Visual Studio 2013 - Delete file from solution explorer - visual-studio

I opened a solution in Visual Studio with some files/folders. Inside of windows explorer, I deleted 2 files inside of a folder within the solution. The files are locked in visual studio, and they can't be found because I deleted them.
How can I delete those files from Visual Studio? They are locked in solution explorer and they can't be found because they were deleted in Windows Explorer.

You should definitely inspect your .csproj file of the project from Windows Explorer. Then manually remove any references from there. Not perfect, but should help.


Changes made to *.wpp.targets file reflect only after reopening Visual Studio

I have MyProject.Publish.wpp.targets file in the root of that project folder.
When I edit this file & publish the project, it doesn't take the new changes.
I have to reopen the Visual Studio and publish for the new changes to apply.
How to fix this.
Using Visual Studio 2019.
Drag the files / folders from Windows Explorer into the Solution Explorer. It will add them all. Note this doesn't work if Visual Studio is in Administrator Mode, because Windows Explorer is a User Mode process.

Visual studio showing two files with same name in same folder in the solution explorer

I am using Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 Version 16.11.16.
I am seeing two files with the same name in the same folder. While opening the folder in File Explorer, I can see only one file. While clicking both files it opens the same file. This is happening to only one folder.
Is there any way to make the visual studio show only one file?

Remove missing files in Visual Studio 2013

Is there a quick way to remove only files that are missing in a Visual Studio project? So files that are no longer accessible that were either deleted or moved outside of Visual Studio.
It sounds like you've physically deleted a file that an MSVS project still "remembers".
You can probably just select and delete the project items in question in the MSVS IDE.
Personally, I'd just edit the project file (e.g. "myprog.csproj") in Notepad.

Project Not Loading in Visual Studio 2010

I recently installed the Windows Phone 7 SDK that came bundled with Visual Studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone. I downloaded a sample app and tried to open the solution file. When I checked the solution view window, the app project was not loaded. Every time I tried to reload the project, it flash as available for a moment and then go back to being unavailable. I tried all the usual tricks like removing source control from the .csproj and deleting the .user and .suo files. Any ideas?
Ok I figured it out. When I open the solution file, it opens in Visual Studio 2010 Shell. What I needed to do was to go to Visual Studio 2010 for Windows Phone, open existing project, and then browse to the solution file and open it. Sorry for the confusion everyone!

Can't drag files to Solution Explorer

I am having an unusual problem. I have always been able to drag files and folder from my desktop or explorer to the solution explorer in visual studio and add the files to my project. No when I attempt to drag files I simply get the "stop" symbol.
I am using Visual Studio 2008 running on Vista Home Premium 64 bit.
Any ideas?
Windows will not let you drag from one window to another if only one of those windows is running as Administrator.
Are you running Visual Studio as Administrator?
In short : Run Visual Studio as Non Administrator.
You can't do this when your project is running. Is it?
I also cannot drop files from the explorer onto Visual Studio when it is running in admin mode.
But please try opening 'Add / Existing Item ... ' from the Solution Explorer / Manager context menu in Visual Studio and drag and drop files and folders from that window.
Works on my machine with Visual Studio 2012 ...
I had the same issue and noticed I was pulling files from a folder that was compressed. I unzipped all the files and was able to drag and drop into the solutions explorer fine. Make sure your files are not in view mode in a compressed folder.
