.gz into a single R1.fastq.gz and R2.fastq.gz.
cat V350043117_L04_some_digits-525_1.fq.gz V350043117_L04_some_digits-525_1.fq.gz V350043117_L04_some_digits-525_1.fq.gz > sample_R1.fq.gz
So in the sequencing file, the structure is like the above in the code. For each sample, the string with V has different number then L with different number and then another string of digits before the _1 and _2. For each sample, the numbers keep changing.
My questing is, how can I create a loop that will go over all the folders at once taking the different file numbering of sequence files into consideration for concatenating the multiple fq.gz files and combine them into a single R1 and R2 file?
Surely, I cannot just concatenate one by one by going into each sample folder.
Please give some helpful tips. Thank you.
The folder structure is the following:
/data/Sample_1/....._525_1_fq.gz /....._525_2_fq.gz /....._526_1_fq.gz /....._526_2_fq.gz
/data/Sample_2/....._580_1_fq.gz /....._580_2_fq.gz /....._589_1_fq.gz /....._589_2_fq.gz
/data/Sample_3/....._690_1_fq.gz /....._690_2_fq.gz /....._645_1_fq.gz /....._645_2_fq.gz
Below I have attached a screenshot of the folder structure.
Folder structure
Based on the provided file structure, would you please try:
for d in Raw2/C*/; do
cd "$d"
id=${d%/}; id=${id##*/} # extract ID from the directory name
cat V*_1.fq.gz > "${id}_R1.fq.gz"
cat V*_2.fq.gz > "${id}_R2.fq.gz"
The syntax for d in Raw2/C*/ loops over the subdirectories starting with C.
The parentheses make the inner commands executed in a subshell so we don't have to care about returning from cd "$d" (at the expense of small extra execution time).
The variable id is assigned to the ID extracted from the directory name.
cat V*_1.fq.gz, for example, will be expanded as V350028825_L04_581_1.fq.gz V350028825_L04_582_1.fq.gz V350028825_L04_583_1.fq.gz ... according to the files in the directory and are concatenated into ${id}_R1.fastq.gz. Same for ${id}_R2.fastq.gz.

Combine CSV files with condition

I need to combine all the csv files in some directory (.csv), provided that there are other files with the same name in this directory, but with different expansion (.csv.done).
If a csv file doesn't have .done in this extension then I don't need it for combine process.
What is the best way to do it using Bash ?
This approach is a solution to your problem. I see you've commented that it "didn't work", but whatever the reason is for it not working, it's likely simple to fix e.g. if you forgot to include key details, or failed to adapt it appropriately to suit your specific situation. If you need further help troubleshooting, add more info to your question.
The approach:
for f in *.csv.done
cat "${f%.*}" >> combined_file.csv
How it works:
In your example, you have 3 files named 1.csv 2.csv 3.csv and two 'done' files named 1.csv.done 2.csv.done.
This script begins by making a list of all files that end in .csv.done (two files: 1.csv.done 2.csv.done).
It then uses a parameter expansion, specifically ${parameter%word}, to 'shorten' the name of the two files in the list to .csv (instead of .csv.done).
Then it 'prints' the content of the two 'shortened' filenames (1.csv and 2.csv) into a 'combined' file.
It doesn't 'print' the content of 1.csv.done or 2.csv.done, or 3.csv, because these files weren't in the original 'list'.
If you run this script multiple times, it will keep adding the contents of files 1.csv and 2.csv to the 'combined' file (only run it once, or delete the 'combined' file before running it again)

Shell script to verify data packages

I need to make shell script to check my algorithms with loads of data(tests packages saved in .in files, every package contains folder with .in file and the other one with .out file where supposed to be correct result)
Sometimes It's about 1000 files in one packages so there's no point of doing it manually. I need some kind of loop which opens this .in file then redirect input of my c++ program and also redirect output of this program(save result to .out files) But the point is I can't get this language as quick as I need.
And I would like this script to compare results of my algorithm to .out files from packages
for f in ExternalIn/*.in; do//part of code which opens process with my algorithm and compare its .out file to .out file from package
Skipping checks for missing files, whitespace-safety, etc., you probably need something like:
for f in ExternalIn/*.in; do
# diff the result of my_cpp_app eating with file.out
# and store the comparison result in file.diff
diff ${f/.in/.out} <(my_cpp_app <$f 2>/dev/null) > ${f/.in/.diff}
Although I would probably do it with find / xargs pipeline which is not only safer but also allows parallel execution.
Or even write a Makefile for this and use make, which after all is a tool for exactly this kind of work.

Bash get all specific files in specific directory

I have a script that takes as an argument a path to a file upon which it performs certain operations. These files are stored in directories with path storage///_id/files (so in 2016 July 22 it would be storage/2016/Jul/22_1/files for the first set of files, .../Jul/22_2/files for second one etc.). The problem is each directory stores files with two extensions (say file.doc, file.txt) and I want to perform operations only on .txt files. I've tested earlier something like
for file in "/home/gonczor/temp/"*/*".txt"; do
echo "$file"
And it worked perfectly given that names in directories don't change. When I move one step further and add this 22_1, 22_2, 23_1 directories something strange happens.
This is my script (simplified):
for file in "$FILE_PATH/""$YEAR/""$MONTH/""$DAY"*/*".txt"; do
my_program ${report}
And instead of finding .../2016/Jul/22_1/file.txt it finds /2016/Jul/22*/*.txt
How can I make it work? The solution I've tried to make up is from here

What is the fastest way to unzip textfiles in Matlab during a function?

I would like to scan text of textfiles in Matlab with the textscan function. Before I can open the textfile with fid = fopen('C:\path'), I need to unzip the files first. The files have the extension: *.gz
There are thousands of files which I need to analyze and high performance is important.
I have two ideas:
(1) Use an external program an call it from the command line in Matlab
(2) Use a Matlab 'zip'toolbox. I have heard of gunzip, but don't know about its performance.
Does anyone knows a way to unzip these files as quick as possible from within Matlab?
You could always try the Matlab unzip() function:
Extract contents of zip file
unzip(zipfilename, outputdir)
unzip(url, ...)
filenames = unzip(...)
unzip(zipfilename) extracts the archived contents of zipfilename into the current folder and sets the files' attributes, preserving the timestamps. It overwrites any existing files with the same names as those in the archive if the existing files' attributes and ownerships permit it. For example, files from rerunning unzip on the same zip filename do not overwrite any of those files that have a read-only attribute; instead, unzip issues a warning for such files.
Internally, this uses Java's zip library If your zip archives each contain many text files it might be faster to drop down into Java and extract them entry by entry, without explicitly unzipped files. look at the source of unzip.m to get some ideas, and also the Java documentation.
I've found 7zip-commandline(Windows) / p7zip(Unix) to be somewhat speedier for this.
[edit]From some quick testing, it seems making a system call to gunzip is faster than using MATLAB's native gunzip. You could give that a try as well.
Just write a new function that imitates basic MATLAB gunzip functionality:
function [] = sunzip(fullfilename,output_dir)
if ~exist('output_dir','var'), output_dir = fileparts(fullfilename); end
app_path = '/usr/bin/7za';
switches = ' e'; %extract files ignoring directory structure
options = [' -o' output_dir];
system([app_path switches options '_' fullfilename]);
Then use it as you would use gunzip:
With MATLAB's toc timer, I get the following extraction times with 6 uncompressed 114MB ASCII files:
gunzip: 10.15s
sunzip: 7.84s
worked well, just needed a minor change to Max's syntax calling the executable.
system([app_path switches ' ' fullfilename options ]);
