Spring Boot JUnit tests fail with Status expected:<200> but was:<404> - spring

For some time I've been struggling to make JUnit tests for my rest controller. For some reason, every time I try to run them I get the error Status expected:<200> but was:<404>. Here is my controller:
public class TravelController {
private final TravelService travelService;
private final TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
public List<TravelOutputDto> getAll() {
List<Travel> travels = travelService.getAll();
return travels.stream()
And here is my test:
#WebMvcTest(controllers = TravelController.class)
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {
class TravelControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private TravelService travelService;
private TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
void testGetAll() throws Exception {
List<Travel> travels = mockTravelList();
private List<Travel> mockTravelList() {
// Dummy travel list
I think the reason is connected with TravelOutputDtoMapper as if I remove it from the controller and don't try to inject it the tests are passing, but I cannot find any information why it is doing it. The autowired mapper has an instance and works just fine.
Here is the Mapper:
#Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public interface TravelOutputDtoMapper {
#Mapping(target = "from", source = "entity.from.code")
#Mapping(target = "to", source = "entity.to.code")
TravelOutputDto travelToTravelOutputDto(Travel entity);

The #ContextConfiguration annotation is used for a different purpose:
#ContextConfiguration defines class-level metadata that is used to determine how to load and configure an ApplicationContext for integration tests.
Using Spring Boot and #WebMvcTest there's no need to manually specify how to load the context. That's done for you in the background.
If you'd use this annotation, you'd specify your main Spring Boot class here (your entry-point class with the #SpringBootApplication annotation).
From what I can see in your test and your question is that you want to provide an actual bean for the TravelOutputDtoMapper, but mock the TravelService.
In this case, you can use #TestConfiguration to add further beans to your sliced Spring TestContext:
// #ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) can be removed. This extension is already registered with #WebMvcTest
#WebMvcTest(controllers = TravelController.class)
class TravelControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private TravelService travelService;
private TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper;
static class TestConfig {
public TravelOutputDtoMapper travelOutputDtoMapper() {
return new TravelOutputDtoMapper(); // I assume your mapper has no collaborators
// ... your MockMvc tests


How to #Autowired a test controller invoked by WebTestClient in #WebFluxTest?

I have a Controller just for tests with dummy apis
public class TestController {
private org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.Tracer tracer;
public Mono<String> traceTest() {
Here's my test
#WebFluxTest(controllers = TestController.class)
public MyTest {
private WebTestClient webClient;
public void testTrace() {
When I try to run this, my Tracer is not Autowired.
Of course, if I change my test to a #SpringBootTest, it all works
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public MyTest {
But I'd like to avoid autowiring my entire spring application. How can I get TestController to be auto-configured?
The #WebFluxTest annotation populates a Spring TestContext with only a subset of the relevant beans:
#WebFluxTest auto-configures the Spring WebFlux infrastructure and
limits scanned beans to #Controller, #ControllerAdvice,
#JsonComponent, Converter, GenericConverter, WebFilter, and
WebFluxConfigurer. Regular #Component and #ConfigurationProperties
beans are not scanned when the #WebFluxTest annotation is used.
#EnableConfigurationProperties can be used to include
#ConfigurationProperties beans. from Spring Boot Documentation
Your Tracer won't be part of this TestContext out-of-the-box.
For your #WebFluxTest you can provide a mocked version of this bean with #MockBean:
#WebFluxTest(controllers = TestController.class)
public MyTest {
private WebTestClient webClient;
private Tracer tracer;
public void testTrace() {
... and if you want to test the full integration I would rather use #SpringBootTest.

Is there a way to test nested objects without the web or persistence layer in Spring Boot?

I'm using JUnit5 to test a Spring Boot application. I want to test a #Service object, which uses #Autowired fields. I would like to mock another #Service object which is indirectly used by my test object. Concretely, I have the following (highly simplified) setup:
Object being tested:
public class MainService {
private #Autowired SubService subService;
public String test() {
return subService.test();
public class SubService {
private #Autowired StringService stringService;
public String test() {
return stringService.test();
public class StringService {
public String test() {
return "Real service";
Test class used:
public class MainServiceTest {
private #Autowired MainService mainService;
private #MockBean StringService stringService;
public void mock() {
Mockito.when(stringService.test()).thenReturn("Mocked service");
public void test() {
assertEquals("Mocked service", mainService.test());
The above works if I run the test class as a #SpringBootTest, but this loads the full application and is very slow. I also want to avoid #WebMvcTest since I don't need the web server, or #DataJpaTest since I don't need persistence. I don't want to mock SubService, as it contains functionality I want to test together with the MainService.
I tried the following:
#ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) => throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException, it seems the autowiring does not work in this case
#ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) and using #InjectMocks and #Mock instead of the Spring annotations => as the StringService is not a direct field of the MainService being tested, this does not work.
Is there a way to use the spring dependency injection system without loading the web server or persistence layer, or alternatively not use Spring tests but allow for 'nested' dependency injection?
You can use profiling (i.e Spring #Profile) to avoid loading the whole application. It will look something like below:
public class TestConfiguration {
public MainService mainService() {
return new MainService();
public SubService subService() {
return new SubService();
// mock the StringService
public StringService stringService() {
return Mockito.mock(StringService.class);
then use that profile with `#SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfiguration.class), it will look something like below:
#SpringBootTest(classes = TestConfiguration.class)
class MainServiceTest {
private MainService mainService;
public void test() {
// configure behavior using apis like when(), basically however you
// want your mock to behave
This will load only the beans defined in the class TestConfiguration.
NOTE: Since your question is more about how to avoid loading the whole application, I've answered focusing on that. The above approach will get the job done, but I'd prefer constructor wiring over any other mode of dependency injection on any given day, it's easier to maintain and test(like cases where you want to mock).

Geting java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate mock definition while using #MockBean in test case

I have one service class that I want to mock but while running the test I am Getting Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Duplicate mock definition [MockDefinition#482ba4b1 name = '', typeToMock = com.service.ThirdPartyService, extraInterfaces = set[[empty]], answer = RETURNS_DEFAULTS, serializable = false, reset = AFTER]
I have tried to create mock service using #MockBean at class level, field level, and used #Qualifier as well to resolve the issue
public class ThirdPartyService{
public String decrypt(String encryptedText) {
//third party SDK I am using
return Service.decrypt.apply(encryptedText);
#PropertySource({"classpath:/api.properties", "classpath:/common.properties"})
#SpringBootTest(classes = {Application.class}, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT)
public class TestControllerTest extends IntegrationTest {
ThirdPartyService thirdPartyService;
public void initMocks(){
public void test() throws Exception {
Request req = Request.builder().name("name123").build();
//written performPost method in some other class
ResultActions action = performPost("/test", req);
public class IntegrationTest {
protected final Gson mapper = new Gson();
private MockMvc mvc;
private WebApplicationContext context;
public ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
public void setup() {
this.mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(context).apply(springSecurity()).build();
When I am calling Thirdparty service decrypt method then it should return me decryptedText as a string. But getting duplicate mock definition error
I had the same issue.
Cause of this were test configuration file which was put somewhere else and it contained the mocked bean.
I have solved this by using #Autowired instead of #MockBean as this will result in autowiring the already mocked bean.
In my case the problem appeared after another dependency update and the reason was in the #SpringBootTest annotation referencing the same class twice:
#SpringBootTest(classes = {MyApplication.class, ApiControllerIT.class})
class ApiControllerIT extends IntegrationTestConfigurer {
// ...
#SpringBootTest(classes = {MyApplication.class, TestRestTemplateConfiguration.class})
public class IntegrationTestConfigurer {
// ...
I fixed it by removing #SpringBootTest annotation from the child class (ApiControllerIT).
In my case it was incorrect test class name that doesn't end with 'Test'.
If you have nested test classes try this:
From Spring release notes: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework/wiki/Upgrading-to-Spring-Framework-5.x#upgrading-to-version-53

Custom filter not injected in Spring integration test

I have an integration test that is designed to start my Spring Boot app:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = AppConfigCorrelationIdTestIt.class)
public class CorrelationIdTestIT {
Where the configuration class is:
public class AppConfigCorrelationIdTestIt {
In the app I have a defined custom servlet filter:
public class CorrelationHeaderFilter implements Filter {
But when testing my app I'm finding that the customer filter isn't instantiated and injected in to the filter chain. The only way round this I've found is to manually create it as a bean in AppConfigCorrelationIdTestIt, and then it works perfectly.
public CorrelationHeaderFilter correlationHeaderFilter() {
return new CorrelationHeaderFilter();
Any ideas why the filter isn't picked up by Spring Boot when the application starts?
Usually, in test classes possible to use DefaultMockMvcBuilder.addFilter(Filter filter, String... urlPatterns) when configured MockMvc. For example:
public class AuthenticationTest {
private static final String TOKEN_HEADER = "X-Firebase-Auth";
final String url = "http://localhost:8080/authentication";
final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AuthenticationTest.class);
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
public Filter springSecurityFilterChain;
private MockMvc mockMvc;
public void setUp(){
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext)
I based on this answer

Spring HATEOAS Resource assembler is not instantiated in unit test

I am trying to write a unit test for a REST controller which generates HATEOAS links via Resource assembler class. Everything is OK in production, but with the unit test Resource assembler class is not being injected into the controller.
my resource assembler class is:
public class ModelResourceAssembler extends ResourceAssemblerSupport<Model, ModelResource> {
public ModelResourceAssembler() {
super(ModelRestController.class, ModelResource.class);
public ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler(){
return new ModelResourceAssembler();
public ModelResource toResource(Model model) {
The controller is:
#ComponentScan(basePackages = {"com.foo.demo"} )
public class ModelRestController {
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the unit test:
#ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes= {ModelResourceAssembler.class, ModelRestController.class})
public class ModelRestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private ModelRestController modelRestController;
private ModelPersistenceHandler modelPersistenceHandler;
public void setup() {
mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(modelRestController).build();
No matter what I do the ModelResourceAssembler instance is always null. Since the application is Spring Boot it does not have the WebCoonfig classes and autowired WebApplicationContext is always null, so I cannot (and really don't want to since I am running a unit test) instantiate MockMvc via webAppContextSetup
The solution ended up being quite simple: I needed to add one line to my test:
private ModelResourceAssembler modelResourceAssembler;
And the bean was instantiated and properly wired
In your example you use #InjectMocks but don't declare a mock for ModelResourceAssembler. You don't get an instance out of nowhere.
You use the MockitoJUnitRunner.class. It has no idea of Spring beans. For testing Spring applications you rather want to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class.
If i may suggest, if you use constructor injection for your controller then you can just mock the dependency and not need spring junit test runner stuff.
