MeshLab: processing multiple files in meshlabserver - cmd

I'm new to using meshlabserver and meshlab in general.
I created the .mlx file and tries to run a command in meshlabserver for one file and it worked. I would like to know how do I write a command for hundreds of files?
Thanks in Advance.

I've just created a batch file with necessary loops and calls the .mlx file that will run the meshlabserver command. However one should know that the resulting files will be saved in the same directory where meshlabserver.exe is.


Getting output of a multiple commands and store them in a simple file using powershell

I have a .txt file which containers multiple commands. I want to input the file, read the content and run those commands line by line and retrieve output of each command in a single file using a powershell script. Can somebody help me with writing this script??
The issue was Solved Using the above solution

Bash script behaving differently for different files

I have a bash script that uses awk to process some files that I have downloaded. If I run the script on any of the files it does not work properly. However, if I transfer the contents of a file in a newly created one it seems to work as supposed. Could it have anything to do with the settings of the files?
I have two files file hotel_12313.dat and hotel_99999.dat . The first one is downloaded and the second one is created by me. If I copy the data from the first file into the second one and I execute the script on both of them the output is different.

File Deletion Automated in Windows

We have following requirement.can anyone please help me to write bat script? if you have the script already for my requirement it would be very much appriciated.
1.Input text file will be uploaded manually in the server path e.g: E:\usr\sap\python\input.txt
2.SAP job will create output.txt in the same server path e.g: E:\usr\sap\python\output.txt
3.Once the ouput.txt is generated, that should be copied to archive folder e.g: E:\usr\sap\archive\ouput.txt
4.Once it is moved to archive folder with time stamp, the script should delete all the files in the path E:\usr\sap\python
How about this. Rather than give you the direct programming, let me guide you with a basic flow. A very simple script can do this....
Check if the file exists in the output folder.....
a. If it exists....delete the file you want
b. If it is not there.....restart the script
This is better done with something like Visual Basic and may not be entirely possible with a batch script.

Tibco Zipping file

I have got a scenario in which I have got two files in a folder.One is .jpg format and other is .xmp format.I have to zip this folder.That means the final zip folder will contain both of these files.Is there is any way to zip them together in bw,without using java function.
Thanks in Advance.
You can use a Java code activity you won't have to add any libraries as the java natively can manipulate the Zip archives .. check this Appending files to a zip file with Java
You can invoke it as a system command like gzip mm/* in the External command activity
specify the script as the command to run in the External Command activity. The script runs the desired command and returns the process ID of the process it started. The return code of the script is stored in the return Code item of the External Command activity's output.
I hope this could help!

PVRTexTool, is there a way to run it on multiple files at once?

I am using PVRTexTool to convert png files to pvr files but the tool seems to only be able to run on one file at a time(wont accept *.png as file name).
does anyone know how to run it on a group of files at once?
Its really a hassle to run it on all of my textures.
In a shell, run
for file in *.png ; do
PVRTexToll $file
(I don't know how to call PVRTeXTool from a command line, so please substitute the second line with a correct version)
This is a general way to feed each file to a command which only accepts one file at a time. See any introduction on shell scripting, e.g. this discussion of the for loop.
