I'm trying to get Simple.OData.Client to consume a OData V4 service,but doesn't work.
Hence my question: Is Simple.OData.Client supposed to work with OData V4?
Also,I'm using it in a PCL. Could this be the problem?
I am currently working on full support of OData v4. I am done with read part, implementing support for updates. An early beta is expected mid-September with final version around October 1st.
UPDATE: Simple.OData.Client 4.0 RC candidate is available that supports both JSON payload and OData V4 protocol.
According to the Simple.OData.Client Is OData V4 supported, OData V4 not fully supported. And one big problem is that they cannot support JSON format while JSON is OData V4 standard. According to their word, you have to wait couple of months for V4 support. You can also choose OData Client Code Generator if it can work for you. tutorial for OData client code gen
In the Rest v3, I could easily query a commit and get the changed files and patch for each file: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/commits/#get-a-single-commit
I don't seem to be able to retrieve this info using the new v4 graphQL, does anyone have a clue how?
Currently, it seems that the functionality you are looking for, and much needed in my opinion, isn't supported with GitHub's GraphQL API v4 and it's probably best to stick with the current REST API.
You can refer to the following posts on the official GitHub API support forum and the answers given there by GitHub's staff.
ref1 - 29/5/19
ref2 - 5/11/18
Also, a similar question was posted on SO here
I want a code sample which explains , how to call a yammer rest api url in sharepoint framework.
I am not aware of any support planned for the SharePoint framework at this time, but the Yammer JS SDK may be usable as an external JS library. Since it's just JavaScript, it's more likely a limitation of the tooling or framework if it won't run. You will have trouble calling the REST APIs without using the SDK. It currently lacks Typescript typings that you ideally would want to have. I'm not familiar enough with the SharePoint framework to know the best way to do this.
The first version of the Bot Framework advertised automatic language translation as a major Bot Connector feature as outlined in the v1 Bot Framework Overview page.
However, the v3 documentation doesn't mention it. I was wondering if this feature is no longer available or should we use the Cognitive Services Text APIs instead?
Here's what I tried with a Skype Bot:
I would like to speak in German
May I speak in French
Everything I've tried hasn't worked.
This is something which I've looked into while building my own bot as well. The feature is no longer available in V3 and will have to call the Translator API directly. https://github.com/Microsoft/BotBuilder/issues/1156
In V4, you can use the code as below
Resources.Global.Culture = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US");
I have built a few WebAPIs since it was born, including one supporting OData URL filters when that was new. I see now that OData over WebAPI has matured, I see it can serve service metadata.
Is it complete enough for Excel or other OData client tooling to plug and play as if it were a full WCF Data Service (ye olde Astoria)?
That's it. Thanks
OData V1-3 services can be consumed by the Data tab and Power Pivot data source import of Excel. While Excel's support for importing data from OData V4 services will rely on Power Query. That support is planned targeting early next year according to this: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/2169958f-9e2a-4fc2-a844-c0dce4c17a19/support-of-odata-v40?forum=powerquery
It is. In the past you had to do the right configuration or do a workaround to populate the OData feed from Web API correctly, to be able to consume it from Excel. Suprotim Agarwal wrote an excellent blog post about all the steps necessary to consume the feed from Excel, including creating and configuring the endpoint and what the steps in Excel are.
I have read this document "http://jaydata.org/blog/how-to-use-jaydata-with-asp.net-web-api---i" and it shows a very clear and simple way to user web api odata, but in this example, all the data types are defined manually, and I read the words from the document
"The ASP.NET Web API provider does not use server generated metadata to setup the client. You need to provide the JayData library with some information about the data types your about to deal with. This at the moment you can only do manually. Version 1.2.7 of JayData brings Visual Studio development time support for autogenerating the client environment."
Currently, the version is released, but I can't find any information that how to use some tools from jaydata to auto generate these data types.
Is there any document for this?
Yes, we promised it and we did a proof of concept but nobody has asked about it since that post, you're the first, so we think that our current users are happy with either creating the model manually or using WebAPI with oData where the model can be built either dynamically from $metadata or statically with JaySvcUtil.
I can not promise any date when we'll release it.
Can't you just use WebAPI with oData ?