Can I use my own domain with - cloud9-ide

The service ( is great, but I've been looking through the site and can't find the option to have my own domain instead of the automatic subdomain they assign (I don't necessarily mean free).

No, you can't. It's a dev environment, so the workspace will also be shutdown at some point if no-one is logged in. Easiest is to deploy to f.e. Heroku or DigitalOcean.


Question about deploying a Shopify app to Heroku

I have question about Shopify app development and the deployment process.
I've used the getting started guide here, and I have an app that works fine when I use npm run dev and view the app in the store admin.
However, of course, once I stop the server from running, the app is no longer accessible.
I believe I need to deploy the app to Heroku (or something similar) in order to have it work in a non-development environment.
It doesn't seem like there is much guidance online from Shopify about the best way to go about this.
Does anyone know what steps I need to take in order to deploy my app to Heroku, so that I can use the app in by test store on another device?
It seems like every guide online stops JUST BEFORE explaining this process and I can't figure out why! I have tried everything online but nothing has worked:
Adding the code to Github and connecting it to Heroku
Using Docker
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
You have zero obligations to use Heroku. If you have an IP address dedicated to your house, you could host the App using your house. If you co-locate your own server at an Internet business, and they give you IP addresses you can use that. If you wanted to use Amazon directly, you could use EC2. If you wanted to use Linode, or Azure, or any other cloud service, feel free! It is up to you!
Using Heroku (built on AWS) is traditional only in the sense that it is the original easy peasy hosting in the cloud service. Play with Heroku by reading Heroku-specific documentation or hosting information. This has nothing to do with Shopify. Shopify only mentions Heroku because traditionally, developers used it. No other reason.
If you want to learn how to use Heroku, 100% there are blog posts within easy reach for you to study and learn from.

What's the best and cheapest way to deploy a web-app made by spring-boot and angular online?

I made this project composed by a back-end API in spring-boot and a front-end in Angular8.
I was wondering if I should find some cloud solution? I still haven't got the picture. Can someone help?
There may not be the best and cheapest way, but you can find the most suitable way that match your need.
If you happened to have a computer or workstation that can be turn on all the time and you also have a public IP Address, you can just deploy on it.
Or you can deploy it on Cloud Platform like AWS, GCP, Azure. You can choose the runtime environment and libraries you want so as to deploy your web-app.
You should also buy the domain name that point to your IP Address and get the certificate later to secure it using https.
There is no specific cheaper way to do it. You can try AWS, Azure, GCP, Pivotal etc., depending on your use case of availablity and scalability. You can also try to deploy and try out things.

Give customers an IP address to point their A Name at?

We run a whitelabeled site builder -- think squarespace or shopify (different market, though). We currently host on Heroku, but need to be able to offer customers an IP address so they can easily point their naked domains at our service. Although I want to move to AWS at some point, we're a bit short on resources right now, so I need an interim solution for this.
It seems like I should be able to set up a simple proxy server behind a static IP on Route53 or something that would proxy traffic to our Heroku app. But I've little experience with this sort of thing and don't know A) if this is actually the right way to go about it, B) resources to look at or the right tools to check out, or C) if there are commercial services that would be easier temporarily than running it ourselves.
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
PS - Believe me, I know this is sub-optimal, but there are a number of reasons we definitely have to offer an IP.
You could certainly do this, since a proxy or hand-made LB within EC2 can shuttle traffic off to wherever you need. So HAproxy running on an EC2 instance could pass traffic over to Heroku for you.
However, I see this was posted about 6 months ago and I know Heroku has just reconfigured pricing. So maybe that is encouragement to move into AWS now. My only real worry about your above solution is latency. What if you ran an EC2 instance with Varnish to cache your Heroku app(s) and try to mitigate any sluggishness?

How to map a wildcard domain to a Windows Azure Website instance?

When creating a "web app" it is common to use a wildcard domain and have each client or instance of the web app on its own sub domain. Windows Azure does this themselves, for example "". For some unknown reason, wildcard subdomain support seems to not be there for Windows Azure Websites. I'm very frustrated with this fact, so much so as to abandon Windows Azure all together.
Is there a work around to not having to manually enter every domain name individually that you want authorized? Is there an API for this? I have a particularly hairy requirement in that I have over 100,000 sub domains I would need to do this for before I could even consider moving to Azure.
Please look deeply into this issue if you attempt to answer it as I have already and saw no other option other than manually entering through the portal.
I suspect that you're right, and that Windows Azure Web Sites don't support this. You could, however, use a Cloud Service with a web role.

Where can host some server side logic without having a web site?

I'd like to host some php or perl/cgi script, without having a full blown web site, does anybody know someone is offering this kind of service, free, hopefully.
you can sign up for a developer account with Amazon Web Services and get a server instance of your choice for free for one year -
You could run your own Linux or Windows webserver - both are completely capable of hosting as simple or complex a site you want. Unless you want to make this script available for others to use as a service, there's no need to find an "outside" provider.
Hmm, Free File Hosting. Or, if you don't need to actually access the files from anywhere, and you just want them hosted somewhere, gist might work well for you.
