Does anyone know how I can enable syntax highlighting for .hbs files in Coda?
At the moment everything is in white. If I rename the file to something.html it works.
Resolved this myself.
In Coda Preferences, Select Editor, add a Custom Syntax Mode at the bottom.
Any reason why :h lsp doesn't show any syntax highlight, where as h: mason does provide some syntax highlight of embedded LUA code? Within a same session, opened help files in 2 different tabs (you can see in the images below). Below are images for references,
I'm expecting all help files containing embedded code should get syntax highlight.
I downloaded an install Sublime editor. I want to color the text when writing in specific programming languages, so that I can copy/Paste to Word. I followed this video: but nothing worked on me. Does anyone know how do I enable text coloring on Sublime? Otherwise is there any other editor that I can use in order to get colored text so that I can Copy/Paste it to Word?
Pasting from VSCode to word keeps the formatting and colors for me. You do have to make sure you paste with source formatting.
I just found out that there is an option at the bottom right of the Sublime Text to select the programming language. The menu to select other languages opens up when you click on it (C++ on the screenshot). This is on version 4143
I would like to mc viewer (mcview, run by F3 key) highlights my C++ code. Is it possible?
For editing (mcedit, F4 key) I am using vim with its own syntax highlighting. For viewing, I can't find such option. There is
Which can be changed in ~/.mc/ini or ~/.config/mc/ini but it's obviously related with built-in mcedit, not the viewer. Is there something like viewer_syntax_highlighting=1 or any other way how to highlight syntax in viewer?
Viewer doesn't do syntax highlighting, only Editor does.
Using Textmate, I have somehow managed to turn off syntax highlighting for php files. After much trial and error, I have worked out that this happened when I accidentally hit SHIFT-CTRL-OPTION-D (I'm on a Mac, btw). I've looked everywhere and tried many key combinations, but I cannot figure out how to re-enable the nice syntax highlighting. Please help me, Textmate gurus, you're my only hope!
The key sequence SHIFT-CTRL-OPTION-D corresponds to an option in the language menu down at the bottom left of the Textmate window. The language menu tells Textmate what language to consider the file so it can determine the proper syntax highlighting. The key sequence I hit caused Textmate to highlight my text as though it were a diff window. Switched it back to PHP and it works great now.
I don't have enough rep to add a comment, so I'll expand on the accepted answer here.
SHIFT+CONTROL+OPTION+<LETTER> will display a menu showing all grammars beginning with <LETTER>. So if you want PHP back, just hit SHIFT+CONTRL+OPTION+P, and then a list of languages beginning with 'P' will pop up. You can choose one from the list by pressing the corresponding number (on my computer, it's 2).
How do I get Aptana to apply the same syntax highlighting and auto-complete that exists on .html files to my files that end in .handlebars?
I'm assuming there must be some setting in Preferences to allow this, but I'm not seeing it.
If it helps, I'm using version
Ok, recently figured this one out.
Under Windows > Preferences select General > Editors > File Associations.
Here, you can simple add whatever extension you want, then the editor that you want to apply it to.
Here's a screenshot:
After you click "Ok" you will have whatever syntax highlighting or code completion that the editor you specified has.