spring annotation manage pojo - spring

I use spring annotation to manage java bean, use #service in service layer, and #autowired when inject service, but now I have a question, how to manage POJO by spring?
for example, I need to return a user for ajax call, so I need to always write like:
User user = new User()......
return user;
So, how I can use like
#autowired User user;
And the User POJO will be:
public class User{}
so each time the user entity will be a new one, and I needn't to new it everytime,
But I failed to write like this, so can spring manage POJO to be a prototype?
Thanks for answering

You have three options that i can think of straigh away. What you want is to be able to create prototypes from within a singleton. So you can either use..
1) AOP Scoped Proxy.
So change your User class annotation to ...
#Scope(value = "prototype", proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
(this required cglib on your classpath)
2) lookup-method
this is a bit more involved and makes things a bit harder to test
3) make your class implement ApplicationContextAware and then you can just call getBean on the context when you want a new prototype.
A bit of googling will sort you out anyway but I recommend the first option

Try following code:
public class User
Hope it helps.


Spring Boot - Override bean from controller

I have two controllers (ControllerA and ControllerB)
Both controllers call to a service (MyService).
MyService calls to an interface called MyRepository which has two implementations (FirstRepository and SecondRepository).
How is possible to use FirstRepository when the service (MyService) is called from ControllerA and use SecondRepository when the call comes from ControllerB?
This way I can reuse MyService and which repository is used comes from Spring Configuration.
I can see two possible solutions here.
1. In you MyService class autowire both implementations with #Qualifier annotation (you can also autowire List.
Then MyService method would have a parameter saying which MyRepository implementation should be called. I would not recommend this solution.
2. Define two implementations of MyService (FirstService, SecondService). Then FirstService would autowire FirstRepository and SecondService would autowire SecondRepository (use #Qualifier annotation again. Now you can easily inject FirstService to ControllerA and SecondService to ControllerB.
But first I would think about architecture. Maybe you don't need separate controllers?
Have you checked #Primary or #Resource or #Qualifier annotations? Based on your requirement you can choose out of them.
Something similar has been discussed here.
I ended up creating two controllers and defining two #Configuration classes, one for each #Controller.
And using the #Qualifier annotations defined two sets of beans, and then in each controller let Spring know which #Qualified bean I want injected.
class AController(
#Qualifier("appStore") private val redeemPurchaseService: RedeemPurchaseService
) : RedeemPurchaseApiDocumentation { // More code }
And the other controller
class GPlayRedeemPurchaseController(
#Qualifier("gplay") private val redeemPurchaseService: RedeemPurchaseService
) : RedeemPurchaseApiDocumentation { // More code }
And two #Configuration files, one per controller.

Autowired Domain/Entity classes retains Old values

I have a mapper class for an incoming Event message.
Once the event message comes to the application, the mapper class sets the values in the entity object and saves it in the Database.
I have Autowired the entity object in my mapper class.
Whenever a new event comes in, the autowired entity object is still having the Old/previous values.
Is autowiring of Domain/Entity object possible in this case or I should go with 'New' keyword instead of Autowiring as Spring bean.
I see some posts about using #Configurable. I am not sure which is the best coding practice in this case?
public class LegacyEventMapper {
private LegacyEvent legacyEvent;
private LegacyEntity legacyEntity;
public void mapLegacyNotificationDetails(LegacyScheduleEvent body) throws Exception {
//Setting the values into the Entity object
I have no idea why you actually want to #Autowire an #Entity and make it spring aware. This is wrong. You can do it, but it makes absolutely no sense.
What you actually want to do is create a new LegacyEntity (via the new LegacyEntity) and save that instance to DB.
What you have read via #Configurable is the other way around - you inject a spring bean/service into an Entity.
I think We can #Autowire an #Entity class. But then we need to mention in Entity class that it is of Request scope
#Scope(scopeName=WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_REQUEST, proxyMode=ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class LegacyEntity {
I am not sure if using the new keyword is the better approach instead of autowiring an Entity class?

AspectJ pointcut on method in Spring CrudRepository

I'm using Spring's CrudRepository in combination with the annotation #RepositoryRestResource to implement a simple CRUD-app that can be used throught a RESTful API. I now want to add an AspectJ pointcut on my repository, so that some functionalities will be executed whenever a CRUD-method from the interface is called.
First, I extend Spring's CrudRepository to add some custom functionalities in my own interface:
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "customers", path = "customers")
public interface CustomerRestRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Integer>{
Customer findOneByGuid(#Param("customerGuid") String customerGuid);
//Other custom methods.
Everything is working fine and I'm able to call this method via my REST client. I do not have to implement the interface CustomerRestRepository since Spring is doing the job as a miracle in behind. This is one of the crucial advantages of extending Springs's CrudRepository.
The problem, I'm facing now, is to add an AspectJ pointcut on this custom method findOneByGuid() that will, for example, log every call of the method after it's execution.
What I've tried by so far is:
public aspect AfterCustomerCrudAspect {
"execution(* com.x.y.z.CustomerRestRepository.findOneByGuid(..))")
public void customerCrudMethod() {}
public void doSomething() {
//Do something
I've also tried:
1) execution(* com.x.y.z.CustomerRestRepository+.findOneByGuid(..))
2) execution(* org.springframework.data.repository.Repository+.*(..))
3) within(com.x.y.z.CustomerRestRepository)
4) annotation(RepositoryRestResource)
...and many others I do not remember. All with the same frustrating result: The advice is never applied.
By the way, I do not face any exceptions and if I try execution(* *.*(..)), the advice is working well - but, of course, not limited to the method findOneByGuid(). Thus, I think my code is correct in general.
I know that it is not possible to set pointcuts on interfaces. But since I do not have to implement the interface CustomerRestRepository by my own to get things working, I need to find a way to set a pointcut on an interface's method - or to find some other solution.
Well, one possible solution to that would be to implement the interface CustomerRestRepository. But then I've to do all the implementation work for the repository by my own and skip using the advantages of Spring's CrudRepository.
Thus, my question is, if there is a possibility to set a AspectJ pointcut on methods in a Spring CrudRepository.
Many thanks in advance for all the answers.
Well, I solved my problem in a different way.
Sometimes, things are less complicated than expected. Adding an AspectJ pointcut on a Spring CRUD-repository to execute some functionalities, whenever an entity is changed was not the best idea. (And at the best of my knowledge, it is not possible at all.)
There is a much more easier way to implement my requirement: The package javax.persistence provides the annotation #EntityListeners that suites perfectly to this job. So, annotate the entity class with the listener and implement the needed functionalities within the listener class:
//#Table, #NamedQueries and other stuff ...
public class Customer implements Serializable {
Implementation of the EntityListener:
public class CustomerEntityListener {
public void customerPostPersist(Customer customer) {
//Add functionalities
The EntityListeneralso provides annotation for #PostUpdate, #PostRemove and so on - visit this site for more information.

Spring DTO validation in Service or Controller?

I'm building a straight forward AJAX / JSON web service with Spring. The common data flow is:
some DTO from browser
Spring #Controller method
Spring #Service method
I'm looking for the most easy way to handle data validation.
I know the #Valid annotation which works pretty well inside #Controller methods.
Why does #Valid not work within #Service methods?
I mean: A service method can be used by any other service and controller. So wouldn't it make much more sense to validate at #Service level?
Let's take this simple example:
public class MyDTO {
public String required
public int age;
public MyDomainObject foo(MyDTO myDTO) {
// persist myDTO
// and return created domain object
MyService myService;
#Autowired // some simple bean mapper like Dozer or Orika
Mapper mapper; // for converting domain objects to DTO
public MyDomainObjectDTO doSomething(#RequestBody MyDTO myDTO) {
mapper.map(myService.foo(myDTO), MyDomainObjectDTO.class);
Is it common practice that the service method receives the DTO?
If yes: What's the best practice to validate that DTO inside the service method?
If no: Should maybe the controller manipulate the Domain object and just let the service save that object? (this seems pretty useless to me)
In my opinion the service should be responsible for only data consistency.
How do you solve this?
My answer? Both.
The service must check its own contract for validity.
The controller is part of the UI. It should validate and bind for a better user experience, but the service should not rely on it.
The service cannot know how it's being called. What if you wrap it as a REST service?
The service also knows about business logic violations in a way that no UI can. It needs to validate to make sure that the use case is fulfilled appropriately.
Double bag it; do both.
See my other answer: Check preconditions in Controller or Service layer
If you really want to do validation like error handling in your Service layer similar to Spring MVC you can use javax.validation and AspectJ (to advice the methods to validate) which is what I do because I like making reflection do the work and declarative programming (annotations).
Spring MVC doesn't need to do AspectJ/AOP to do the error handling because the methods are being called through reflection (url routing/dispatching).
Finally for you MVC code you should know that #Valid is sort of unofficially deprecated. Instead consider #Validated which will leverage more of the javax.validation features.

Injecting a bean to use in Controllers throughout the application

I'm using spring mvc 3.1.x and jets3t.
I have a DataAccessObject that i instantiate as a Singleton bean..
I managed to get it working through extending the applicationcontextloader class and adding it to the web.xml
I changed my method, I tried inject and autowired but it's not suitable for my needs.
What I've done was to implement ApplicationContextAware and set it up as a bean, in the code I use it as follows:
ApplicationContext ctx = BannerApplicationContext.getApplicationContext();
BannerGenericDAO bdao = (BannerGenericDAO) ctx.getBean("dao");
I'm new to Spring and in general the servlet world..
Questions are:
what's the best way of doing this? Is this considered a "best-practice"?
How do you inject an object, keeping other method fields that are not supplied by autowiring?
How do you get an object to be used throughout the entire application?
You could use annotations in your controller.
public class MyController{
#Autowired // or #Inject, which is more JEEish (JSR330).
private SomeDao daoService;
Given "SomeDao" is the type of your singleton DAO, of course.
