Maven integration with native libraries - maven

I am using Android with Maven in my project . It depends on zbar.jar which in turn depends on the secondary artifacts like .so files. I am able to install the zbar.jar in the maven repository , but my secondary artifacts like .so files are not getting pulling through the Maven repository.
Any advice is appreciated.

Maven is designed to handle Java code. The .so files are binaries compiled for a specific architecture.
Are you fully aware on the implications of using .so files?
You can
Either package the so file in a jar file and write custom code to
copy them in their correct position before your application runs
or locate a maven plugin that does what you want. (or even an
Android-Maven specific plugin)
See also Maven2 Dependencies and Native Libraries


How to trigger IntelliJ to reimport single Maven dependency?

I have a workflow working on an application and one of its libraries that somewhat looks like this:
Make changes to library -> Push library jar to remote Maven repository with no version change -> Pull updated library jar from the remote repo to the downstream app -> Test and make changes to the app and library
But seems like the way IntelliJ indexes and/or caches Maven dependencies is not affected by me running a clean install from the Maven interface. Is there a surefire way to force IntelliJ to discard any cached dependency and reimport, or possibly do it only for a desired library?
Very likely this has nothing to do with IntelliJ. Since the version number is the same, maven won't re-download your dependency. Try to just delete the dependency locally from the maven repository:
rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/<..path to your library package..>
You could also avoid pushing the library to the remote repository, and test completely locally, by using the library as a local dependency. For this approach, see answers here: How to add local jar files to a Maven project?
Or since you are not effectively changes the library version the right approach would be to use the library project sources as a direct dependency for IDE maven project. For this - add this Maven library project as a new module to existing Maven project: File | New... | Module from Existing Sources... and select pom.xml file of this library project.

Maven - load all jars inside a system folder

Is there a way we can load all the jar files inside a folder, as dependencies in a maven project.
So that, I do not have to mention each and every jar files in pom.xml, just mention or tell maven to pick all the jar files from folder 'x' and build the system.
Is this supported by maven?
I think this is supported by ant. Not sure whether gradle supports either.
you see that you can reference single files, but there is no mechanism for directories. As I mentioned in the comment, using the disk is discouraged in general.
If you need the same set of dependencies in many projects, you can write a pom for that and use it (as parent or by setting a dependency to it).

How to download maven dependencies from Jenkins without a binary repository

Are there any plugins or ways to download the dependencies for a maven project from Jenkins? I am using Jenkins for a multi-module desktop application. Although I know I could just archive all dependencies, I don't see why there isn't the ability to download dependencies using maven which installed on the same machine as Jenkins. Preferably one would specify the location of a pom and then have the ability with one click to download all the dependencies for that pom. Can you do this? I do not need or want an entire binary repository for this feature.
Edit: I will try and rephrase this as I don't think people are understanding.
In Jenkins one has the ability to archive artifacts at the end of a build. Also in jenkins you have integration with maven. When building a jar in maven you have arguablly 2 options:
You can either use the assembly plugin which zips all .class files
together with those produced from your source code resulting in 1 jar
You can create a jar just source code which references all
dependency jars which are located in a separate folder.
In Jenkins one also has the ability to download the latest artifact. Now if I am using Option 2, I can either archieve just the jar which my sources produced, which I would say is more desirable for space and is the whole purpose of the archive functionality, or you can also archive the libraries too.
Here is the PROBLEM!! If I don't archive the libraries then I cannot easily run this jar, as it is a desktop application and its dependencies cannot be obtained in the same mannor as clicking on a link from jenkins. So lets say my question is what is the easiest way to obtain them? Extra info: assume jenkins is running as a server and you can't use artifactory or another server application, that seems to me to be massive over kill.
Use the maven plugin and create a maven job for your project. Jenkins will then use the maven command you provide in the job configuration to build the project. This means maven will download the projects dependencies and store them on the machine jenkins is running. Normally this would be <JENKINS_HOME>/.m2/repository. This way you get a local repository that only contains the dependencies of the projects you created maven jobs for.

Maven to compile projects from source

I am very new to maven. Our project is using maven and i am wanting to know if there is a way to force maven to build using source ONLY? Using no repo and not downloading anything. I have all the source required to build the whole project.
I just want to compile clean with out downloading or using the local repo.
Usually not. The main reason is that you don't have all the sources.
Maven is a tool to manage dependencies for you. So you can say: "I need JUnit 4.11" and Maven will download it for you and make sure it's on the classpath when it's needed.
Now, if your project depends on JUnit 4.11, you can't compile it from source without the sources for JUnit. And Hamcrest. And probably a dozen other things.
So, no, you can't. Maven will compile the sources of your project but it won't try to locate the sources of all dependencies and compile them as well. Maven was built with the assumption that the binaries uploaded to Maven Central are correct and that the binaries were built from the attached source files (which are incomplete, btw, so you can't always build the project correctly from them).

Maven without (remote) repository?

I have a Maven 2 multi-module project and want to be sure everything is taken from my local checked-out source.
Is it possible to tell Maven to never download anything for the modules it has the source of? Do I have to disable the remote repositories?
Does Maven always have to go the expensive way of installing a module into the local repository, and then extracting it again for each of its dependents?
Does Maven automatically first recompile dependencies for a module if their local source changed, and then compile the dependent?
Is it possible to tell Maven to never download anything for the modules it has the source of?
No. Maven 2 only "sees" the current module while it builds. On the plus side, you can build part of the tree by running Maven in a module.
Do I have to disable the remote repositories?
Yes, use the "offline" option -o or -offline. Or use settings.xml with a proxy that doesn't have any files. This isn't what you want, though.
Does Maven always have to go the expensive way of installing a module into the local repository, and then extracting it again for each of its dependents?
Yes but it's not expensive. During the build, the file is copied (that was expensive ten years ago). When a dependency is used, Maven just adds the path to the file to the Java process. So the file isn't copied or modified again. Maven assumes that files in the local repository don't change (or only change once when a download/install happens).
Does Maven automatically first recompile dependencies for a module if their local source changed?
No. There were plans for Maven 3 but I can't find an option to enable something like that.
To solve your issues, you should install a local proxy (like Nexus).
Maven download stuffs (dependencies) only if it's not available in your local reposiotory ($USER_HOME/.m2/repository). If you do not want anything to be downloaded use offline mode. This can be done by using -o switch. E.g.
mvn -o clean install
There is nothing expensive in it. If you are building the complete parent project, it will build all the modules and then copy the artifacts to your local repository. Then, when you build a project that has dependencies on those project, Maven will just copy them from local repository on your hard disk to the package that is going to be created for current project.
No. I have been burnt. Maven does not compile dependencies automatically. There is a plugin called Maven Reactor Plug-in. This plugin enables you to build a project's dependencies before the project is built.
