Sent Email process not working - oracle

I have a question about my application built in Oracle APEX 4.2. This application has a process to send emails (when a user changes his password or requests a password reset).
When I run this application online on my "" account, it runs fine. But when I run it on my home computer (running Windows 7), the email process doesn't work. Probably it is because my home server is not an email server.
Can someone please help me so that my home computer is able to send emails via my above mentioned application?
Thanks in advance.

you have several options:
Configure a local SMTP server so it can be use by APEX and send emails.
Connect to a remote server - like Google - and sends emails that way (you have to open a new account and connect with that and also there's some certificate problems,
Use htmldb_mail package (I haven't tried this one)
In the first options you need to construct a procedure that does all the work for you.
You can use one of this:
Important: keep in my that you're going to encounter permission issues with the UTL packages (grant execute on UTL_XXX to USER) and algo, if you're are working on 11g you need to create an ACL


Exchange mail working on iPhone but not Mac

I have my work email set up on an iPhone using the instructions given to me by my IT department. It works a treat.
I'd really like to be able to use in on my Mac. I have webmail (owa) access but it's a terrible webmail client. I use Airmail as my email client.
I've been reading online and I understand there are different issues with accessing Exchange email from a Mac, but I'm hoping they are surmountable.
The info from my IT people for iOS set up includes
My username
My password
A server -
A domain -
I don't seem to be able to make any combination of these work for mac email setup.
Is there a solution?
Try to enter username with the domain:
If nothing works, maybe you can ask your IT dept for help?
Also, your server administrator should check that EWS protocol is enabled for your mailbox (most MacOS clients works through this protocol)

How to add Terminal Object in your Website?

Website like koding , codeschool ,cloud9 and many others have the ability to access their server via terminal.
Is it really terminal application in sandbox?
How did they do that?
Read this
The terminal access can be provided by having a client server mechanism.
Here a server is running at the linux machine and client is browser.
server executes command on behalf of client.
Take a look at ajaxterm

Alternatives for Account Management in FileZilla Server

For our FTP server, my company has installed FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 beta. The server is working well and we're pleased with it. My question involves account management - FileZilla Server includes an easy-to-use UI for managing user accounts, but I would prefer to handle user accounts with the rest of our customer info, like logins for the company website, notes of the last support issue, and so on. I don't see a way to configure FileZilla Server to accept a different account manager. Is there a plugin architecture that I can code against, or better, modules that I can install that would give me the flexibility I'm looking for? Ideally, I'd be able to configure FileZilla Server with a SQL connection string and CRUD queries, and then manage the account store myself.
There is a XML file called "FileZilla Server.xml" in your program directory. In this file you can edit all relevant options regarding settings and user management of the server.
Don't forget to reload the config with "/reload-config" afterwards.

Oracle Database: possible to send email from PL/SQL through proxy server?

I find a lot of details on the internet how to configure Oracle database to use PL/SQL commands to send an email from the database, but they're all using the SMTP server that the database is installed in (I think at least). If these emails are being sent to DBAs, then that's fine.
What about the scenario where an email is sent to customers? In this case wouldn't we want the email to be sent from an application server (e.g. DMZ), and NOT the database server?
I'm assuming the IP address of the database server (or other special information regarding the database server that we'd rather keep private) would be available in such an email. If this isn't true, my question has no merit.
Is it possible to generate an email from the database PL/SQL command(s) but have it sent to the customer from a proxy (e.g. application) server? So the email traffic route would be: database server --> application server --> customer. The added benefit is most email systems would be on the application server anyway so returned emails would go the application server.
If you're using UTL_SMTP, your code will have a line like this somewhere:
c := UTL_SMTP.open_connection( 'myhost', 25 );
The first parameter is the mail server. You should be able to set it to any server that your database server can connect to (via port 25).
They're not necessarily using the SMTP server that the "database is installed in" (not really sure what you mean by that). You define the system parameter SMTP_OUT_SERVER to configure the IP and port of the SMTP server. Oracle will send email to whatever server you define, as long as it is network accessible.
See this site for more information on setting up UTL_MAIL. Try it out. Look at the headers. See for yourself what it looks like.

Pass current user credentials to remote server

I have an application server (webservice or remoting, not yet decided) on a remote machine and a client on the same domain. I want to authenticate the user as a domain user on the server.
I can ask the user to enter their Windows username/password and send those to the server and get the server to check them against Active Directory but I would rather not. Is there any way I can get the client to send some kind of token which the server can then use to identify which domain user is sending it a request? Obviously I want to protect the server against someone sending a fake user ID and impersonating another user.
The client on computer A will communicate with the server on computer B. I think I will probably using .NET remoting for this communication. On the server I merely need to know the ID of the user on computer A; if the app on computer A must send the ID I need to be sure that it hasn't sent the ID of a different user.
I don't need to impersonate the other user, I merely need to know (for certain) who it is.
Are you saying that the client communicates against your server, and you need to use the client's privileges at a third server? That scenario describes The Double-Hop Problem. The blog most describes it in detail, and what can be done to circumvent it (domain modifications).
[...] you can get around the problem and use proper delegation if you set up your network to use Kerberos and set up the web server in question as trusted for delegation.
I know of no way you can identify the user on computer A. Would it be enough if it was just the user executing your program? You could use windows authentication in a domain scenario, but that would only give you the privileges used by the program to authenticate, which may differ from the actual evil user in front of the keyboard.
Your comments to this post indicates that windows authentication with impersonation would work for you. Check for code examples.
