How to download maven dependencies from Jenkins without a binary repository - maven

Are there any plugins or ways to download the dependencies for a maven project from Jenkins? I am using Jenkins for a multi-module desktop application. Although I know I could just archive all dependencies, I don't see why there isn't the ability to download dependencies using maven which installed on the same machine as Jenkins. Preferably one would specify the location of a pom and then have the ability with one click to download all the dependencies for that pom. Can you do this? I do not need or want an entire binary repository for this feature.
Edit: I will try and rephrase this as I don't think people are understanding.
In Jenkins one has the ability to archive artifacts at the end of a build. Also in jenkins you have integration with maven. When building a jar in maven you have arguablly 2 options:
You can either use the assembly plugin which zips all .class files
together with those produced from your source code resulting in 1 jar
You can create a jar just source code which references all
dependency jars which are located in a separate folder.
In Jenkins one also has the ability to download the latest artifact. Now if I am using Option 2, I can either archieve just the jar which my sources produced, which I would say is more desirable for space and is the whole purpose of the archive functionality, or you can also archive the libraries too.
Here is the PROBLEM!! If I don't archive the libraries then I cannot easily run this jar, as it is a desktop application and its dependencies cannot be obtained in the same mannor as clicking on a link from jenkins. So lets say my question is what is the easiest way to obtain them? Extra info: assume jenkins is running as a server and you can't use artifactory or another server application, that seems to me to be massive over kill.

Use the maven plugin and create a maven job for your project. Jenkins will then use the maven command you provide in the job configuration to build the project. This means maven will download the projects dependencies and store them on the machine jenkins is running. Normally this would be <JENKINS_HOME>/.m2/repository. This way you get a local repository that only contains the dependencies of the projects you created maven jobs for.


How can I add .m2 repository jars or maven dependency jars in a freestyle project in jenkins?

I have a maven project on my local system, but I created a freestyle project in jenkins and gave its the workspace directory as of my project.
Being new to jenkins, I am wondering how to add maven repository jars to a freestyle project's classpath while writing its batch file to execute the project, in such a way that all the jars which are in recursive directories
come in the path while building the project. I don't know whether it is possible or not without any hassle, but when we create a maven project in jenkins it automatically takes all the repository jars in the build path. So there must be a way around rather than putting those libraries manually into the build path. I have searched so much on google but nothing popped up.
Any input would be appreciated.
I recommend you to use EnvInject Plugin. This will prepare environment to be built before the job run. So in your case adding the path can also be done using this one. If you are running the jenkins on windows machine, doing this will do the trick. Or if you are running on Linux please feel free to explore or comment here again.

Maven―Dependencies, static content from remote repository

I am a bit new to maven, but I have some experiences with ant and the build process. I would like to do one thing that is kind of driving me nuts:
A remote repository (git, svn, hg,…) that holds static content (like images),
one maven project that uses/manages the mentioned repository in the same way as it does with all other dependencies (checkout on install, update whenever updates occur), in other words: the maven project depends on that repository
I finally want to be able to access the content (no *.svn or *.git) and copy it into my build, on build time*.
I want maven to store a local copy of that repository in maven`s local repository (~/.m2/repository) only once on each machine and manage it like all other dependencies.
*I am not trying to build a Java project
Thanks for help!
From what I've seen, Maven projects don't use version control repositories as external artifacts. That's a little too fine-grained for what you want, I think.
I've done something similar, when Project A wanted to use resources from Project B.
Project B, as part of its build procedure, collected it's resources into a ZIP file and deployed the ZIP file into a maven repository.
Project A then references the ZIP file artifact, unpacking it when building to where it needs it.
Look into the dependency plugin for maven, especially the dependency:unpack and dependency:unpack-dependencies goal.
Have fun

Access Maven build properties in Jenkins post-build script to retrieve deployed artifact

I've got a Maven project that Jenkins builds and deploys to a remote repository. I then need to copy the deployed .war to an external location. I've been trying to do this with a post-build shell script but I don't see any way to get the build information from maven (for example, the URL of the deployed artifact). Is there a way to get it, or a way to do this that's more integrated into maven? I can calculate the deployment path using Jenkins build parameters but it seems like a hack.
After a maven build you should always find the build artifact at
You can access this path within the maven pom.xml by using the maven properties (see pom reference)
To copy the artifact to another location after the build you can use several approaches described e.g. in this thread.

Maven without Internet connection

I'm new to maven project.
I'm changing an ant project to maven project.
To install the 3rd party jar's in maven local repository, I used install command.
Its trying to download the resource jar.pom.
I don't have download access in my organization so the build failed for installtion.
After request i got the resouce jar and clean jar in my desktop(also i can get other necessary jar).
How to make maven to use these jar for the process and how to install the jar in local repository without internet acess.
I downloaded the jar and placed in local repository but it couldn't point the path and use those jars.
please let me know what steps i have follow to run maven install and other commands to build the project without internet access.
where should i placed the jar which i have downloaded by external way.
Please guide me for building and deploying the project.
Thanks in advance.
I've posted same question in these link
You need an internet connection. Maven isn't initially self-sufficient. It needs to download a bunch of plugins along with their dependencies and the dependencies of your own project. And this really depends on what sort of settings you have for your projects. One set up will require one set of dependencies, another - a whole different one. You can't download artifacts from the Maven Central manually and then install them locally one by one. Simply put, that sounds stupid.
I understand that you're coming from the Ant world where Ant has everything it needs on the local file system. However, Maven relies on the fact that it will have a central repository (either Maven Central, or your own repository - Nexus, Artifactory, etc.) from which to download the plugins and dependencies it needs. There is no point in you migrating to Maven, unless you'll be allowed access to the Central Maven Repository.
Yes, indeed, you can run Maven offline and you can have Maven produce a local repository for you to use when you are in offline mode. However, what you're trying to do is against Maven's principles.
If your company won't allow access to Maven Central, just stick to Ant. Your effort will be a waste of your company's and, ultimately, your own time.
In fact the maven strenght is mainly in the internet accessible repositories and automatic dependency management. But it's possible to use this tool to build your project if you have all dependencies required for your project in your local repository. Then you may use -o option for offline mode and maven will not try to download updated artefact versions.
To get the artifacts into you local repository you have several options:
1) connect to the internet once and mvn build the project (this will download all required dependencies)
2) install dependencies as jar to the local repository manualy (using appropriate mvn command)
I think the questioner is looking for -o or --offline option for mvn. This is a command line option and can be provided while executing.
I think you can setup your repo correctly and execute the mvn goals once when you are connected to internet and use the -o option for later executions .
Hope this helps.
You can configure maven to run in offline mode. Add this entry to your settings.xml
See here for further information:
Before you can use offline mode, you have to install all necessary third party jars to your local maven repository.
mvn install:install-file
It's much easier to get those jars in your local repository using an internet connection and online mode.
It's possible to install these resource jars in your local maven repo using install-file. This will make the available to the build. You'll have to do this for each individually, but once that's done you won't have to do anything special.
To be clear, maven puts everything in your local repository, both the jar you're building with this project and the various library jars. Because your system cannot be connected to the internet to maven can populate the local repo with your libraries, you'll have to use this manual approach.
Edit: You should be able to run install-file anywhere. When you do, you'll need to provide the groupId, artifactId, version, and packaging using the command line options. If you already have a POM file for the library, you can provide that instead via -DpomFile=your-pom.xml.
This question has some useful info: How to manually install an artifact in Maven 2?

Maven without (remote) repository?

I have a Maven 2 multi-module project and want to be sure everything is taken from my local checked-out source.
Is it possible to tell Maven to never download anything for the modules it has the source of? Do I have to disable the remote repositories?
Does Maven always have to go the expensive way of installing a module into the local repository, and then extracting it again for each of its dependents?
Does Maven automatically first recompile dependencies for a module if their local source changed, and then compile the dependent?
Is it possible to tell Maven to never download anything for the modules it has the source of?
No. Maven 2 only "sees" the current module while it builds. On the plus side, you can build part of the tree by running Maven in a module.
Do I have to disable the remote repositories?
Yes, use the "offline" option -o or -offline. Or use settings.xml with a proxy that doesn't have any files. This isn't what you want, though.
Does Maven always have to go the expensive way of installing a module into the local repository, and then extracting it again for each of its dependents?
Yes but it's not expensive. During the build, the file is copied (that was expensive ten years ago). When a dependency is used, Maven just adds the path to the file to the Java process. So the file isn't copied or modified again. Maven assumes that files in the local repository don't change (or only change once when a download/install happens).
Does Maven automatically first recompile dependencies for a module if their local source changed?
No. There were plans for Maven 3 but I can't find an option to enable something like that.
To solve your issues, you should install a local proxy (like Nexus).
Maven download stuffs (dependencies) only if it's not available in your local reposiotory ($USER_HOME/.m2/repository). If you do not want anything to be downloaded use offline mode. This can be done by using -o switch. E.g.
mvn -o clean install
There is nothing expensive in it. If you are building the complete parent project, it will build all the modules and then copy the artifacts to your local repository. Then, when you build a project that has dependencies on those project, Maven will just copy them from local repository on your hard disk to the package that is going to be created for current project.
No. I have been burnt. Maven does not compile dependencies automatically. There is a plugin called Maven Reactor Plug-in. This plugin enables you to build a project's dependencies before the project is built.
