Can't get vagrant destroy to work - vagrant

I just deleted a large directory that I no longer needed. Unfortunately, it had a number of vagrant instances that I neglected to halt and destroy first within it and I'm having trouble getting them to go away now.
If I run "vagrant global-status", I receive four results, all have the name "default", three use hyperv and one uses virtualbox (not sure why I have a virtualbox instance at all), all but the virtualbox is running, and all in directories that no longer exist.
I just opened up the hyper-v manager and none of these instances actually exist.
If I attempt to use "vagrant destroy" against any of the ids in the global-status output, I get the following error:
There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix the following errors and try again:
* A box must be specified
If I look in the "vagrant box list" command, it yields a single named box, but I don't appear to be able to do anything with it as I'll get the same error as above when I attempt to remove it.
What can I do to 1) get rid of the last of the directories that wouldn't delete since vagrant appears to be using the files and 2) clear out these entries that shouldn't be here anymore from the vagrant global-status command?

To clean Vagrant's global status, use the --prune flag.
I'm not sure why you don't see the Hyper-V machines in your Hyper-V manager though.

I wound up uninstalling Vagrant and deleting the directories Vagrant was using. Then I re-installed and there were no more ghost Vagrant instances.

I managed to remove the vagrant VM entry from global-status using vagrant destroy <id> after I manually deleted the VM from "Oracle VM VirtualBox". VM was ubuntu 14.04, host was windows 10.


Forgetting a VM in Vagrant

I've started a VM on Google Compute Engine using Vagrant with the vagrant-google provider. I no longer wish to control the VM using Vagrant, but I would like it to keep running without me interrupting it.
What's the proper way to have Vagrant "forget" about this machine?
so the instance has been installed on GCE and you can control directly from there.
Locally you can delete the .vagrant folder that vagrant created in the folder when you launch it
After this to remove references you can run vagrant global-status --prune which will remove invalid entries and clean vagrant conf file from this machine

How to remove cached non-existing Virtualbox machines, using Hyper-V as provider?

I was using Vagrant under Windows 10 Pro first with Virtualbox provider and created a few boxes. Then because I wanted to test Docker for Win, I had to switch to Hyper V and uninstall Virtualbox. After some time I manually deleted some Virtualbox machines or re-purposed the folders so they don't have Vagrantfile anymore in them.
When I try to run either
vagrant global-status --prune
vagrant destroy -f XXXYYYZZZ
I get this error:
The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine 'default' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system. The reason is shown below:
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed. Vagrant uses the VBoxManage binary that ships with VirtualBox, and requires this to be available on the PATH. If VirtualBox is installed, please find the VBoxManage binary and add it to the PATH environmental variable.
I understand what Vagrant is trying to say: Install virtualbox binary so it can manage the boxes. But actually there are no VMs to begin with so it should be enough to delete it from registry and for that no Virtualbox is necessary. Is there a way how to remove cached boxes from registry in my case?
vagrant is keeping the list of machines it manages under the following location (that is for Mac, you would need to find for windows as I am not fully sure about the path)
and under this folder, you'll find a index file that will list all machines it has in cache. its a JSon file and the provider for the machine is listed so you can remove anything that is not VirtualBox
I got the similar situation when I try to install Docker on my Windows 10 machine with vagrant + virtual box.
I have uninstalled virtual box, but the same error continues every time I try to run "vagrant up"
The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine
'default' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system. The reason
is shown below:
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly
installed. Vagrant uses the VBoxManage binary that ships with
VirtualBox, and requires this to be available on the PATH. If
VirtualBox is installed, please find the VBoxManage binary and add
it to the PATH environmental variable.
So below process saved me from it.
step 1: Add below line in vagrantfile below line ""
config.vm.define "hyperv"
Step 2: start your vagrant box calling like below from powershell or cmd
vagrant up --provider=hyperv
It should work. I got the vagrant running after these steps.
It must be the provider which is saved as virtual box somewhere in cache or registry.enter code here

How to match VirtualBox VMs to Vagrant VMs?

I use Vagrant with Oracle VirtualBox and I'm trying to clear up space on my laptop. I've noticed that I have a number of directories in my ~/VirtualBox VMs directory that are taking up a lot of room. The names of these directories don't match up with anything in my Vagrantfiles. What I also don't quite understand is that I have two VMs that I am able to start up but if I run the "vagrant global-status" command, it tells me "There are no active Vagrant environments on this computer!"
How do I determine which of the VirtualBox VM directories I'm still using and which ones can be deleted using the Oracle VirtualBox Manager? Should I just delete everything and start over?
This appears to be one way to do it:
Go into each directory, run "vagrant status", halt the machine (if it's running), and then destroy it. This will delete the associated directory in ~/VirtualBox VMs.
After you've done this for all know Vagrantfile directories, run the Oracle VirtualBox application and Remove each remaining machine.

Error after `vagrant halt; vagrant up`

I am setting up a Ubuntu 15.04 VM on Win7 using Vagrant 1.7.4 and VBox 5.0.0.
On the first vagrant up I can ssh into the machine using vagrant putty and everything is setup correctly and works. When I run vagrant halt, the VM shuts down gracefully without error messages.
However, when I try to restart the VM using vagrant up; vagrant putty, the machine is in a strange state. For example, the default synced folder /vagrant is empty, even though the second vagrant up call prints this message:
default: /vagrant => C:/Users/ArneUser/numecs/dev_env
Also, this vagrant up call prints the following message in PowerShell:
The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status.
Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed!
/sbin/initctl emit --no-wait vagrant-mounted MOUNTPOINT=
Stdout from the command:
Stderr from the command:
stdin: is not a tty
bash: line 2: /sbin/initctl: No such file or directory
I am running a really basic setup just to test for this error, so I don't think the mistake is in my provisioning script. Some pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
Open VirtualBox GUI and turn off machine manually, then run again the vagrant up command.
That solved the problem in my case :)
/vagrant is empty
/sbin/initctl emit --no-wait vagrant-mounted MOUNTPOINT=
From these two lines I suspect that MOUNTPOINT should be /vagrant but its due to /vagrant being empty that SSH is now working.
I've seen similar issues because of Virtualbox 5.
Try to downgrade Virtualbox to 4.3.x and ensure you have the latest Vagrant (1.7.4).
Initctl is part of the Upstart init daemon. As far as I'm aware Ubuntu 15.04 is the first version of Ubuntu to abandon Upstart in favor of SystemD, so /sbin/initctl isn't expected to exist in your operating system. I believe this would need to be something that is fixed in the box you're using.
The point of "/sbin/initctl emit ..." is to notify other Upstart units that the vagrant shared folder has been mounted and is available for read/write operations. Since upstart is no longer in use it may be safe to assume that there is no need for this call. It's a rather crude hack, but you could make an empty script at /sbin/initctl. This should allow the vagrant startup process to continue properly and provision your box.
In my case it seems as Marc Young suggested that by opening Virtualbox GUI, the virtual machine itself seems to be hung. I saw these error messages on the virtual box console:
Thus it seems to not to be Vagrant related problem, but the virtual machine (Linux Kernel) itself seems to be hung.

How do I remove a Vagrant box from global-status, after deleting that box from the filesystem?

I deleted a folder containing a running Vagrant box before realising it was still running.
How can I delete it from Vagrant (global-status) now?
I already removed the Virtualbox VM.
To discard old boxes listed in vagrant global-status (eg. you deleted the folder containing the .vagrant dir from the filesystem) you just need to run:
vagrant global-status --prune
You might need to remove the Virtual Machine directly from your provider (VMWare, Virtualbox, ..) control interface.
I believe that the new filename of the global data is ~/.vagrant.d.
So you can run rm -r ~/.vagrant.d to delete all user data for a fresh start.
For my case: Where kitchen and .kitchen/ folder may contain hidden vagrant files create by
$ kitchen create
I need to go further than either kitchen destroy or vagrant destroy or even vagrant destroy machineID ( from vagrant global-status - which gives a list of vagrant instances across your user space. )
In my case, I had to blow away the vagrant machine lock files contained in the users .vagrant hidden directory.
$ rm -r ~/.vagrant/data
And in my case I need to sudo the above command.
Then I finally got to a clean
$ vagrant global-status
First you use vagrant global-status to list all the vagrant machines and their status and ids.
then you can use:
vagrant destroy -f the_id_of_the_machine
after that if you run vagrant global-status again you will find that the id you have specified in the vagrant destroy -f command has been removed from the list.
and then you might need to restart your machine However these commands will not affect your boxes.
The above commands didn't remove the old box in my case on a Windows machine. I had already removed the .vagrant folder and the box from the virtualbox provider folder but the box was still in the vagrant global-status list.
As mentioned in the comment given by a vagrant up command:
If you believe this message is in error, please check the process
listing for any "ruby" or "vagrant" processes and kill them. Then
try again.
So I killed ruby.exe from the process list and did a subsequent vagrant global-status --prune.
