How to repin via Pinterest API? - pinterest

According to the Pinterest API documentation for Pins, you can create, edit, fetch, and delete pins. What about Repinning? There seems to be no mention of it in the official docs, yet numerous legitimate Pinterest marketing tools out there let you repin from their interface, which I assume means they're using the API.
Perhaps my assumption is wrong? Am I missing something obvious about how to repin an existing pin via the API?
As an example of a "legitimate Pinterest marketing tool" take Viralwoot, which lets you schedule a repin:


Google Place API, advanced place details: amenities, crowd, accessibility

I'm successfully using Google Places API to get details like name, address, phone, lat/lng, opening hours, etc. No problem with that.
However, the data I can't get a hold of is the deeper data.
For example, if you open up a McDonald's, and click on its short description, it will show things like Amenities, Crowd, Atmosphere, Accessibility.
Question is - is it possible to access this information via Places API?
According to the documentation. That information is not returned by the API. You can link directly to that place on Google Maps to show your users that information though.
Remember that APIs like this usually don't return all of the information available to the native service so that the native service (in this case Google Places) retains a competitive advantage.

Send coursework to individual students

The Google Classroom Share dialog offers the possibility of sharing course work with individual students. However, I can't seem to find anything in the API reference or Python API Documentation to do this programatically (i.e. there is no studentIds parameter anywhere).
Am I overlooking something, or is this (still) missing?

Which bot framework to use (if any) for a Kik, Facebook, & Slack messaging bot using javascript?

I'm building a chatbot that will need to be launched on Kik, Facebook, and Slack. I'm unsure of where to start in terms of using a bot framework or whether I should create something custom myself.
I don't believe I will need any NLP. The user is going to be pushed down a very structured path, that will use buttons to guide the users to the next prompts and will also share with the user links and media.
Microsoft Bot Framework seems like the main framework I should look at, but its unclear to me how useful it will be if I end up wanting to deliver responses that are custom to each messaging platform. Meaning, on Facebook I may want to take advantage of a custom feature that they have like buttons or templates and on Kik I will want to take advantage of suggested keyboards.
Any suggestions or guidance is appreciated.
BotFramework will do the translation for you. Write to the BotFramework schema and it will using buttons for Facebook and keyboards for Kik.

Cannot find "Realtime Updates setting page under Facebook Apps Setting"

I am trying to get real time posts from a facebook page and the article talks about a way to implement it in asp .net mvc with a facebook template. It has the below section
Subscribe to changes
There are two ways to subscribe to a class of objects: you can do manually from App Settings or you can do programmatically by codes. Here let’s pick the easy one. Go to the Realtime Updates setting page under Facebook Apps Setting. I cannot seem to find this page.
When I go to the Apps – Settings, I get Basic, Advanced and Migrations tabs. Please let me know if I have missed something.
I believe that article is outdated and now Facebook doesn't let you do that from Settings.
If you read the current documentation, it says "Real Time updates are subscribed to by using the /{app-id}/subscriptions Graph API edge." It doesn't mention any other way of making subscriptions.
Maybe you should do it programmatically.

Google Places API - Submitting reviews

I am researching whether the following is possible and if so how I could go about achieving it.
We collect reviews for businesses from their customers and we’d like to post these reviews to Google places as part of the reviews they have on their.
I was wondering how I would go about getting our website to “push” this data to the Google places website, I’ve done lots of searching on the APIs but have found nothing that says it’s possible or not.
Currently the Google Places API does not have write capability. It only has read capability. Right now only ratings are available, but I suspect reviews might come someday too.
Although you can send check-in signals and fix Places through the API. Hopefully Google will add the ability to send reviews and receive them.
If you're looking to get your content added to Google, you may want to talk to their content partnerships teams
Since Google's local and maps initiatives are under the same people that would be the place to go.
I too looked into this as it would be of huge value to companies if possible.
My research led me to believe that it is not possible and could possibly violate Google's TOA with negative results for the company's Places page.
Instead, I built a workaround that makes it really easy for companies to collect feedback and get their own customers to submit the reviews:
Maybe we will see this in the future though.
