Xcode run script, is it possible to run only if a file changes? - xcode

I want to execute the script only when a certain file changes. Is this possible inside a run script phase? I donĀ“t see anything in the docs.
Thank you so much.

I would recommand reading http://indiestack.com/2014/12/speeding-up-custom-script-phases/ which is a great example of using this rarely known Build Phases little gem.

In Input Files of Run Script Phase, add the file to depend on. For example:
In Output Files, add the file which the script will generate:
In script:
touch SomeFile.txt
Now the script will be called if SomeFile.txt is missing or is older than input file's date.


Running a command before every execution of a script/program

I'm using Bash on Windows and what I'm missing is a good IDE. I've tried running a GUI app with the following tutorial but it doesn't work well every time and it's frustrating.
What I want is to run the script that would copy the files from a folder on Windows into a folder on Unix subsystem, but only the files that are different. And same for the other direction (if I change something from terminal, to be updated in the Windows folder). I want that script to be run every time I call ./SOME_EXECUTABLE in that folder. For the check weather the file was changed or not I can use hg status because I'm mostly working with Mercurial.
Is there a way to do this without making a separate shell script that would combine those calls? Something like a macro.
You could use a function in .bashrc to achieve your requirement, and run your required script that copies stuff from across machines as you needed. Assuming you have the script in place, lets say, e.g. copyScript.sh you can add a function like
function copyOnExecute() {
This way you can call the function copyOnExecute, every time you want to run your executable.
You could add an alias to .bash_aliases such as:
alias execute="./copyScript.sh && ./$1"
You can replace ./ with your scripts path
This runs the executable after your script has finished, and only if it finished successfuly.
It would be easier for you then writing a function in one of the .rc files
If you'd write a function called execute, in the future you might forget where It was written, using an alias helps you avoid this.

How to create a batch file in Mac?

I need to find a solution at work to backup specific folders daily, hopefully to a RAR or ZIP file.
If it was on PC, I would have done it already. But I don't have any idea to how to approach it on a Mac.
What I basically want to achieve is an automated task, that can be run with an executable, that does:
compress a specific directory (/Volumes/Audio/Shoko) to a rar or zip file.
(in the zip file exclude all *.wav files in all sub Directories and a directory names "Videos").
move It to a network share (/Volumes/Post Shared/Backup From Sound).
(or compress directly to this folder).
automate the file name of the Zip file with dynamic date and time (so no duplicate file names).
Shutdown Mac when finished.
I want to say again, I don't usually use Mac, so things like what kind of file to open for the script, and stuff like that is not trivial for me, yet.
I have tried to put Mark's bash lines (from the first answer, below) in a txt file and executed it, but it had errors and didn't work.
I also tried to use Automator, but it's too plain, no advanced options.
How can I accomplish this?
I would love a working example :)
Thank You,
You can just make a bash script that does the backup and then you can either double-click it or run it on a schedule. I don't know your paths and/or tools of choice, but some thing along these lines:
FILENAME=`date +"/Volumes/path/to/network/share/Backup/%Y-%m-%d.tgz"`
cd /directory/to/backup || exit 1
tar -cvz "$FILENAME" .
You can save that on your Desktop as backup and then go in Terminal and type:
chmod +x ~/Desktop/backup
to make it executable. Then you can just double click on it - obviously after changing the paths to reflect what you want to backup and where to.
Also, you may prefer to use some other tools - such as rsync but the method is the same.

MeshLab: processing multiple files in meshlabserver

I'm new to using meshlabserver and meshlab in general.
I created the .mlx file and tries to run a command in meshlabserver for one file and it worked. I would like to know how do I write a command for hundreds of files?
Thanks in Advance.
I've just created a batch file with necessary loops and calls the .mlx file that will run the meshlabserver command. However one should know that the resulting files will be saved in the same directory where meshlabserver.exe is.

Shell Script Invocation Error with Xcode4 when trying to run a shell script as a build step

Here is what I get when I try to build my Xcode project:
/Users/ssbarnea/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/demo2-fdzrmxojwtekcbeivraccjjadvqz/Build/Intermediates/demo2.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/demo2.build/Script-5E564EAC1393823C00BFBA83.sh: line 2: ${PROJECT_DIR}/local-deploy.sh: No such file or directory
In Xcode I added to the default arget a new Build Phase, a "Run Script" that runs with shell /bin/sh and contains only:
I can assure you that the local-deploy.sh file exists in the project directory and that it is executable. It even works if I call it from the console ;)
It should be the following. s/'/"/g :-)
Bourne Shell Tutorial - Strong versus weak quoting
Well, I don't think that replacing this will work. You need just put OpenCV.framework folder in proper project folder and I think that is it. I tried out and it worked.

How to force the build to be out of date, when a text file is modified?

The Scenario
My project has a post-build phase set up to run a batch file, which reads a text file "version.txt". The batch file uses the information in version.txt to inject the DLL with a version block using this tool.
The version.txt is included in my project to make it easy to modify. It looks a bit like this:
#set #Description="TankFace Utility Library"
#set #FileVersion=""
#set #Comments=""
Basically the batch file renames this file to version.bat, calls it, then renames it back to version.txt afterwards.
The Problem
When I modify version.txt (e.g. to increment the file version), and then press F7, the build is not seen as out-of-date, so the post-build step is not executed, so the DLL's version doesn't get updated.
I really want to include the .txt file as an input to the build, but without anything actually trying to use it.
If I #include the .txt file from a CPP file in the project, the compiler fails because it obviously doesn't understand what "#set" means.
If I add /* ... */ comments around the #set commands, then the batch file has some syntax errors but eventually succeeds. But this is a poor solution I think.
So... how would you do it?
This works in VS2005. If you're not using that, some of the settings may be in different places or with different names.
Add the text file to your project, right click on it in the Solution Explorer and select 'Properties'. Under Configuration Properties > General make sure that the file is not excluded from the build. Under Custom Build Step > General, put your existing post-build command as the Command Line setting. Make sure you specify your .txt file as the output file. Now F7 should spot changes to the text file and run your batch file.
This may be too "hacky" but this might work:
Write a quick Perl (etc.) script to check version.txt has been updated.
If the file has been modified, have this script update a dummy source file that is compiled with your project.
Run the script as a pre-build event.
This way if the script sees that the file has changed, it will change the other one, which will force a re-build.
Hacky, but try it if you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.
