Discover historical trends in Elasticsearch (not visual) - elasticsearch

I have some experience with Elastic as logs storage, but I'm stuck on basic trends recognition (where I need to compare found documents to each other) over time periods.
Easy query would answer following question:
Find all occurrences of document rows (row is specified by growing/continues #timestamp value), where specific field (e.g. threads_count) is growing for fixed count of documents, or time period.
So if I have thread_count of some application, logged every minute over a day including timestamp. And I specify that I'm looking for growing trend in 10 minutes - result should return documents or document sets where thread_count was greater over the one from document minute before at least for 10 documents.
It is very similar task to see line graph, and identify growing parts by eye.
Maybe I just miss proper function name for search. I'm not interested in visualization, I would like to search similar situations over the API and take needed actions.
Any reference to documentation or simple example is welcome!

Well script cannot be used between documents. So you will have to use a payload.
In your query sort the result by date.
A script in the payload could tell you if a field is increasing (something like that, don't have access to a es index right now)
"transform": {
"script": {
"source": "ctx.payload.transform = []; def current_score = -1;
def current = []; for (int j=0;j<ctx.payload.hits.hits;j++){
//check in the loop if current_score increasing using ctx.payload.hits.hits[j]._source.message], if not return "FALSE"
} ; return "TRUE",
"lang": "painless"
If you use logstash to index your documents, take a look to elapsed, could be nice too:


Counting occurrences of search terms in Elasticsearch function score script

I have an Elasticsearch index with document structure like below.
"id": "foo",
"tags": ["Tag1", "Tag2", "Tag3"],
"special_tags": ["SpecialTag1", "SpecialTag2", "SpecialTag3"],
"reserved_tags": ["ReservedTag1", "ReservedTag2", "Tag1", "SpecialTag2"],
// rest of the document
The fields tags, special_tags, reserved_tags are stored separately for multiple use cases. In one of the queries, I want to order the documents by number of occurrences for searched tags in all the three fields.
For example, if I am searching with three tags Tag1,
Tag4 and SpecialTag3, total occurrences are 2 in the above document. Using this number, I want to add a custom score to this document and sort by the score.
I am already using function_score as there are few other attributes on which the scoring depends. To compute the matched number, I tried painless script like below.
def matchedTags = 0;
def searchedTags = ["Tag1", "Tag4", "SpecialTag3"];
for (int i = 0; i < searchedTags.length; ++i) {
if (doc['tags'].contains(searchedTags[i])) {
if (doc['special_tags'].contains(searchedTags[i])) {
if (doc['reserved_tags'].contains(searchedTags[i])) {
// logic to score on matchedTags (returning matchedTags for simplicity)
return matchedTags;
This runs as expected, but extremely slow. I assume that ES has to count the occurrences for each doc and cannot use indexes here. (If someone can shed light on how this will work internally or provide documentation/resources links, that would be helpful.)
I want to have two scoring functions.
Score as a function of number of occurrences
Score higher for higher occurrences. This is basically same as 1, but the repeated occurrences would be counted.
Is there any way where I can get benefits of both faster searching and also the custom scoring using script?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Elasticsearch - Limit of total fields [1000] in index exceeded

I saw that there are some concerns to raising the total limit on fields above 1000.
I have a situation where I am not sure how to approach it from the design point of view.
I have lots of simple key value pairs:
key1:15, key2:45, key99999:1313123.
Where key is a string and value is a integer on which I would like to sort my results upon on where as if a certain document receives a key it gets sorted by the value.
I ended up creating an object and just put the key value pairs inside so I can match it easy.
For example I have sorting: "object.key".
I was wondering if I just use a simple object with bunch of strings inside that are just there for exact matching should I worry about raising this limit to 10k, or 20k.
Because I now have an issue where there can be more then 1k of these records. I've found I could use nested sorting but it still has a default limit of 10k.
Is there a good design pattern approach for this or should I not be worried by raising the field limits?
Simplified version of the query:
GET products/_search
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"sort": [
"sortingObject.someSortingKey1": {
"order": "desc",
"missing": 2,
Point is that I get the sortingKey from request and I use it to sort my results. There are 100k different ways to sort the result for example
There were some recent improvements (in 7.16) that should help there, but 10K or 20K fields is still a lot of overhead.
I'm not sure what kind of queries you need to run on those keyX fields, but maybe the flattened data-type would work for you?

Elasticsearch NEST: specifying Id explicitly seems to cause inconsistent search scores

I have a model class that looks like this:
public class MySearchDocument
public string ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public int DBID { get; set; }
We always use bulk indexing. By default our searches do a relatively simple multi_match with more weight given to ID and Name, like this:
"query": {
"multi_match": {
"query": "burger",
"fields": [
"auto_generate_synonyms_phrase_query": true
I was previously just relying on Id inference, allowing Elasticsearch to use my ID property for its Id purposes, but for a few reasons it has become preferable to use DBID as the Id property in Elasticsearch. I tried this 3 different ways, separately and in combo:
Explicitly when bulk indexing: new BulkIndexOperation<MySearchDocument>(d) { Id = d.DBID }
In the ConnectionSettings using DefaultMappingFor<MySearchDocument>(d => d.IdProperty(p => p.DBID))
Using an attribute on MySearchDocument: [ElasticsearchType(IdProperty = nameof(DBID))]
Any and all of these seem to work as expected; the _id field in the indexed documents are being set to my DBID property. However, in my integration tests, search results are anything but expected. Specifically, I have a test that:
Creates a new index from scratch.
Populates it with a handful of MySearchDocuments
Issues a Refresh on the index just to make sure it's ready.
Issues a search.
Asserts that the results come back in the expected order.
With Id inference, this test consistently passes. When switching the Id field using any or all of the techniques above, it passes maybe half the time. Looking at the raw results, the correct documents are always returned, but the _score often varies for the same document from test run to test run. Sometimes the varying score is the one associated with the document whose ID field matches the search term, other times it's the score of a different document.
I've tried coding the test to run repeatedly and in parallel. I've tried waiting several seconds after issuing Refresh, just to be sure the index is ready. None of these make a difference - the test passes consistently with Id inference, and is consistently inconsistent without. I know nothing in this world is truly random, so I feel like I must be missing something here. Let me know if more details would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Search relevancy scores are calculated per shard, and a hashing algorithm on the value of _id determines into which primary shard a given document will be indexed.
It sounds like you may be seeing the effects of this when indexing a small sample of documents across N > 1 primary shards; in this case, the local relevancy scores may be different enough to manifest in some odd looking _scores returned. With a larger set of documents and even distribution, differences in local shard scores diminish.
There are a couple of approaches that you can take to overcome this for testing purposes:
Use a single primary shard
Use dfs_query_then_fetch when making the search request. This tells Elasticsearch to take the local relevancy scores first in order to calculate global relevancy scores, then use global scores for _score. There is a slight overhead to using dfs_query_then_fetch.
Take a look also at the section "Relevance is Broken!" from the Elasticsearch Definitive guide; although the guide refers to Elasticsearch 2.x, much of it is still very much relevant for later versions.

Elasticsearch 2.1: Result window is too large (index.max_result_window)

We retrieve information from Elasticsearch 2.1 and allow the user to page thru the results. When the user requests a high page number we get the following error message:
Result window is too large, from + size must be less than or equal
to: [10000] but was [10020]. See the scroll api for a more efficient
way to request large data sets. This limit can be set by changing the
[index.max_result_window] index level parameter
The elastic docu says that this is because of high memory consumption and to use the scrolling api:
Values higher than can consume significant chunks of heap memory per
search and per shard executing the search. It’s safest to leave this
value as it is an use the scroll api for any deep scrolling
The thing is that I do not want to retrieve large data sets. I only want to retrieve a slice from the data set which is very high up in the result set. Also the scrolling docu says:
Scrolling is not intended for real time user requests
This leaves me with some questions:
1) Would the memory consumption really be lower (any if so why) if I use the scrolling api to scroll up to result 10020 (and disregard everything below 10000) instead of doing a "normal" search request for result 10000-10020?
2) It does not seem that the scrolling API is an option for me but that I have to increase "index.max_result_window". Does anyone have any experience with this?
3) Are there any other options to solve my problem?
If you need deep pagination, one possible solution is to increase the value max_result_window. You can use curl to do this from your shell command line:
curl -XPUT "http://localhost:9200/my_index/_settings" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "index" : { "max_result_window" : 500000 } }'
I did not notice increased memory usage, for values of ~ 100k.
The right solution would be to use scrolling.
However, if you want to extend the results search returns beyond 10,000 results, you can do it easily with Kibana:
Go to Dev Tools and just post the following to your index (your_index_name), specifing what would be the new max result window
PUT your_index_name/_settings
"max_result_window" : 500000
If all goes well, you should see the following success response:
"acknowledged": true
The following pages in the elastic documentation talk about deep paging:
Depending on the size of your documents, the number of shards, and the
hardware you are using, paging 10,000 to 50,000 results (1,000 to
5,000 pages) deep should be perfectly doable. But with big-enough from
values, the sorting process can become very heavy indeed, using vast
amounts of CPU, memory, and bandwidth. For this reason, we strongly
advise against deep paging.
Use the Scroll API to get more than 10000 results.
Scroll example in ElasticSearch NEST API
I have used it like this:
private static Customer[] GetCustomers(IElasticClient elasticClient)
var customers = new List<Customer>();
var searchResult = elasticClient.Search<Customer>(s => s.Index(IndexAlias.ForCustomers())
var result = searchResult;
searchResult = elasticClient.Scroll<Customer>("1m", result.ScrollId);
} while (searchResult.IsValid && searchResult.Documents.Any());
return customers.ToArray();
If you want more than 10000 results then in all the data nodes the memory usage will be very high because it has to return more results in each query request. Then if you have more data and more shards then merging those results will be inefficient. Also es cache the filter context, hence again more memory. You have to trial and error how much exactly you are taking. If you are getting many requests in small window you should do multiple query for more than 10k and merge it by urself in the code, which is supposed to take less application memory then if you increase the window size.
2) It does not seem that the scrolling API is an option for me but that I have to increase "index.max_result_window". Does anyone have any experience with this?
--> You can define this value in index templates , es template will be applicable for new indexes only ,so you either have to delete old indexes after creating template or wait for new data to be ingested in elasticsearch .
"order": 1,
"template": "index_template*",
"settings": {
"index.number_of_replicas": "0",
"index.number_of_shards": "1",
"index.max_result_window": 2147483647
In my case it looks like reducing the results via the from & size prefixes to the query will remove the error as we don't need all the results:
GET widgets_development/_search
"from" : 0,
"size": 5,
"query": {
"bool": {}
"sort": {
"col_one": "asc"

Why not use min_score with Elasticsearch?

New to Elasticsearch. I am interested in only returning the most relevant docs and came across min_score. They say "Note, most times, this does not make much sense" but doesn't provide a reason. So, why does it not make sense to use min_score?
EDIT: What I really want to do is only return documents that have a higher than x "score". I have this:
data = {
'min_score': 0.9,
'query': {
'match': {'field': 'michael brown'},
Is there a better alternative to the above so that it only returns the most relevant docs?
EDIT #2:
I'm using minimum_should_match and it returns a 400 error:
"error": "SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed;"
data = {
'query': {
'match': {'keywords': 'michael brown'},
'minimum_should_match': '90%',
I've used min_score quite a lot for trying to find documents that are a definitive match to a given set of input data - which is used to generate the query.
The score you get for a document depends on the query, of course. So I'd say try your query in many permutations (different keywords, for example) and decide which document is the first you would rather it didn't return for each, and and make a note of each of their scores. If the scores are similar, this would give you a good guess at the value to use for your min score.
However, you need to bear in mind that score isn't just dependant on the query and the returned document, it considers all the other documents that have data for the fields you are querying. This means that if you test your min_score value with an index of 20 documents, this score will probably change greatly when you try it on a production index with, for example, a few thousands of documents or more. This change could go either way, and is not easily predictable.
I've found for my matching uses of min_score, you need to create quite a complicated query, and set of analysers to tune the scores for various components of your query. But what is and isn't included is vital to my application, so you may well be happy with what it gives you when keeping things simple.
I don't know if it's the best solution, but it works for me (java):
// "tiny" search to discover maxScore
// it is fast, because it returns only 1 item
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch(INDEX_NAME)
// get the maxScore and
// and set minScore = 70%
float maxScore = response.getHits().maxScore();
float minScore = maxScore * 0.7;
// second round with minimum score
SearchResponse response = client.prepareSearch(INDEX_NAME)
I search twice, but the first time it's fast because it returns only 1 item, then we can get the max_score
NOTE: minimum_should_match work different. If you have 4 queries, and you say minimum_should_match = 70%, it doesn't mean that item.score should be > 70%. It means that the item should match 70% of the queries, that is minimum 3/4 queries
