XCode 6 GM missing Swift for Cocoa and Storyboard options - xcode

I've just downloaded XCode 6 GM. While in beta 7 I could create Cocoa apps using storyboards, the option is disabled in the GM. Did anyone face similar issues, and if so how did you fix it?

Xcode 6.0 has SDKs for iOS 8.0 and OS X 10.9. Swift for OS X is part of the 10.10 SDK, which is not yet final.
To use Swift for OS X, you need to be on Xcode 6.1, which has the SDK for OS X 10.10 Yosemite. (You need to build with the 10.10 SDK to get Swift even if you're targeting 10.9.) Yosemite is still beta, and so is Xcode 6.1.
Storyboards for OS X are also a 10.10 feature.


Choosing Swift Language for new OS X Project not available [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Xcode GM: no swift language for OS X command line tool project?
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm having what is probably a dumb moment. I've made several Swift apps for iOS and now I wanted to create a Swift app for OS X. When I create a new OS X Project, I am only given the choice for Objective-C in the language drop down menu. Swift is not listed for OS X.
Why would that be? What am I missing? I am running the latest Xcode 6 as well as the latest Yosemite beta.
New iOS Project:
New OS X Project:
There has been some changes in Xcode 6.0 support for GM. For Xcode 6.0, there will not be support for Swift on OSX. In order to use Swift and target OSX, you need to get Xcode 6.1 for the Member Center.
According to the Release notesPDF for Xcode 6.0 GM:
A future version of Xcode to be released along with OS X Yosemite will add Swift support for OS X, including playgrounds and REPL. Xcode 6.0 only supports Swift for iOS projects and playgrounds. A beta release of Xcode with Swift support for both OS X and iOS is available at [The Member Center].
It will run on Mavericks, so Yosemite is not required.

Can I submit app to App Store if I install OS X Yosemite and XCode 6 GM?

Currently I have Mountain Lion OSX.
I want to download the XCode 6 GM. I'm thinking to upgrade the my Mini Mac (late 2009, 8GB) to Yosemite preview instead of Mavericks.
If I install Yosemite preview and XCode 6 GM, can I submit app to the App Store? Or only with Mavericks?
The description says it.
Xcode 6 GM seed
Xcode 6 GM seed, including the new Swift programming language, is free
for Registered Apple Developers. Sign in with your Apple ID to
download. Xcode 6 GM seed runs on OS X Mavericks.
Xcode 6.1 beta for OS X Yosemite
This pre-release version of the Xcode 6.1 developer tools is required
when developing for OS X Yosemite, and includes the Swift programming
language. Xcode 6.1 beta runs on OS X Mavericks and OS X Yosemite
Developer Preview.

Is it possible to add support of iOS 5.1 simulator in OS X 10.9?

Xcode 4.4.1 crashes in OS 10.9 when I switch to xib. file in my project.
Log shows that problem is connected to iOS 5.1 simulator.
Is it possible to add support of iOS 5.1 simulator in OS X 10.9?
If it is possible how can I solve this problem?
install later Xcode and copy SDK from older Xcode? (will it work?)
do something only with Xcode 4.4.1? (any way I need to install Xcode 5, but I need Xcode 4.4.1 too)
In Xcode you can specify which version of iOS the simulator shall use.
Preferences > Downloads
As far as I know in it is only possible to go back to iOS6.0 and iOS6.1 when using Xcode5.
This is related to Xcode and not OSX.
It will not work because in Xcode 5 under OS X v10.9 the iOS 5 simulator is not available. (I've tried it)

How to run Xcode 4.3 or Xcode 3 in OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion)

Because iOS7 needs Xcode 5, and Xcode 5 must run under OS X 10.8, if I update the OS from 10.7 to 10.8, this makes the old Xcode 4.3.3 not work.
Because an old project needs support ARMv6 arch, I still need Xcode 4.3.3 to maintain the app.
How can I have both Xcode 4 and Xcode 5?
Can Xcode 4.6/Xcode 5 can support ARMv6 arch?
Looks like Xcode 4.3 is not supported on 10.8. However, 4.4.1 (includes iOS 5.1 SDK) and 4.6.3 (includes iOS 6.1 sdk) are. Go Apple's developer download site and search for which ever newer version of Xcode 4 that works for you.
According to Wikipedia Xcode 4.4.1 was the last to support armv6.

Xcode 3 and iOS 6

A newbie question. I have Xcode 3.2.6 and my ipad is iOS 6.0. It seems this version of Xcode doesn't support the iOS version. What version do I need to upgrade my Xcode to so that I can test apps on devices running iOS 6.
And, my second question do I have to download the .dmg to upgrade Xcode. Currently I am running snow leopard 10.6.8.
For iOS 6 you will need Xcode 4.5 and at least Lion (10.7)
You need OS X Lion 10.7.4 or later to install the latest version of Xcode from the AppStore. Then you will be able to build apps to your device with iOS 6.0.
