cloud code set version? - parse-platform

I am new to parse and I am trying to figure out how to handle the version number.
I have been deploying some cloud code a bunch of times. So when I last deployed it gave me this message:
Uploading source files
Finished uploading files
New release is named v18 (using Parse JavaScript SDK v1.2.19)
So I thought I could go and hit:
So there I tried to use version 18 because of what I saw after deploying. That does not work and it returns a 404.
So, then I tried to hit:
this works and return the JSON I wanted.
So, what am I missing here?
I thought that every time I deploy the version would match. Do I need to specifically go in and change the current version somehow?
Can somebody help understand how to think about this correctly?
Thank you

If you ran a "parse deploy" it put v18 up there for you the URL stays the same.
The version in cloud can be verified in the terminal by typing: "parse releases"


Undefined route brings list of avalaible routes in production env

I realized my first WebApp with Vaadin 14 and deployed it to Tomcat 9 on the production server.
So far everything is working great, but when I'm using a non-existing route in the client browser the system responds with a plain text list of all available routes and shows even the following line on the bottom:
"This detailed message is only shown when running in development mode."
I have created the WAR-file with "-pProduction" and the startup-log of Tomcat does not show any dev-mode-message.
Any ideas what happens here? Thanks for reading my first question on this platform!
I worked my way through the Vaadin docs and tried the following entry in
But nothing changed?
This is a known vulnetability CVE-2021-31413 in Vaadin 14.6.1 and older versions. The resolution is to update the Vaadin version to 14.6.2. The latest version is 14.9.1 as of writing this. Naturally I recommend that.

Heroku : Edit file without edit on github

I have a discord bot on heroku and I am using automatic deployment with github. I have a .json data file and I am trying to write data to it, but it doesn't seem to work. I guess this takes my data file straight from github and therefore remains empty. On my computer, it works well, I manage to write in my db.json but on heroku it does not work, I have no errors. I am using a relative path and not abosulu so I don't think the error is with my code. I don't know if I was clear
Thank you in advance

uploadState returns commitFileFailed

I'm trying to create an app in InTune using the Microsoft Graph REST API. I'm able to create the app, the contentversion, upload a file to Azure Storage, and call the commit action. After that, I'm waiting for uploadState 'commitFileSuccess', but it returns 'commitFileFailed'.
I saw a similar question, but that's assuming the file encryption is wrong:
commitFileFailed during mobileAppContentFile Commit
However, I have no clue where the error lies. Is there anybody with experience on this particular subject?
If you need more info, please let me know.
I found out what I was doing wrong. I used the PowerShell sample from Github as a base to write my own Ruby version, but I overlooked one thing.
I was uploading my apk file at once to the azureStorageUri, but I needed to upload it in chunks. After doing that the uploadState got updated to commitFileSuccess.
I will share my Ruby script once I've cleaned it up!

[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error

Updated to Parse SDK 1.7.1 with Bolts 1.1.4 and using the new and latest Facebook SDK. Every time I login the user I get the following error:
[BFTask isFaulted]: unrecognized selector sent to instance error.
I'm able to login the user, the user's info is store in parse, but not sure how to resolve this exception.
Anyone else having this problem?
Had this problem also.
I copied the Parse Bolts framework to the project directory. Referencing didn't do it. Same for Parse FacebookutilsV4.
I had solved this problem just a minute ago.
You need update the latest FacebookSDK to avoid this error.
You can just download the latest SDK from facebook website.
However if you just drag the parse and facebook framework together into the project, maybe a 'duplicate' error will be reported.
So I recommend you to use CocoaPods to manage your thirdparty framework.

GCM: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/android/gcm/server/Sender

I have been trying to get Google Cloud Messaging to work in eclipse. I was able to compile the example given on their demo webpage and run that without any errors; however, when I try to create my own example using jersey I get the run time error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/android/gcm/server/Sender" when the following code tries to create a sender.
public Response sendMessage() throws IOException
Sender sender = new Sender("api_key");
Message message = new Message.Builder().build();
sender.send(message, DataStore.getDevices(), 5);
return Response.status(200).entity("Success").build();
Note: I have replaced my real api key with api_key. I know it works because I was able to get the demo working by running the ant commands explained in the tutorial. Also just to be specific in case of ambiguity, the error I am getting is server side, and has nothing to do with the android device.
Things I have already tried:
I have included the gcm-server.jar in my WEB-INF/lib folder and under project properties I have included it in the build path.
I have also tried, as mentioned on other sites, to include json_simple-1.1.jar the same way I included gcm-server.jar. I don't see how this would effect this error but I saw this listed as an answer in a few different places.
(Solution) Deleted the tomcat server and created a new one. I probably could have just cleaned the project instead and had the same results.
Demo tutorial link:
I just found a solution to my problem. In frustration I deleted the old Tomcat server from eclipse and created a new one. When I ran the project again there weren't any problems at all. When I first set up the project I had included the jar files in WEB-INF/lib and later, after reading a lot of posts on the internet, added gcm-server.jar to the build path. It appears that this action would have fixed it but for some reason unknown to me there were some left over files on the server from before the change. I should have tried cleaning my project but I didn't even think about that being the issue. Anyway, I hope that this helps someone because I've sort of condensed all of the information I could find on the internet into this post, as well as included my own dilemma and solution to it.

