Cannot find "Realtime Updates setting page under Facebook Apps Setting" - real-time-updates

I am trying to get real time posts from a facebook page and the article talks about a way to implement it in asp .net mvc with a facebook template. It has the below section
Subscribe to changes
There are two ways to subscribe to a class of objects: you can do manually from App Settings or you can do programmatically by codes. Here let’s pick the easy one. Go to the Realtime Updates setting page under Facebook Apps Setting. I cannot seem to find this page.
When I go to the Apps – Settings, I get Basic, Advanced and Migrations tabs. Please let me know if I have missed something.

I believe that article is outdated and now Facebook doesn't let you do that from Settings.
If you read the current documentation, it says "Real Time updates are subscribed to by using the /{app-id}/subscriptions Graph API edge." It doesn't mention any other way of making subscriptions.
Maybe you should do it programmatically.


Chatbot with map/location picker

I am planning to build a chat bot using either azure framework composer, aws lex or google dialogflow but none seem to offer an easy way to have a map/location picker. It should be an straight forward interaction with user where based on a button click the user can then pick the precise location from the map.
Has anyone done something like that?
Many thanks.
I don't believe that any pure NLU framework is going to offer you that level of functionality.
The true purpose behind the likes of Amazon Lex, Google Diaglogflow is to perform intent detection and classification. It is up to the developer to build out the desired functionality associated with each of the configured intents.
What it may practically come down to is presenting the chat user with a map/location popup within the chat widget. The user could then select their current/desired location which gets sent back to the NLU framework for fulfillment.

Is this really the process for authenticating users with the Google platform using Xamarin?

I am following the tutorial located here:
I got to the step titled: Presenting the Sign-In User Interface.
It says that, "When the Login method is invoked, the sign-in user interface is presented to the user in a tab from the device's web browser."
Now is this really the process when using Xamarin?
Because the other apps I've downloaded and played with don't open the browser and then open a new tab to give me a choice of which account to choose. Those apps pop up a small page on top of the app and allows me to select an account.
If this Xamarin process is different I am not going to use it when developing my app. Please clear this up for me thanks.
There is no such thing as as "Xamarin's way of oAuth".
oAuth is about authenticating users through 3rd parties like Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. There are different oAuth flows which are mostly used: the implicit grant and the authorisation code grant. For mobile apps the implicit flow is common because auth code flow involves the app keeping a secret which a mobile cannot really guarantee. For a great overview of these flows I can recommend this lecture from Xamarin.University.
These flows are the same no matter which underlying development stack you are using.
The documentation you are referring to is using a library to help using these flows: Xamarin.Auth. As a matter of fact you don't have to use this library at all. This library helps with storing tokens, sending requests that include the required tokens, detect endpoint redirects etc. Part of using this library is presenting the UI where the 3rd party vendors login form is shown.
This is what you do when calling:
var presenter = new Xamarin.Auth.Presenters.OAuthLoginPresenter();
The actual implementation of presenting the UI is platform specific. On iOS the UI os shown modally if that's how you are coding it. If you change this code to show the UI as a small popup floating on top of existing content, you can of course do this. This is true for any given platform.

xamarin.oauth /xamarin forms Facebook linkedin google authentification

I am new in Xamarin ,I am looking for a way to put facebook/linkedin/google authentication. I have looked at many tutorials but none of them is recent and there are not working well or there are obsolete.
Here is the tutorials, I have found: click to seeing the page
Do you know a recent and better one ?
There are many samples about how to authenticate users in facebook or google. And I find your article here in MSDN with a sample which runs in VS2015. Even though it's a little bit out of date, you can also find something useful.
You can also refer to the official documentation of Xamarin.OAuth and the sample here. Modify the information in Constants to your own's. This article specify how to register in Google and get the Client ID and Redirect URL.
You can read it more carefully then create your own UI to achieve authentication.

How to repin via Pinterest API?

According to the Pinterest API documentation for Pins, you can create, edit, fetch, and delete pins. What about Repinning? There seems to be no mention of it in the official docs, yet numerous legitimate Pinterest marketing tools out there let you repin from their interface, which I assume means they're using the API.
Perhaps my assumption is wrong? Am I missing something obvious about how to repin an existing pin via the API?
As an example of a "legitimate Pinterest marketing tool" take Viralwoot, which lets you schedule a repin:

how to direct a user to rate my app?

I would like to direct my user to rate and review my app. Is there an embedded way or must i send my user to the app page on marketplace website?
I can't remember exactly, but i think i saw somewhere in an app review integrated and can't seem to find anything on MSDN. Thanks!
