visiting hash with keys from array - ruby

I have a big hash with lots of nested key value pairs.
h = {"foo" => {"bar" => {"hello" => {"world" => "result" } } } }
Now I want to access result and I have keys for that in array in proper sequence.
keys_arr = ["foo", "bar", "hello", "world"]
The motive is clear, I want to do following:
# => "result"
But I don't know how to do this. I am currently doing:
key = '["' + keys_arr.join('"]["') + '"]'
# => "result"
Which looks like a hack. Also it greatly reduces my ability to work with hash in real environment.
Please suggest alternate and better ways.

Using Enumerable#inject (or Enumerable#reduce):
h = {"foo" => {"bar" => {"hello" => {"world" => "result" } } } }
keys_arr = ["foo", "bar", "hello", "world"]
keys_arr.inject(h) { |x, k| x[k] }
# => "result"
If you want to do something like: h["foo"]["bar"]["hello"]["world"] = "ruby"
innermost = keys_arr[0...-1].inject(h) { |x, k| x[k] } # the innermost hash
innermost[keys_arr[-1]] = "ruby"

keys_arr.inject(h, :[])
will do

Another way:
h = {"foo" => {"bar" => {"hello" => {"world" => 10 } } } }
keys = ["foo", "bar", "hello", "world"]
result = h
keys.each do |key|
result = result[key]
puts result #=>10
If the key may not exist, see here:
Dealing with many [...] in Ruby


Removing square brackets from hash array for value

I am having a following hash array
A = [{"name" => ["xx"], "status" => ["true"]}, {"name" => ["yy"], "status" => ["true"]}
I tried following code to remove the square brackets
A.to_s.gsub("\\[|\\]", "")
also tried with code
p { |hash| hash.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), hash| hash[k] = v.first } }
but its not working.
How I remove the square brackets to get following output
A = [{"name" => "xx", "status" => "true"}, {"name" => "yy", "status" => "true"}
Kindly assist
Since they're strings inside arrays, the [] is the representation Ruby does of it. Try accessing the first element for each key's value in those hashes:
a = [{"name" => ["xx"], "status" => ["true"]}, {"name" => ["yy"], "status" => ["true"]}]
p { |hash| hash.transform_values(&:first) }
# [{"name"=>"xx", "status"=>"true"}, {"name"=>"yy", "status"=>"true"}]
Depending on your Ruby version, you might not have transform_values available. A simple each_with_object would work similarly in that case:
p { |hash| hash.each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), hash| hash[k] = v.first } }
# [{"name"=>"xx", "status"=>"true"}, {"name"=>"yy", "status"=>"true"}]

Questions on implementing hashes in ruby

I'm new to ruby, I am solving a problem that involves hashes and key. The problem asks me to Implement a method, #pet_types, that accepts a hash as an argument. The hash uses people's # names as keys, and the values are arrays of pet types that the person owns. My question is about using Hash#each method to iterate through each num inside the array. I was wondering if there's any difference between solving the problem using hash#each or hash.sort.each?
I spent several hours coming up different solution and still to figure out what are the different approaches between the 2 ways of solving the problem below.
I include my code in or you can see below:
# Pet Types
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Implement a method, #pet_types, that accepts a hash as an argument. The hash uses people's
# names as keys, and the values are arrays of pet types that the person owns.
# Example input:
# {
# "yi" => ["dog", "cat"],
# "cai" => ["dog", "cat", "mouse"],
# "venus" => ["mouse", "pterodactyl", "chinchilla", "cat"]
# }
def pet_types(owners_hash)
results = {|h, k| h[k] = [ ] }
owners_hash.sort.each { |k, v| v.each { |pet| results[pet] << k } }
puts "-------Pet Types-------"
owners_1 = {
"yi" => ["cat"]
output_1 = {
"cat" => ["yi"]
owners_2 = {
"yi" => ["cat", "dog"]
output_2 = {
"cat" => ["yi"],
"dog" => ["yi"]
owners_3 = {
"yi" => ["dog", "cat"],
"cai" => ["dog", "cat", "mouse"],
"venus" => ["mouse", "pterodactyl", "chinchilla", "cat"]
output_3 = {
"dog" => ["cai", "yi"],
"cat" => ["cai", "venus", "yi"],
"mouse" => ["cai", "venus"],
"pterodactyl" => ["venus"],
"chinchilla" => ["venus"]
# method 2
# The 2nd and 3rd method should return a hash that uses the pet types as keys and the values should
# be a list of the people that own that pet type. The names in the output hash should
# be sorted alphabetically
# switched_hash =
# owners_hash.each do |owner, pets_array|
# pets_array.each do |pet|
# select_owners = { |owner, pets_array|
owners_hash[owner].include?(pet) }
# switched_hash[pet] = select_owners.keys.sort
# end
# end
# method 3
# pets = {|h, k| h[k] = [ ] } # WORKS SAME AS: pets = )
# owners = owners_hash.keys.sort
# owners.each do |owner|
# owners_hash[owner].each do |pet|
# pets[pet] << owner
# end
# end
# pets
# Example output:
# output_3 = {
# "dog" => ["cai", "yi"],
# "cat" => ["cai", "venus", "yi"], ---> (sorted alphabetically!)
# "mouse" => ["cai", "venus"],
# "pterodactyl" => ["venus"],
# "chinchilla" => ["venus"]
# }
I used a hash data structure in my program to first solve this problem. Then I tried to rewrite it using the pet_hash. And my final codes is the following:
def pet_types(owners_hash)
pets_hash = { |k, v| v = [] }
owners_hash.each do |owner, pets|
pets.each do |pet|
pets_hash[pet] += [owner]
puts "-------Pet Types-------"
owners_1 = {
"yi" => ["cat"]
output_1 = {
"cat" => ["yi"]
owners_2 = {
"yi" => ["cat", "dog"]
output_2 = {
"cat" => ["yi"],
"dog" => ["yi"]
owners_3 = {
"yi" => ["dog", "cat"],
"cai" => ["dog", "cat", "mouse"],
"venus" => ["mouse", "pterodactyl", "chinchilla", "cat"]
output_3 = {
"dog" => ["cai", "yi"],
"cat" => ["cai", "venus", "yi"],
"mouse" => ["cai", "venus"],
"pterodactyl" => ["venus"],
"chinchilla" => ["venus"]
puts pet_types(owners_1) == output_1
puts pet_types(owners_2) == output_2
puts pet_types(owners_3) == output_3
Hash#sort has the same effect (at least for my basic test) as Hash#to_a followed by Array#sort.
hash = {b: 2, a: 1}
hash.to_a.sort # => [[:a, 1, [:b, 2]]
hash.sort # => the same
Now let's look at #each, both on Hash and Array.
When you provide two arguments to the block, that can handle both cases. For the hash, the first argument will be the key and the second will be the value. For the nested array, the values essentially get splatted out to the args:
[[:a, 1, 2], [:b, 3, 4]].each { |x, y, z| puts "#{x}-#{y}-#{z}" }
# => a-1-2
# => b-3-4
So basically, you should think of Hash#sort to be a shortcut to Hash#to_a followed by Array#sort, and recognize that #each will work the same on a hash as a hash converted to array (a nested array). In this case, it doesn't matter which approach you take. Clearly if you need to sort iteration by the keys then you should use sort.

Ruby / Remove everything after a matched key / array of hashes

Let's say I have the following array of hashes:
h = [{"name" => "bob"}, {"car" => "toyota"}, {"age" => "25"}]
And I have the following key to match:
k = 'car'
How do I match the 'k' to 'h' and have delete every element after the match so that it returns:
h = [{"name" => "bob"}, {"car" => "toyota"}]
Just convert hash to array, do your task and then convert back
h = {"name" => "bob", "car" => "toyota", "age" => "25"}
array = h.to_a.flatten
index = array.index('car') + 1
h = Hash[*array[0..index]]
=> {"name"=>"bob", "car"=>"toyota"}
By the way, the hash is ordered only since Ruby 1.9
ar = [{"name" => "bob"}, {"car" => "toyota"}, {"age" => "25"}]
p ar[0 .. ar.index{|h| h.key?('car')}] #=>[{"name"=>"bob"}, {"car"=>"toyota"}]
I like megas' version, as its short and to the point. Another approach, which would be more explicit, would be iterating over the keys array of each hash. The keys of a hash are maintained in an ordered array ( They are ordered by when they were first entered. As a result, you can try the following:
newArray =
h.each do |hash| # Iterate through your array of hashes
newArray << hash
if hash.has_key?("car") # check if this hash is the "car" hash.
break # exits the block
This all depends, of course, on whether the array was created in the proper order. If it was, then you're golden.
A hash is unordered set by definition, so what you request is somewhat undefined. However you can do something like a hack:
h = {"name" => "bob", "car" => "toyota", "age" => "25"}
matched = false
key_given = "car"
h.each do |k,v|
if matched
if k == key_given
matched = true
I'm pretty late to the party here. I was looking for a solution to this same problem, but I didn't love these answers. So, here's my approach:
class Array
def take_until(&blk)
i = find_index &blk
take(i + 1)
h = [{"name" => "bob"}, {"car" => "toyota"}, {"age" => "25"}]
k = 'car'
h.take_until { |x| x.has_key?(k) }
=> [{"name"=>"bob"}, {"car"=>"toyota"}]

ruby db result set to array in a hash in a hash

I have a db query which returns results like:
db_result.each {|row| puts row}
And want to put it into a hash like:
"" => {
"abc" => ["123", "234"],
"bcd" => "345"
"" => {
"bcd" => ["456", "567"]
What I am currently doing is:
result_hash = { |h, k| h[k] = {} }
db_result.each do |row|
result_hash[row["IP"]] = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } unless result_hash.has_key? row["IP"]
result_hash[row["IP"]][row["Field1"]] << row["Field2"]
Which works, however was wondering if there is a neater way.
Consider this a peer-review. As a recommendation for processing and maintenance...
I'd recommend the data structure you want be a little more consistent.
Instead of:
"" => {
"abc" => ["123", "234"],
"bcd" => "345"
"" => {
"bcd" => ["456", "567"]
I'd recommend:
"" => {
"abc" => ["123", "234"],
"bcd" => ["345"]
"" => {
"abc" => [],
"bcd" => ["456", "567"]
Keep the same keys in each sub-hash, and make the values all be arrays. The code for processing that overall hash will be more straightforward and easy to follow.
I agree with Michael, there is nothing wrong with your method. The intent behind the code can be easily seen.
If you want to get fancy, here's one (of many) ways to do it:
x = [
y = x.inject({}) do |result, row|
new_row = result[row["IP"]] ||= {}
(new_row[row["Field1"]] ||= []) << row["Field2"]
I think this should yield the same time complexity as your method.

How do I convert a Ruby hash so that all of its keys are symbols?

I have a Ruby hash which looks like:
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }
I would like to convert it to:
{ :id => "123", :name => "test" }
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
Hash[{ |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }]
#=> {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
#mu is too short: Didn't see word "recursive", but if you insist (along with protection against non-existent to_sym, just want to remind that in Ruby 1.8 1.to_sym == nil, so playing with some key types can be misleading):
hash = {"a" => {"b" => "c"}, "d" => "e", => "g"}
s2s =
lambda do |h|
Hash === h ?
Hash[ do |k, v|
[k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k, s2s[v]]
] : h
s2s[hash] #=> {:d=>"e", #<Object:0x100396ee8>=>"g", :a=>{:b=>"c"}}
If you happen to be in Rails then you'll have symbolize_keys:
Return a new hash with all keys converted to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym.
and symbolize_keys! which does the same but operates in-place. So, if you're in Rails, you could:
If you want to recursively symbolize inner hashes then I think you'd have to do it yourself but with something like this:
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.keys.each do |k|
ks = k.to_sym
h[ks] = h.delete k
symbolize_keys_deep! h[ks] if h[ks].kind_of? Hash
You might want to play with the kind_of? Hash to match your specific circumstances; using respond_to? :keys might make more sense. And if you want to allow for keys that don't understand to_sym, then:
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.keys.each do |k|
ks = k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k
h[ks] = h.delete k # Preserve order even when k == ks
symbolize_keys_deep! h[ks] if h[ks].kind_of? Hash
Note that h[ks] = h.delete k doesn't change the content of the Hash when k == ks but it will preserve the order when you're using Ruby 1.9+. You could also use the [(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] approach that Rails uses in their symbolize_keys! but I think that's an abuse of the exception handling system.
The second symbolize_keys_deep! turns this:
{ 'a' => 'b', 'c' => { 'd' => { 'e' => 'f' }, 'g' => 'h' }, ['i'] => 'j' }
into this:
{ :a => 'b', :c => { :d => { :e => 'f' }, :g => 'h' }, ['i'] => 'j' }
You could monkey patch either version of symbolize_keys_deep! into Hash if you really wanted to but I generally stay away from monkey patching unless I have very good reasons to do it.
If you are using Rails >= 4 you can use:
Just in case you are parsing JSON, from the JSON docs you can add the option to symbolize the keys upon parsing:
hash = JSON.parse(json_data, symbolize_names: true)
Victor Moroz provided a lovely answer for the simple recursive case, but it won't process hashes that are nested within nested arrays:
hash = { "a" => [{ "b" => "c" }] }
s2s[hash] #=> {:a=>[{"b"=>"c"}]}
If you need to support hashes within arrays within hashes, you'll want something more like this:
def recursive_symbolize_keys(h)
case h
when Hash
Hash[ do |k, v|
[ k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k, recursive_symbolize_keys(v) ]
when Enumerable { |v| recursive_symbolize_keys(v) }
Try this:
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
# => {"apple"=>"banana", "coconut"=>"domino"}
hash.tap do |h|
h.keys.each { |k| h[k.to_sym] = h.delete(k) }
# => {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
This iterates over the keys, and for each one, it deletes the stringified key and assigns its value to the symbolized key.
If you're using Rails (or just Active Support):
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }.symbolize_keys
Starting with Ruby 2.5 you can use the transform_key method.
So in your case it would be:
h = { "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }
h.transform_keys!(&:to_sym) #=> {:id=>"123", :name=>"test"}
Note: the same methods are also available on Ruby on Rails.
Here's a Ruby one-liner that is faster than the chosen answer:
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
#=> {"apple"=>"banana", "coconut"=>"domino"}
hash.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h[k.intern] = v; h}
#=> {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
Benchmark results:
n = 100000 do |bm| { n.times { hash.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h[k.intern] = v; h} } } { n.times { Hash[{ |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] } }
# => user system total real
# => 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.107940)
# => 0.120000 0.010000 0.130000 ( 0.137966)
I'm partial to:
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 > hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
"apple" => "banana",
"coconut" => "domino"
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > hash.inject({}){ |h, (n,v)| h[n.to_sym] = v; h }
:apple => "banana",
:coconut => "domino"
This works because we're iterating over the hash and building a new one on the fly. It isn't recursive, but you could figure that out from looking at some of the other answers.
hash.inject({}){ |h, (n,v)| h[n.to_sym] = v; h }
You can also extend core Hash ruby class placing a /lib/hash.rb file :
class Hash
def symbolize_keys_deep!
new_hash = {}
keys.each do |k|
ks = k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k
if values_at(k).first.kind_of? Hash or values_at(k).first.kind_of? Array
new_hash[ks] = values_at(k).first.send(:symbolize_keys_deep!)
new_hash[ks] = values_at(k).first
If you want to make sure keys of any hash wrapped into arrays inside your parent hash are symbolized, you need to extend also array class creating a "array.rb" file with that code :
class Array
def symbolize_keys_deep!
new_ar = []
self.each do |value|
new_value = value
if value.is_a? Hash or value.is_a? Array
new_value = value.symbolize_keys_deep!
new_ar << new_value
This allows to call "symbolize_keys_deep!" on any hash variable like this :
def symbolize_keys(hash)
new={} do |key,value|
if value.is_a?(Hash)
value = symbolize_keys(value)
return new
puts symbolize_keys("c"=>{"a"=>2,"k"=>{"e"=>9}})
#{:c=>{:a=>2, :k=>{:e=>9}}}
Here's my two cents,
my version of symbolize_keys_deep! uses the original symbolize_keys! provided by rails and just makes a simple recursive call to Symbolize sub hashes.
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.each do |k, v|
symbolize_keys_deep!(v) if v.is_a? Hash
Facets' Hash#rekey is also a worth mentioning.
require 'facets/hash/rekey'
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }.deep_rekey
=> {:id=>"123", :name=>"test"}
There is also a recursive version:
require 'facets/hash/deep_rekey'
{ "id" => "123", "name" => {"first" => "John", "last" => "Doe" } }.deep_rekey
=> {:id=>"123", :name=>{:first=>"John", :last=>"Doe"}}
Here's a little recursive function to do a deep symbolization of the keys:
def symbolize_keys(hash)
Hash[{|k,v| v.is_a?(Hash) ? [k.to_sym, symbolize_keys(v)] : [k.to_sym, v] }]
