I am trying to make a Ruby program that counts the numer of times two letters appear together. This is what is written in the file I'm reading:
And this is what I'm trying to get:
I can't get it to work properly. This is my code so far:
file = File.read(gets.chomp)
todo = file.scan(/[a-z][a-z]/).each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) {
|a, b| b[a] += 1
keys = ''
values = ''
todo.each_key {
|key| keys += key + ';'
todo.each_value {
|value| values += value.to_s + ';'
puts keys
puts values
This is the result I'm getting:
Why am I not getting every combination of characters? What should I ad to my regex so it would count every combination of characters?
Because the characters are overlapped, you need to use a lookahead to capture the overlapped characters.
This is one way.
def char_pairs(str)
str.split(/\s+/).flat_map { |w| w.chars.each_cons(2).map(&:join) }
.each_with_object({}) { |e,h| h[e] = (h[e] ||= 0 ) + 1 }
char_pairs("hello jello")
#=> {"he"=>1, "el"=>2, "ll"=>2, "lo"=>2, "je"=>1}
char_pairs("hello yellow jello")
#=> {"he"=>1, "el"=>3, "ll"=>3, "lo"=>3, "ye"=>1, "ow"=>1, "je"=>1}
Having the hash, it is an easy matter to convert it to any output format you desire.
If I have a string like this
str =<<END
If a number in the first value shows up again, I want to add their second values together. So the final string would look like this
If the final output is an array that's fine too.
There are lots of ways to do this in Ruby. One particularly terse way is to use String#scan:
str = <<END
data = Hash.new(0)
str.scan(/(\d+),([\d.]+)/) {|k,v| data[k] += v.to_f }
p data
# => { "7312357006" => 1246.221,
# "3214058234" => 3499.2,
# "1324958723" => 232.1,
# "3214173443" => 234.1,
# "6134513494" => 23.2 }
This uses the regular expression /(\d+),([\d.]+)/ to extract the two values from each line. The block is called with each pair as arguments, which are then merged into the hash.
This could also be written as a single expression using each_with_object:
data = str.scan(/(\d+),([\d.]+)/)
.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) {|(k,v), hsh| hsh[k] += v.to_f }
# => (same as above)
There are likewise many ways to print the result, but here are a couple I like:
puts data.map {|kv| kv.join(",") }.join("\n")
# => 7312357006,1246.221
# 3214058234,3499.2
# 1324958723,232.1
# 3214173443,234.1
# 6134513494,23.2
# or:
puts data.map {|k,v| "#{k},#{v}\n" }.join
# => (same as above)
You can see all of these in action on repl.it.
Edit: Although I don't recommend either of these for the sake of readability, here's more just for kicks (requires Ruby 2.4+):
data = str.lines.group_by {|s| s.slice!(/(\d+),/); $1 }
.transform_values {|a| a.sum(&:to_f) }
...or, to going straight to a string:
puts str.lines.group_by {|s| s.slice!(/(\d+),/); $1 }
.map {|k,vs| "#{k},#{vs.sum(&:to_f)}\n" }.join
Since repl.it is stuck on Ruby 2.3: Try it online!
You could achieve this using each_with_object, as below:
str = "7312357006,1.121
# convert the string into nested pairs of floats
# to briefly summarise the steps: split entries by newline, strip whitespace, split by comma, convert to floats
arr = str.split("\n").map(&:strip).map { |el| el.split(",").map(&:to_f) }
result = arr.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |el, hash|
hash[el.first] += el.last
# => {7312357006.0=>1246.221, 3214058234.0=>3499.2, 1324958723.0=>232.1, 3214173443.0=>234.1, 6134513494.0=>23.2}
# You can then call `to_a` on result if you want:
# => [[7312357006.0, 1246.221], [3214058234.0, 3499.2], [1324958723.0, 232.1], [3214173443.0, 234.1], [6134513494.0, 23.2]]
each_with_object iterates through each pair of data, providing them with access to an accumulator (in this the hash). By following this approach, we can add each entry to the hash, and add together the totals if they appear more than once.
Hope that helps - let me know if you've any questions.
def combine(str)
str.each_line.with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |s,h|
k,v = s.split(',')
h.update(k=>v.to_f) { |k,o,n| o+n }
end.reduce('') { |s,kv_pair| s << "%s,%g\n" % kv_pair }
puts combine str
using String#each_line is preferable to str.split("\n") as the former returns an enumerator whereas the latter returns a temporary array. Each element generated by the enumerator is line of str that (unlike the elements of str.split("\n")) ends with a newline character, but that is of no concern.
see Hash::new, specifically when a default value (here 0) is used. If a hash has been defined h = Hash.new(0) and h does not have a key k, h[k] returns the default value, zero (h is not changed). When Ruby encounters the expression h[k] += 1, the first thing she does is expand it to h[k] = h[k] + 1. If h has been defined with a default value of zero, and h does not have a key k, h[k] on the right of the equality (syntactic sugar1 for h.[](k)) returns zero.
see Hash#update (aka merge!). h.update(k=>v.to_f) is syntactic sugar for h.update({ k=>v.to_f })
see Kernel#sprint for explanations of the formatting directives %s and %g.
the receiver for the expression reduce('') { |s,kv_pair| s << "%s,%g\n" % kv_pair } (in the penultimate line), is the following hash.
{"7312357006"=>1246.221, "3214058234"=>3499.2, "1324958723"=>232.1,
"3214173443"=>234.1, "6134513494"=>23.2}
1 Syntactic sugar is a shortcut allowed by Ruby.
Implemented this solution as hash was giving me issues:
d = []
s.split("\n").each do |line|
x = 0
q = 0
dup = false
line.split(",").each do |data|
if x == 0 and d.include? data then dup = true ; q = d.index(data) elsif x == 0 then d << data end
if x == 1 and dup == false then d << data end
if x == 1 and dup == true then d[q+1] = "#{'%.2f' % (d[q+1].to_f + data.to_f).to_s}" end
if x == 2 and dup == false then d << data end
x += 1
x = 0
s = ""
d.each do |val|
if x == 0 then s << "#{val}," end
if x == 1 then s << "#{val}\n ; x = 0" end
x += 1
You are given a string S. Count the number of occurrences of all the digits in the string S.
First line contains string S
Count the number of occurences of 1 in the entered number and print the output.
I tried to attempt the given problem like this:
number.each do |numbers|
while numbers===1
puts i
But, it's not executing.
Can someone please suggest how may I do it?
A clean way to do what you want in ruby
str = "1a2b &32T2*3"
You can count the total number of digits in the string like so:
#=> 6
If you wish to count the number of occurrences of each digit in the string, you could use a counting hash (see Hash::new):
str.each_char.with_object(Hash.new(0)) { |c,h| h[c] += 1 if c =~ /\d/ }
#=> {"1"=>1, "2"=>3, "3"=>2}
or use the method Enumerable#group_by:
h = str.each_char.group_by(&:itself).select { |k,_| k =~ /\d/ }
#=> {"1"=>["1"], "2"=>["2", "2", "2"], "3"=>["3", "3"]}
h.update(h) { |*,v| v.count }
#=> {"1"=>1, "2"=>3, "3"=>2}
This uses the form of Hash#update (aka merge!) that employs a block to determine the values of keys that are present in both hashes being merged (here all keys). See the doc for details.
There were several problems with your code. First you didn't actually set numbers to be an array, you can do that by saying numbers = numbers.split('').map(&:to_i)
Then you should declare the i variable outside of the loop. Instead of saying i == 0, use i = 0 for the assignment operator
Instead of using a while loop, you should use an if statement.
This code is assuming your string is only all numbers.
numbers = $stdin.gets.chomp
numbers = numbers.split('').map(&:to_i)
i = 0
numbers.each do |number|
if number === 1
i += 1
If your string consists of letters, numbers or special characters, you could do this
numbers = $stdin.gets.chomp
numbers.split('').select { |c| c=~ /1/ }.length
I need to know if all letters in a string are unique. For a string to be unique, a letter can only appear once. If all letters in a string are distinct, the string is unique. If one letter appears multiple times, the string is not unique.
"Cwm fjord veg balks nth pyx quiz."
# => All 26 letters are used only once. This is unique
"This is a string"
# => Not unique, i and s are used more than once
# => unique, each letter is shown only once
I tried writing a function that determines whether or not a string is unique.
def unique_characters(string)
for i in ('a'..'z')
if string.count(i) > 1
puts "This string is unique"
puts "This string is not unique"
I receive the output
"This string is unique" 26 times.
I would like to humbly apologize for including an incorrect example in my OP. I did some research, trying to find pangrams, and assumed that they would only contain 26 letters. I would also like to thank you guys for pointing out my error. After that, I went on wikipedia to find a perfect pangram (I wrongly thought the others were perfect).
Here is the link for reference purposes
Once again, my apologies.
s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
("a".."z").all?{|c| s.count(c) <= 1}
# => false
Another way to do it is:
s = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
(s.downcase !~ /([a-z]).*\1/)
# => false
I would solve this in two steps: 1) extract the letters 2) check if there are duplicates:
letters = string.scan(/[a-z]/i) # append .downcase to ignore case
letters.length == letters.uniq.length
Here is a method that does not convert the string to an array:
def dupless?(str)
str.downcase.each_char.with_object('') { |c,s|
c =~ /[a-z]/ && s.include?(c) ? (return false) : s << c }
dupless?("Cwm fjord veg balks nth pyx quiz.") #=> true
dupless?("This is a string.") #=> false
dupless?("two") #=> true
dupless?("Two tubs") #=> false
If you want to actually keep track of the duplicate characters:
def is_unique?(string)
# Remove whitespaces
string = string.gsub(/\s+/, "")
# Build a hash counting all occurences of each characters
h = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = 0 }
string.chars.each { |c| h[c] += 1 }
# An array containing all the repetitions
res = h.keep_if {|k, c| c > 1}.keys
if res.size == 0
puts "All #{string.size} characters are used only once. This is unique"
puts "Not unique #{res.join(', ')} are used more than once"
is_unique?("This is a string") # Not unique i, s are used more than once
is_unique?("two") # All 3 characters are used only once. This is unique
To check if a string is unique or not, you can try out this:
string_input.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z]/, '').split("").sort.join('') == ('a' .. 'z').to_a.join('')
This will return true, if all the characters in your string are unique and if they include all the 26 characters.
def has_uniq_letters?(str)
letters = str.gsub(/[^A-Za-z]/, '').chars
letters == letters.uniq
If this doesn't have to be case sensitive,
def has_uniq_letters?(str)
letters = str.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z]/, '').chars
letters == letters.uniq
In your example, you mentioned you wanted additional information about your string (list of unique characters, etc), so this example may also be useful to you.
# s = "Cwm fjord veg balks nth pyx quiz."
s = "This is a test string."
totals = Hash.new(0)
s.downcase.each_char { |c| totals[c] += 1 if ('a'..'z').cover?(c) }
duplicates, uniques = totals.partition { |k, v| v > 1 }
duplicates, uniques = Hash[duplicates], Hash[uniques]
# duplicates = {"t"=>4, "i"=>3, "s"=>4}
# uniques = {"h"=>1, "a"=>1, "e"=>1, "r"=>1, "n"=>1, "g"=>1}
My goal is to find the word with greatest number of repeated letters in a given string. For example, "aabcc ddeeteefef iijjfff" would return "ddeeteefef" because "e" is repeated five times in this word and that is more than all other repeating characters.
So far this is what I got, but it has many problems and is not complete:
def LetterCountI(str)
s = str.split(" ")
i = 0
result = []
t = s[i].scan(/((.)\2+)/).map(&:max)
u = t.max { |a, b| a.length <=> b.length }
return u.split(//).count
The code I have only finds consecutive patterns; if the pattern is interrupted (such as with "aabaaa", it counts a three times instead of five).
str.scan(/\w+/).max_by{ |w| w.chars.group_by(&:to_s).values.map(&:size).max }
scan(/\w+/) — create an array of all sequences of 'word' characters
max_by{ … } — find the word that gives the largest value inside this block
chars — split the string into characters
group_by(&:to_s) — create a hash mapping each character to an array of all the occurrences
values — just get all the arrays of the occurrences
map(&:size) — convert each array to the number of characters in that array
max — find the largest characters and use this as the result for max_by to examine
Edit: Written less compactly:
str.scan(/\w+/).max_by do |word|
.group_by{ |char| char }
.map{ |char,array| array.size }
Written less functionally and with less Ruby-isms (to make it look more like "other" languages):
words_by_most_repeated = []
str.split(" ").each do |word|
count_by_char = {} # hash mapping character to count of occurrences
word.chars.each do |char|
count_by_char[ char ] = 0 unless count_by_char[ char ]
count_by_char[ char ] += 1
maximum_count = 0
count_by_char.each do |char,count|
if count > maximum_count then
maximum_count = count
words_by_most_repeated[ maximum_count ] = word
most_repeated = words_by_most_repeated.last
I'd do as below :
s = "aabcc ddeeteefef iijjfff"
# intermediate calculation that's happening in the final code
s.split(" ").map { |w| w.chars.max_by { |e| w.count(e) } }
# => ["a", "e", "f"] # getting the max count character from each word
s.split(" ").map { |w| w.count(w.chars.max_by { |e| w.count(e) }) }
# => [2, 5, 3] # getting the max count character's count from each word
# final code
s.split(" ").max_by { |w| w.count(w.chars.max_by { |e| w.count(e) }) }
# => "ddeeteefef"
each_with_object gives better result than group_by method.
require 'benchmark'
s = "aabcc ddeeteefef iijjfff"
def phrogz(s)
s.scan(/\w+/).max_by{ |word| word.chars.group_by(&:to_s).values.map(&:size).max }
def arup_v1(s)
max_string = s.split.max_by do |w|
h = w.chars.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |e,hsh|
hsh[e] += 1
def arup_v2(s)
s.split.max_by { |w| w.count(w.chars.max_by { |e| w.count(e) }) }
n = 100_000
Benchmark.bm do |x|
x.report("Phrogz:") { n.times {|i| phrogz s } }
x.report("arup_v2:"){ n.times {|i| arup_v2 s } }
x.report("arup_v1:"){ n.times {|i| arup_v1 s } }
user system total real
Phrogz: 1.981000 0.000000 1.981000 ( 1.979198)
arup_v2: 0.874000 0.000000 0.874000 ( 0.878088)
arup_v1: 1.684000 0.000000 1.684000 ( 1.685168)
Similar to sawa's answer:
"aabcc ddeeteefef iijjfff".split.max_by{|w| w.length - w.chars.uniq.length}
=> "ddeeteefef"
In Ruby 2.x, this works as-is because String#chars returns an array. In earlier versions of ruby, String#chars yields an enumerator so you need to add .to_a before applying uniq. I did my testing in Ruby 2.0, and overlooked this until it was pointed out by Stephens.
I believe this is valid, since the question was "greatest number of repeated letters in a given string" rather than greatest number of repeats for a single letter in a given string.
"aabcc ddeeteefef iijjfff"
.split.max_by{|w| w.chars.sort.chunk{|e| e}.map{|e| e.last.length}.max}
# => "ddeeteefef"
I have a String and I want to get another string out of it which has only characters at odd occuring positions.
For example if i have a string called ABCDEFGH, the output I expect is ACEG since the character indexes are at 0,2,4,6 respectively. I did it using a loop, but there should be one line implementation in Ruby (perhaps using Regex?).
>> "ABCDEFGH".gsub /(.)./,'\1'
=> "ACEG"
Here is one-line solution:
"BLAHBLAH".split('').enum_for(:each_with_index).find_all { |c, i| i % 2 == 0 }.collect(&:first).join
''.tap do |res|
'BLAHBLAH'.split('').each_with_index do |char, index|
res << c if i % 2 == 0
One more variant:
Some other ways:
Using Enumerable methods
Using regular expressions:
Not sure about the run-time speed but it's one line of processing.
res = "";
"BLAHBLAH".scan(/(.)(.)/) {|a,b| res += a}
res # "BABA"
(0..string.length).each_with_index { |x,i| puts string[x] if i%2 != 0 }