Why not use min_score with Elasticsearch? - elasticsearch

New to Elasticsearch. I am interested in only returning the most relevant docs and came across min_score. They say "Note, most times, this does not make much sense" but doesn't provide a reason. So, why does it not make sense to use min_score?
EDIT: What I really want to do is only return documents that have a higher than x "score". I have this:
data = {
'min_score': 0.9,
'query': {
'match': {'field': 'michael brown'},
Is there a better alternative to the above so that it only returns the most relevant docs?
EDIT #2:
I'm using minimum_should_match and it returns a 400 error:
"error": "SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed;"
data = {
'query': {
'match': {'keywords': 'michael brown'},
'minimum_should_match': '90%',

I've used min_score quite a lot for trying to find documents that are a definitive match to a given set of input data - which is used to generate the query.
The score you get for a document depends on the query, of course. So I'd say try your query in many permutations (different keywords, for example) and decide which document is the first you would rather it didn't return for each, and and make a note of each of their scores. If the scores are similar, this would give you a good guess at the value to use for your min score.
However, you need to bear in mind that score isn't just dependant on the query and the returned document, it considers all the other documents that have data for the fields you are querying. This means that if you test your min_score value with an index of 20 documents, this score will probably change greatly when you try it on a production index with, for example, a few thousands of documents or more. This change could go either way, and is not easily predictable.
I've found for my matching uses of min_score, you need to create quite a complicated query, and set of analysers to tune the scores for various components of your query. But what is and isn't included is vital to my application, so you may well be happy with what it gives you when keeping things simple.

I don't know if it's the best solution, but it works for me (java):
// "tiny" search to discover maxScore
// it is fast, because it returns only 1 item
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch(INDEX_NAME)
// get the maxScore and
// and set minScore = 70%
float maxScore = response.getHits().maxScore();
float minScore = maxScore * 0.7;
// second round with minimum score
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch(INDEX_NAME)
I search twice, but the first time it's fast because it returns only 1 item, then we can get the max_score
NOTE: minimum_should_match work different. If you have 4 queries, and you say minimum_should_match = 70%, it doesn't mean that item.score should be > 70%. It means that the item should match 70% of the queries, that is minimum 3/4 queries


Unexpected Solr scores for documents boosted by the same boost values

I have 2 documents:
title: "Popular",
registrations_count: 700,
is_featured: false
title: "Unpopular",
registrations_count: 100,
is_featured: true
I'm running this Solr query (via the Ruby Sunspot gem):
fq: ["type:Event"],
sort: "score desc",
q: "*:*",
defType: "edismax",
fl: "* score",
bq: ["registrations_count_i:[700 TO *]^10", "is_featured_bs:true^10"],
start: 0, rows: 30
or, for those who are more used to ruby:
Challenge.search do
boost(10) do
boost(10) do
with(:is_featured, true)
order_by :score, :desc
One document matches the first boost query, and the other matches the other boost query. They have the same boost value.
What I would expect is that both documents get the same score. But they don't, they get something like that
1.2011336 # score for 'unpopular' (featured)
0.6366436 # score for 'popular' (not featured)
I also checked that if i boost an attribute that they both have in common, they get the exact same score, and they do. I also tried to change the 700 value, to something like 7000, but it makes no difference (which makes total sense).
Can anyone explain why they get such a different score, while they both match one of the boost queries?
I'm guessing the confusion stems from "the queries being boosted by the same value" - that's not true - the boost is the score of the query itself, which is then amplified 10x by your ^10.
The bq is additive - the score from the query is added to the score of the document (while boost is multiplicative, the score is multiplied by the boost query).
If you instead want to add the same score value to the original query based on either one matching, you can use ^=10 which makes the query constant scoring (the score will be 10 for that term, regardless of the regular score of the document).
Also, if you want to apply these factors independent of each other (instead of as a single, merged score with contributions from both factors), use multiple bq entries instead.

Really huge query or optimizing an elasticsearch update

I'm working in documents-visualization for binary classification of a big amount of documents (around 150 000). The challenge is how to present general visual information to end-users, so they can have an idea on the main "concepts" on each category (positive/negative). As each document has an associated set of topics, I thought about asking Elasticsearch through aggregations for the top-20 topics on positive classified documents, and then the same for the negatives.
I created a python script that downloads the data from Elastic and classify the docs, BUT the problem is that the predictions on the dataset are not registered on Elasticsearch, so I can not ask for the top-20 topics on a certain category. First I thought about creating a query in elastic to ask for the aggregations and passing a match
As I have the ids of the positive/negative documents, I can write a query to retrieve the aggregation of topics BUT in the query I should provide a really big amount of documents IDS to indicate, for instance, just the positive documents. That is impossible, since there is a limit on the endpoint and I can not pass 50 000 ids like:
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
{"match": {"id_str": "939490553510748161"}},
{"match": {"id_str": "939496983510742348"}}
"minimum_should_match" : 1
"aggs" : { ... }
So I tried to register the predicted categories of the classification in the Elastic index, but as the amount of documents is really huge, it takes like half an hour (compared to less than a minute for running the classification)... which is a LOT of time just for storing the predictions.... Then I also need to query the index to et the right data for the visualization. To update the documents, I am using:
for id in docs_ids:
body={"doc": {
"prediction": kwargs["category"]
Do you know an alternative to update the predictions faster?
You could use bulk query that permits you to serialize your requests and query only one time against elasticsearch executing a lot of searches.
from elasticsearch import helpers
query_list = []
list_ids = ["1","2","3"]
es = ElasticSearch("myurl")
for id in list_ids:
query_dict ={
'_op_type': 'update',
'_index': kwargs["index"],
'_type': kwargs["doc_type"],
'_id': id,
'doc': {"prediction": kwargs["category"]}
Please have a read here
Regarding to query the list ids, to get faster response you should't bring with you the match_string value, as you have done in the question, but the _id field. That permits you to use multiget query, a bulk query for the get operation. Here in the python library. Try:
my_ids_list = [<some_ids_here>]
es.mget(index = kwargs["index"],
doc_type = kwargs["index"],
body = {'ids': my_ids_list})

Discover historical trends in Elasticsearch (not visual)

I have some experience with Elastic as logs storage, but I'm stuck on basic trends recognition (where I need to compare found documents to each other) over time periods.
Easy query would answer following question:
Find all occurrences of document rows (row is specified by growing/continues #timestamp value), where specific field (e.g. threads_count) is growing for fixed count of documents, or time period.
So if I have thread_count of some application, logged every minute over a day including timestamp. And I specify that I'm looking for growing trend in 10 minutes - result should return documents or document sets where thread_count was greater over the one from document minute before at least for 10 documents.
It is very similar task to see line graph, and identify growing parts by eye.
Maybe I just miss proper function name for search. I'm not interested in visualization, I would like to search similar situations over the API and take needed actions.
Any reference to documentation or simple example is welcome!
Well script cannot be used between documents. So you will have to use a payload.
In your query sort the result by date.
A script in the payload could tell you if a field is increasing (something like that, don't have access to a es index right now)
"transform": {
"script": {
"source": "ctx.payload.transform = []; def current_score = -1;
def current = []; for (int j=0;j<ctx.payload.hits.hits;j++){
//check in the loop if current_score increasing using ctx.payload.hits.hits[j]._source.message], if not return "FALSE"
} ; return "TRUE",
"lang": "painless"
If you use logstash to index your documents, take a look to elapsed, could be nice too: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/plugins-filters-elapsed.html

How can I multiply the score of two queries together in Elasticsearch?

In Solr I can use the query function query to return a numerical score for a query and I can user that in the context of a bf parameter something like bf=product(query('cat'),query('dog')) to multiply two relevance scores together.
Elasticsearch has search API that is generally more flexible to work with, but I can't figure out how I would accomplish the same feat. I can use _score in a script_function of a function_query but I can only user the _score of the main query. How can I incorporate the score of another query? How can I multiply the scores together?
You could script a TF*IDF scoring function using a function_score query. Something like this (ignoring Lucene's query and length normalization):
"script": "tf = _index[field][term].tf(); idf = (1 + log ( _index.numDocs() / (_index[field][term].df() + 1))); return sqrt(tf) * pow(idf,2)"
You'd take the product of those function results for 'cat' and 'dog' and add them to your original query score.
Here's the full query gist.
Alternately, if you've got something in that bf that's heavyweight enough you'd rather not run it across the entire set of matches, you could use rescore requests to modify the score of the top N ranked ORIGINAL QUERY results using subsequent scoring passes with your (cat, dog, etc...) scoring-queries.

Explain scoring in lucene while sorting involved

I am getting null value in topDocs.scoreDocs for some documents while searching in lucene index.
Please explain me about value in [ ] in topDocs.scoreDocs
SortField sortFieldObj = new SortField(sortField, SortField.STRING, sortOrder);
Sort sort = new Sort(sortFieldObj);
TopDocs topDocs = searcher.search(query, null, sizeNeeded, sort);
Document docNew = searcher.doc(topDocs.scoreDocs[i].doc);
doc=2 score=NaN[null]
doc=44 score=NaN[testString]
Well, the reson is indirectly you told Lucene to ignore its document scores and use your own sort order. Scoring is used to bring topdocs, but you chose to bring docs in the sort order you specified, hence NAN.
If you want to force Lucene to give you scores when you specified your own sort order use another overloaded method for search :
search(Query query, Filter filter, int n,
Sort sort, boolean doDocScores, boolean doMaxScore)
If doDocScores is true then the score of each hit will becomputed and returned.
If doMaxScore true then the maximum score over all collected hits will be computed.
So you would do something like : searcher.search(query, null, sizeNeeded, sort,true,true);
