AspectJ pointcut on method in Spring CrudRepository - spring

I'm using Spring's CrudRepository in combination with the annotation #RepositoryRestResource to implement a simple CRUD-app that can be used throught a RESTful API. I now want to add an AspectJ pointcut on my repository, so that some functionalities will be executed whenever a CRUD-method from the interface is called.
First, I extend Spring's CrudRepository to add some custom functionalities in my own interface:
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "customers", path = "customers")
public interface CustomerRestRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Integer>{
Customer findOneByGuid(#Param("customerGuid") String customerGuid);
//Other custom methods.
Everything is working fine and I'm able to call this method via my REST client. I do not have to implement the interface CustomerRestRepository since Spring is doing the job as a miracle in behind. This is one of the crucial advantages of extending Springs's CrudRepository.
The problem, I'm facing now, is to add an AspectJ pointcut on this custom method findOneByGuid() that will, for example, log every call of the method after it's execution.
What I've tried by so far is:
public aspect AfterCustomerCrudAspect {
"execution(* com.x.y.z.CustomerRestRepository.findOneByGuid(..))")
public void customerCrudMethod() {}
public void doSomething() {
//Do something
I've also tried:
1) execution(* com.x.y.z.CustomerRestRepository+.findOneByGuid(..))
2) execution(**(..))
3) within(com.x.y.z.CustomerRestRepository)
4) annotation(RepositoryRestResource)
...and many others I do not remember. All with the same frustrating result: The advice is never applied.
By the way, I do not face any exceptions and if I try execution(* *.*(..)), the advice is working well - but, of course, not limited to the method findOneByGuid(). Thus, I think my code is correct in general.
I know that it is not possible to set pointcuts on interfaces. But since I do not have to implement the interface CustomerRestRepository by my own to get things working, I need to find a way to set a pointcut on an interface's method - or to find some other solution.
Well, one possible solution to that would be to implement the interface CustomerRestRepository. But then I've to do all the implementation work for the repository by my own and skip using the advantages of Spring's CrudRepository.
Thus, my question is, if there is a possibility to set a AspectJ pointcut on methods in a Spring CrudRepository.
Many thanks in advance for all the answers.

Well, I solved my problem in a different way.
Sometimes, things are less complicated than expected. Adding an AspectJ pointcut on a Spring CRUD-repository to execute some functionalities, whenever an entity is changed was not the best idea. (And at the best of my knowledge, it is not possible at all.)
There is a much more easier way to implement my requirement: The package javax.persistence provides the annotation #EntityListeners that suites perfectly to this job. So, annotate the entity class with the listener and implement the needed functionalities within the listener class:
//#Table, #NamedQueries and other stuff ...
public class Customer implements Serializable {
Implementation of the EntityListener:
public class CustomerEntityListener {
public void customerPostPersist(Customer customer) {
//Add functionalities
The EntityListeneralso provides annotation for #PostUpdate, #PostRemove and so on - visit this site for more information.


Factory design pattern and Spring

I am wondering what is the current best practice as to the use of factory pattern within the context of Spring framework in using dependency injection. My wonder arises about whether the factory pattern is still relevant nowadays in light of the use of Spring dependency injection. I did some searching and see some past discussion (Dependency Injection vs Factory Pattern) but seem there is different view.
I see in some real life project in using a Map to hold all the beans and rely on autowiring to create those beans. When the bean is needed, it get it via the map using the key.
public abstract class Service {
//some methods
public class serviceA extends Service {
public class serviceB extends Service {
Map<String, Service> services;
But I see there is some difference among the two approaches.
Using the above method, all beans are created on application start up and the creation of object is handled by the framework. It also implies there is only one bean for each type.
While for factory pattern, the factory class creates the object on request. And it can create a new object for each request.
I think a deeper question may be, when Spring framework is used in a project, should it be strived to not create any object inside a class, which means the factory pattern ( or any creational design patterns?) should not be used, as Spring is supposed to be the central handler of the objects dependency ?
The answer to this question can be really deep and broad, I'll try to provide some points that hopefully will help.
First off, spring stores its beans (singletons) in the ApplicationContext. Essentially this is the map you're talking about. In a nutshell, it allows getting the bean by name, type, etc.
ApplicationContext, while being a really important concept, is not the whole Spring, in fact Spring framework allows much more flexibility:
You say, using a map implies that all the beans will be created at the beginning of the application and there is one instance of the bean.
Spring has a concept of Lazy beans, basically supporting a concept of beans being actually created only when they're required for the first time, so Spring supports the "delayed" beans initialization
Spring also allows more than one instance of a bean per type. So this map is more "advanced". For example you can create more than one implementation of the interface and use declare both as beans. As long as you provide enough information about what bean should be injected to the class that might use them (for example with a help of qualifiers suppored in spring), you're good to go. In addition, there are features in spring IoC container that allow injecting all registered implementations of an interface into a list:
interface Foo {}
class FooImpl1 implements Foo {}
class FooImpl2 implements Foo {}
class Client {
List<Foo> allFoos;
Now you say:
While for factory pattern, the factory class creates the object on request. And it can create a new object for each request.
Actually Spring can create objects per request. Not all beans have to be singletons, in general spring has a concept of scopes for this purposes.
For example, scope prototype means that Spring will create a bean upon each usage. In particular one interesting usage that spring supports in variety of ways is Injecting prototype bean into singleton. Some solutions use exactly like a factory (read about annotation #Lookup others rely on auto-generated proxy in runtime (like javax.inject.Provider). Prototype scope beans are not held in the application context, so here again spring goes beyond a simple map abstraction.
Last feature that you haven't mentioned is that sometimes even for singletons the initialization can be a little bit more complicated then calling a constructor with Parameters. Spring can address that by using Java Configurations:
public class MyConfig {
public SomeComplicatedObject foo(#Value("...") config, Bar bar) {
SomeComplicatedObject obj = new SomeComplicatedObject() // lets pretend this object is from some thirdparty, it only has no-op constructor, and you can't place spring annotations on it (basically you can't change it):
return obj;
The method foo here initializes the object SomeComplicatedObject and returns it. This can be used instead of factories to integrate "legacy" code (well, java configurations go way beyond this, but its out of scope for this question).
So bottom line, you Spring as an IoC container can provide many different ways to deal with object creation, in particular it can do everything that factory design pattern offers.
Now, I would like to also refer to your last sentense:
I think a deeper question may be, when Spring framework is used in a project, should it be strived to not create any object inside a class, which means the factory pattern ( or any creational design patterns?) should not be used, as Spring is supposed to be the central handler of the objects dependency ?
Indeed you don't have to use Factory Pattern when using Spring, since (as I hopefully have convinced you) provides everything that factory can do and more.
Also I agree that spring is supposed to be the central handler of the objects dependency (unless there are also parts of the application which are written in a different manner so you have to support both :) )
I don't think we should avoid using "new" altogether, not everything should/can be a bean, but I do see (from my subjective experience, so this is arguable) that you use it much less leaving the creation of most of the objects to Spring.
Should we avoid a usage of any creation design pattern? I don't think so, sometimes you can opt for implementing "builder" design pattern for example, its also a creational pattern but spring doesn't provide a similar abstraction.
I think if your project uses Spring framework you should use it. Although it depends on your project design e.g. You may use creational patterns along side with Spring IoC. e.g when you have abstraction layers not framework dependant (agnostic code)
interface ServiceFactory {
Service create(String type);
class SpringServiceFactory implements ServiceFactory {
#Autowired private ApplicationContext context;
Service create(String type) {
return context.getBean(type)
I use Factory pattern as well when I refactor legacy not unit testable code which also uses Spring Framework in order to implement unit tests.
// legacy service impossible to mock
class LegacyApiClient implements Closeable {...}
class LegacyApiClientFactory {
LegacyApiClient create(String endpoint) {
return new LegacyApiClient(endpoint);
class OtherService {
private final String endpoint
private final LegacyApiClientFactory factory;
OtherService(#Value("${post.endpoint}") String endpoint,
LegacyApiClientFactory factory) {...}
void doCall {
try (LegacyApiClient client = factory.create(endpoint)) {
// a random unit test
LegacyApiClient client = mock(LegacyApiClient.class)
LegacyApiClientFactory factory = mock(LegacyApiClientFactory.class)
OtherService service = new OtherService("http://scxsc", factory);

Ordering Spring proxies without AspectJ

public CarService {
#Autowired private CarRepository carRepository;
public List<Car> getCars() {
return carRepository.getAll();
Suppose I have a code like this, where both #Transactional and #Cachable are presented. How can I guarantee that proxy chain spring will go through will be proxyForCache-proxyForTransaction? I.e. transaction won't be created, if my application already has cached result. I've seen a lot of examples, where people offer to implement Ordered interfaface on a class-level, namely, on #Aspect level. But problem is we don't use AspectJ in our project. Is there any way to order spring proxies without creating additional classes or at least using of AspectJ?

Why does Spring AOP intercept protected methods under certain circumstances?

I read that Spring AOP cannot intercept private and protected methods but it is intercepting them in a weird way why is that?
I have these functions i want to intercept:
public String getName(String string) {
System.out.println("Name : " + name + string);
return name;
protected String getNamesprotected(String string) {
System.out.println("Name : " + name + string);
return name;
This is my #Aspect code:
public class Logging {
#Before("execution(* com.tutorialspoint.Student.*Name*(..))")
public void beforeAdvice(JoinPoint joinPoint){
System.out.println("Going to setup student profile."+joinPoint.getSignature().toString());
When this code is executed both getName and getNamesprotected are intercepted but when I execute this code :
public class Logging {
#Before("execution(* com.tutorialspoint.Student.getNamesprotected(..))")
public void beforeAdvice1(JoinPoint joinPoint){
System.out.println("Going to setup student profile."+joinPoint.getSignature().toString());
Then nothing is intercepted. I also tried replacing getNamesprotected with *getNamesprotected* but still it does not intercept. It only intercepts when *Name* is there.
Can anyone explain me why this is happening?
Because the OP (Prateek Gupta) seemed to be unable (rather unwilling) to create a little SSCCE reproducing the problem and I was just bored during a tea break, I quickly created one by myself with Spring Boot and was very surprised that indeed Spring AOP, in contradiction to the documentation, at least under certain circumstance matches against protected methods when CGLIB proxies are involved.
Thus, I registered myself an account for Spring's Jira issue tracker and reported this regression as SPR-15354. You might want to subscribe for updates on that ticket if interested in answers by the Spring development team.
Update: The person answering to my ticket told me that this is a documentation issue. As SPR-1611 from 2006 tells us, this was already changed on purpose for Spring 1.2.7 but has never found its way into the documentation. Bottom line: Protected methods can be captured via Spring AOP, it is not an accident but has been undocumented for 12 years.
Update 2: The updated documentation text will be in the next Spring release. If you want to read the fixed text today, it is quoted in SPR-1611.
Can anyone explain me why this is happening?
Due to the proxy-based nature of Spring’s AOP framework, protected methods are by definition not intercepted, neither for JDK proxies (where this isn’t applicable) nor for CGLIB proxies (where this is technically possible but not recommendable for AOP purposes).
As a consequence, any given pointcut will be matched against public methods only!
If your interception needs include protected/private methods or even constructors, consider the use of Spring-driven native AspectJ weaving instead of Spring’s proxy-based AOP framework.
When this code is executed both getName and getNamesprotected are
#Before("execution(* com.tutorialspoint.Student.*Name*(..))")
Here the preceding wildcard matches methods with any modifier (public, protected, and private) and any return type. The two dots in the argument list match any number of arguments.
Try this it should execute your protected method
#Pointcut("execution(protected * *.*(..))")
Also you can try this if it works for you (I am not 100% sure)
#Before("execution(* com.tutorialspoint.Student+.getNamesprotected(..))")

#PreAuthorize on JpaRepository

I am looking to implement role based security for my REST service. I am using spring-data-rest and have configured a JpaRepository as such:
#RestResource(path = "changesets", rel = "changesets")
public interface ChangesetRepository extends JpaRepository<Changeset, Long> { }
I would like to attach a #PreAuthorize annotation to the inherited Page<T> findAll(Pageable pageable) method so that a GET requires a specific role.
Is there a way to do that? Do I need to provide a custom implementation or am I missing something obvious?
You can add your own parent class for all repositories (see how to do it in the documentation). Then just add all necessary annotations and your security restrictions will be applied for all child beans.
From the architecture point of view most of the time a Repository is not the right place to apply your security restrictions. Your service layer is much more appropriate place (because your security restrictions depend on your business actions and not on your data loading logic). Consider following example: you want to reuse the same Repository in many Services, and security rules are not the same (for these Services). What to do?
If you are using Spring Data REST your idea is reasonable. In your interface class just redefine the same method and add #PreAuthorize annotation to it. Code should be like this, though I didn't test it
#RestResource(path = "changesets", rel = "changesets")
public interface ChangesetRepository extends JpaRepository<Changeset, Long> {
#PreAuthorize("#pk ==")
Page<Changeset> findAll(Pageable pageable);

Confused about Spring-Data DDD repository pattern

I don't know so much about DDD repository pattern but the implementation in Spring is confusion me.
public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Long> { … }
As the interface extends JpaRepository (or MongoDBRepository...), if you change from one db to another, you have to change the interface as well.
For me an interface is there to provide some abstraction, but here it's not so much abstract...
Do you know why Spring-Data works like that?
You are right, an Interface is an abstraction about something that works equals for all implementing classes, from an outside point of view.
And that is exactly what happens here:
JpaRepository is a common view of all your JPA Repositories (for all the different Entities), while MongoDBRepository is the same for all MongoDB Entities.
But JpaRepository and MongoDBRepository have nothing in common, except the stuff that is defined in there common super Interfaces:
So for me it looks normal.
If you use the classes that implement your Repository then use PagingAndSortingRepository or Repository if you want to be able to switch from an JPA implementation to an Document based implementation (sorry but I can not imagine such a use case - anyway). And of course your Repository implementation should implement the correct interface (JpaRepository, MongoDBRepository) depending on what it is.
The reasoning behind this is pretty clearly stated in this blog post
Defining this interface serves two purposes: First, by extending JpaRepository we get a bunch of generic CRUD methods into our type that allows saving Accounts, deleting them and so on. Second, this will allow the Spring Data JPA repository infrastructure to scan the classpath for this interface and create a Spring bean for it.
If you do not trust sources so close to the source (pun intended) it might be a good idea to read this post as well
What I did not need to code is an implementation of the PersonRepository interface. Spring will create an implementation of this interface and make a PersonRepository bean available to be autowired into my Service class. The PersonRepository bean will have all the standard CRUD methods (which will be transactional) and return Person objects or collection of Person objects. So by using Spring Data JPA, I've saved writing my own implementation class.
Until M2 of Spring Data we required users to extend JpaRepository due to the following reasons:
The classpath scanning infrastructure only picked up interfaces extending that interface as one might use Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Mongo in parallel and have both of them pointed to the very same package it would not be clear which store to create the proxy for. However since RC1 we simply leave that burden to the developer as we think it's a rather exotic case and the benefit of just using Repository, CrudRepository or the like outweights the effort you have to take in the just described corner case. You can use exclude and include elements in the namespace to gain finer-grained control over this.
Until M2 we had transactionality applied to the CRUD methods by redeclaring the CRUD methods and annotating them with #Transactional. This decision in turn was driven by the algorithm AnnotationTransactionAttributeSource uses to find transaction configuration. As we wanted to provide the user with the possibility to reconfigure transactions by just redeclaring a CRUD method in the concrete repository interface and applying #Transactional on it. For RC1 we decided to implement a custom TransactionAttributeSource to be able to move the annotations back to the repository CRUD implementation.
Long story short, here's what it boils down to:
As of RC1 there's no need to extend the store specific repository interface anymore, except you want to…
Use List-based access to findAll(…) instead of the Iterable-based one in the more core repository interfaces (allthough you could simply redeclare the relevant methods in a common base interface to return Lists as well)
You want to make use of the JPA-specific methods like saveAndFlush(…) and so on.
Generally you are much more flexible regarding the exposure of CRUD methods since RC1 as you can even only extend the Repository marker interface and selectively add the CRUD methods you want to expose. As the backing implementation will still implement all of the methods of PagingAndSortingRepository we can still route the calls to the instance:
public interface MyBaseRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> extends Repository<T, ID> {
List<T> findAll();
T findOne(ID id);
public interface UserRepository extends MyBaseRepository<User, Long> {
List<T> findByUsername(String username);
In that example we define MyBaseRepository to only expose findAll() and findOne(…) (which will be routed into the instance implementing the CRUD methods) and the concrete repository adding a finder method to the two CRUD ones.
For more details on that topic please consult the reference documentation.
