Forgetting a VM in Vagrant - vagrant

I've started a VM on Google Compute Engine using Vagrant with the vagrant-google provider. I no longer wish to control the VM using Vagrant, but I would like it to keep running without me interrupting it.
What's the proper way to have Vagrant "forget" about this machine?

so the instance has been installed on GCE and you can control directly from there.
Locally you can delete the .vagrant folder that vagrant created in the folder when you launch it
After this to remove references you can run vagrant global-status --prune which will remove invalid entries and clean vagrant conf file from this machine


Upgrade php to 5.6 in Vagrant provisioning

I upgraded php to 5.6 within the Vagrant box 'trusty64', and also installed SOAP client. When I next update Vagrant I'm thinking it might overwrite these changes. Would I also need to change the provisioning in the vagrantfile, and if so what should I add?
When I next update Vagrant I'm thinking it might overwrite these
No, You would not loose anything if you upgrade vagrant. Once the VMs are created, vagrant will operate those VMs and upgrading vagrant will not impact the existing VM.
Basically, it works like this:
- when you run vagrant up, vagrant clone the box (which is VM files) and add the VM to VirtualBox
- after the VM have been created, vagrant "operates" (i.e. start, stop ...) the VirtualBox VM for you
Would I also need to change the provisioning in the vagrantfile
Thats necessary to change the provisioning if you plan to create more VM of this kind, or if you will destroy and recreate this VM; in this case the provisioning will run and you would need to have it updated.
and if so what should I add?
save all the commands you have run to run the upgrade and create a shell script out of it, might be the most simple option. You can also look at more advanced tool (puppet, ansible, chef .... that would do this job)

How to remove cached non-existing Virtualbox machines, using Hyper-V as provider?

I was using Vagrant under Windows 10 Pro first with Virtualbox provider and created a few boxes. Then because I wanted to test Docker for Win, I had to switch to Hyper V and uninstall Virtualbox. After some time I manually deleted some Virtualbox machines or re-purposed the folders so they don't have Vagrantfile anymore in them.
When I try to run either
vagrant global-status --prune
vagrant destroy -f XXXYYYZZZ
I get this error:
The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine 'default' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system. The reason is shown below:
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed. Vagrant uses the VBoxManage binary that ships with VirtualBox, and requires this to be available on the PATH. If VirtualBox is installed, please find the VBoxManage binary and add it to the PATH environmental variable.
I understand what Vagrant is trying to say: Install virtualbox binary so it can manage the boxes. But actually there are no VMs to begin with so it should be enough to delete it from registry and for that no Virtualbox is necessary. Is there a way how to remove cached boxes from registry in my case?
vagrant is keeping the list of machines it manages under the following location (that is for Mac, you would need to find for windows as I am not fully sure about the path)
and under this folder, you'll find a index file that will list all machines it has in cache. its a JSon file and the provider for the machine is listed so you can remove anything that is not VirtualBox
I got the similar situation when I try to install Docker on my Windows 10 machine with vagrant + virtual box.
I have uninstalled virtual box, but the same error continues every time I try to run "vagrant up"
The provider 'virtualbox' that was requested to back the machine
'default' is reporting that it isn't usable on this system. The reason
is shown below:
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly
installed. Vagrant uses the VBoxManage binary that ships with
VirtualBox, and requires this to be available on the PATH. If
VirtualBox is installed, please find the VBoxManage binary and add
it to the PATH environmental variable.
So below process saved me from it.
step 1: Add below line in vagrantfile below line ""
config.vm.define "hyperv"
Step 2: start your vagrant box calling like below from powershell or cmd
vagrant up --provider=hyperv
It should work. I got the vagrant running after these steps.
It must be the provider which is saved as virtual box somewhere in cache or registry.enter code here

Can't get vagrant destroy to work

I just deleted a large directory that I no longer needed. Unfortunately, it had a number of vagrant instances that I neglected to halt and destroy first within it and I'm having trouble getting them to go away now.
If I run "vagrant global-status", I receive four results, all have the name "default", three use hyperv and one uses virtualbox (not sure why I have a virtualbox instance at all), all but the virtualbox is running, and all in directories that no longer exist.
I just opened up the hyper-v manager and none of these instances actually exist.
If I attempt to use "vagrant destroy" against any of the ids in the global-status output, I get the following error:
There are errors in the configuration of this machine. Please fix the following errors and try again:
* A box must be specified
If I look in the "vagrant box list" command, it yields a single named box, but I don't appear to be able to do anything with it as I'll get the same error as above when I attempt to remove it.
What can I do to 1) get rid of the last of the directories that wouldn't delete since vagrant appears to be using the files and 2) clear out these entries that shouldn't be here anymore from the vagrant global-status command?
To clean Vagrant's global status, use the --prune flag.
I'm not sure why you don't see the Hyper-V machines in your Hyper-V manager though.
I wound up uninstalling Vagrant and deleting the directories Vagrant was using. Then I re-installed and there were no more ghost Vagrant instances.
I managed to remove the vagrant VM entry from global-status using vagrant destroy <id> after I manually deleted the VM from "Oracle VM VirtualBox". VM was ubuntu 14.04, host was windows 10.

Distributing vagrant VM locally

I have set up a vagrant vm on my machine. (Virtualbox)
I would like to be able to share this VM amongst other machines however would like to avoid having to download the image repeatedly.
I tried Exporting the Appliance and copying the Vagrantfile folder onto a different machine, however when i tried to connect using vagrant ssh it could not find it. I assume this is because of non-matching UUID's. How can I go around this?
Vagrant version 1.6.3
The solution was to use Vagrant Package
vagrant package --base <Name Of VM on virtualbox>
This creates a file in your current directory.
You then share that file, and on the new computers you execute:
vagrant init
in the directory where the Vagrantfile will be created

Where is Vagrant saving changes to the VM?

I am just starting with Vagrant and I am having a little trouble understanding a few details. I have read through the docs but still am missing a basic concept. When I want to start a Vagrant box I run:
vagrant up
This will "build the VM based on the box" I understand that the boxes are stored at ~/.vagrant.d and in fact I have packaged up my own box from a base Ubuntu box. However, when I run vagrant up and start to add files to the vm, where is the virtual hard drive for the vm stored? For example, when I run apt-get install apache2 and the root system is modified, where is this modified?
When I do a du on my current directory I do not see any changes. I also do not see any changes in the ~/.vagrant.d directory. However, I can do vagrant halt, restart my local machine and then run vagrant up again and the changes are persisted somewhere.
vagrant up also reports
[default] VM already created. Booting if its not already running...
Can someone tell me where the VM is created and where the changes are made?
Vagrant imports the base box which is located at ~/.vagrant.d/boxes/, like you said.
This is where the base boxes are kept. It uses it to start a VM from the clean state. When importing a VM, the responsibility of where to store data files and VM state is up to VirtualBox itself. This is a configurable location but typically defaults to ~/VirtualBox\ VMS for Mac OS X and Linux. In Windows the boxes are kept in %userprofile%\.vagrant.d\boxes
It is easy to find the place where they are getting created, regardless of what platform you happen to be using.
1. Start VirtualBox.
2. Go to the VM that shows as running instance.
3. Check out the Settings ->Storage.
4. You can find the path to location where VMs are created and stored in your file system.
I always change the directory that Virtualbox uses by default for VMs. Normally it is in your profile folder in Windows.
I change it to something like "D:\VHDs\VBox\" and there I found my vagrant test vm: "test01_1347456065". It was called test01, so I guess vagrant adds the numbers to keep things unique.
